ГДЗ Англійська мова 4 клас. Робочий зошит [Пухта Г., Ґернґрос Ґ., Льюіс-Джонс П.] 2021

icon15.12.2023, icon4 Клас / Англійська мова , icon3 057, icon0

1. Come to my house (Pages 10 - 17)
1. Look and write the words.
1 - bookcase
2 - blanket
3 - cushion
4 - fridge
5 - towel
6 - shelf
7 - pillow
8 - cupboard
2. Read and write the words from Activity 1.
1 - You use this after a bath. - towel
2 - At night, you put your head on this in bed. - pillow
3 - This is usually in the kitchen and it's cold inside. - fridge
4 - This is usually on a wall and you put things on it. - shelf
5 - We put these on sofas and armchairs. - Cushion
6 - You put this over your body when you sleep. - blanket
7 - You keep your books there. - bookcase
8 - You put your plates and cups there. - Cupboard
1. Read and write about yourself.
always usually often sometimes rarely never
1 - I usually eat vegetables.
2 - I rarely sleep on two pillows.
3 - I always put my books on a shelf in my bedroom.
4 - I always clean my teeth every morning.
5 - I always wash my hands before I eat.
6 - I often watch TV with my family.
2. Look at the table. Read and write t (true) or/(false).
What we do in summer
///// = always //// = usually /// = often / = rarely x = never
In summer...
1 - Emily never drinks hot drinks. - f
2 - Stuart always uses a blanket. - f
3 - Stuart often sleeps outside. - t
4 - Emily always wears a coat. - f
1. Read the song in the Pupil's Book and tick () the box. Then
complete the sentences.
1 - On Monday at nine,
i put the clothes on the line
2 - On Wednesday at, four
i sometimes wash the floor
3 - Every day at, Six
i always feed my chicks
4 - On Saturday and, Sunday
Her team never - never, loses a game!
1 - a
2 - b
3 - b
4 - a
2. Write a new verse about you.
1 - On Monday at nine, I go to School
2 - On Wednesday at one I sometimes have a lunch
3 - Every day at eight I always brush my teeth
4 - On Saturday and Sunday I never play football
1. Listen and number
a - 4
b - 3
c - 1
d - 2
e - 5
2. Put the words of the sentences in order.
1 - at four o'clock / Every day / takes his dog Rover / John / for a walk.
Every day at four o'clock John takes his dog Rover for a walk.
2 - always / jumps / Rover / into puddles.
Rover always jumps into puddles.
3 - John / At home, / and the bathroom floor! / often washes / Rover
At home, John often washes Rover and the bathroom floor.
4 - feeds Rover, / usually /John's sister / but today / is feeding the dog. / John
John's sister usually feeds Rover, but today John is feeding the dog.
5 - goes to bed / rarely / John / before half past ten, / tired. / but today he's
John rarely goes to bed at half past ten but today he's tired.
1. Remember the story. Write the sentences.
1 - Lucy and Ben / to the village. / take Buster
Lucy and Ben take Buster to the village.
2 - An old man. / Lucy and Ben / helps
An old man helps Lucy and Ben.
3 - There's / on the mountain. / an apple tree
There's an apple tree on the mountain.
4 - Ноrах / the golden apple. / finds
Horax finds the golden apple.
5 - Ben / the line / sees / in the water.
Ben sees the line in the water.
6 - Ben / the golden apple / for Buster. / gets
Ben gets the golden apple for Buster.
2. Write more things for Ben to say. Use the box or your ideas.
go home take Buster to the vet sing Buster a song give Buster some water
Let's go home
we can give Buster some water
Let's take Buster to the vet
we can sing Buster a song
1. Write the words. Listen and check. Then say with a friend.
What's the problem I think
Kim: What's the problem, Daniel?
Daniel: It's my bike. I can't find it!
Kim: Let's look in the garden.
Mary: I want this book.
Tom: Do you need help, Mary?
Mary: No, thanks, Tom. I think I've got it.
1. Write the tips under the correct picture.
Wash your hands often Eat five small meals Use a new toothbrush
a Use a new toothbrush.
b Keep food in the fridge.
c Wash your hands often
d Eat five small meals a day
e Go out with dry hair.
Keep food in the fridge Go out with dry hair
2. Answer the questions.
1 - How many times do you clean your teeth every day? Two times every day I clean my teeht.
2 - How many minutes do you brush your teeth for? I brush my teeth 3 minutes.
3 - Is your toothbrush new? Yes, my toothbrush is new.
3. Write the words from the box to complete the sentences about making a good infographic.
colours sentences Choose images Plan
1 - Choose a topic.
2 - Write your tips. Use short sentences
3 - Choose your colours
4 - Find images and graphics to use.
5 - Plan where to put your tips and images.
6 - Make your infographic.
4. Which food infographic do you like most? Why?
My favourite infographic here is healthy lifestyle.
I like Sport, my favourite sport is swimming. I like healthy food.
I don't like infographic you are what you eat because people eat what they want and be at good form.

iconГДЗ 4 клас Англійська мова 2021 Робочий зошит Зошит Пухта Ґернґрос Льюіс-Джонс Лінгвіст
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