ГДЗ Англійська мова 4 клас. Робочий зошит [Пухта Г., Ґернґрос Ґ., Льюіс-Джонс П.] 2021

icon15.12.2023, icon4 Клас / Англійська мова , icon2 308, icon0

8. Look at that baby! (Pages 70 - 77)
1. Do the crossword.
1 - panda
2 - bat
3 - pup
4 - pandacub
5 - lioncub
6 - kitten
7 - kangaroo
8 - joey
9 - puppy
10 - lion
2. Read and write the names of the animals from Activity 1.
1 - It's black and white. It lives in China and eats bamboo. - panda
2 - It lives in a cave. It's got wings and sleeps in the day. - bat
3 - It lives in Australia. It's got four legs and can jump high. - kangaroo
4 - It lives in Africa. It's yellow and it's the king of animals. - lion
1. Look, read and circle.
1 - The cheetah is slower / (faster) than the giraffe.
2 - The kangaroo is a worse / (better) jumper than the goat.
3 - The lion is a (slower) / faster swimmer than the hippo.
4 - The panda is (weaker) / stronger than the elephant.
2. Look and write the sentences.
1 - John is and Jane is (short / tall)
2 - Tim is bigger than Tina and is smaller than Tim
(big / small)
3 - Mary is stronger than Mike and Mike is weaker than Mary. (strong / weak)
4 - Robbie is slower than Roberta and Roberta is faster than Robbie (slow / fast)
1. Read the song in the Pupil's Book again. Tick (/) the correct picture.
1 - a
2 - b
3 - b
4 - a
2. Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Answer the questions.
1 - what are the puppies doing? They're jumping over the fence
2 - what are the kittens doing? They re running to the gote
3 - what are the pups doing? They re eating oil the food
3. Complete the sentences from the song.
running faster jumping eating smaller higher
1 - The lion cubs are faster than we are.
2 - They are running to the gate.
3 - The joey's jump is higher than a tree.
4 - The joey is jumping over the fence.
5 - The panda cubs are smaller than we are.
6 - They are eating all the food from our bar.
1. Look, read and complete.
best fastest youngest oldest strongest tallest
This is the biggest circus in town. Fiona is the faster juggler in the circus. She can juggle lots of balls at the same time! Frank is the Strongest man in the circus - look, he’s holding two heavy rocks in his hands. Gemma is very tall - she’s the talIer woman in the circus - well, she’s walking on stilts! Ed is a very good acrobat - he's the best trapeze artist. People love his acts. Maggie is the circus singer. She's 90 years old! She's the oldest person in the circus. And Rob is the youngest acrobat - he’s 15 years old. Look, he's walking on the rolling globe now.
2. Complete the sentences about your family.
1 - The best (good) painter in my family is my mum.
2 - The worse (bad) dancer in my family is my sister.
3 - The shorter (short) person in my family is my grandma.
4 - The taller (tall) person in my family is my brother.
5 - The older (old) person in my family is my grandma.
6 - The younger (young) person in my family is my sister.
1. Remember the story. Put the sentences in order.
2 - Zelda finds a poem.
4 - Lucy and Ben close the door of the rocket.
5 - Ben's grandpa and a police officer arrive.
1 - Lucy and Ben can't find the clue. They go for a drink.
6 - The police officer takes Ноrах and Zelda away.
3 - Ноrах and Zelda climb inside the rocket.
2. Remember the story. Match.
Ah! Look! A poem! Let's read it.
Hey, what's happening?... Oh, those kids!
You have to answer a lot of questions!
Now we can find the last line!
a - 2
b - 4
c - 1
d - 3
1. Write the words. Listen and check. Then say with a friend.
no idea a great plan
Carl: Look at the ball!
Millie: Yes!
Carl: Well done. That was a great plan!
Ryan: Hmm. Look at the map. How can we get to the cinema?
Beth: I have no idea. Let's ask for help.
2. Look and write the words.
knight sky bike kite butterfly night
1 - Knight
2 - night
3 - butterfly
4 - sky
5 - kite
6 - bike
3. Listen, say and check your answers.
1. Read and write yes or no.
1 - There are feathers on the dinosaur's wings. - Yes
2 - The unicorn is eating grass. - No
3 - A big grey dragon is eating apples from a tree. - Yes
4 - There are some flowers below the apple tree. - Yes
5 - The snake with the horn is fatter than the other snake. - No
6 - There is a chicken in the bigger snake's mouth. - No
7 - There are lots of stones in the river. - No
8 - It's sunny, but there are lots of clouds in the sky. - Yes
1. Put the dialogue in order. Then listen and check.
6 - B: What's strange about a white horse?
9 - A: In the garden behind our house, 23 Queen's Park. It's eating all the flowers.
4 - В: Really? What does it look like?
1 - A: Good afternoon. Can I speak to the director of the zoo, please?
10 - B: OK. Try not to scare it. I'm coming to your house right now.
5 - A: Well, it looks like a horse, a white horse.
2 - B: That's me. How can I help you?
7 - A: It's got a horn.
8 - B: A white horse with a horn. Then it's a unicorn. Where did you find it?
2 - A: I've got a strange animal. I found it this morning.
2. Look and write a dialogue. Use language from Activity 1.
I’ve got a strange animal. I found it this afternoon.
Really? What does it look like?
Well, it looks like a horse, a horse, a white horse.
What's strange about a white horse?
It's got a horn.
A white horse with a horn. Then it's a unicorn. Where did you find it?
In the garden behind our house, 23 Queen's Park. It's eating all the flowers. Ok. Try not to scare it. I'm coming to your house right now

iconГДЗ 4 клас Англійська мова 2021 Робочий зошит Зошит Пухта Ґернґрос Льюіс-Джонс Лінгвіст
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