ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Зошит до підручника Карп'юк [Косован О.] 2019

icon15.01.2019, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon21 963, icon0

Lesson 3. Free time
1. a) Read the text (PB, p. 70, ex. 1) and complete the phrases.
• theme • cake • parties • room • fun • games • party • house • dress • costume • stories • tent
sleep-over - parties
to play - games
to tell - stories
to sleep in - tents
theme birthday - parties
to match the - theme
to clean the - house
to decorate - room
the to make - costume
fancy - dress
to have - fun
b) Make up 3 sentences with any of the phrases from a).
2. Make up the sentences as in the example.
1. Tom / like / playing tennis (+) / running (-) / aerobics (+)
Tom like playing tennis and aerobics.
2. He / like / going to the theatre (+) / dancing (-) / reading (+)
He like going to the theatre and reading.
3. Her hobby / drawing (-) / climbing (+) / watching TV (+)
Her hobby climbing and watching TV.
4. We / interested in / swimming (+) / playing chess (-) / gymnastics (+)
We interested in swimming gymnastics.
5. He / fond of / reading (-) / drawing (+) / cooking (-)
He is fond of drawing.
3. Make up 6 sentences, using the table.
play football
go swimming
play the piano
collect stamps
do cycling
watch TV
He usually wathes TV. Sometimes i do cyciling. She often practises yoga. We neber play football. The always go swimming. Sometimes i travel.
4. Write how often you do these activities. Use the words from the second column in the table above.
1. to read books
2. to play tennis
3. to go to school
4. to watch TV
5. to listen to music
6. to ride a bus
7. to go to the cinema
I often read books.
I never play tennis.
I usually go to school.
I sometimes watch TV.
I often listen to music.
I always ride a bus.
5. Make up a word map.
Kinds of Surprises:
6. Match the words to the pictures. Unscramble amd match.
lueg - glue
ingstr - string
onbal - balloon
veloenpe - envelope
mana gebad - mane badge
tioninvita rdca - invitation card.
7. a) Match the parts of the phrases.
1 to make - C invitations
2 to blow up - D balloons
3 to write - A the names of the guests
4 to decorate - В the party room
b) Make up 4 sentences with the phrases from a).
When i want to organize a party i make invitations. I write the names of the huests to know how much foot i need. Then i decorate the party room witch strings and balloons. My friends ususally help me to blow u the balloons.

iconГДЗ 5 клас Англійська мова Робочий зошит Зошит Косован 2019 Підручники і посібники Карпюк Карп'юк
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