ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Косован О., Вітушинська Н.] 2022

icon08.12.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon3 843, icon0

Unit 16. Buy it.
Сторінка 73
1. a) Unscramble the words. Match them with the pictures.
1. paper; 2. diary; 3. stamps; 4. paints; 5. rucksack; 6. umbrella; 7. toothbrush; 8. birthday card.
b) Write sentences as in the example. Use the words from ex. 1 a.
1. I want to write a letter. I need some paper.
2. I want to check my plans for tomorrow. I need a diary.
3. I want to send a letter. I need a stamp.
4. I want to paint a picture. I need paints.
5. I want to brush my teeth. I need toothbrush.
6. I want to go outside, but it's raining. I need umbrella.
7. I want to go camping. I need a rucksack.
8. I want to write a birthday greeting. I need a birthday card.
Сторінка 74
2. Circle the correct variant. Fill in the blanks with to where necessary.
1. I need an English dictionary.
2. She wants to buy some plants.
3. It's rainy today. I need to take an umbrella.
4. He wants this new rucksack.
5. This dog needs to drink some water.
6. They want to go to the seaside this summer.
7. We want some new clothes.
8. My dad needs a new diary.
3. Circle the correct variant.
1 - A; 2 - B; 3 - D; 4 - A; 5 - B; 6 - A; 7 - D; 8 - D.
1. My sister (A) wants some sweets.
2. I'm very tired. I (B) need some rest.
3. She has a toothache. She (D) needs to go to the dentist.
4. Do you (A) want go to the cinema with me?
5. Spring is almost here. I (B) need a new umbrella.
6. I don't (A) want this burger, it's not tasty.
7. It's my mum's birthday tomorrow. I (D) need to buy her a present.
8. He wants to live in the USA. He (D) needs to study English.
Сторінка 75
4. Write the prices in words.
1. four pounds fifteen
2. ten dollars fifty
3. sixty euro
4. one thousand hryvnias
5. fourty five pence
6. one euro seventy three
7. one hundred dollars
8. two hundred fourty six pounds
9. thirty two hryvnias thirty
10. fifty cents
5. Fill in the blanks.
A: Good morning! (1) Can I help you?
B: Hello! How (2) much are these plants?
A: They (3) are 250 hryvnias.
B: Can I (4) have these three plants, please?
A: Of course. That (5) is 750 hryvnias.
B: Can I (6) pay with my credit card?
A: Yes, (7) no problem.
B: Thanks. Oh, what a beautiful red flower! (8) How much is that?
A: It is 2000 hryvnias. Would you like to (9) buy it?
B: No thanks! It's (10) too expensive!
A: OK. I'm sorry about that. (11) See you!
B: Goodbye!
Сторінка 76
6. Complete the sentences as in the example.
1. This pizza is too hot to eat.
2. It is too cold to swim outdoors.
3. My Little sister is too young to go to school.
4. This box is too heavy to carry.
5. This exercise is too difficult for a little child.
6. He doesn't buy the car because it is too expensive.
7. My mum can't sleep because she drinks too much coffee.
8. I need to wash my dress because it's too dirty.
9. My toothbrush is too old , I need a new one.
10. She isn't wearing this jacket because it is too hot.
7. Write answers.
1. Yes, I do. Because I enjoy buying something new.
2. I go shopping three times a week.
3. I prefer shopping with my family.
4. I usually buy products and clothes.
5. There are all kinds of shops, such as clothes, food and supermarkets.
6. My favourite shop is a toy shop.
Сторінка 77
Life skills. Looking after our world.
1. Read (PB, p. 98) and fill in the blanks with You can or Don't.
1. Don't buy lots of clothes.
2. Don't throw away your old clothes.
3. Don't wash your clothes in very hot water.
4. You can exchange clothes with friends.
5. You can give your small clothes to younger people.
6. You can repair your clothes.
7. You can give old clothes to other people who need them.
8. You can make new things from old clothes.
9. Don't put small clothes in the rubbish.
10. You can take your clothes to big shops.
2. Write in the boxes how to deal with old clothes.
Old clothes:
- don't throw away;
- exchange clothes;
- repair clothes;
- give to other person;
- make new things;

iconГДЗ 5 клас Зошит Робочий зошит 2022 Косован Вітушинська Підручники і посібники Англійська мова
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