ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Косован О., Вітушинська Н.] 2022

icon08.12.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon1 504, icon0

Unit 18. The Weather.
Сторінка 82
1. a) Match the words with the pictures. Use a dictionary if necessary.
1. - I. windy; 2. - F. hot; 3. - D. cloudy; 4. - A. cold; 5. - B. rainy; 6. - C. sunny; 7. - E. snowy; 8. - H. warm; 9. - G. foggy.
b) Fill in the blanks with the words from ex. la
1. Put this jacket on. It's cold.
2. Let's go skiing. It's snowy.
3. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It's rainy.
4. She's wearing sunglasses. It's sunny.
5. Let's fly a kite. It's windy.
6. We can't see anything. It's foggy.
7. There are big grey clouds in the sky. It's cloudy.
8. Let's ride a bike. It's warm.
9. I don't like July. It's very hot.
Сторінка 83
2. Fill in the blanks with its or it's.
1. I like spring. It's sunny and warm.
2. Put the book in its place, please.
3. It's snowy. Let's make a snowman.
4. My hometown is famous for its old buildings.
5. I think it's nice to have a pet.
6. I'm interested in Denmark and its people.
7. I can't buy those tickets. It's too late.
8. It's my turn to go down the slide.
9. The train company has to cancel its trains.
10. My dog can't find its favourite toy.
3. Listen (PB, p. 108, ex. 2) and mark if the sentences are true or false.
Message 1
1. It's hot and sunny in Portugal. - True.
2. Sophia's family is in Portugal for the first time. - False.
3. Sophia's parents don't have a car. - True.
4. There are lots of interesting places to visit in Portugal. - True.
Message 2
5. It's cold and raining in Scotland. - True.
6. The boys have a great time in the camp. - False.
7. The boys are sitting in the tent all the time. - True.
8. The boys are leaving the camp on Friday by bus. - True.
Message 3
9. The weather is bad in France. - False.
10. The boy likes his adventure holiday in France. - True.
11. The boy and his friends do water sports at the beach. - True.
12. The boy and his friends are leaving France on Saturday by plane. - True.
Сторінка 84
4. Unscramble the sentences. Underline the 'travel' verbs.
1. I'm flying home next Wednesday.
2, The train is leaving in ten minutes.
3. We drive to the beach every weekend.
4. He gets the bus to school every morning.
5. They are catching an early train.
6. We are staying in this hotel for two weeks.
7. You can visit many interesting places.
8. Ann is coming to me this afternoon.
5. Fill in the blanks with for, with or until.
1. I usually play table tennis with Victor.
2. I'm going away for a few days.
3. We can stay here until Sunday morning.
4. My sister always sleeps until ten o'clock.
5. They are going to the USA for two months.
6. Let's wait until the rain stops.
7. I'm going to the beach. Let's go with me!
8. We're staying in Oxford for three days.
9. I usually exchange clothes with my friends.
Сторінка 85
6. Fill in the blanks.
Hi Kate!
I'm on holiday (1) in Spain (2) with my friends. We're (3) staying in a hotel (4) for two weeks. The weather's wonderful. It's (5) sunny and warm. Every day we (6) drive to the beach and (7) do water sports there. There are also many other interesting places to (8) visit and activities to do. We're here (9) until Monday and then we are (10) flying home.
See you soon.
7. Write answers. Use the information in brackets.
1. What country are you in? I'm in Italy.
2. Who are you travelling with? I am travelling with my parents.
3. How long are you staying here? I am staying here for two weeks.
4. What is the weather like? The weather is sunny and hot.
5. What do you do every day? We do to the beach every day.
6. When are you leaving? We are leaving next Friday.
Сторінка 86
Culture. Beach Culture in Australia and New Zealand.
1. a) Fill in the blanks. Match the activities with the things you need for them.
1 - B, D, sandboarding;
2 - A, F, kayaking;
3 - G, C, snorkeling.
b) Write sentences as in the example. Use the words from ex. 1 a.
1. Let's go sandboarding. You need a board and a sunhat.
2. Let's go kayaking. You need a kayak and a life jacket.
3. Let's go snorkeling. You need a snorkel mask and fins.
2. Read (PB, p. 110, ex. 2) and mark if the sentences are true or false.
1. There are lots of summer camps in Austria and New Zealand. - True.
2. You can do activities on the beach. - True.
3. You can have barbecues in the water. - False.
4. You can learn about safety in the water and on the beach. - True.
5. You can go sandboarding on the beach. - True.
6. You can go snorkelling on the beach. - True.
7. You can go kayaking in the sea. - True.
8. You don't need any equipment for these activities. - False.
9. You must be safe on the beach and in the water. - True.
10. People from New Zealand are called 'Kiwis'. - True.

iconГДЗ 5 клас Зошит Робочий зошит 2022 Косован Вітушинська Підручники і посібники Англійська мова
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