ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Косован О., Вітушинська Н.] 2022

icon08.12.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon3 484, icon0

Unit 19. A fantastic Concert.
Сторінка 87
1. a) Listen (PB, p. 112, ex. 2) and match the parts of the sentences.
Underline adjectives.
1. Paolo - D. was late.
2. The bus - A. was slow.
3. It was easy - G. to see the band.
4. It was difficult - E. to take photos.
5. The music - C. was loud.
6. The band - B. was friendly.
7. The children - F. were excited.
b) Write the adjectives from ex. 1 a and their comparative forms.
1. late - later;
2. slow - slower;
3. easy - easier;
4. difficult - more difficult;
5. loud - louder;
6. friendly - friendlier;
7. excited - more excited.
2. Write short answers as in the example.
1. No, it wasn't.
2. Yes, they were.
3. Yes, they were.
4. No, they weren't.
5. No, he wasn't.
6. Yes, it was.
7. Yes, they were.
8. No, they were not.
Сторінка 88
3. Fill in the blanks.
1. We were in the village last month.
2. I was at the seaside last summer.
3. My parents weren't glad to see my bad marks.
4. John wasn't at school last week. He was ill.
5. Julia was surprised to see me there.
6. Were Sandra and Melanie at the theatre yesterday?
7. Bob lost his mobile phone last weekend and was upset.
8. They were in New York in 2010.
4. Write the sentences in the Past Simple as in the example.
1. It was easy to take photos.
It wasn't easy to take photos.
Was it easy to take photos?
2. We were excited to see the band.
We were not excited to see the band.
Were we excited to see the band?
3. We were late.
We weren't late.
Were we late?
4. I was tired after the concert.
I wasn't tired after the concert.
Was I tired after the concert?
Сторінка 89
5. Read (PB, p.114) and mark if the sentences are true or false.
1. Sandy Berry is a singer. - False.
2. She travels around the world with music bands. - True.
3. She is pleased with her job. - True.
4. Her favourite teacher was a teacher of English. - False.
5. Sandy usually travels by bus. - True.
6. Sandy has to be quick and strong. - True.
7. She usually has a big suitcase on tour. - False.
8. Sandy doesn't take any books on tour. - True.
9. Sandy's job is very easy. - False.
10. She doesn't want to change her job. - True.
6. a) Write the opposites as in the example.
funny - sad, quick - slow, exciting - boring, easy - difficult, big - small, strong - weak, heavy - light.
b) Write 6 short sentences with any of the words from ex. 6 a.
1. The story is very funny.
2. The bus is very quick.
3. The film was boring.
4. The task was difficult.
5. My cat is small.
6. I have a big box.
Сторінка 90
7. Write Wh - questions to the words in bold.
1. What is your favourite cotour?
2. Where were we last week?
3. Who is your best friend?
4. When was the party?
5. How many students are there in your class?
6. Why was Mr Black sad?
8. Unscramble the questions. Write answers.
1. What is your best friend's name? - My best friends name is Maxym.
2. When is your mother's birthday? - My mothers birthday is 16th July.
3. Who are your favourite teachers? - My favourite teachers name is Ms. Parker.
4. Where were you last summer? - I was in Spain.

iconГДЗ 5 клас Зошит Робочий зошит 2022 Косован Вітушинська Підручники і посібники Англійська мова
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