ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2022
Let's get started!
(Сторінка 1-4)
Сторінка 41.Write about yourself.
My name is Твоє ім'я (напр, Denis)
My surname is Твоє прізвище (напр. Shevchenko)
My nickname is Твоє прізвисько; Den
I am from Kyiv
I am a Pupil
I'm 10 (ten) years old.
2.Fill in the letters.
Words for you
3. Listen to the dialogues from task 7 (Student's Book (SB), page (p.) 8) and match.
1. I finished the task! - c. So fast?
2. What do we need to do? - f. Copy this into your notebook.
3. Sorry, I am late. - a. It's okay But please don't be late next time.
4. What's the matter? - g. What does this word mean?
5. Stand up, everyone! - b. Yes, Miss Smith!
6. Be quiet, please! - d. Sorry, Miss Smith.
7. Open your books on page 3. - e. Okay.