ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2022

icon06.09.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon1 774, icon0

Unit 1. School is Cool
(Сторінка 5-10)
Сторінка 5
1. Circle the correct word.
1. I Like this website because there are many films there.
2. Jack often writes messages to Lilly on Facebook.
3. You need to be careful when you share information on the Internet.
4. Ivan uses Viber to chat with his family.
5. You can contact your friends on Telegram.
6. I don't send personal information to people I don't know.
2. Read the texts on page 10 in your SB, then choose a) or b).
1. Kids-online.net is a b) website
2. Kids-online.net is used by a) kids and teens
3. Anna wants to try something a) different
4. Anna is happy that there are b) videos on kids-online.net.
5. Tim watches films a) online
6. Tim likes kids-online.net because there are new b) films every week
3. Write a few sentences about your favourite website and what you can do there. Use the words from the 'Words for You' box on page 10 in your SB.
My favourite website is Google Classroom.
Here we can contact our teachers and receive all necessary information for our online education. We can also chat with our ciassmates and feel safe, because our personal information Is under control.
Nowadays Google Classroom is widely used all around the world and I think it's the best website for education.
Сторінка 6
4. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. Never post personal information on a website you don't know.
2. You need to create an account to use Facebook.
3. Keep your password secret,
4. There is a lot of interesting data on the Internet,
5. It's important to know about Internet safety today.
6. There can be fake information on many websites.
5. Read the text on page 11 in your SB and mark the sentences'T' (true) or 'F' (false).
1. You can find a lot of information and contact people from all around the world on the Internet, True
2. There are some websites with viruses and fake data. True
3. You don’t need to be careful because no one can get your personal information on the Internet. False
4. Don't sign out of your account before you turn off your computer. False
5. Never use a website where it says ‘Not safe'. True
6. Create an easy password so you can remember it. I alse
6. Write a few other good tips to use the Internet safely.
Never give your login and password to other people.
Never chat with unfamiliar people.
Don't use the date of your birthday when you create the password.
Сторінка 7
1. Unscramble the words.
1. English 4. Science
2. Maths 5. History
3. Music 6. Geography
2. Fill in the gaps with the words in the box.
1. I want to go to Paris one day, so I Learn French.
2. Stella really likes drawing - that's why Art is her favourite subject.
3. Bob and Jim are good at German - they were in Berlin for a year.
4. My favourite subject is it because I'm interested in computers.
5. In PE you run, jump and exercise a lot.
6. Sam Loves nature and studies Science twice a week.
3. Work in groups of five. Talk to your classmates about what they think about different subjects. Complete the table with the points. Then compare the results with the other groups.
Ваше запитання: - Що ви думаєте про...?»
Відповіді: «Це цікаво» (2 бали)
"Все добре." (1 бал)
"Це нудно." (0 балів)
Сторінка 8
1.Circle the correct word.
1. In Science you Learn a Lot about different creatures.
2. I don't Like Maths because all those calculations are difficult for me.
3. Jim is interested in History because he likes Learning about battles.
4. I Love Art. Those drawings are so fascinating!
5. Geography is a very interesting subject at school.
6. My new timetable is great: I have English every day!
2.a) Match.
1. In Maths you - c. work with numbers.
2. In Geography you - d, learn the map.
3. In English you - b. learn new words.
4. in Science you - a. do experiments.
b) Write what you do in History / Music / IT / PE.
In History we read about the battles.
In Music we play different musical instruments and sing songs
In IT we learn how to work on the PC.
In PE we play different games and make sport exercises.
3. Write what things and gadgets you use in English / Maths / Art / Geography / IT / PE.
In English I use a book, a workbook and the Internet.
In Maths I use a book, a calculator and the ruler.
In Art I use pencils, paints and sheets oh paper.
In Geography I use a book, a map and the Internet.
In IT I use a computer and the Internet.
In PE I use a ball, a skipping rope and the sneakers.
Сторінка 9
4. Read the text on pages 13-14 in your SB and choose a), b) or c) to complete the sentences.
1. Students have PE in b) a gym or playground
2. During PE Lessons you wear c) sports clothes
3. In Maths you a) do calculations
4. You c) add, divide and subtract numbers when Learning Maths.
5. Students use c) computers in IT Lessons.
1. You can Learn about planets and different places in b) Geography
2. In Geography you need d) a map and a globe.
3. Students b) learn about the past in History.
4. In History you can hear a) fascinating stories.
5. You do experiments in c) Science.
6. In Science you Learn about b) nature.
Сторінка 10
1. Listen to Adam. Write about him.
He is good at Maths. He doesn't like odd numbers very His favourite numbers are much.
6 and 22. In the UK is the best mark.
Students call Adam a
2. Listen to Adam again and answer the questions.
1. What is Adam's favourite subject?
Adam's favourite subject is Maths.
2. What are Adam's favourite numbers?
Even numbers are Adam's favourite numbers.
3. What number is popular in some countries?
Number 5 is popular in some countries.
4. In what country do students get A', ’B', 'C', 'D', 'E' at school?
In the UK students get letters.
5. Are swots bad students or good students?
These are good students.
6. is there a special name for bad students? Why not?
No, there is no special name for bad students because good students do not make any bad names for them.
7. How many students have got an A' in Maths?
Only three students have got an A in Maths.
8. Is Adam happy in his class? No, he is not happy.
3. Write about your friend.
She is good at English.
She is not very good at Maths.
She is bad at History.

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