ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2022
Unit 3. It’s tasty!
(Сторінка 28-30)
Сторінка 281. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. Today not only the Asians love sushi.
2. You can have some seafood with meat for lunch.
3. I like chocolate ice cream, but the rest of my family enjoy vanilla.
4. Many Italians can make delicious coffee.
5. The French eat frogs, can you believe it?
6. Helen cooked very tasty Italian pasta for dinner yesterday.
7. Vicky loves Ukrainian cuisine, especially borsch.
8. Ben is a vegetarian, so he doesn't eat snails.
2. Fill in the table with the names of the dishes below.
"Then write a few names of dishes of Ukrainian cuisine.
Asian cuisine | French cuisine | Italian cuisine | Ukrainian cuisine |
sushi | Macaroons | Spaghetti | Borschch |
Rice | Croissants | Pizza | Varenyky |
Raw fish | Frog's legs | Tiramisu | Deruni |
Noodles | Baguettes | Seafood | Holubtsi |
1. Rob likes rice and his favourite cuisine is - d. Asian
2. Annie loves good meat and her favourite cuisine is - a. Ukrainian
3. Mr Jones enjoys champagne and his favourite cuisine is - c. French
4. Kelly likes pasta and her favourite cuisine is - e. Italian
5. Pete loves sushi and his favourite cuisine is - f. Japanese
6. Mr Smith enjoys tea with milk and his favourite cuisine is - b. English
4.Circle the correct word.
1. Paul, is an Italian and he cooks pizza very well.
2. Raw fish is popular in Japanese cuisine.
3. Jane's favourite cuisine is French, she especially loves macaroons.
4. I tried some good spaghetti when I went to Italy last summer,
5. Tom and Ted are English and their national dish is fish and chips.
6. Tessa doesn't like French cuisine because she hates frogs and snails,
Сторінка 30
1.Label the pictures.
2. Help the cook to sort the dishes out. Add some of your own ideas.
cornflakes | Salad | Sandwiches | Chicken and nee |
Bacon and eggs | Fruit salad | Grilled vegetables | Noodles with seafood |
Cereal with milk | Yoghurt | Banana | Rice and steak |
Pancakes | Crisps | Muffin | Borshch |