ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2022

icon06.09.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon1 574, icon0

Unit 3. It’s tasty!
(Сторінка 31-38)
Сторінка 31
1. Odd one out. Find one word in each column which doesn't belong there.
Cereal with milk
Noodles with chicken
Orange juice
Fruit salad
Rice and vegetables
(Grilled vegetables)
Bacon and eggs
Fish and chips
(Chocolate biscuits)
2. Match the words to make phrases.
Then make your own sentences with these phrases.
1. (un) healthy - c. food
2. to be - e. rich in vitamins
3. to skip - d. a meal
4. to care about - b. skin and bones
5. good for - a. health
1. Healthy food makes your body healthy and strong.
2. All fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins.
3. Children should not skip a meal in the morning.
4. Vitamin E takes care about our skin and bones.
5. Eating a lot of fish is good for health.
Сторінка 32
3. Read the text on page 45 in your SB and mark the sentences 'T' (true) or 'F' (false).
1. The children are having Science. True
2. The teacher is talking about healthy food. False
3. Brown bread and fruit are rich in minerals. False
4. We need vitamins for our eyes and skin. True
5. There are minerals in eggs, milk, cheese and vegetables. T ue
6. Minerals are not important for our teeth and bones. False
7. We should never skip breakfast because it is the most important meal. True
8. We have to drink three glasses of water every day. False
4. Read the text in task 4 on page 46 in your SB and answer the questions.
1. What do people from other countries think about British food?
They think that it is bad and not tasty.
2. What is the traditional British breakfast?
The traditional British breakfast is fried eggs, bacon, sausage, fried tomatoes and fried bread.
3. What do most British people have for breakfast?
Most British people have toast with marmalade or cereals such as cornflakes,
4. What is 'brunch'? It is a late breakfast.
5. When do the British have a small meal?
British people eat very little for lunch.
6. When do the British have a big meal?
British people have a big meal when they come home around six in the evening.
7. What are the traditional fast-food restaurants in Great Britain?
Fish and chips shops are the traditional fast-food restaurants in Great Britain.
8. What, other places are there in Britain where you can eat?
There are a lot of burger and pizza places as well as Indian and Chinese takeaways.
Сторінка 33
1.a) Look at the 'Words for You' on page 48 in your SB and guess the words.
ICIDELOUS - delicious
REPECI - Recipe
IGHDELTED - Delighted
OUARES - Square
TYSTA - Tasty
b) Make up your own sentences with the words above.
The vanilla ice cream was tasty.
I want to find the recipe of my grandma's apple pie.
The pasta with tomatoes was really tasty.
Everyone was delighted by the taste of the meal.
2. Complete the text with the missing words.
It is Mike's mum's birthday today. So Mike and Ted are making a cake to surprise their mum. They are making brownie a typical American cake.
First they must mix 1 egg, 4 cups of butter, half a cup of sugar, 2 squares of chocolate and 6 cups of flour. Then they bake the cake for 60 minutes. But their cake looks like an old shoe. Their mum thinks it is a really nice surprise, But the kitchen is dirty, so they must clean it before the guests arrive.
3. Put the sentences in the correct order to get a recipe for pancakes.
1. For the pancakes you need 2 cups of flour, one egg, 1 cup of milk and a spoon of sugar.
2. First, mix the egg and the milk.
3. After that, put in a spoon of sugar,
4. Then add the flour.
5. Finally, fry the pancakes,
6. Serve the pancakes with jam or chocolate.
Сторінка 34
1.Fill in the gaps with the names of the meals.
1. I usually have soup for dinner in the evening.
2. Sam has brunch at 11 am every day.
3. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,
4. Don always has a big lunch at 1 pm.
5. Supper is the last meal, so it shouldn't be very big.
6. Wendy sometimes has fruit for a snack,
2. a) Write what Robert has for each meal.
Robert Was pancakes and tea for breakfast.
For brunch he has nuts and for lunch he has pasta and a glass of juice.
He eats an apple for a snack.
Robert has a fish, a salad and a glass of water for dinner.
For supper he eats a fruit yoghurt.
b) Interview one of your classmates and write a report about what he/she usually has for each meal. You can use the text about Robert as an example.
Alex has a toast with jam and a cup of tea for breakfast.
For lunch he has a sandwich and a small carton of juice.
For dinner he has a chicken soup.
For supper he has a fruit salad or fruit yoghurt.
Сторінка 35
1. Match the exchanges.
1. Can I help you? - e. Yes. Can I have a salad, please?
2. How much is it? - d. It's 5 pounds.
3. How many do you want? - c. Two boxes, please.
4. Anything to drink? - b. Yes. Some juice, please.
5. Do you want some dessert? - a. No, thank you.
2. Look at the pictures and fill in the phrases below.
Good aftermoon. Can I help you?
Hello. Yes, please. I want a carton of milk a carton of milk and some bread.
Is that white or brown bread?
Brown, please.
Anything else?
No, thank you.
That’s 4 pounds altogether, please.
Here you are.
Thank you, goodbye!
Thank you, Bye!
Now. I can go home.
Сторінка 36
1. Fill in the sentences with the words in the box.
1. Don't use salt and sugar together!
2. We want to prepare a cake for Mum's birthday tomorrow.
3. I need to cool the meat because it's too hot to eat.
4. Do we have to boil the vegetables completely?
5. Mix the eggs with some flour in the bowl, please.
2. Look at the pictures and write down the recipe.
For the smoothie you need some strawberries, a banana and a glass of milk. First, chop bananas and strawberries into pieces. After that put everything into mixer and add a glass of milk. Mix fruits with milk during 2 minutes. Finally, pour the cocktail into a cup and enjoy!.
Сторінка 37
1. Write about the food you usually have.
At home I usually eat everything that my mother cooks for me, Especially I like borshch and varenyky.
At school I eat a lunch, which consists of a sandwich, an apple or banana and some drink (juice or water).
In the morning I have a breakfast, which consists of the omelette with a toast or cornflakes with milk.
For dinner I prefer mashed potatoes with baked chicken or spaghetti with cutlets.
2. Think of your favourite dish. What do you need to cook it? Make a shopping list.
A shopping list for salami pizza
1. Salami
2. Tomatoes
3. Cheese
4. Ketchup
5. Pizza dough
3. Let's prepare hamburgers. Here's a recipe, but the lines are jumbled. Put them in the right order (see page 38).
This is how you can make it. Order the instructions.
2. Chop the onion and add it to all the other things in the bowl. Mix all this with your hands.
5. Cut the bread rolls into two and toast each half.
1. Put the beef, egg yolk, salt, pepper and oil into a large bowl,
3. Make the mixture into four hamburger shapes.
Press the flour into each side of each hamburger.
6. Spread mustard and ketchup on each roll. Add a little lettuce or onion when your hamburger is in the roll.
4. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry your hamburgers.
Сторінка 38
4. Do the quiz in pairs or groups to find out how much you know about food.
1. Why do kids love fast food? - C. Because it's tasty and
2. Why is breakfast important to you? - F. It gives you energy to start the day.
3. What's healthy for you? - H. Vitamins, proteins and fibre.
4. What's not good for your health? - E. You eat too many snacks.
5. What happens if you skip meals? - B. It's not healthy and you can put on too much weight.
6. Why do people go on a diet? - D. To lose weight.
7. Why is it not good to eat a lot of fast - I. Too much fat. food?
8. What doesn't a vegetarian eat? - J. Meat.
9. What drink is good for your teeth and - G. Milk, bones?
10. What's bad for your teeth? - A. Sweets.

iconГДЗ 5 клас Англійська мова Робочий зошит Зошит 2022 Карпюк НУШ Лібра Терра
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