ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2024
Round-up 7
Сторінка 77A. Choose a, b or c.
1-е; 2-а; 3-c; 4-а; 5-е; 6-е; 7-b; 8-b.
1. As I was walking out of the room, I c. banged my head on the door.
2. I'm afraid my mum and sister have the a. flu right now. I just hope I don't get it too!
3. According to the doctor, this c. medicine should be taken twenty minutes before you eat your first meal of the day.
4. I saw someone on a motorbike crash into a tree from my kitchen window this morning, so I immediately contacted the a. emergency services.
5. Have you noticed that there's a horrible c. smell in the fridge?
6. Dr Martin is an c. expert on dreams. He knows a lot about the subject.
7. Try and calm b. down a bit! Your car keys are here somewhere.
8. There was a huge b. amount of garlic in the soup, so I didn't really enjoy it.
В. Circle the correct options.
1. When you don't eat any fruit and vegetables, it can lead to all kinds of health problems.
2. While I was at the beach yesterday, I scratched my foot on a rock and it bled terribly!
3. Stay away from the cooker, kids! I'm boiling some pasta.
4. I'm considering taking a first aid course next month at the community centre. What do you think?
5. The most common reason people feel sleepy during the day is lack of sleep, of course!
6. Today I did some research online for a project I'm doing on the world's oceans.
7. If you go on a diet and exercise, you will definitely lose some weight before the summer.
8. I was ill last week and missed school, so now I’m trying to catch up with all the homework.
C. Circle the correct options.
1. We mustn't pay to go to the event yesterday. It was free!
2. A: I have such bad earache. Mum.
B: Then you need to go and see the doctor today!
3. I'm afraid we don't need to put any nuts in the cake. I'm allergic to them!
4. I failed the exam, so I had to take it again.
5. You needn't worry! Your grandmother's illness isn't anything serious.
6. We haven't got school tomorrow, so we mustn't go to bed early tonight.
7. I need to send an email to Sandra today.
8. You mustn't spend too much time in the sun. You don't want to get sunburn.
D. Complete the sentences using the Passive Voice.
1. The costumes for the school play was being designed by Mrs Baxter.
2. When we got there, the man was being interviewed by a reporter.
3. Junk food isn't being sold in the school canteen.
4. The community centre was being painted at the moment.
Сторінка 78
E. Rewrite the sentences using the Passive Voice.
1. The Space Museum was being visited by thousands of people.
2. Fire engine was being built by my uncle.
3. My laptop was being fixed by technician.
4. A healthy breakfast was being prepared by dad.
F. Complete the sentences with the or
1. Alex loves football and he's probably the biggest football fan I know!
2. My dream is to visit Sahara Desert one day and spend the night in a tent there!
3. I don't speak French, but I really want to learn one day because French language is just so beautiful.
4. I stayed at home and went to bed early yesterday because I had an earache.
5. I'm crazy about scuba diving and hope to dive in Red Sea one day.
6. I enjoy visiting museums a lot. The Natural History Museum is my favourite.
7. The chicken dish that you made for dinner last night was amazing, Mum. Can we have chicken again tonight?
8. Have you ever visited Hyde Park in London?
G. Read the text and the sentences. Write T for True or F for False.
1. Adam finished work at 12.30 p.m. that day. - False.
2. He saw the fire and then heard the alarm. - False.
3. Mr Clough was in the kitchen. - True.
4. The fire was in the kitchen. - True.
5. Adam knew what to do because the same had happened to him. - False.
6. Mr Clough appeared on TV. - False.