ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2024

icon24.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon502, icon0

Сторінка 81
A. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. Stop being couch potato! It isn't healthy.
2. Let me turn down the volume! I can't her a thing you are saying.
3. I want to change the channel! Give me the remote control.
4. Jane is a serious TV addict. She has seen so many shows.
5. I love watching commercials! I find out about the new clothes on the market!
6. Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe I want to watch an episode of my favourite show on TV?
В. Complete and choose a, bore 1-е; 2-b; 3-c; 4-а.
1. The girls asked c. me to take a photo of them.
2. The guide told Ned b. to give everyone a brochure.
3. Our teacher told us c. not to touch anything.
4. The woman asked us a. not to use those stairs.
Сторінка 82
C. Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech and the words given.
1. Mrs Simmons said to class to stay together.
2. Rex told me not to forget to wash hands.
3. Mrs Day told to Ava to come into office.
4. Mr Roberts ordered Lucas to cal! Henry.
D. Complete the dialogue with the phrases given.
Jane: What's that noise? It's so loud!
Penny: Oh. that's my brother! He's playing the video game our friends bought us for our birthdays!
Jane: You don't sound that happy about it! (1) d. What's the matter with you?
Penny: Well. I'm just tired of all this noise! He plays it all day long and he doesn't wear his headphones because they are broken.
Jane: I don't get it. I thought you used to play that game with him!
What happened? Tell me! (2) b. Now you're talking!
Penny: Well, we read this article in school about TV addicts and I think I am a video game addict! So. I promised myself that for a week I won't play any video games!
Jane: That's great! How is it going?
Penny: Not well! I dream about video games!
Jane: (3) a. You've lost it! Come on! Let's go for a walk in the park! It will clear your mind and you won't hear that noise any more!
Penny: (4) c. I'm all ears. Thank you! You are the best!
E. Rewrite the text using Reported Speech.
Kate said hello to Ryan. She told that she will be there at eight in the morning. She asked not to forget to bring hiking equipment. Kate told that she bought snacks. Kate asked to call Ryan.

iconГДЗ 7 клас Англійська мова Робочий зошит Зошит 2024 Лінгвіст НУШ Мітчелл Малкоґіанні
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