ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2024
Сторінка 79A. Circle the correct options.
1. It's sunny and windy! It's a great day to go surfing.
2. You have to be very careful when you go rock climbing. It's a dangerous activity.
3. My family loves winter holidays. We usually go snowboarding in the mountains.
4. Hank goes jogging in the forest every morning before work.
В. Complete the sentences with the words/phrases in the box.
1. Victor is a horse rider, and he trains every afternoon.
2. After his accident, Larry didn't think that he would come first in the race.
3. Pauline Harper is a famous writer. She writes books for children. Let's have an interview with her to find out more.
4. My father was the best tennis player in his school. He was a champion.
5. Apart from football, I don't enjoy playing any other sports.
C. Choose a, b or c.
1-b; 2-b; 3-b; 4-а; 5-а.
1. Harry told me that his sister b. doesn't feel well that day.
2. The teacher told us that we would have a test b. the following day.
3. My mum said that she b. didn't have enough milk to make the cake.
4. The children said they a. were going to play in the park later.
5. Mark and Alice a. told that they would be a bit late.
Сторінка 80
D. Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech.
1. Mr Carson told his son that he should tidy his room today.
2. Rena told Wendy that she had already read the article.
3. Lucy told me that she can go to the park today.
4. Jack said that he didn't heard about the fire yesterday.
E. Read the speech bubb/e, and complete the sentences reporting what the two people said.
1. Mike told Todd that he was going camping with parents.
2. Todd said that it was great.
3. Mike said that Todd could come with them.
4. Todd answered that he should ask his parents.
5. Mike told that he would hope Tedd can come.