ГДЗ Англійська мова 4 клас. Робочий зошит [Пухта Г., Ґернґрос Ґ., Льюіс-Джонс П.] 2021

icon15.12.2023, icon4 Клас / Англійська мова , icon2 308, icon0

Review: units 7, 8 and 9 (Pages 86 - 87)
1. Read, listen and look. What animals can you see near Tobermory?
My favourite holiday destination
Hello! My name's Luke and I'm from Scotland. Every year my family and I go on holiday to Tobermory, in Scotland. Tobermory is a fishing village on the Isle of Mull. We go camping there.
We stay at a campsite on a farm near the village. The farmer is always very friendly. Every morning I go for a walk with my mum and sister and in the afternoon I play golf with my dad.
On one day of the holiday, we go on a fantastic boat trip. On the boat trip you can see dolphins, eagles and seals. The boat trip is the best part of the holiday. The day before I have to go home, I am always sad because it is a beautiful place and I love it there.
dolphins, eagles and seals
2. Read about Luke again. Circle the correct answer.
1 - Tobermory is a (fishing village) / farm in Scotland.
2 - In Tobermory, Luke stays at a cottage / (campsite).
3 - Luke plays golf / (goes for a walk) in the mornings.
4 - Luke plays golf with his (dad) / mum and sister.
5 - Luke thinks the boat trip is the worst / (best) part of the holiday.
Complete for you.
Hello! My name's Oleg and I'm from Ukraine My family and i go on holiday to Marseille in France we stay at the hotel ,i go for a walk with my parents and i go shopping with my mum in the evening We also go to the swiming pool . It's the best part of the holiday. The day before I have to go home, I am always sad because it is a nice place and I love it there.
1. Look and read. Then listen and chant.
We say:
A plane is faster than a train. That plane is fast.
A train is bigger than a bike. That train is big.
Transport, transport, I love transport! A motorbiKe is Faster than a plane, And a car is bigger than a bus, A train is shorter than a scooter, And a lorry is shorter than a biKe, Look, that biKe is Fast!
I’m right, rm right, I Know I’m right!
No? you’re wrong, you re wrong, I Know you re wrong!
A motorbiKe is slower than a plane, And a car is smaller than a bus, A train is longer than a scooter, And a lorry is taller than a biKe, Look, that bike is slow!
I’m right, I’m right, I Know I’m right!
OK. OK. you’re right?
2. Now write than or that.
1 - A rucksack is bigger a wallet.
2 - That rucksack is big.
3 - I like that mobile phone. It's really nice.
4 - The blue mobile phone is smaller than the white one.
5 - I think this cafe is worse than that one.
6 - That cafe is the best in my town.

iconГДЗ 4 клас Англійська мова 2021 Робочий зошит Зошит Пухта Ґернґрос Льюіс-Джонс Лінгвіст
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