ГДЗ Англійська мова 4 клас. Робочий зошит [Пухта Г., Ґернґрос Ґ., Льюіс-Джонс П.] 2021

icon15.12.2023, icon4 Клас / Англійська мова , icon2 308, icon0

9. At the seaside (Pages 78 - 85)
1. Match the words.
1 - go - b rollerblading
2 - play - a golf
3 - go for - e a walk
4 - go to - g the swimming pool
5 - do - c puzzles
6 - go - d shopping
7 - watch - f a film
2. Look and write the sentences. Use He, She or They.
1 - He’s watching a film
2 - They're going to the swimming pool.
3 - She's going for a walk.
4 - They're doing a puzzle.
5 - They're playing golf.
6 - They're going shopping
1. Listen and tick (/) the bo)
1 Why is Susie carrying a towel? - a
2 Why is Ben going shopping? - c
3 Why are Jane and John wearing shorts? - c
4 Why are Mark and Victor going to the park? - b
2. Complete the questions.
1 - (wear) Why are you wearing shorts and a T - shirt? Because we're going for a walk.
2 - (close) Why are you closing the window? Because it's cold.
3 - (make) Why are you making sandwiches? Because we're going on a picnic.
4 - (carry) Why are you carryingy your skateboard? Because I'm going to the park.
1. Look and write the questions from the song in the Pupil's Book.
1 - Why are there stars in the sky?
2 - Why are there fish in the sea?
3 - Why do you do puzzles all day?
4 - Why don't birds swim, but fly?
5 - Why aren't clouds pink, but grey?
6 - Why have you got a cat, not a cow?
2. Match the answers with the questions from Activity 1.
a - 2 - Because they don't have legs and can't walk.
b - 3 - Because it's my favourite hobby!
c - 6 - Because a cow is a very big animal!
d - 4 - Because they have wings.
e - 1 - Because they are suns from other solar systems.
f - 5 - Because they're water and water isn't pink.
1. Read and circle.
1 Would you like to go to the cinema on Friday?
a It's at half past two.
(b) Yes, I would! Thanks.
c Yes, I do.
2 Do you always go to the swimming pool on Saturday afternoon?
(a) Yes, I do
b No, I wasn't.
c Yes, I am.
3 Are you talking on the phone now?
(a) No, I'm not?
b Yes, there are!
c Yes, I do.
4 Are you going to tidy the dining room?
a No, I don't.
(b) No, I'm not
c Yes, I do.
5 Why are you excited?
a Because, I'm tired.
b Because, it's late.
(c) Because, it's my birthday
6 When do you usually get up?
(a) At quarter past eight
b At night.
c In my bedroom.
7 Do doctors wear a white coat?
(a) Yes, they are
b Yes, they are.
c No, they weren't.
8 What are you doing in the kitchen?
a He's eating a sandwich.
(b) I'm having lunch
c They're cooking.
9 Which bird is the best swimmer?
a The duck.
(b) The penguin
c The parrot.
2. Look at Activity 1. Change the underlined words in the questions to the words below. Then ask and answer.
1 - park
2 - cinema
3 - drawing
4 - your bedroom
5 - tired
6 - have breakfast
7 - teachers
8 - dining room
9 - worst flyer
1 - Yes, I would. / No, I wouldn't.
2 - Do you always go to the cinema on Saturday afternoon? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
3 - Are you drawing now? No, I'm not.
4 - Are you going to tidy your bedroom? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
5 - Why are you tired? Because ... (pupils' own answers).
6 - When do you have breakfast? At... (pupils' own answers).
7 - Do teachers have to wear a white coat? No, they don't.
8 - What are you doing in the dining room? I'm ... (pupils' own answers).
9 - Which bird is the worst flyer? (The penguin.)
1. Remember the story. Make the sentences.
1 - The Explorers find the last line - a - 2 - in order.
2 - Then they put the rhyme - b - 4 - behind a picture.
3 - They go to the lighthouse - c - 6 - in a newspaper.
4 - The key is - d - 5 - under the floor.
5 - Buster helps to find the chest - e - 3 - on the beach.
6 - Ноrах and Zelda read about the treasure - f - 1 - on an oar.
2. Complete Ben and Lucy's story. Use the phrases from the box.
the treasure the map the tunnel The Mysterious H the dragon water the door
1 - Lucy and Ben find the first line in
2 - When the train goes into the tunnel, Ben takes Ногах and Zelda's tickets.
3 - Ноrах tries to take the map in the restaurant.
4 - Grandpa tells Ben and Lucy about The Mysterious H
7 - Ноrах and Zelda trap The Explorers in the dragon.
8 - Ben and Lucy play a trick and close the door of the rocket.
9 - The Explorers find the treasure in the lighthouse.
3. Be an Explorer! Write the rhyme.
Lots of stairs. Climb thirty - three!
Behind the picture in the frame There's the key to end this game. Climb more stairs and look out west. Look down and find the treasure chest.
1. Write the words. Listen and check. Then say with a friend.
Mum: Esme, what do you think?
Esme: Well, erm, it fits
Mum: Yes, but is it nice? Tell me.
Esme: Erm, it's horrible, Mum.
Kate: OK, where are we?
Chris: I'm not sure. But I think we're close now.
Kate: But which way do we have to go?
Chris: Erm, I don't know.
bottle bowl packet piece (x2) cup
1 - a - of tea
2 - a - piece of cake
3 - a piece of chocolate
4 - a packet of biscuits
5 - a bottle of water
6 - a bowl of soup
3. Listen, say and check your answers.
1. Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.
1 - This is a building. You stay here when you are on holiday. - a hotel
2 - This is very cold. You eat it and it tastes sweet. - an ice cream
3 - You can breathe under water with this. - a snorke
4 - This is a very big wave. It is very dangerous. - a tsunami
5 - This is a small building. Some are houses. Some are shops. - a hut
6 - Children like to build this on the beach. - a sandcastle
7 - This is a person who is on holiday. - a tourist
2. Find six differences. Write the sentences.
In picture A the sandcastle is
small, but in picture В the sandcastle is big. In picture A the man is reading, but in picture В he is sleeping. In Picture A the girls are holding snorkels, but in picture В they haven't got snorkels. In Picture A there are two people in the water, but in picture B, there are three people in the water. In picture В the ball is a football, but in picture A the ball is different.
3. Match the questions with the answers.
1 - What are your holiday plans, Charlotte? - a - 5 No, we're going to go to a campsite near the sea.
2 - Where do they live? - b - 1 - In the first week of the holidays, I'm going to visit my grandparents.
3 - And what are you going to do there? - с - 4 - I'm going to go to France with my parents.
4 - What are you going to do afterwards? - d - 6 No, I'm going to learn to surf, My mum is going to teach me.
5 - Are you going to stay in a hotel? - e - 2 - In Ireland.
6 - So are you going to swim all day? - f - 3 - My grandparents have a farm and I'm going to look after the dogs and the pony.
4. Look at Activity 3. Underline the mistakes.
Then write the correct sentences.
Charlotte is going to visit her uncle and aunt. They have a hotel in Spain. There she is going to look after the cows. Then she is going to go to France with her brother. There she is going to build sandcastles all day. In France Charlotte is going to stay at a hotel.
Charlotte is going to visit her grandparents.
They have a farm. There she is going to look after the dogs and pony. Then she is going to France with her parents. There she is going learn to surf all day. In France Charlotte is going to stay at campsite near the sea.

iconГДЗ 4 клас Англійська мова 2021 Робочий зошит Зошит Пухта Ґернґрос Льюіс-Джонс Лінгвіст
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