ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Підручник [Коста Д., Вільямс М.] 2022

icon01.04.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon4 717, icon0

16. Buy it! - 17. Different places (Стор. 94 - 105)
1. З’єднай фото в рамочці з малюнками A-L.
A. perfume; B. diary; C. scissors; D. rucksack; E. umbrella; F. sweets; G. birthday card; H. paint; I. plant; J. paper; K. toothbrush; L. stamps.
2. Послухай розповідь. Чому тато збирається за покупками? Хто йде з ним: Раян чи Ава?
Dad is going shopping because it is Mums birthday. Ryan is going with him.
3. Послухай знову. Познач речі у впр.1 які не в списку покупок тата.
birthday card, paint, toothbrush, plant, paper, scissors, diary
1. Подивись на приклади речень з розмови. Подумай про різницю між need та want.
Я хочу намалювати для мами, але мені потрібна синя фарба. Я хочу сьогодні піти на вечірку, і мені потрібен новий одяг. Вона хоче рослину для вітальні. Мені потрібно написати список.
2. Вибери правильне слово щоб доповнити речення.
1. I’ve got nothing to wear! I need some new clothes.
2. I like having lots of clothes. I want some new clothes.
3. Доповни речення з need, needs, want, wants.
1. My friends are outside. They want to play football with me.
2. We want to watch TV. Our favourite film is on tonight.
3. I haven’t got any money. I need to go to the bank.
4. A: Can I go out with my friends? B: No, you need to do your homework.
5. My tooth hurts! I need to go to the dentist.
6. It’s hot today! My little brother wants to go for a swim.
7. My friend needs/wants to finish her homework today.
4. З’єднай речення 1-4 з a-d. 1. I want to go to the cinema. – d. I need to buy a ticket.
2. I want to do my homework. – c. I need my books.
3. I want to play tennis. – a. I need some new balls.
4. I want some new jeans. – b. I need to go shopping.
5. Вибери правильне слово щоб доповнити речення.
1. We always use to with a verb after need and want.
2. You can use a noun after need and want.
6. Доповни речення з to, some чи a.
1. I want to get my sister a nice present.
2. I’m thirsty! I need a drink of water.
3. I need to finish my homework.
4. My sister wants some sweets.
5. Dad needs a new umbrella.
6. I want to go to my friend’s house today.
7. Послухай розмову. Які магазини необхідні мовцю?
Conversation 1 – d. clothes shop
Conversation 2 – e. bookshop
Conversation 3 – a. toyshop
Conversation 4 – c. supermarket
Conversation 5 – b. music shop
1. Прочитай діалоги 1-4 та з’єднай їх з малюнками A-D.
1. C; 2. D; 3. A; 4. B
2. Напиши номера.
1. This person doesn’t buy anything. Conversation 3 and Conversation 4
2. This person pays with a card. Conversation 1
3. This person buys two things. Conversation 1
4. This person buys something to eat. Conversation 2
4. З'єднай слова з символами.
cent c; dollar $; euro €; pence p; pound £; hryvnia ₴;
6. Знайдіть і підкресліть «buy» та «pay» у розмовах у вправі 1. Потім завершіть речення словами «buy» чи «pay».
1. These trousers are nice, but I don’t want to pay £50 for them.
2. Come shopping with me. I need to buy a present for Sophie.
3. Wait here a moment. I need to pay for my drink.
4. How much money have you got? Shall we buy some flowers for Mum?
5. I need to buy a new rucksack for school. 6. Let’s pay the waitress and go home. I’m tired.
1. Подивись на розмову на ст..96. З’єднай запитання до відповідей.
1. Why doesn’t the woman want the hat? – a. It’s too expensive.
2. Why doesn’t the boy want the jeans? – c. They’re too long.
3. Why doesn’t the girl want the ice cream? – b. It’s too big.
2. Подивись на відповіді a-c у впр.1. Потім вибери правильне слово.
We use too + adjective when something is not correct
3. Доповни речення словами з рамки.
1. He can’t talk. He’s too cold.
2. He can’t walk on the beach. It’s too hot.
3. She can’t do the test. It’s too hard.
4. He can’t see out of the bus. The window is too dirty.
Life skills
1. Прочитай, подумай та дай відповіді на запитання. Обсуди з однокласником.
1. Do you wear all your clothes? Yes, I do.
2. Do you need or want to keep all your clothes? I want to keep clothes I need.
3. Are some of your clothes too small? Yes, only some of them.
4. What do you do with your old clothes? I give it to the people who need it.
2. Напиши три речі, які ти можеш робити зі старим одягом.
1. I can give it to charity organization.
2. I can sell it.
3. I can give it to poor people.
4. Подивись на статтю знову. Прочитай речення та напиши правильно чи ні.
1. You can buy lots of new clothes. False
2. Other people can wear your old clothes. True
3. You can put your old clothes in the rubbish. False
4. Shops can help make old clothes into other things. True
5. You can make something new from old clothes. True
5. Подивись на виділені слова в статті. Познач фото. 1. I help look after our world. I don’t throw away old clothes.
2. I repair my small clothes to my little sister.
3. I give old clothes to a big shop in my town.
4. Do you want to take your blue T-shirt for my red T-shirt?
5. I exchange my water bottle. I put new water in it every day.
6. I can reuse his shirt and wear it again.
6. Доповни речення. Використовуй слова с впр. 5.
1. throw away; 2. give; 3. take; 4. exchange; 5. reuse; 6. repair
7. Послухай Меган та Джека. Який їх план?
b. Throw clothes away
8. Послухай знову. Вибери правильний варіант.
1. What does Megan want to give Jack? – a. a shirt
2. What does Jack want to give Megan? – b. a T-shirt
3. Who do they decide to invite? – a. friends
4. When do they decide to invite them? – a. on Tuesday
5. Where do they decide to invite them? – b. to Megan’s house
9. Зєднай дві частини речення. Послухай та перевір.
1. We can exchange clothes with our friends. (c)
2. Let’s tell our friends. (a)
3. What a great idea! (b)
10. Склади слова в правильному порядку.
1. We can reuse water bottles.
2. Let’s give clothes to people.
3. What a great idea.
1. Що ти бачиш на фото? Обсуди з партнером. Скільки речень ти можеш зробити?
1. There is a boy on a bike. 2. There is a restaurant. 3. There is a bank between the restaurant and the cinema. 4. There is a restaurant. 5. There are some trees.
2. Познач речі у спальній кімнаті.
A. shirt; B. dress; C. trousers; D. jacket; E. cap/hat; F. glasses/sunglasses; G. jeans; H. skirt; I. shoes; J. T-shirt
2. Вибери правильні слова.
1. That film is interesting but I don’t want to go and see it today.
2. I want to wash my hands because they are dirty.
3. We can go to the park or we can go swimming.
4. The new swimming pool is great. I want to go swimming.
5. Jose is a famous singer and I would like to meet him.
6. We’ve got a test tomorrow. I need to do my homework now.
1. Послухай розмову. Напиши ціни поруч з картинками.
1. £ 13,99; 2. £ 2,25; 3. £ 4,50; 4. £ 24,80; 5. £ 1,50
1. Прочитай повідомлення. Доповни їх словами з рамочки.
Hi Mike Meet me at the new cafe at 5.30. I haven’t got my mobile! Lizzie Hello Georgia Your sandwiches are on the table. I’ve got to visit your dad in hospital. Mum Hi Daniela There’s no fish food! Please buy some from the shop. Dad Hi Tom Shall we go shopping later? Wait for me! Julia
2. Прочитай речення. Напиши так або ні.
1. The fish need some food. Yes
2. There’s some food for Georgia. Yes
3. Tom wants Julia to wait for him. No
4. Mike can send Lizzie a text. No
5. Georgia’s dad is in hospital. Yes
6. Daniela’s dad wants her to buy something. Yes
1. Зєднай слова в рамочці з речами 1-9 на фото.
1. grass; 2. tree; 3. garden; 4. sea; 5. beach; 6. flowers; 7. river; 8. forest; 9. countryside
2. Напиши слова у впр.1 поруч зі значенням.
1. You can swim in this. It’s salty. sea
2. You can see lots of trees here. forest
3. You can walk here because there are no towns. countryside
4. You can play football on this. grass
5. You can sit under this to keep out of the sun. tree
6. You can grow these. They are very pretty. flower
7. You can find this around a house. garden
8. You can sit on this. Sometimes it is sand, sometimes it is small stones. beach
9. You can swim in this. It is water and it moves. river
3. Послухай першу частину розмови та дай відповіді на запитання.
1. Where’s Jose? In his hotel.
2. Where are the photographers? Why? Outside the hotel, because they think Jose is at the swimming pool.
3. What does Jose invite Paolo to do? To come to his hotel room.
4. Послухай частину 2. Напиши так або ні. Потім зміни неправдиві речення та зроби їх правдивими.
1. Rosa wants to look at photos of Jose’s family. No. Rosa wants to look at photos of Jose's house in Brazil.
2. Jose’s house is in the city. No. Jose's house is near the beach/sea.
3. Jose gives the friends some tickets for his concert. Yes.
4. The concert is tomorrow evening. No. The concert is tonight.
5. Paolo needs to wash some clothes. Yes.
5. Подивись на фото A-D. Познач будинок Джозі.
Jose's house is in photo B.
6. Подивись на фото A-D знову. Де б ти хотіла жити? Чому?
I would like to live near the sea. Because I like sea, sun and warm weather.
1. Доповни речення, словами з рамочки.
1. Jose’s house is never than my house.
2. My house is older than Jose’s house.
3. We add -e r to short adjectives to make the comparative form.
4. We write than after the comparative.
3. Доповни речення. Використай ступені порівняння прикметників з рамочки.
1. I love apples. They’re nicer than oranges.
2. English is harder than French. I’m not very good at English.
3. I’m younger than my sister. She’s 15 and I’m 12.
4. But I’m older than my brother. He’s only two.
5. India is hotter than Canada.
6. Подивись на фото A-F. Обсуди зі своїм партнером. Використай ступені порівняння прикметників з рамки.
The beach in picture A is nicer than the beach in picture B. The street in picture D is longer than in picture C. The person in picture E is younger than the person in picture F.
1. Доповни слова 1-7 в тексті використовуючи прикметники з рамочки.
1. unusual; 2. wonderful; 3. amazing; 4. fantastic; 5. popular; 6. exciting; 7. attractive
2. Прочитай про 4 дні та дай відповіді на запитання.
1. Where can you have animal therapy? Kyiv Zoo
2. Where can you watch a play? Kaminets-Podilskyi Castle
3. Where can you go on rides? Alton Towers
4. Where can you see a rainforest? The Eden Project
3. Прочитай текст знову та дай відповіді на запитання.
1. Which places can you visit in December? The Eden Project, Kyiv Zoo, Kamianets-Podilskyi Castle
2. Where can you see animals? Kyiv Zoo
3. Where can you visit a water park? Alton Towers
4. Where can you find wonderful gardens? The Eden Project
5. Where can you learn some history? Kamianets-Podilskyi Castle.
4. Які інші місця ви можете відвідати в Україні. Розкажи.
We can visit Kyiv and all places of interest there. Lviv with it is old history.
1. Подивись на приклади зі ст..104 та потім доповніть речення.
1. more; 2. before; 3. after 1. We add more to long adjectives when we compare things.
2. We write ‘more’ before a long comparative adjective.
3. We write ‘than’ after a comparative adjective.
2. Напиши речення. Використай граматичну рамочку з впр.1 щоб допомогти тобі.
1. The president of the USA is more famous than my mum.
2. Science is more interesting than maths.
3. The school garden is more popular than the park.
4. Tennis is more exciting than football.
5. This idea is more unusual than that one.
6. Some animals are more attractive than others.
3. Склади речення з іменників з рамочки А та прикметниками з рамочки В чи використай свої власні ідеї. Склади деякі речення правдиві, а деякі ні.
Наприклад: I think Edinburgh is more expensive than London. I think Kyiv is more popular than Sydney. SPEAKING
1. В парах, запитай та дай відповіді на запитання.
1. Which places in your country do you want to visit for a family day out? Why? I would like to visit Lviv, because there are a lot of interesting places to see and visit.
2. Which places outside your country do you want to visit to do family activities? Why? I would like to visit Dubai, because I like sea and sun.
3. Are there any places you don’t want to visit? Why? I don’t want to visit Iran.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас Підручник Коста Вільямс 2022 НУШ Лінгвіст
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