ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Підручник [Коста Д., Вільямс М.] 2022

icon01.04.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon3 864, icon0

14. Out and about - 15. What shall I wear? (Стор. 84 - 93)
1. З’єднай слова в рамочці з фото A-L.
A. car; B. taxi; C. train; D. bike; E. tram; F. bus; G. funicular; H. plane; I. underground; J. trolleybus; K. boat; L. coach
2. Прочитай текст про транспорт в Лондоні та Києві. Доповни речення словами з впр. 1. Використай кожне слово один раз.
1. underground; 2. trolleybus; 3. boat; 4. tram; 5. car; 6. taxi; 7. bike; 8. coach; 9. train; 10. plane; 11. funicular; 12.bus
3. Прочитай текст знову. Речення правдиві чи ні?
1. You can use a contactless card in the Kyiv metro. Right 2. There are under 200 Tube stations. Wrong 3. Trams can take you to all parts of London and Kyiv. Wrong 4. Taxi drivers only know the streets in the centres of Kyiv and London. Wrong 5. Journeys by funicular are expensive. Wrong 6. Buses with two floors are called double-decker buses. Right
4. Запитай та дай відповіді на запитання про транспорт у твоєму місті.
1. Which kind of transport from Exercise 1 do you have in your town or city? In our town we have such transport as a bus, taxi, train, car and a bike.
2. Which kind of transport do you usually use? I usually use bus.
3. Which kind of transport do you never use? I never use train.
1. Вибери правильне слово щоб доповнити речення.
1. We use or to give a different, possible idea.
2. We use because to give a reason.
3. We use and to give more ideas and information.
4. We use but to add a different and opposite idea.
2. Використай таблицю, щоб скласти речення з because. Порівняй свої речення з партнером.
Наприклад: I drink lots of milk because I like it. I always walk to school because we don’t have a car. I often help my teacher because she asks me. I want to be a doctor because I like helping people.
3. Доповни речення з and, but чи or.
1. Do you want to visit the Tower of London or go to Buckingham Palace? We only have time to see one famous place today.
2. I like visiting cities and I try and see all the famous places.
3. I love going out but I don’t have a bike. I use my sister’s.
4. We can go to the cinema or we can go shopping. Which would you like to do?
5. You can ask Sara to come to the park but please don’t ask her brother. He isn’t nice to me.
6. Can you get the Kyiv metro map, please? Oh, and don’t forget to bring your contactless cards.
7. I’ve got your hat but I haven’t got your gloves. Sorry!
8. I can come to your house now or we can meet in the park later. I don’t mind.
4. Доповни речення своїми власним ідеями.
1. Have you got a blue pen or a black pen in your pencil box?
2. London is an interesting city because there are a lot of monuments.
3. I don’t have a lot of time because I am hurry.
4. I want to ask all my friends to my party but I have no time.
5. My mum helps me with my homework but not a lot.
6. Would you like to get a sandwich or a hot-dog?
7. There is a train at 5 o’clock and a bus at 6 o’clock.
1. Аня хоче зустрітися з друзями на вихідних. Послухай 4 розмови та напиши імена в записнику. Тобі не потрібні усі імена.
Saturday afternoon: Ali Saturday evening: Clara Sunday morning: Poppy Sunday afternoon: Alex
2. Послухай знову та напиши час у Аніному записнику.
Saturday afternoon: 2.30
Saturday evening: 6.15
Sunday morning: 9.45
Sunday afternoon: 3.00
4. З'єднай фрази 1-6 з фразами a-k. Існує більше ніж одна відповідь.
1. go – c. running, e. swimming, f. shopping
2. go out with – g. friends
3. go to – a. a museum, h. the park, j. a restaurant, k. a film
4. meet – b. at eight o’clock, d. a famous person, g. friends, i. in the afternoon
5. see – d. a famous person e swimming, g. friends, k. a film
6. visit – a. a museum, g. friends
2. Напиши емейл новому другу по листуванню та дай поради до того що робити, коли він приїде.
Hi Jason,
Thanks for your email. I am very happy that you have chance to visit me. We can do lots of things. We will go for a walk, see a lot of interesting things and visit new places. We will meet with my friends and go out with them to the restaurant. See you soon.
1. Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. Which adjectives do you think of when you hear the word ‘museum’? Tick (V) them. beautiful, interesting, exciting, expensive
2. Is there a museum near where you live? What type of museum is it? Yes, there is a museum. We have historical museum in the place where I live.
3. How often do you visit museums? Often, sometimes or never? I visit museums sometimes.
4. Do you like visiting museums? Why / Why not? Yes, I do.
2. Подивись на фото на веб сторінці та назви їх. Скажи які музеї на твою думку будуть у тексті.
Text 1 – a sports museum; Text 2 – a science museum; Text 3 – a history and culture museum
5. Доповни фрази дієсловами.
1. play ice hockey. 2. do experiments. 3. play air hockey. 4. ride a horse 5. answer questions. 6. visit the museum
6. Послухай Бет. Вона дає презентацію щодо її улюбленого музею. Дай відповіді на запитання.
1. Why does she like this museum? Because she loves museum.
2. Why can anyone visit this museum? Because the museum is free, you don’t pay any money.
2. Послухай знову та вибери правильні слова щоб доповнити речення.
1. There are some photographers outside the house. 2. Paolo knows how to help Jose. 3. Joelle can find some clean clothes in Paolo’s bedroom. 4. Paolo likes wearing Jose’s clothes. 5. Jose doesn’t like wearing Paolo’s clothes.
4. Подивись на фото 1-3 знову. Що Паоло, Джозі, Роза та Джолі носять?
Paola wears jeans, a T-shirt, a jacket and a digital watch; Jose wears trousers, a T-shirt and a digital watch; Joelle wears a skirt and shoes; Rosa wears a shirt and is holding glasses.
1. Подивись на таблицю в граматичній рамці. Напиши множину слів.
1. bodies; 2. dictionaries; 3. skirts; 4. waiters; 5. addresses; 6. houses; 7. museums; 8. doctors; 9. drinks; 10. cinemas; 11. sentences; 12. sandwiches; 13. universities; 14. shops; 15. movies
5. Напиши 6 речень про різницю на картинках.
1. In picture A, there is one guitar and in picture B, there are two guitars. 2. In picture A, there are two T-shirts and in picture B there are four T-shirts. 3. In picture A, there are five pictures and in picture B there are eight pictures. 4. In picture A, there are three shoes and in picture B there is one shoe. 5. In picture A, there are no glasses and in picture B there is a pair of glasses. 6. In picture A, there is a computer and in picture B there are two computers.
1. Подивись на картинку. Люди збираються на карнавал. В що вони одягнені? Використай слова в рамочці щоб скласти речення.
Person A is wearing a long blue skirt and a white shirt.
Person B is wearing a long red dress.
Person C is wearing blue trousers and a red and white shirt.
Person E is wearing blue trousers, a red jacket and a blue shirt.
Person F is wearing a yellow hat and a yellow skirt.
Person G is wearing a red coat, purple trousers and a black and hat.
Person H is wearing purple trousers.
Person I is wearing a long coat and brown trousers.
2. З’єднай слова та фрази з людьми на малюнку.
beautiful eyes – F; big ears – E; a brown beard – G; dark hair – A, B, D, H; fat – D; long hair – A; old – G; a red nose – C; short – H; short hair – D, H; slim – A, B, C, E, F, G, H, I; tall – C, D, G, I; young – H.
3. Прочитай повідомлення по малюнку. Доповни речення.
Mike's mum is person A. Mike's uncle is person G. Mike's dad is person C. Mike's aunt is person B.
4. Доповни речення словами з розмови.
1. Mike’s mum is wearing a long blue skirt and a white shirt.
2. She’s got long dark hair. 3. She’s tall/slim.
4. Mike’s dad’s got a big red nose and red hair.
5. Mike’s uncle is wearing a red jacket.
6. He’s got a big beard.
1. Перепиши таблицю в свій зошит. Потім доповни її словами і фразами з впр.1 та 2.
He/She’s (has) got: dark hair, short hair, long hair, a brown beard, a red nose, beautiful eyes, big ears
He/She’s (is): tall, short, slim, fat, young, old
He/She’s (is) wearing: a long skirt, a red T-shirt, a white coat, a red dress, a little hat, yellow trousers, blue trousers.
2. Подивись на скорочення в цих реченнях. Напиши is або has.
1. He’s wearing my new jeans! is
2. She’s got lots of shoes. has;
3. He’s very old and he’s got grey hair. is, has;
4. She’s got blue eyes and a small nose. has;
5. He’s wearing a beautiful new digital watch. is

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас Підручник Коста Вільямс 2022 НУШ Лінгвіст
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