ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Підручник [Коста Д., Вільямс М.] 2022

icon01.04.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon3 839, icon0

12. Working life - 13. Places (Стор. 72 - 83)
1. З’єднай слова з рамочки з фото A-J.
A. lorry driver; B. footballer; C. firefighter; D. journalist; E. musician; F. photographer; G. waiter; H. doctor; I. farmer; J. nurse.
2. Склади правдиві речення. Порівняй зі своїми партнерами.
Наприклад: A lorry driver drives around the world. A footballer runs a lot. A firefighter helps a lot. A journalist writes news stories. A musician makes music. A photographer takes pictures. A waiter works in a café or restaurant. A doctor helps people feel better. A farmer grows food. A nurse wears special clothes.
4. Які професії виглядають цікавими для тебе? Які виглядають нудними?
Such professions like journalist, footballer, photographer and firefighter look interesting for me. Profession of a farmer looks boring for me
1. Подивись на речення А та В. Прочитай речення з аудіювання. З’єднай речення 1-8 з реченнями A-B.
1. He’s teaching her how to swim. B
2. She isn’t playing her guitar now. B
3. He drives all over Europe. A
4. He sometimes goes to Africa. A
5. Today he’s trying to catch a fish! B
6. She works in a restaurant every evening. A
7. She isn’t working now. B
8. She’s taking a photo of Tony. B
2. Доповни речення Present Simple (Теперішній неозначений) або Present Continuous (Теперішній тривалий).
1. We use the present simple to talk about what we do every day.
2. We use the present simple to talk about what we always/sometimes/never do.
3. We use the present continuous to talk about what we are doing now.
3. Доповни розмову дієсловами з дужок. Використай Present Simple чи Present Continuous.
1) Amy: Has your brother got a job? Dan: Yes, he has. He drives a taxi. Amy: Really? Does he drive you to school every day? Dan: No, of course not!
2) Serhii: What does your dad do? Vitalii: He works in a restaurant. Serhii: That’s interesting. Vitalii: But he isn’t working now. He is cooking our dinner. Serhii: Oh, good!
3) Jess: Hi, Millie. It’s Jess here. I’m in Jamaica. What are you doing? Millie: I’m in bed! Jess: Oh, sorry! I am sitting on the beach and I am eating a big ice cream. Millie: Lovely!
5. Кім працюють члени вашої родині? Як ви думаєте, що вони зараз роблять?
My dad works as a driver. He is now driving a car. My mother works as a shop assistant. Now she is talking to a customer.
1. Прочитай розповідь. Вибери правильні слова.
Picture 1: Hannah thinks it’s easy to be a waitress.
Picture 3: Hannah thinks it’s not easy to be a waitress.
2. Прочитай розповідь знову та з’єднай запитання з відповідями.
1. Who wants a drink? – c. Table 3
2. Who wants some food? – a. Table 1
3. Who has a dirty table? – b. Table 2
3. З'єднай слова з рамочки з фото A-K.
A. salt; B. pepper; C. glass; D. cup; E. plate; F. bowl; G. sugar; H. fork; I. knife; J. spoon; K. bottle.
1. З’єднай запитання 1-3 з реченнями а-с.
1. Can 1 have some coffee, please? – b. He’s asking for something.
2. Can 1 go home now, please? – a. She wants to do something.
3. Can you clean this table, please? – c. He’s asking a person to do something.
2. Доповни запитання з Can та Can you. Потім запиши відповіді.
1. A: Can I watch TV, please, Dad? B: Ok.
2. A: Can I use your digital camera? I want to take a photo of your baby brother. B: Ok.
3. A: Can you put these books on the table, pleas? B: Ok.
4. A: Can you help me with my homework? B: Ok.
5. Can I have an egg for breakfast, Mum? B: Ok.
4. Вибери правильну відповідь, щоб доповнити розповідь.
Waiter: Good afternoon.
Woman: Oh, hello. Can I have a cup of coffee, please?
Waiter: Yes, of course. Would you like some sugar with that?
Woman: Yes, please.
Waiter: And would you like anything to eat?
Woman: Yes, please. Can I have an egg sandwich?
Waiter: Yes, of course.
1. Прочитай, подумай та дай відповідь. Обсуди з партнером.
1. I use computer very often each week.
2. I use my computer at home.
3. Yes, I do.
4. Yes, I do. I send messages to my relatives and friends.
5. I look at websites every day.
4. Вибери правильні слова, щоб доповнити речення.
1. It isn’t a good idea to use your name on the internet.
2. Never meet people you ‘know’ on the internet.
3. There are age limits on social media sites.
4. All websites aren’t good for young people.
5. It’s a bad idea to put photos of you and your friends on the internet.
5. Подивись на вікторину знову. З’єднай дієслова з словами.
1. use – b. the internet 2. be – a. safe 3. join – e. social media sites 4. surf – c. the internet 5. put – d. photos online
6. Використай фрази з впр. 5 щоб доповнити речення.
1. Be careful and be safe on the internet!
2. When you put photos online, lots of people can see them.
3. Use the Internet on your computer. It can help you do your homework.
4. You can join social media when you are 13 years old.
5. Surf the internet to find information about your hobbies and learn new things.
7. Послухай коротку розповідь. Кібербулінг – добре чи погано?
It is bad.
8. Послухай розмову про кібербулінг. Доповни речення.
When someone isn’t nice to you on the internet, speak to an adult. (c)
9. Послухай знову. Зєднай запитання з відповідю.
1. How can someone be bad to you on the internet? – c. They can put bad emails or photos of you online.
2. What can you do about it? – a. You can show the emails to an adult.
3. What can we all do to stop cyber bullying? – b. When another person needs help, you can tell an adult.
10. Доповни таблицю.
DO • show bad emails to your parents • talk to an adult • be safe on the Internet • send polite messages
DON’T • answer bad messages • put photos online • give your phone number • give your adress
1. З’єднай дієслова з іменниками та склади фрази роботи по будинку. Деякі дієслова мають більш ніж одну відповідь.
сarry the shopping, clean the bath, cook the lunch, do the washing up, do the shopping, feed the cat, feed the dog, tidy your bedroom, walk the dog.
2. Доповни речення словами з рамочки.
1. Can I have a bowl of vegetable soup, please?
2. I’m a big fan of that singer. I try and go to every concert.
3. My parents buy a newspaper every day. They like to read about what’s happening in the world.
4. Please can I have a knife to cut my apple?
5. Eat more vegetables. You’ll feel better.
6. We can join the athletics club. I love running.
7. Can I use your smartphone, please? I need to check something on the internet.
8. I always take a bottle of water with me when I go running.
3. Постав літери в правильному порядку, щоб отримати слова професій.
1. lorry driver; 2. journalist; 3. nurse; 4. doctor; 5. waiter; 6. firefighter; 7. photographer; 8. musician
1. Доповни речення відкриваючи дужки в Present Simple чи Present Continuous.
1. Hey! You are sitting on my bag.
2. She does her homework in the evenings. She doesn’t watch TV.
3. Is he helping his dad? No, he isn’t.
4. What do they eat for breakfast at the weekend?
5. We are not playing now. We are making a film.
6. Listen! My brother is practicing the piano.
7. Are you wearing your new T-shirt?
8. They are not riding their bikes at the moment. They are walking.
3. Спитай та дай відповіді з партнером.
1. How often do you go to drama club?
2. How often do you clean the bathroom?
3. How often do you eat biscuits in bed?
4. How often do you help your friends with their homework?
5. How often do you make cakes in cookery club?
6. How often do you watch a movie with your parents?
1. Прочитай про Андрія. Потім прочитайте речення 1-8 та напишіть так чи ні.
1. There are three children in Andrii’s family. Yes
2. Dmytro is seventeen. Yes
3. Andrii’s sister is called Lina. Yes
4. Lina and Dmytro are brothers. No
5. Lina likes using smartphones. No
6. Dmytro doesn’t like reading. Yes
7. Dmytro likes cooking. Yes
8. Andrii doesn’t like playing sport. No
1. Подивіться на малюнок в кафе та слова в рамочці. Щось не вистачає. запитайте.
А. knife; B. salt; C. sugar; D. glass; E. plate.
1. Подивись на фото Розі для проекту під назвою «Наше місто». Зєднай місця на фото A-J зі словами на мапі.
A. hospital; B. hotel; C. bank; D. cinema; E. museum; F. university; G. restaurant; H. station; I. park; J. supermarket.
3. Подивись слова які починаються на літеру с. Як вони вимовляються?
cafe – кафі, camera – каміра, cinema – сініма, city – сіті, coffee – кофі, colour – коло, computer – кампуто, cup – кап.
4. Доповни речення з місцями в місті.
1. You go to university to study science.
2. You go to a park to play sports outside.
3. You visit a museum to learn about the history of a town.
4. You go to a bank to get some money.
5. You wait at the station for a train.
6. You go to a supermarket to buy food and things.
7. You meet at the cinema and see a film.
8. You go to a restaurant to have a meal.
9. You stay in hospital to get better.
6. Подивись на фото та дай відповіді на запитання.
1. Do you remember the TV interview with Jose? What do Rosa and her friends learn about Jose from the interview? He is famous pop star from Brazil. He is living in Britain now
2. Who can you see in the photos? Paolo, Rosa, Joelle, Jose and some photographers.
3. Where are they? They are in the park.
4. Why do you think the photographers are there? They want to take photo.
7. Послухай. Що фотографи хочуть зробити?
They want to take photos of Jose and talk to him.
8. Послухай ще раз. Хто каже ці речення?
1. We’ve got lots of questions for him. Rosa
2. We’re waiting to take pictures of you. Rosa
3. Are there any photographers in the park? Rosa
4. I don’t want to go back there now. Jose
5. Come with us. Paola
6. This way, Jose. RUN! Joelle.
1. Подивись на таблицю та доповни речення словами та фразами з рамочки.
Is there a photographer / cinema / university here? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.
Are there any photographers / banks / museums in the town? / in this street? Yes, there are. No, there are not.
1. a; 2. there is; 3. there isn’t; 4. any; 5. there are; 6. there are not
2. Вибери правильне слово, щоб доповнити речення.
1. We use Is there a ...? to ask questions about singular nouns.
2. We use Are there any...? to ask questions about plural nouns.
3. Подивись на граматичну рамку та доповни запитання та короткі відповіді.
1. Is there a cinema in the town? No, there isn’t.
2. Are there any restaurants in this street? Yes, there are.
3. Is there a university here? No, there isn’t.
4. Are there any banks in the town? Yes, there are.
5. Is there a museum here? Yes, there is.
6. Are there any parks in the town? No, there aren’t.
1. Подивись на фото. Що ти бачиш?
At the photos I can see a street with nice cafes, a wonderful water park with huge slides, a zoo and a candy shop.
2. Прочитай текст та з’єднай їх з фото.
Kate – B, Ruby – C, Arturo – A, Jan – D
3. Прочитай текст та дай відповіді на запитання.
1. Where does Kate live? Kate lives in Odessa, Ukraine.
2. Where is the chocolate factory? The chocolate factory is in Bruges, Belgium.
3. Which animals does Ruby like? Ruby likes giraffes.
4. When does Arturo go to the restaurant? Arturo goes to the restaurant every week.
5. Who wants to work in a factory? Jan wants to work in a factory.
6. Who likes the water? Kate likes the water.
4. Знайди прикметники в тексті.
Kate: great, safe, beautiful, cheap
Ruby: great, expensive, tall
Arturo: little, great, expensive
Jan: interesting, important
5. Прочитай приклад та дай відповіді на запитання.
What is very important? (the factory)
Adjectives tell us more about nouns.
6. Напиши протилежне до прикметників.
cheap – expensive; short – tall; boring – interesting
7. Прочитай текст на стор.82 знову. Яке місце тобі подобається найбільше. Чому?
I like water entertainment park most of all. I can spend nice time there on different huge and small slides.
1. Подивись на картинку. Доповни речення, використовуючи прийменники above, below, inside, near, outside.
A. The clock is inside the door. B. The pet fish is outside the house. C. The cat is near the house. D. The dog is above the door. E. The ball is below he window.
2. Подивись на малюнок. Доповни речення з прийменниками з впр.1.
1. Jack’s flat is above the restaurant. 2. Jack is inside his flat. 3. The supermarket is below the cafe. 4. There’s a car outside the supermarket. It’s not in the supermarket! 5. The cafe is above the supermarket.
3. Напиши запитання. Потім запитай та дай відповіді.
1. What is outside the window? – A car is outside the window. 2. What have you got on the wall above your bed? – I have got a picture on the wall above my bed. 3. Is there a cinema near your house? – Yes, there is a cinema near my house. 4. Are there any exercises below near this one? – Yes, there are.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас Підручник Коста Вільямс 2022 НУШ Лінгвіст
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