ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Підручник [Коста Д., Вільямс М.] 2022

icon01.04.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon3 880, icon0

20. Animals - Extra activities (Стор. 116 - 125)
1. З’єднай тварин з фото A-J.
A. giraffe; B. leopard; C. crocodile; D. snake; E. bear; F. tiger; G. kangaroo; H. elephant; I. zebra; J. monkey
3. Прочитай про найкращий літній відпочинок Алесандро та вибери найкращий заголовок.
c. My fantastic summer!
Був початок шкільних канікул, і мені було нудно! Потім зателефонувала подруга моєї мами Джесс. У неї є невеликий сафарі-парк, і їй потрібна була допомога на один день. О сьомій ранку наступного дня Джесс прогулялася зі мною сафарі-парком і показала мені всіх різних тварин. Найбільше мені сподобалися жирафи з їхніми дивовижними темно-синіми язиками. Після цього я почав працювати. По-перше, я носив їжу в різні тваринники. Я чекав надворі й дивився, як працівники годували тварин. Тигри та ведмеді були дуже голодні й швидко доїли всю їжу. Мавпи шумно грали з їжею. Вони не були голодні! Потім я почистив кілька будинків для тварин. Я навіть зміїний будинок прибрав! Після обіду сафарі-парк відкрився для відвідувачів. Я працював у касі – брав гроші з відвідувачів і давав їм інформацію про сафарі-парк. Більшість людей хотіли знати час годування крокодила, тому що це цікаво спостерігати. Сафарі-парк закрився о 5 вечора. Мені дуже сподобався день, і Джесс попросила мене повернутися та допомогти наступного дня. Зрештою, я два тижні допомагав у сафарі-парку, і це було просто фантастично.
4. Прочитай текс знову. Речення правдиві чи ні? Виправ неправильні речення.
1. Alessandro’s dad’s friend wanted help at the beginning of the holidays. False. Alessandro’s mum's friend wanted help at the beginning of the holiday.
2. Parts of the giraffes’ bodies were blue. True
3. There were several animal houses at the safari park. True
4. The monkeys were hungry. False. The monkeys were hungry.
5. There weren’t any snakes in the safari park. False. There were snakes in the safari park.
6. Alessandro was busy with the animals all day. False. Alessandro was busy with the animals in the morning and was with visitors in the afternoon.
7. The crocodiles were very popular with the visitors. True
8. Alessandro was very happy working at the safari park. True
1. Подивись на приклади. Вибери правильні слова щоб доповнити речення 1, 2 та 3.
1. We add -ed to the verb to make the past simple.
2. The verb ending for the past simple is the same for I, you, he, she, it, we and they.
3. We use the past simple to talk about actions at a point of time in the past.
2. Подивись на текст на веб сторінці. Згайдидієслова в минулому часі.
asked, cleaned, closed, enjoyed, finished, helped, liked, needed, opened, played, showed, waited, walked, wanted, watched, worked
3. Постав дієслова в правильну колонку в таблиці.
+ed: asked, cleaned, enjoyed, finished, helped, needed, opened, played, showed, waited, walked, wanted, watched, worked;
+d: closed, liked; y
= ied: none
4. Доповни речення з одним з дієслів з впр.2
1. Last summer, I worked with my dad in his shop.
2. She played with toy animals when she was a child.
3. I walked to school with my friends yesterday morning.
4. They watched some TV yesterday evening.
5. My brother carried one of my bags of shopping for me.
6. I opened the window because it was hot in the room.
7. We waited a long time for the bus. It was very late!
8. I needed to go shopping because there wasn’t any bread in the house.
6. Працюй в парах. Поговори про минулі вихідні, використовуючи дієслова в рамочці А і часові форми в рамочці В.
On Sunday evening, I played football. I liked it a lot. Last Saturday morning, I visited my grandparents.
1. З'єднай слова в рамочці з фотографіями A-H.
A. a dog and a puppy; B. a mouse; C. a bird; D. a donkey; E. a rabbit; F. a cat and a kitten; G. a sheep; H. a cow
2. Напиши множину тварин з впр 1.
birds, cats, cows, dogs, donkeys, kittens, mice, puppies, rabbits, sheep.
4. Послухай частину радіо інтерв’ю. Зара розмовляє з Джімом Кларком, керівником, про її та її сімейних тварин. Скільки тварин має Зара? Про яких членів своєї сім'ї вона говорить?
five (me personally, I have got a cat and four fish), brother, mum, dad
5. Послухай знову інтерв’ю та дай відповіді на запитання.
1. Which animal(s): is/are three years old? Her cat is three years old.
2. Which animal(s): lives/live in her bedroom? Her fish lives in her bedroom.
3. Which animal(s): was/were a present? Her cat was a present.
4. Which animal(s): is/are better than watching television? The fish is better than watching a television.
5. Which animal(s): is/are white? Her brother's mice is white.
6. Which animal(s): looks/look sad. Her mother's bird looks sad.
7. Which animal(s): lives/live in the fields? Donkeys, sheep, cows live in the fields.
8. Which animal(s): likes / like the sheep now? The dog likes the sheep now.
1. Подивись на приклад. Вибери правильні слова щоб доповнити речення 1 та 2.
1. We use didn’t and a verb to make the past simple negative for I, you, he, she, it, we and they.
2. We don’t add -ed to the main verb to make the past simple negative.
2. Напиши в минулому заперечні форми дієслова.
1. didn’t practice 4. didn’t study 7. didn’t remember 2. didn’t stop 5. didn’t change 8. didn’t carry
3. Доповни речення запереченням з дієсловами з дужечок в минулому часі.
1. You didn’t show me your new kitten yesterday. Can I see it now?
2. I’m unhappy because Felix didn’t invite me to his party last week.
3. We didn’t visit the safari park yesterday because it was closed.
4. Last summer, the Jones family didn’t travel by train. They used their car.
5. The school bus didn’t wait for me yesterday so I was late for school.
6. My dad didn’t cook pizza last night. He cooked fish and chips.
4. Прочитай розповідь та підкресли усі дієслова. Потім напиши розповідь в минулому часі.
Maksym lived with his parents in the city. He didn’t enjoy living in the city. Once a month, Maksym visited his parents' friends in the country. They didn’t live in a village, they lived on a farm by a river. Maksym enjoyed his time there. Maksym talked to his parents. There was a good school near their friends house. He wanted to go to that school and live with parents' friends and to help them on the farm. So Maksym changed schools and helped his parents friends on the farm every day. His parents decided to move to the country, too. Now Maksym, his parents and their friends all live together on the farm.
Life Skills. Collaboration
1. Прочитай, подумай та дай відповідь. Обсуди з партнером.
1. Where do you like going with friends? I like going to the park with friends.
2. What food do you like eating with friends? We like eating pizza with friends.
3. What is your favourite film? Why? My favourite film is Pirate of Carribien.
4. Do you find it difficult to choose a film with friends? Why / Why not? No, it is not. We like to watch comedies.
2. Прочитай постер до фільму. Дай відповіді на запитання.
1. What film do you want to see? Why? I want to see Looking for Gold, because I like adventures.
2. What other films do you know that look like these three films? I know Pirate of Carribian.
3. Прочитай розмову. Який фільм ти хочеш побачити? Чому?
We want to see Wizard Academy 3 because they all like films about wizards.
4. Прочитай постер знову. Зєднай фільми 1-3 з словами а-с.
1. Looking for Gold – b. exciting
2. Wizard Academy – c. magic
3. Planet Aliens – a. funny
5. Прочитай повідомлення знову. Дай відповіді на запитання.
1. What film does Clare want to see? Why? She wants to see Wizard Academy
3, because she likes films about wizards.
2. What film doesn’t Tom want to see? Tom doesn’t want to see Planet Aliens. 3. What film does Tom want to see? Tom wants to see Looking for Gold.
4. Does Beth want to see the same film as Tom? No, she doesn’t.
5. What film does Beth want to see? She wants to see Wizard Academy 3.
6. Познач картинки 1-6 з виділеними словами в повідомленні. Потім познач слова з значеннями a-f.
1. – explorers – b. They go on adventures and find things.
2. – animals – e. Crocodiles and kangaroos are other examples.
3. – wizards – a. They can do magic.
4. – aliens – c. They don’t live on our planet.
5. – superheroes – f. They can do special things and they stop bad people.
6. – real people – d. They are like you and me.
7. Послухай Клер, Тома та Бет. Дайте відповіді на запитання.
What three things do they have on their pizza? They have cheese, tomato and vegetables on their pizza.
9. З’єднай фрази 1-3 з малюнками a-c.
1. I really like vegetables. A.
2. I really don’t like fish. C.
3. I think egg is OK. B.
10. Подивись на малюнок та напиши три речення. Використай фрази з впр.9
1. I think apples are ok.
2. I really like bananas.
3. I really don’t like tomatoes
1. Склади речення з прикметниками в рамочці. Є більше ніж одна відповідь.
1. Your school bag is older than my school bag.
2. Jose da Silve is more famous than our teacher.
3. A visit to the safari park is more exciting than a trip to a museum.
4. Writing English is easier than speaking English.
5. Films are more interesting than books.
6. Going on holiday is more expensive than staying at home.
2. Доповни розмову з словами з рамочки.
1. A: Did you go to Sam’s party on Saturday evening? B: Yes. I went with Paulina.
2. A: I waited for you until two o’clock! Where were you? B: I was in my guitar lesson. I always have a guitar lesson on Monday.
3. A: Were you at this school last year? B: No, I wasn’t. I started here in September.
4. A: Where did you go on holiday last year? B: I stayed with my friend in Spain for two weeks.
3. Прочитай та доповни розповідь. Використай Минулий неозначений час.
Logan lived in a flat in New York. Every day he travelled to school by bus. He didn’t walk to school because the school was a long way from his house. One day, Logan wanted to get to school before his friends. He started to walk because it was too early for the bus. He walked and walked or an hour. Where was the school? He asked a man in a shop, ‘Do you know where Main Street School is?’ ‘Yes,’ the man answered. It’s only five minutes from here.’ When Logan arrived at school he was very happy because he wasn’t late for class.
1. Гевін багато подорожував цього року. Яка була погода? Послухай та обведи.
January: rain; February: cold; March: warm; April: wind; May: hot; June: warm
1. Зроби інтерв’ю з дослідником. Склади запитання в минулому та теперішньому. Запитай та дай відповідь з партнером.
1. Where do you go?
2. Where was your last trip?
3. What kind of food do you prefer?
4. How long did you stay there?
5. Why did you go to England?
6. Who did you go with?
1. Хайку – це коротка розповідь в три рядка. Хайку зазвичай про погоду. Прочитай хайку 1-5 та з’єднай їх малюнками A-E.
1. Snow on the cold glass, but inside it’s warm. E
2. Summer night - in bed not but sleeping, listening to the rain. C
3. Long summer days, there’s no school for months. Why am I sad? D
4. The beach in winter, cold wind in my face, water in my shoes. B
5. First snow of winter, all the trees have new clothes. A
5. Напиши короткі відповіді до запитань.
• Are you bored today? No, I am not.
• Is your teacher nice? Yes, she is.
• Is the classroom hot today? No, it is not.
• Are your parents funny? Yes, they are.
• Are you Brazilian? No, I am not.
• Is your friend sad today? No, he isn’t.
2. Вибери правильні слова щоб доповнити запитання. Потім познач свою відповідь.
1. How much fruit do you eat in a week? 1. I eat lots.
2. How many books have you got in your bag? 2. I haven’t got any.
3. How much bread do you eat in a day? 2. I eat some.
4. How much tennis do you play in a week? 3. I don’t play any.
5. How many board games have you got? 3. I’ve got some.
6. How much cooking do you do at home? 2. I do some.
Доповни діалог.
A: Can I help you?
B: I need a jeans.
A: Yes, of course.
B: Sorry. This is too big.
A: OK. Do you like this?
B: How much are they?
A: It’s 50 pence.
B: Here you are.
A: Thank you.
A: Would you like to try them on?
B: Yes, please.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас Підручник Коста Вільямс 2022 НУШ Лінгвіст
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