ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Зошит до підручника Карп'юк [Косован О.] 2019

icon15.01.2019, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon21 567, icon0

Lesson 2. All about my class
1. Listen to the text (PB, p. 16. ex. 1) and write answers.
1. How does David look like?
He has got curly bought gair and brown eyes.
2. Who is his best triend?.
He is best friend Adam.
3. What is David good at?
He is good at Maths and basketball
2. Stick your photo and write a short message to your pen-frien|p about yourself as in the example.
Olia is eight years old.
She’s from Kyiv. She's tall. She’s got blond wavy hair and blue eyes. She’s good at Art.
I am twelve years old. I'm from Kyiv. I am not very talk. Live got dark hair and blue eyes. I am goot at sports.
3. Choose the correct variant to complete each sentence.
1. Look at them.
(A them)
В they
C their
2. Do you want to play a computer game with me?
A my
(В me)
C mine
3. Do you know her?
A she
В his
(C her)
4. Can you understand us?
A they
(В us)
C we
4. Fill in have got or has got, write the questions and negations.
1. Jane blond curly hair.
2. Anna and Tom have got a dog. Have Anna and Tom got dog? Anna and Tom haven't got a dog.
3. My brother has got pen-friends. Has my brother got pen-friends? My brother hasn't got pen-friends.
5. Make up the sentences as in the example.
1. has / blond / hair. / She / got
She has got blond hair.
2. a / got / they / car? / Have / new
Have they got a new car?
3. has / a / not / He / computer. / got
He has not got a computer.
4. you / friends? / Have / many / got
Have you got many friends?
6. Write what the time is as in the example.
1. It's a quarter past twelve.
2. It's quar-er to six.
3. It's half past eight.
4. It's quarter past ten.
5. It's quarter to seven.
7. Match the questions to the answers.
What’s the day today? - Today is Saturday.
Who has got curly hair? - Ann is eleven and a half.
What’s the time? - It’s quarter past four.
Have you got the best friend? - Yes, his name is Taras.
Who is good at Gymnastics? - Pam is good at Gymnastics.
Who is eleven and a half? - Denys has got curly hair.
8. Answer the questions.
1. What is your name?
My name is Stephan Levko.
2. How old are you?
I am twelve years old.
3. How do you look like?
I am not very tall. I have got dark hair and hazel eyes.
4. What are you crazy about?
I am crazy about computer games.
5. Is your family big?
My family is qnite big.
6. What are you good at?
I am good at sports.
9. Write an essay (5-6 sentences) about one of your classmates.
Petro Demchuh is one of my classmates. He is also one of me best friends. Petro is eleven years old. He is got fair hair and blue eyes. He is got a big family. Petro is crazy about computers and computers games. But he is also very good at English.

iconГДЗ 5 клас Англійська мова Робочий зошит Зошит Косован 2019 Підручники і посібники Карпюк Карп'юк
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