ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Голгомб Ґаран, Коста Джоанна] 2022

icon06.09.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon69 026, icon6

Unit 2. My family.
Сторінка 12
Vocabulary and reading.
1. Look at the pictures. Complete the table with the words in the box.

2. Write the word. Use words from Exercise 1
0. parents and children;
1.son and daughter;
2.husband and wife;
3.brother and sister;
4.m other and father;
5.mum and dad.
3. Write about your family.
Maria is my mother. Michael is my father.
4. Read the email. What nationality is Selen?
Selen is Turkish.
Привіт Ольга, Дуже дякую за твій електронний лист і фотографії вашої родини та вашої країни, України. Скільки років твоїй сестрі? Мені теж 13 років! Подивіться на моє фото - це я з новим телефоном! Це фото моєї родини. Моя родина турецька. Ми з міста під назвою Ізмір. Ізмір знаходиться в Туреччині. Мою маму звуть Ділан, а тата - Алі. Мою сестру звати Азра. їй 11 років. Нашому братові п'ять років. Його звати Хасан. Він дуже смішний хлопчик! З любов'ю від, Селін.
5. Read again. Match the names to the family words.
1. Azra - b. sister; 2. Ali - c. father; 3. Hasan - d. brother; 4. Dilan - a. mother.
6. Read again. Are the sentences right (V) or wrong (X)?
1.Olha is 15. wrong
2.Olha is from Ukraine. right
3.Selen is from Izmir. right
4.Selen is 14 years old. wrong
5.Azra is five years old. wrong
6.Hasan is very funny. right
Сторінка 13
1. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences. Write Billy's or Laura's.
0. Liam is Laura's son. 1. Liam is Billy’s brother. 2. Holly is Billy’s sister.
3. Holly is Laura's daughter. 4. Nick is Laura's husband. 5. Nick is Billy's father.
2. Complete the table.
1.1 - my; 2. you - your; 3. he - his; 4. she - her; 5. we - our; 6. they - their.
3. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
0. I'm Liam and Hotly is my sister.
1.Laura and Nick are our parents.
2.Laura is our I their mum.
3.Nick is our dad.
4.We're their children.
5.I'm their son.
6.Holly is their daughter.
4. Complete the text with our or their.
My name is Luis and this is my sister Mariana. We are from Mexico. This is our family.
Our parents are Sandra and Esteban. Sandra is our mum. Esteban is our dad. We're their children. I'm their son. Mariana is their daughter.
Сторінка 14
Vocabulary and listening.
1. Put the letters in the right order to male adjectives.
0, hot; 1 - sad; 2 - nice; 3. Your friend's tired; 4 - bored; 5 - clever; 6 - happy; 7 - hungry; 8 - funny.
2. Complete the sentences. Use the words from Exercise 1.
1.I'm bored; 2. Our baby sister's happy; 3. Your friend's clever; 4. Your teacher's nice; 5. Your dad's funny; 6. I'm hungry; 7. You and your friends are hot; 8. We're tired; 9. Your sister's sad.
3. Listen to the conversation. Where is Hanna from?
Hanna is from Ukraine,
4. Listen to the conversation again. Choose the right sentence (V).
0. - A. Hanna is Alex's friend. 1. - B. Hanna's family is from Ukraine. 2. - B. Alex's dad is from Ukraine. 3. - B. Alex and Hanna aren't hungry. 4. - A. The film is sad.
Сторінка 15
1. Complete the questions with Is or Are.
1. Are you Chinese? 2. Are your parents Ukrainian? 3. Is it Monday? 4. Are you tired? 5. Is your English teacher clever? 6. Are you hungry? 7. Is your friend funny? 8. Are you bored?
2. Answer the questions in Exercise 1 so they are true for you.
1. No, I am not, 2. Yes, they are, 3. No, it isn't. 4. No, I am not. 5. Yes, she is. 6. Yes, I am. 7. Yes, he is. 8. No, I am not.
3. Read the sentences. Write the questions and short answer.
1.Is Sophie happy? - Yes, she is.
2.Is James bored? - No, he isn't.
3.Are your friends hungry? - No, they aren't.
4.Is your classroom hot? - No, it isn't.
5.Is your sister funny? - Yes, she is.
6.Is your mum clever? - Yes, she is.
4. Put the words in the right order to make questions.
1.Where are you from?
2.When is your birthday?
3.What is your phone number?
4.Where are your friends?
1. Correct the sentences with capital letters.
1.Volodymyr's from Ukraine. 2. He's Ukrainian. 3. He's fourteen years old. 4. Today he's tired!
2. Read the description. Complete the table.
Привіт! Я Ліам. Це фото моєї подруги. Її звати Емі. Вона в моєму класі в школі. Вона смішна. Емі австралійка. Вона з Мельбурна в Австралії. Емі 12 років. Сьогодні вона щаслива - у неї день народження!
1. name Amy; 2. age twelve; 3. nationality Australian; 4. today she is happy.
3.Write about your friend. Remember to use capital letters and full stops.
My name is Maksym. My friends name is Dima. He is 11 years old. He is clever. He is from Ukraine. Today he is funny.

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