ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Голгомб Ґаран, Коста Джоанна] 2022

icon06.09.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon58 690, icon5

Unit 20. Animals.
Сторінка 84
Vocabulary and Reading.
1. Complete the animal names.
1 - crocodile; 2 - tiger; 3 - monkey; 4 - elephant; 5 - bear;
2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. A snake is a long, thin animal. It hasn't got any legs.
2. A giraffe has got a long neck, it is a big animal and lives in Africa.
3. A zebra looks like a horse. It has black and white lines on its body and lives in Africa.
4. A leopard is a big cat. It is yellow with black spots. It lives in Africa and Asia.
5. A kangaroo moves by jumping. It lives in Australia.
3. Read Kim's blog about her trip to Kenya. Answer the questions.
1. Who works at a museum? - Kim’s brother works at a museum,
2. Where does Kim's father work? - Kim’s father works in London Zoo.
3. Where does Kim's m other work? - Kim’s mother works at a university,
4. How many guides were there? - There were two guides.
5. Where were Kim and her family on their holiday? They were in Kenya, in Africa,
6. Which animals were near the tall trees? - Giraffes were near the tall trees.
Було спекотне літо. Я був в Африці з родиною. Ми дуже раділи цій поїздці, тому що всі в моїй родині люблять тварин. Мій брат працює в Музеї природної історії в Лондоні, тато працює в Лондонському зоопарку, а мама є зоологом в університеті - вона вивчає тварин на своїй роботі. Я ще вчуся в школі, але хочу бути ветеринаром, лікарем для тварин. Ця поїздка була чудовою, Ми їхали у сільську місцевість у великій вантажівці. Нам допомагали два гіда. Я поставив їм багато запитань: «Чи є леви?» Які види змій існують? Скільки жирафів живе в цій частині Кенії?» Гіди відповіли на всі мої запитання. Після двадцяти хвилин шляху один із гідів крикнув: «Дивіться!» Перед нами слони — їх десять! Вони йшли повільно. Вони були гарні. Через кілька хвилин другий гід вигукнув: «Дивіться!». Біля групи високих дерев росли жирафи. Вони були такі високі! Наша перша поїздка до Кенії була особливою - усім сподобалося. Було так багато дивовижних тварин. Ми плануємо повернутися наступного року!
Сторінка 85
1. Match the verbs with their past simple ending.
1. helped; 5. changed; 9. studied;
2.phoned; 6. showed; 10. closed.
3.played; 7. liked;
4.cleaned; 8. started;
2. Write the past simple of the verbs.
1 - invited; 2 - lived; 3 - loved; 4 - walked; 5 - asked; 6 - wanted; 7 - worked; 8 - opened; 9 - carried.
3. Complete the sentences with verbs from Exercise 2.
1.Milo usually cycles to school, but on Monday morning, he walked to school with his sister.
2.After school on Wednesday, Paula and Marta were at a concert with their mother. They loved it!
3.My mum worked at a university before she became a teacher.
4.The science museum opened at 9. Dad and I were the first ones there!
5.Sam wanted to go to the park yesterday, but it was too cold.
6.On Friday, my friend invited me to her birthday party.
7.When Robbie was younger his grandparents lived near his house, but now they live in a different city.
8.On Tuesday, Helena's maths teacher asked her a difficult question.
9.My friend carried my books for me because they were heavy.
4. Look at the pictures. Write sentences in the past simple. Use the verbs in the box.
1.The children played football.
2.He cleaned his bedroom.
3.She talked on the phone.
4.The children walked to school.
5. Complete the text. Use the verbs in the box in the past simple.
1. What a day! I'm so tired. This morning I cleaned my room. After that I washed the car with my sister and my dad. It was so dirty! In the afternoon, I studied for next week's history test. When I finished studying, I played football in the garden. After that, it was time for dinner. I was hungry, I carried the clean plates, knives and forks to the table. In the evening, I watched some music videos online and now it's time to go to sleep.
Сторінка 86
Vocabulary and listening
1. Look at the photos. Choose the correct words.
1 - bird; 2 - mouse; 3 - donkey; 4 - sheep; 5 - dog; 6 - rabbit; 7 - kitten; 8 - cow,
2. Write the plural form.
1 - dogs; 2 - puppies; 3 - birds; 4 - cats; 5 - kittens; 6 - cows; 7 - donkeys; 8 - sheep; 9 - rabbits; 10 - mice,
3. Write F for farm animal, P for pet or B for both.
1. rabbit - P; 2. mouse - B; 3. bird - B; 4. dog - B; 5. kitten - B; 6. puppy - B; 7. cow - F; 8. sheep - F; 9. donkey - F; 10. cat - B,
4. Listen to the radio programme. What unusual pets has Logan got?
Snakes and mice
5. Listen again. Put the sentences in the order you hear them.
1 - D; 2 - G; 3 - B; 4 - C; 5 - A; 6 - F; 7 - E.
D. My first unusual pet was a snake.
G. We've got a kind of zoo for snakes.
B.Have you got any other unusual pets?
C.The mice sometimes come into the house.
A. Would you like to have other animals as pets?
F. I'd love to have monkeys, crocodiles and elephants.
E. We'd like to have a zoo to help animals that are sick and need help.
Сторінка 87
1. Write the negative form of these verbs
1 - didn't answer; 2 - didn't live; 3 - didn't love; 4 - didn't start; 5 - didn't want; 6 - didn't work; 7 - didn't study; 8 - didn't walk; 9 - didn't change; 10 - didn't clean; 11 - didn't enjoy.
2. Match to make sentences.
1.Steven was tired and he didn't - b. want to play basketball.
2.The exam wasn't difficult and Jon - a, answered all the questions.
3.Rachel's pizza was too big. She didn't - d. eat it all.
4.Cory is 20 years old. He loves sport now but he didn't - f. like it when he was 11!
5.Malcolm was a teacher. He didn't - c. work in a hospital.
6.Ian's homework wasn't easy. He didn't - e. finish it until ten o'clock at night.
3. Write the negative form of the sentences.
1.My brother didn't finish primary school in July.
2.I didn't love watching TV when I was a baby.
3.My friend didn't start English lessons when she was three.
4.We didn't enjoy the birthday party at the weekend.
5.My sister didn't walk to school yesterday.
6.I didn't visit my grandparents on Sunday.
7.We didn't start Spanish class in September.
8.My sister didn't want to see the film.
9.I didn't ask lots of questions at school last week.
1. Read the story. Put the underlined verbs into the past simple.
We (1) were on holiday in the Carpathian Mountains. Mum and Dad don't like hotels — that is why we (2) were in a tent, It (3) was a bit cold at night, but we (4) enjoyed staying in the tent. It (5) was Saturday — our last night of the holiday. Everyone in my family (6) was tired, but I (7) didn't want to go to sleep. I (8) wanted to tell stories. We (9) were in our sleeping bags. Then there (i 0) was a noise. Everyone (11) listened. There (12) was the noise again! (13) Was it a bear? At that moment my sister (14) walked into the tent. 'Surprise!'
2. Look at the photos. Complete the story with the words in the box.
1. My aunt Alice phoned, She invited me to her house, She wanted to show me something. Alice lived near me. I walked there. She opened the door. "Hello my dear. Come to the garden." There was a snake in the grass. I looked at it. It moved slowly. It was beautiful.
3. Tell your own animal story. Use past simple verbs.
My sister invited me to the Zoo. We went there together. The day was nice and sunny. We saw many different animals. I enjoyed the lion most.

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