ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Голгомб Ґаран, Коста Джоанна] 2022

icon06.09.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon48 447, icon2

Unit 8. At school.
Сторінка 36
Vocabulary and listening.
1. Look at the pictures and write the words.
1 - PE; 2 - English; 3 - music; 4 - art; 5 - science; 6 - history; 7 - IT;
8 - maths; 9 - French; 10 - geography.
2. Read the sentences. Write the school subjects from Exercise 1.
1.Ready? Go! Run and kick the ball. - PE;
2.Look at your computer. - IT;
3.Have you got your guitar, Marco? - music;
4.Lisbon is in Portugal. - geography;
5.734 + 124 = 858 - maths;
6.I am, you are, he is, she is .. - English;
7.OK, everyone, please paint a picture of a horse. - art;
8.In the year 1812. Napoleon Bonaparte of France... - history;
9.Water is also called H2O. - science;
10.Bonjour! - French.
3. Listen to the conversation. Which are Ellen's favourite subjects?
Music and art.
4. Listen again. Complete Ellen's timetable.
1 - English; 2 - maths; 3 - English; 4 - maths; 5 - art; 6 - music.
5. Listen again. Are the sentences right or wrong?
0. Ellen isn't happy with her tim etable. Right
1.Maths is Ryan's favourite subject. light
2.Ellen says maths is im portant. Right
3.Ellen's lessons start at 8.00. Wrong
4.Ellen's lessons finish at 2.00. Wrong
5.Ryan has got English on Monday mornings. Wrong
Сторінка 37
1. Complete the questions with Do or Does.
1.Do your parents speak English?
2.Does your school have a film club?
3.Does your teacher catch the bus to school?
4.Do you have PE on Fridays?
5.Do your friends do their homework?
6.Does your sister go to school on Saturdays7
7.Does your brother go to your school?
8.Do you have art on Wednesdays?
2. Match the questions from Exercise 1 with the answers below.
b - 5; c - 8; d - 6; e - 3; f - 2; g - 7; h - 1; i - 4.
1. Do your parents speak English? - h. Yes, they do. They can speak Chinese, too.
2. Does your school have a film club? - f. Yes, it does. We go every Friday evening.
3. Does your teacher catch the bus to school? - e. No, she doesn't. She walks to school.
4. Do you have PE on Fridays? - i. No, we don't. We have it on Mondays. I don't like PE.
5. Do your friends do their homework? - b. Yes, they do. They do it before they have dinner.
6. Does your sister go to school on Saturdays? - d. No, she doesn't! She plays football with her friends.
7. Does your brother go to your school? - g. Yes, he does. We walk to school together.
8. Do you have art on Wednesdays? - c. Yes, I do. It's my favourite subject! I like painting and drawing.
3. Write the questions.
1.Does Eve have art on Mondays?
2.Does Eve have IT on Mondays?
3.Does Jack have history on Tuesdays?
4.Does Jack have maths on Tuesdays?
5.Does Jack have PE in the afternoon?
6.Do Eve and Jack have science in the morning?
7.Do Eve and Jack have music on Mondays?
8.Do Eve and Jack have English in the morning?
4. Look at the school time tables. Answer the questions in Exercise 3.
1.No, she doesn't. She has it on Tuesdays.
2.Yes, she does.
3.Yes, he does.
4.No, he doesn't. He has it on Mondays.
5.No, he doesn't. He has it in the morning.
6.Yes, they do.
7.Yes, they do.
8.No, they don't. They have it in the afternoon.
Сторінка 38
Vocabulary and reading.
1. Match the verbs with the pairs of definitions.
1 - c, d; 2 - g, h; 3 - k, I; 4 - I, j; 5 - a, b; 6 - e, f.
1.come to/from - c. go to a place or to where a person is; d. be from a place, e.g. a city or a country
2.get - g. arrive somewhere; h. receive something;
3.meet - k. see and speak to someone for the first time; I. see someone at a place and time;
4.see - i. use your eyes; j. visit or meet someone;
5.think - a. believe something to be true; b. have an opinion about something;
6.catch - e. take hold of something that is moving through the air, e.g.
a ball; f, get on bus or train to go somewhere arrive somewhere.
2. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs from Exercise 1. Use some verbs twice.
1.I always meet my friends in the park on Saturday afternoons.
2.I'm French. I come from Paris.
3.Would you like to come to my party on Saturday?
4.What do you think of my new coat? Do you like it?
5.I think the film starts at 6 o'clock. Let's go!
6.Can you see hat boy over here, Mum? He goes to my school.
7.I get to school at 8.45 am.
8.Do you catch the bus to school?
3. Read the dialogue. Which subject do Ava and Luiz both have on Tuesday?
4. Read the texts again. Write Ava or Luiz.
0. Luiz goes to school at seven o'clock.
1.Ava catches the bus to school.
2.Ava doesn't have lunch at home.
3.Ava goes to school in the afternoon.
4.Ava often meets friends after school.
5.Ava thinks history is interesting
6.Luiz doesn't like science.
Сторінка 39
1. Complete the questions with the words in the box.
0. Who is your favourite teacher?
1.What is your favourite sport?
2.Where do you live?
3.When does school start in the morning?
4.How often do you talk to your friends?
5.Why do you like English?
2. Match the questions in Exercise 1 to the answers.
a - 2; b - 4; c - 5; d - 3; e - 1; f - 0.
0. Who is your favourite teacher? - f. Mr Black,
1.What is your favourite sport? - e, Tennis,
2.Where do you live? - a. In Rome.
3.When does school start in the morning? - d. At 9 am.
4.How often do you talk to your friends? - b. Every day!
5.Why do you like English? - c. Because I like learning languages.
3. Put the words in the right order to make questions.
1.How often do you watch TV?
2.Where do you play football?
3.When do you get up?
4.What do you do at the weekend?
5.Who is your English teacher?
6.Why do you like swimming?
4. Answer the questions in Exercise 2 for you.
1.I watch TV every day in the evening,
2. I play football at the football field.
3.I get up at 7 o'clock.
4.I play with my friends and spend time with my family at the weekend.
5.My English teacher is Miss Marvel.
6.I like swimming because it is healthy.
1. Complete the questions in the questionnaire.
1.Where are you from? 2. What time do you go to school? 3. What's your favourite subject? 4. Why is it your favourite subject? 5. How often do you have art at school? 6. When do you do your homework in the evening or in the morning?
2. Maria goes to Thomas's school. Read about Maria then write about Thomas. Use the school questionnaire and text about Maria to help you. Thomas and school.
Thomas comes from Ukraine. He is 13 years old. He goes to school at 8 am. His favourite subject is English. He likes it because he enjoys to travel and improve his speaking skills. He always does his homework after school.
Марія і школа
Марія Дюпон родом з Парижа у Франції. їй 13 років. Вона йде до школи о 8 ранку. Її улюблений предмет - природознавство. Вона любить науку, бо її цікавить світ. Вона володіє наукою школа два дні на тиждень. Марія робить уроки ввечері.

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