ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Зошит з граматики Prepare 6. Grammar [Скрипнік І.Ю.] 2023

icon01.10.2024, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon123, icon0

Сторінка 8:
1. Доповніть речення та запитання дієсловами у формі presentsimple.
1) Our lessons always (begin) at 8.30.
2) She (doesn't) usually (go) to school by bus.
3) I usually (check) my messages before classes.
4) (Do) you always (get) a free lunch at school?
5) (Does) she (live) in a big city?
2. Доповніть речення дієсловами у формі present continuous.
1) She (isn't playing) tennis today.
2) What (are) you (doing) now?
3) A: Where's Jessica?
B: She (is preparing) her school bag.
4) They (aren't studying) at the moment, they're (listening) to music.
5) We (aren't watching) TV today. We're (playing) volleyball.
6) I (am cleaning) my teeth now. I can't talk!
7) At the moment, he (is having) breakfast.
8) Where (are) they (going) now?
3. Доповніть речення дієсловами у формі present simple та present continuous.
1) I (usually walk) to school but my (today) mum (drives) me.
2) I (often have) cereal and milk for breakfast, but (now) I (am drinking) a cup of hot chocolate.
3) My brother (usually gets up) at 7:30, but it's 8:00 (now) and he's (sleeping).
4) We (usually do) our homework in the evening, but (today) we're (watch) videos on the Internet.
5) My friend (usually goes) to hockey club after lessons, but (today) we're (playing) volleyball together.
6) We (don't always have) free lunches at school, but (today) we're (eating) fish and rice with vegetables.
7) Anna (doesn't usually have) breakfast, but she's (having) cereal with fruit.
8) My mum (often makes) breakfast for us in the morning, but (today) my sister's (making) sandwiches for me.
4. Доповніть розмову дієсловами у формі present simple чи present continuous.
1 - cook
2 - don't really like
3 - like
4 - am drinking
5 - like
6 - don't like
7 - are having
8 - makes
9 - don't like
10 - is
11 - like
12 - likes
13 - am
14 - like

Сторінка 9:
5. Доповніть розмову дієсловами у формі present simple чи present continuous.
1 - cooks
2 - prepares
3 - stays
4 - doesn't like
5 - are having
6 - do you like
7 - don't have
8 - go
9 - are having
10 - like
11 - don't really like
12 - do you like
Let's play! Доповніть вікторину словами do/does та дайте відповіді за зразком. Знайдіть відповіді в інтернеті. Порівняйте свої відповіді у парах.
1) (Does) pasta come from China? - No, it doesn't.
2) (Do) we call avocado a fruit? - Yes, we do.
3) (Does) hot chocolate have caffeine? - Yes, it does.
4) (Does) French fries come from France? - No, it doesn't.
5) (Does) a cucumber erase pen marks? - Yes, it does.
6) (Do) people drink more tea than coffee? - People drink more coffee than tea.
7) (Do) people plant vegetables in space? - Yes, they do.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова Зошит Зошит з граматики 2023 6 клас НУШ Скрипнік Лінгвіст
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