ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Зошит з граматики Prepare 6. Grammar [Скрипнік І.Ю.] 2023

icon01.10.2024, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon123, icon0

Сторінка 10:
1. Доповніть речення правильною формою дієслів з рамки.
1) Му friend really loves (playing) in the school band.
2) They hate (getting up) early in the morning.
3) I like (leaning) to play the piano. I'm quite good at it.
4) She doesn't like (staying) at home at the weekend.
5) My parents like (going) to the opera.
6) I love (singing). I want to become a famous singer.
7) I don't like (watching) concerts on TV, but I really love (going) to a concert.
8) My sister likes (teaching) music to the kids.
2. Вправте помилки у реченнях.
1) We like travelling and new places, (seeing)
2) My grandma loves in her armchair, (sitting)
3) I hate English in the evening, (studying)
4) She doesn't like in a band, but she really loves singing, (playing)
5) My cousin likes to the violin because she wants to become a famous musician, (practice)
6) When the weather is nice, we love a picnic in the park, (having)
7) Do you like TV? (watching)
8) Sandy hates giveing music lessons to her younger sister, (giving)
3. Ознайомтеся з таблицею. Складіть речення та запишіть деякі з них.
Sam really loves listening to classic music, but he doesn't like opera.
Natan hates listening to classic music, but he really loves jazz.
Rachel likes rock music, but she hates listening to classic music.
Сторінка 11:
4. Ознайомтеся з листом Кетті. Доповніть речення правильною формою дієслів з рамки.
1 - listening
2 - going
3 - playing
4 - singing
5 - studying
6 - waiting
7 - being
8 - see
5. Доповніть речення. Запишіть слова у - ingформі дієслів.
1) Wendy doesn't like (having) lunch at school.
2) I really love (going) to my gymnastics class.
3) What kind of music does she like (listening) to?
4) We don't like (having) a barbecue when it's cold outside.
5) Mike really loves (riding) a bike.
6) Does your friend like (learning) foreign languages?
7) My younger brother hates (waking) up early in the morning.
6. Доповніть речення щодо себе, своїх друзів чи родини.
1) I like listening to (pop music).
2) My dad hates (cleaning his car).
3) My family usually likes going (camping together).
4) My cousin doesn't like playing (football).
5) My mum really loves doing (gymnastics).
6) My friends like spending (time in the aqua park).
7) My aunt loves cooking (cakes).
8) My parents don't like tidying (the house).
7. Поговоріть про свої музичні смаки. Запишіть речення, використавши - ingформу дієслів.
I like making music videos and uploading them to YouTube. I like playing the guitar. I really love singing karaoke with my friends. I hate listening to classic music, but he really love hip - hop.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова Зошит Зошит з граматики 2023 6 клас НУШ Скрипнік Лінгвіст
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