ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2024
Сторінка 101
5. Work in groups. Read the texts on page 102. Describe an accident you had when you were younger. Use the questions below to help you.
I was 12 years old. I went on a skating rink with my friends. After an hour of ice skating I fell down. When I stood up I realized that I have straightened my knee. The pain was too strong.
Сторінка 102
6. Think of an accident that happened to someone you know. Make notes of how you are going to describe it.
- fell down of the bicycle;
- it happened two weeks ago near the stadium;
- he was cycling;
- people helped him to raise and called the ambulance.
Сторінка 103
1. а) Match the sentences to the
1 - He has a rash.
11 - He has a cough.
5 - He has a headache.
4 - She has a sore throat.
9 - He has a bruise.
10 - She has the flu.
2 - She has a cut.
8 - He has a stomachache.
7 - He feels dizzy.
3 - He has a toothache.
12 - He sneezes a lot.
6 - He has an earache.
b) Say how many words in the sentences are new to you. Guess their meanings, then check them in the vocabulary. Make your own sentences with them.
1. My brother has a rash which disturbs him all the time.
2. What a strong cough you have!
3. I had a terrible headache yesterday after party.
4. My sister has a sore throat so she didn't go to school today.
5. He has a big bruise after boxing.
6. Our teacher has flu so she is not at work today.
7. I am afraid of any cut.
8. My brother has a terrible stomachache after he tried this melon.
9. You can fill dizzy after spending much time on a sun.
10. I think toothache is the most terrible thing.
11. You sneeze a lot because of the blossom.
12. Do you often have an earache?
Сторінка 104
1. Read the article and choose the sentence (1-5) that best fits each gap.
People need to see doctors if they have a cough, a high temperature or some other symptoms of any disease. If you are ill, you should see your local doctor first. (3) So you have to make an appointment. As disease is usually characterised by a set of specific symptoms and signs, the doctor will ask you to describe the symptoms of your illness. Then they'll take your pulse, look at your tongue, listen to your heart and lungs and check your temperature. He or she will give you some treatment or send you to see a specialist. Specialists usually work in medical centres or in hospitals. (5) A specialist will examine you and prescribe some treatment, pills, tablets or other medicine, which you can buy at the chemist's. If you feel too ill to go to the doctor's, you'll stay in bed and send for a doctor. If you have an accident, you go to the accident and emergency department of the nearest hospital. Sometimes people need to stay at hospital for several days or weeks. Surgeons do operations, nurses take care of patients. (1) Doctors visit their patients at hospitals regularly. There are many private hospitals today. So you can go to a private doctor or a dentist. (4) You have to pay there, but it's usually quick. Today many people can get private treatment. To be healthy a person needs to live a healthy lifestyle: do regular physical exercises, be outdoors every day, eat only healthy food and get enough sleep. (2) There are two other useful things for your health: take vitamins regularly and have a complete physical once a year.
Сторінка 105
2. Say if the statements are true or false.
1 - True; 2 - False; 3 - False; 4 - True; 5 - False; 6 - False; 7 - True;
8 - True; 9 - False; 10 - True; 11 - True.
1. If you have symptoms of any disease, you should make an appointment with a doctor. - True.
2. If you are ill, you should see a surgeon first. - False.
3. Specialists usually work at the dentist's office. - False.
4. You should tell the doctor about the symptoms of your illness. - True.
5. You can buy pills, tablets and other medicine at hospitals. - False.
6. When somebody has an accident, they go to a specialist. - False.
7. Surgeons do operations in hospitals. - True.
8. Nurses take care of sick people. - True.
9. You needn't pay at a private dentist's office. - False.
10. A healthy lifestyle helps you keep fit. - True.
11. To have a healthy lifestyle means to take vitamins regularly. - True.
3. Complete the sentences.
1. Disease is characterised by a set of specific symptoms and signs.
2. The doctor will take your pulse, look at your tongue, listen to your heart and check the temperature.
3. Your local doctor can send you to a specialist.
4. A specialist will examine you and prescribe some treatment, pills, tablets or other medicine, which you can buy at the chemist's.
5. If you feel too ill to go to the doctor's, you'll stay in a bed and send for a doctor.
6. The accident and emergency department will help you if you have an accident.
7. At hospitals surgeons do operation, nurses take care of patients and doctors visit their patients regularly.
8. If you go to a private doctor, you have to pay there, but it's usually quick.
9. To live a healthy lifestyle means to do regular physical exercises.
10. Taking vitamins and having a complete physical once a year is a useful thing for your health.
4. Group up the words into 4 columns.
5. Say what the doctor usually does when he/she comes to visit your family member. Use the words below.
When somebody is ill in my family, we usually call a doctor. He comes to us and listens to the heart and lungs. The doctor c hecks the temperature and pulse. After it the doctor prescribes to take some medicine and tells how many times a day the patient should take pills.
Сторінка 106
1. Match to make true sentences.
1. People need to take medicine if they have a sore throat.
2. If you are ill, you should see your doctor first.
3. If the doctor prescribes you some treatment, you should obey him/her.
4. If you feel too ill to go to the doctor's you stay in bed and send for a doctor.
5. If you have an accident, you go to the accident and emergency department of the nearest hospital.
6. If you need to see a doctor, you have to make an appointment.
7. If people are seriously ill, they need to stay at hospital for some time.
8. If a person wants to be healthy, he or she needs to live a healthy lifestyle.
2. Choose the correct half of the sentence.
1-а; 2-b; 3-b; 4-b; 5-b; 6-а.
1. If you want to have good teeth, eat fewer sweets, (a).
2. If people have an appointment with a doctor, they try to come in time. (b).
3. If your brother burns his finger, don't cool it with cold water, (b).
4. If people feel dizzy, they usually can't read at that time (b).
5. If you want to be healthy, have a healthy lifestyle, (b).
6. If your sister wants to be a good doctor, she should be a very attentive and responsible person, (a).
Сторінка 107
3. Answer about an emergency using the Zero Conditional.
1. If someone has an electric shock, do not touch him.
2. If food gets stuck in someone's throat, hit him on the back between shoulders.
3. If someone is bleeding, get a clean cloth or tissues and press hard on the wound with your hand.
4. If you burn your hand, cool the burnt skin with cold water.
5. If someone has a nosebleed, he should sit still and lean forward pinching the soft part of the nose together.
4. а) Say what people usually do if:
1. If people have a headache, they take some medicine.
2. If people can't sleep, they have a walk outdoors.
3. If people have a toothache, they go to the dentist.
4. If people feel a pain in their heart, they take some medicine.
5. If people have a cold, they drink warm milk with honey and butter.
6. If people have a stomachache, they go to bed.
5. Complete the sentences using the Zero Conditional.
Doctors usually prescribe medicine if they examine their patients.
If you want to be in a good mood, don't keep negative feelings.
If someone wants to be healthy, go in for sport.
If the cut is serious, go to the doctor.
If someone is bleeding, people usually put bandage on it.
Сторінка 108
1. a) Listen to the poem. Put the lines in order. - Your cold is getting worse, You should see the nurse.
- Oh no, I'm fine.
My cold is much better.
- Your cough is getting worse, You should see the nurse.
- Oh no, I am fine.
My cough is much better.
- Your cough sounds bad.
It doesn't sound good.
You should see the nurse. You really should.
2. a) Think and explain what first aid is. Then listen and say if the sentences below are true or false.
1 - True; 2 - True; 3 - False; 4 - True.
1. If you cut your finger, you don't need to see a doctor. - True.
2. Put on a new plaster every morning. - True.
3. If you feel dizzy, don't bend forward. - False.
4. If you want to feel better, you should make your blood go to your head. - True.
b) Listen again and finish the sentences.
1. First aid means help.
2. If you cut your finger, wash it and put a plaster on it.
3. Every night take the plaster off.
4. In the morning put a new plaster on.
5. If the cut is serious, go to see a doctor.
6. People feel dizzy because of bad weather or bad food.
7. If you feel dizzy, bend forward and put your head close to your legs.
8. If the blood goes to your head, you'll feel better.
3. a) Listen to Kate and say what was the most difficult thing for her in the situation.
The most difficult thing was to make her sister to take medicines and all the treatment which prescribed doctor.
b) Listen again and make your questions to interview Kate.
Tell me about the time when your parents went away?
What kind of problems did you have?
What about your sister?
What happened then?
What did you do?
How did you manage to buy pills?
Сторінка 109
1. a) Match and say. to have a stomachache;
to catch a cold;
to ask for help;
to cut a finger;
to break a leg;
to call in a doctor;
to feel sick;
to keep fit;
to look ill;
to take medicine.
to give first aid;
b) Make sentences with the phrases above.
If you have a stomachache, take some pills.
Put a coat on not to catch a cold.
You can ask for help if you need it.
Be careful or you can cut your finger.
My friend broke his leg last week.
You can give him first aid to make his pain better.
If you feel bad, you should call in a doctor.
Are you ok? You feel sick.
Drink a lot of water and you will keep fit.
You face is pale and you look ill.
You should take medicine to feel better.
Сторінка 110
1. Read and make sentences about what had happened, as in the example.
1. Little Fred had broken his leg before Max came back home from school.
2. Father had called in a doctor before Max came back home from school.
3. Mother had given Fred some medicine before Max came back home from school.
4. Granny had cooked dinner before Max came back home from school.
5. Nobody had read Fred a fairy tale before Max came back home from school.
ГДЗ Англійська мова Підручник 7 клас 2024 Астон Карпюк НУШ
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5. Work in groups. Read the texts on page 102. Describe an accident you had when you were younger. Use the questions below to help you.
I was 12 years old. I went on a skating rink with my friends. After an hour of ice skating I fell down. When I stood up I realized that I have straightened my knee. The pain was too strong.
Сторінка 102
6. Think of an accident that happened to someone you know. Make notes of how you are going to describe it.
- fell down of the bicycle;
- it happened two weeks ago near the stadium;
- he was cycling;
- people helped him to raise and called the ambulance.
Сторінка 103
1. а) Match the sentences to the
1 - He has a rash.
11 - He has a cough.
5 - He has a headache.
4 - She has a sore throat.
9 - He has a bruise.
10 - She has the flu.
2 - She has a cut.
8 - He has a stomachache.
7 - He feels dizzy.
3 - He has a toothache.
12 - He sneezes a lot.
6 - He has an earache.
b) Say how many words in the sentences are new to you. Guess their meanings, then check them in the vocabulary. Make your own sentences with them.
1. My brother has a rash which disturbs him all the time.
2. What a strong cough you have!
3. I had a terrible headache yesterday after party.
4. My sister has a sore throat so she didn't go to school today.
5. He has a big bruise after boxing.
6. Our teacher has flu so she is not at work today.
7. I am afraid of any cut.
8. My brother has a terrible stomachache after he tried this melon.
9. You can fill dizzy after spending much time on a sun.
10. I think toothache is the most terrible thing.
11. You sneeze a lot because of the blossom.
12. Do you often have an earache?
Сторінка 104
1. Read the article and choose the sentence (1-5) that best fits each gap.
People need to see doctors if they have a cough, a high temperature or some other symptoms of any disease. If you are ill, you should see your local doctor first. (3) So you have to make an appointment. As disease is usually characterised by a set of specific symptoms and signs, the doctor will ask you to describe the symptoms of your illness. Then they'll take your pulse, look at your tongue, listen to your heart and lungs and check your temperature. He or she will give you some treatment or send you to see a specialist. Specialists usually work in medical centres or in hospitals. (5) A specialist will examine you and prescribe some treatment, pills, tablets or other medicine, which you can buy at the chemist's. If you feel too ill to go to the doctor's, you'll stay in bed and send for a doctor. If you have an accident, you go to the accident and emergency department of the nearest hospital. Sometimes people need to stay at hospital for several days or weeks. Surgeons do operations, nurses take care of patients. (1) Doctors visit their patients at hospitals regularly. There are many private hospitals today. So you can go to a private doctor or a dentist. (4) You have to pay there, but it's usually quick. Today many people can get private treatment. To be healthy a person needs to live a healthy lifestyle: do regular physical exercises, be outdoors every day, eat only healthy food and get enough sleep. (2) There are two other useful things for your health: take vitamins regularly and have a complete physical once a year.
Сторінка 105
2. Say if the statements are true or false.
1 - True; 2 - False; 3 - False; 4 - True; 5 - False; 6 - False; 7 - True;
8 - True; 9 - False; 10 - True; 11 - True.
1. If you have symptoms of any disease, you should make an appointment with a doctor. - True.
2. If you are ill, you should see a surgeon first. - False.
3. Specialists usually work at the dentist's office. - False.
4. You should tell the doctor about the symptoms of your illness. - True.
5. You can buy pills, tablets and other medicine at hospitals. - False.
6. When somebody has an accident, they go to a specialist. - False.
7. Surgeons do operations in hospitals. - True.
8. Nurses take care of sick people. - True.
9. You needn't pay at a private dentist's office. - False.
10. A healthy lifestyle helps you keep fit. - True.
11. To have a healthy lifestyle means to take vitamins regularly. - True.
3. Complete the sentences.
1. Disease is characterised by a set of specific symptoms and signs.
2. The doctor will take your pulse, look at your tongue, listen to your heart and check the temperature.
3. Your local doctor can send you to a specialist.
4. A specialist will examine you and prescribe some treatment, pills, tablets or other medicine, which you can buy at the chemist's.
5. If you feel too ill to go to the doctor's, you'll stay in a bed and send for a doctor.
6. The accident and emergency department will help you if you have an accident.
7. At hospitals surgeons do operation, nurses take care of patients and doctors visit their patients regularly.
8. If you go to a private doctor, you have to pay there, but it's usually quick.
9. To live a healthy lifestyle means to do regular physical exercises.
10. Taking vitamins and having a complete physical once a year is a useful thing for your health.
4. Group up the words into 4 columns.
symptom | illness | Part of the body | Health service |
to sneeze, a sore throat, to cough. | Disease, treatment. | a tongue, lungs. | a dentist, a surgeon, a nurse, to prescribe |
When somebody is ill in my family, we usually call a doctor. He comes to us and listens to the heart and lungs. The doctor c hecks the temperature and pulse. After it the doctor prescribes to take some medicine and tells how many times a day the patient should take pills.
Сторінка 106
1. Match to make true sentences.
1. People need to take medicine if they have a sore throat.
2. If you are ill, you should see your doctor first.
3. If the doctor prescribes you some treatment, you should obey him/her.
4. If you feel too ill to go to the doctor's you stay in bed and send for a doctor.
5. If you have an accident, you go to the accident and emergency department of the nearest hospital.
6. If you need to see a doctor, you have to make an appointment.
7. If people are seriously ill, they need to stay at hospital for some time.
8. If a person wants to be healthy, he or she needs to live a healthy lifestyle.
2. Choose the correct half of the sentence.
1-а; 2-b; 3-b; 4-b; 5-b; 6-а.
1. If you want to have good teeth, eat fewer sweets, (a).
2. If people have an appointment with a doctor, they try to come in time. (b).
3. If your brother burns his finger, don't cool it with cold water, (b).
4. If people feel dizzy, they usually can't read at that time (b).
5. If you want to be healthy, have a healthy lifestyle, (b).
6. If your sister wants to be a good doctor, she should be a very attentive and responsible person, (a).
Сторінка 107
3. Answer about an emergency using the Zero Conditional.
1. If someone has an electric shock, do not touch him.
2. If food gets stuck in someone's throat, hit him on the back between shoulders.
3. If someone is bleeding, get a clean cloth or tissues and press hard on the wound with your hand.
4. If you burn your hand, cool the burnt skin with cold water.
5. If someone has a nosebleed, he should sit still and lean forward pinching the soft part of the nose together.
4. а) Say what people usually do if:
1. If people have a headache, they take some medicine.
2. If people can't sleep, they have a walk outdoors.
3. If people have a toothache, they go to the dentist.
4. If people feel a pain in their heart, they take some medicine.
5. If people have a cold, they drink warm milk with honey and butter.
6. If people have a stomachache, they go to bed.
5. Complete the sentences using the Zero Conditional.
Doctors usually prescribe medicine if they examine their patients.
If you want to be in a good mood, don't keep negative feelings.
If someone wants to be healthy, go in for sport.
If the cut is serious, go to the doctor.
If someone is bleeding, people usually put bandage on it.
Сторінка 108
1. a) Listen to the poem. Put the lines in order. - Your cold is getting worse, You should see the nurse.
- Oh no, I'm fine.
My cold is much better.
- Your cough is getting worse, You should see the nurse.
- Oh no, I am fine.
My cough is much better.
- Your cough sounds bad.
It doesn't sound good.
You should see the nurse. You really should.
2. a) Think and explain what first aid is. Then listen and say if the sentences below are true or false.
1 - True; 2 - True; 3 - False; 4 - True.
1. If you cut your finger, you don't need to see a doctor. - True.
2. Put on a new plaster every morning. - True.
3. If you feel dizzy, don't bend forward. - False.
4. If you want to feel better, you should make your blood go to your head. - True.
b) Listen again and finish the sentences.
1. First aid means help.
2. If you cut your finger, wash it and put a plaster on it.
3. Every night take the plaster off.
4. In the morning put a new plaster on.
5. If the cut is serious, go to see a doctor.
6. People feel dizzy because of bad weather or bad food.
7. If you feel dizzy, bend forward and put your head close to your legs.
8. If the blood goes to your head, you'll feel better.
3. a) Listen to Kate and say what was the most difficult thing for her in the situation.
The most difficult thing was to make her sister to take medicines and all the treatment which prescribed doctor.
b) Listen again and make your questions to interview Kate.
Tell me about the time when your parents went away?
What kind of problems did you have?
What about your sister?
What happened then?
What did you do?
How did you manage to buy pills?
Сторінка 109
1. a) Match and say. to have a stomachache;
to catch a cold;
to ask for help;
to cut a finger;
to break a leg;
to call in a doctor;
to feel sick;
to keep fit;
to look ill;
to take medicine.
to give first aid;
b) Make sentences with the phrases above.
If you have a stomachache, take some pills.
Put a coat on not to catch a cold.
You can ask for help if you need it.
Be careful or you can cut your finger.
My friend broke his leg last week.
You can give him first aid to make his pain better.
If you feel bad, you should call in a doctor.
Are you ok? You feel sick.
Drink a lot of water and you will keep fit.
You face is pale and you look ill.
You should take medicine to feel better.
Сторінка 110
1. Read and make sentences about what had happened, as in the example.
1. Little Fred had broken his leg before Max came back home from school.
2. Father had called in a doctor before Max came back home from school.
3. Mother had given Fred some medicine before Max came back home from school.
4. Granny had cooked dinner before Max came back home from school.
5. Nobody had read Fred a fairy tale before Max came back home from school.