ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2024

icon23.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon165, icon0

Сторінка 141
3. Read the text (pp. 140-142), then say if the statements below are true or false.
1 - True; 2 - False; 3 - False; 4 - False; 5 - True; 6 - False; 7 - True;
8 - False.
1. Great Britain is often confused with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. - True.
2. Most of the things and places connected with the UK are actually about England. - False.
3. Scottish people never mind when others call them English. - False.
4. Some of the famous places in Edinburgh are Dunluce Castle, the Senedd and the Peace Bridge. - False.
5. The world's best golf courses and the Game of Thrones territories are in Northern Ireland. - True.
6. Northern Ireland is a country in the north of Great Britain and its language is English. - False.
7. There are more castles in Wales than in any other country in the world. - True.
8. Cardiff has always been the capital city of Wales. - False.
Сторінка 142
4. Read the comments (p. 143) and sort out the landmarks into four groups: the USA, Ukraine, India and Botswana. You may also add any other landmarks that you know from these countries.
the White House, the Kennedy Center
St Sophia Cathedral, the Golden Gate
Raj Ghat, the Lotus Temple
Christ the King Cathedral,
Сторінка 143
5. Choose a capital city of any English-speaking country and write a blog about it.
Istanbul is the capital of Turkey. It has a lot of interesting landmarks. Is known al! ober the world with its famous Bosfor river. There is a beautiful Beilerbi building. All tourists come to see it with their own eyes.
Сторінка 144
1. Match the countries to the names of the capitals.
1 - e; 2 - d; 3 - g; 4 - f; 5 - h; 6 - c; 7 - a; 8 - b.
1. the UK - e. London.
2. Ireland - d. Dublin.
3. the USA - g Washington, DC.
4. Canada - f. Ottawa.
5. Australia - h. Canberra.
6. New Zealand - c. Wellington.
7. Jamaica - a. Kingston.
8. Fiji - b. Suva.
2. a. Look at the photos below. Name the capital city each landmark belongs to.
1 - Ottawa; 2 - Washington D.C.; 3 - Suva; 4 - London; 5 - Dublin; 6 - Canberra; 7 - Kingston; 8 - Wellington.
3. Work in pairs. Interview your partner about travelling. Make notes and then tell the class about him/her. Ask:
• Have you ever been abroad? - Yes, I have.
• What countries and capitals have you been to? - I have been to Egypt, Scotland, Turkey and Spain.
• What countries and capitals do you want to visit? - I would like to visit London.
• What do you want to see and to do there? - I would like to see all sightseeing's there.
Сторінка 146
2. Complete the sentences with the words from the Words for You box.
1. That palace is now an architecture complex.
2. There is a huge Ferris wheel in our park.
3. Our workplace reminds us about our heroes.
4. A residence is a place where someone lives.
5. That building is a memorial of our president.
6. This statue is dedicated to William Shakespeare.
3. a) Read the texts again and match.
1. Tower Bridge - a bridge;
2. the London Eye - a Ferris wheel;
3. the White House - a residence and a workplace;
4. the Space Needle -
5. the Sydney Opera House - an arts center;
6. the RBG in Sydney - the Royal Botanic Garden;
7. The Response' - a national war memorial;
8. Parliament Hill - an architecture complex.
b) Answer the questions below.
1. Tower bridge has two towers and glass floors.
2. You can see the River Thames, Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament from the London Eye.
3. The White House is the official residence and workplace of the
US president since 1800.
4. Space Needle is a symbol of Seattle.
5. It is one of the most famous buildings in the world where different plays and concerts are held.
6. There are over 27 000 different plants in Royal Botanice Garden Sydney.
7. The Response is dedicated to all Canadians who took part in the World Wars.
8. Parliament Hill is visited by about 3 million tourists every year.
4. Surf the Net and say what famous landmarks there are in Kyiv.
Say what they look like and what they are used for.
Castle Hill
Castle Hill is a mystical and mysterious place in the very heart of Kyiv. According to legends, the princely court of Kiya, the founder of the Ukrainian capital, was located here.
There are many legends and gossip around Zamkova Gora, this is all due to the fact that in the 19th century, a cemetery of the aristocracy of that time was set up here.
Now there is a temple and an ancient cemetery on the mountain, as well as destroyed ancient graves, monuments and crypts. Usually, various ceremonies are held here.
House with Chimeras
On Bankova Street there is a truly mystical object - the House with Chimeras. This masterpiece of the architect Horodetsky impresses the imagination.
A legend is connected with the appearance of this house - it is said that the daughter of the architect Vladyslav Horodetsky drowned in the Dnieper (according to another version - in the Mediterranean Sea), so the father, overcome by grief, built this house in honor of his daughter, the decoration of which symbolizes the underwater kingdom.
However, in fact, there is no such fact in Horodetskyi’s biography, people simply associated with the new house an old story about the daughter of the previous owner of the estate, Fedor Moring, who died at sea.
Сторінка 147
1. Choose the correct determiner.
1. I need another bag because mine is full.
2. Ira hasn't been to the UK. It's her dream.
3. There are some good tourist attractions in Kyiv.
4. Tell the others that everything starts at 3 pm.
5. Wendy and Ed visited those pyramids yesterday.
6. This museum is closed. There is another one nearby.
7. Are there any other questions?
8. The oceans of the world are fascinating!
2. Complete the sentences with the correct determiners.
1. The art gallery is in the same street.
2. This car is broken. We need another one.
3. Don't tell anyone that I've lost the tickets.
4. Andy has a visa. That visa is for the UK.
5. A group of tourists went to the castle.
6. We should hurry up. The flight is at 8 am.
7. Some attractions are better than the others.
8. He cannot find his ticket anywhere.
3. Make your own six sentences with different types of determiners.
1. She can not finish her book today.
2. The museum is the same as I visited last year.
3. There are some nice attractions in London.
4. This building is closed for reconstruction. You need to visit another one.
5. Mark has never been to Scotland. It is his dream.
6. Are there any other ideas?
Сторінка 148
2. Look at the photos below and answer the questions.
• Do you know these places and landmarks? What are they? - Yes, I know. These places are famous landmarks in Kyiv.
• Have you ever seen or visited them? When? - I have visited all of them. I always go to Kyiv for excursions.
• Would you like to visit them (again)? - Yes.
Сторінка 149
3. a) Listen to the dialogue between Bob and Anita and correct the sentences below.
1. Bob and Anita are in Kyiv.
2. Anita wants to visit some landmarks.
3. Saint Sophia Cathedral is over a thousand year old.
4. Anita really likes visiting castles.
5. Bob and Anita are interested in taking great photos of Kyiv.
6. Anita mentions statutes and monuments.
7. Streets are the perfect place for Bob and Anita to spend some time outside.
8. Anita agrees to go to the Pyrohovo Open-Air Museum with Bob because it is in the open air.
b) Listen to the dialogue again and answer the questions below.
1. What is the first place that Bob mentions in the talk? - The first thing he mentioned was the National History Museum.
2. What castles does Bob suggest visiting? - Bob suggests visiting Richard's Castle or the Mariinskyi Palace.
3. What statues and monuments would Bob and Anita like? - They would like the Motherland Monument, the Babyn Yar Memorial, the Taras Shevchenko Statue.
4. Why does Anita mention the botanic garden? - Because it is a nice place to spend time outside.
5. Which museum does Bob want to visit? - He wants to visit the Pyrohovo Open-Air Museum.
6. Why does Anita agree to go to that museum with Bob? - Because it is in open space.
4. Surf the Net for photos of some other places of interest in Kyiv.
Show them to the class and say:
Castle Hill was built in 19 century. There are a lot of gossips about this place.
Сторінка 150
1. Find the words that are not connected to landmarks, tourists, tickets, tours, excursions, tour guides, GPS, maps.
2. а) Name the landmarks in the photos below.
1 - pyramids; 2 - cathedral; 3 - castle; 4 - monument; 5 - attractions;
6 - gates.
b) Say which landmarks above you have visited and when.
I have visited Golden Gates several times already as I go to Kyiv very often.
3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. Don't forget your plane tickets, dear.
2. Three suitcases - that's too much luggage.
3. You don't need a visa. Just your passport.
4. Jane prefers GPS to a map when she travels.
5. Let's listen to what the tour guide tells us about this opera house.
6. Ed went on a 2-week tour around Canada.
7. Excursions help me learn more about different places.
8. There are so many tourist attractions in this huge city!
4. Imagine you are going on a trip to London. Make a list of things you would pack and a list of places you would like to visit. Share your lists with the class.
List of things: passport, ticket, visa, sunglasses, T-shirt, shorts, jeans, jumper, GPRs, money.
Places to visit: London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey, Tower Bridge, Big Ben.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова Підручник 7 клас 2024 Астон Карпюк НУШ
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