ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2024
Сторінка 61
7. b) Read the text and finish the sentences (1-8).
1. Chocolate used to be a drink.
2. The person who discovered chocolate was Christopher Columbus.
3. Chocolate comes from Central America.
4. It became popular in Europe.
5. To make chocolate sweet, people add milk and sugar.
6. There are such chocolate products as chocolate bars and sweets.
7. Chocolate is added to other dishes as pancakes, pies, biscuits, ice cream, etc.
8. 'Chocoholics' are people who can't imagine their lives without chocolate.
c) Discuss the questions below in groups of 3-4.
1. I think about something sweet when hear the word chocolate.
2. I like milk and white chocolate, as black one is bitter for me.
3. I eat it not very often.
4. I think it is healthy if you eat it not much.
Сторінка 62
1. Choose the correct word.
1. Boil the potatoes in a saucepan.
2. I need the oven to bake a pie.
3. Jim uses this website to promote his work.
4. Use a blender to make this mixture.
5. Let's prepare the salmon fillet together.
6. We expect a perfect dinner on this day.
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect.
1. Mum has cooked this meat twice this week.
2. We have bought the dill and vinegar already.
3. I haven't eaten anything since this morning.
4. Tim has worked as a chef for a long time.
5. They haven't been to this restaurant.
6. The fish have not cooled down yet.
3. Put the words into the correct order to make questions.
1. Where have you been all day?
2. What has Julie made for lunch?
3. Why have your parents done this?
4. How long have they used that toaster?
5. Who has eaten my chocolate bar?
6. Which glass has fallen down?
4. Put the sentences into the correct order to make a dialogue.
- Hi! What have you baked this time?
- Hi! My favourite chocolate biscuits.
- Do you need any help?
- No, thank you. Ah!
- Careful! Where are your oven gloves?
- Oh, here they are. Phew!
Сторінка 64
3. Choose a, b, or c to complete the sentences.
1-b; 2-е; 3-a; 4-е.
1. Culture helps define who we are. (b).
2. Culture can include music, clothing, culinary traditions, etc. (c).
3. Tradition is linked with culture, (a).
4. Tradition relates to an event, an activity or even behaviour, (c).
Сторінка 65
4. Match the columns.
1-d; 2-а; 3-є; 4-b; 5-f; 6-е.
1. In Poland spiders and spider webs are common Christmas decorations, (d).
2. In Bolivia people bring cocks to midnight mass. (a).
3. In England men dress up in costumes with hats and ribbons with bells around their legs to dance, (e).
4. In Australia Santa arrives by boat. (b).
5. In Wales they eat sweet buns with a cross filled with sugar icing on top. (f).
6. In Syria children receive presents from the smallest camel belonging to the Wise Men. (c).
5. Think of any Ukrainian tradition that relates to celebrating.
Ukrainians celebrate New Year on 31 December. At the midnight all family gather together and meet New Year. They present each other presents and eat tasty meal.
Сторінка 66
1. Look at the example and write the date the way it is spoken in English. Write the numbers in words.
22 Nov. 1925 - the twenty second of November, nineteen twenty-two;
1 Jan. 2013 - the first of January, two thousand and thirteen;
12 Jul. 1787 - the twelfth of July, seventeen eighty-seven;
5 Sep. 1011 - the fifth of September, one thousand and eleven;
21 Mar. 1968 - the twenty first of March, nineteen sixty-eight;
4 Oct. 2002 - the forth of October, two thousand and two;
2 Apr. 1999 - the second of April, nineteen ninety-nine;
20 Jun. 1979 - the twentieth of June, nineteen seventy-nine;
3 May 1256 - the third of May, twelve fifty-six;
9 Feb. 1567 - the ninth of February, fifteen sixty-seven.
2. Look at Betty's table of elates and say, as in the example.
St. Valentine's Day is on the fourteenth of February.
Mother's Day is on the ninth of March.
Good Friday is on the twenty eight of March.
Eater is on the thirty first of March.
May Day holiday is on the fifth of May.
Christmas Eve is on the twenty forth of December.
Christmas Day is on the twenty fifth of December.
Boxing Day is on the twenty sixth of December.
New Year's Day is on the thirty first of December.
Сторінка 67
1. Think of how much you know about New Year traditions and do the quiz.
1-а; 2-а; 3-b; 4-а.
1. New Year's Day (1 January) is the first day of the year in the Gregorian calendar, (a).
2. New Year's Eve (31 December) is a time for parties and celebrations, (a).
3. Many cities around the world have spectacular firework displays at midnight on New Year's Eve. (b).
4. A New Year's resolution is a decision one makes to change something in a new year, e.g. not eat chocolate, (a).
Сторінка 68
3. Complete the sentences with the correct countries.
1. In Scotland, you will have good luck if a tall, dark-haired man gives you a piece of coal.
2. In China, people paint their front door red as it is a lucky colour.
3. In Spain, you eat 12 grapes at midnight to have good luck for the next twelve months.
4. In Denmark, people smash plates on their neighbours' doorstep to bring them good luck.
5. In China people hide their knives so that nobody cuts themselves.
4. а) Read the texts again. Then ask and answer in pairs.
1. The hope of having better luck, more money, more love or more happiness unites all the New Year traditions.
2. Chinese celebrate New Year between 21 January and 19 February.
3. People in Columbia carry a suitcase with them in hope of travelling a lot in the coming year.
4. People should eat 12 grapes in Spain at midnight.
5. No, I will not.
5. Surf the Net for New Year traditions in some other countries. Write a short paragraph. Use the texts above as examples.
Hatsuhinode, or "the first sunrise of the new year," symbolizes renewal and aspiration. In Shinto, the traditional Japanese religion, people believe that toshigami, or New Year gods, appear at the first sunrise to bless their followers with good health, good fortune, and prosperity. Japanese traditionally pray for good health and a bountiful harvest when welcoming hatsuhinode.
Сторінка 69
1. Put the verbs into the passive form, as in the example.
1. Very strong tea with milk is called 'English tea'.
2. Yorkshire pudding is made from eggs, flour and milk.
3. Fruit pudding for dessert is usually served by them.
4. Beautiful gardens near their houses are grown by English families.
5. Written invitations to their friends or relatives are used to invite to a special party.
6. The British are great tea drinkers is said by them.
7. Cereals or muesli for breakfast is preferred by most people.
2. Make a list of tips for foreigners in Ukraine. Use the statements correctly according to the model below.
Ukrainians are expected to take off their shoes entering someone's home.
Ukrainians are supposed to make way for a girl or older people.
Ukrainians are expected to give your seat to older people or others who need it.
Ukrainians are expected to say 'Smachnoho' to people that are having a meal.
Ukrainians are supposed to greet your friends each time you meet them during the day.
Ukrainians are not expected to speak with your mouth full at the dinner table.
Сторінка 70
1. Ask and answer in pairs.
Who does Christmas celebrate? - People all over the world celebrate Christmas.
When is Christmas Eve? - Christmas Eve is on 24th December.
Where do children put their stockings? - They put their stockings around the fireplace.
What do people do on Christmas Day? - Children open their presents on Christmas day.
What is Christmas pudding? - Pudding is packed with species, nuts, dried fruit and
What is holly? - Holly is a kind of evergreen plant with red berries.
What are Christmas crackers? - Christmas crackers are big sweets in shiny paper.
What does a snowman eat for breakfast? - A snowman eats snowflakes for breakfast.
When is Boxing Day? - Boxing Day is on 26th December.
What is Hogmanay? - New Year in Scotland is called Hogmanay.
2. Listen and check your answers.
Who does Christmas celebrate? - People all over the world celebrate Christmas.
When is Christmas Eve? - Christmas Eve is on 24th December.
Where do children put their stockings? - They put their stockings around the fireplace.
What do people do on Christmas Day? - Children open their presents on Christmas day.
What is Christmas pudding? - Pudding is packed with species, nuts, dried fruit and
What is holly? - Holly is a kind of evergreen plant with red berries.
What are Christmas crackers? - Christmas crackers are big sweets in shiny paper.
What does a snowman eat for breakfast? - A snowman eats snowflakes for breakfast.
When is Boxing Day? - Boxing Day is on 26th December.
What is Hogmanay? - New Year in Scotland is called Hogmanay.
3. Listen again and complete the sentences.
The special church service that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ is called 'Christ's Mass'.
Christmas Eve is on 24th December. On that day children hang up their stockings around the fireplace.
On Christmas Day children first open their presents.
After the turkey comes the Christmas pudding.
Christmas pudding is packed with spices, nuts, dried fruit and brandy.
Some families put a coin in it for good luck and a sprig of holly on top. There are also some Christmas crackers on the table.
Christmas Day ends with everyone relaxing, eating Christmas biscuits, chatting with their family or watching television.
The next day, 26 December, is Boxing Day. It's called so because it's the time when people like the milkman, postman or dustman used to receive a Christmas box.
New Year's Eve is often celebrated with a party - at home with family and friends or in the local pubs and clubs.
In Scotland, New Year's Eve is called Hogmonoy. At the stroke of midnight, people in Edinburgh and Glasgow welcome the new year by singing Auld Lang Syne', a song about.
4. Talk about Christmas and New Year celebrations in Ukraine in groups of 3-4.
In Ukraine people celebrate New Year and Christmas at home or in a restaurant. They gather together with friends or relatives and have a party. People present each other presents for New Year. Kids open their present in the morning as father Frost brings them at night. During the night they have fireworks.
ГДЗ Англійська мова Підручник 7 клас 2024 Астон Карпюк НУШ
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7. b) Read the text and finish the sentences (1-8).
1. Chocolate used to be a drink.
2. The person who discovered chocolate was Christopher Columbus.
3. Chocolate comes from Central America.
4. It became popular in Europe.
5. To make chocolate sweet, people add milk and sugar.
6. There are such chocolate products as chocolate bars and sweets.
7. Chocolate is added to other dishes as pancakes, pies, biscuits, ice cream, etc.
8. 'Chocoholics' are people who can't imagine their lives without chocolate.
c) Discuss the questions below in groups of 3-4.
1. I think about something sweet when hear the word chocolate.
2. I like milk and white chocolate, as black one is bitter for me.
3. I eat it not very often.
4. I think it is healthy if you eat it not much.
Сторінка 62
1. Choose the correct word.
1. Boil the potatoes in a saucepan.
2. I need the oven to bake a pie.
3. Jim uses this website to promote his work.
4. Use a blender to make this mixture.
5. Let's prepare the salmon fillet together.
6. We expect a perfect dinner on this day.
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect.
1. Mum has cooked this meat twice this week.
2. We have bought the dill and vinegar already.
3. I haven't eaten anything since this morning.
4. Tim has worked as a chef for a long time.
5. They haven't been to this restaurant.
6. The fish have not cooled down yet.
3. Put the words into the correct order to make questions.
1. Where have you been all day?
2. What has Julie made for lunch?
3. Why have your parents done this?
4. How long have they used that toaster?
5. Who has eaten my chocolate bar?
6. Which glass has fallen down?
4. Put the sentences into the correct order to make a dialogue.
- Hi! What have you baked this time?
- Hi! My favourite chocolate biscuits.
- Do you need any help?
- No, thank you. Ah!
- Careful! Where are your oven gloves?
- Oh, here they are. Phew!
Сторінка 64
3. Choose a, b, or c to complete the sentences.
1-b; 2-е; 3-a; 4-е.
1. Culture helps define who we are. (b).
2. Culture can include music, clothing, culinary traditions, etc. (c).
3. Tradition is linked with culture, (a).
4. Tradition relates to an event, an activity or even behaviour, (c).
Сторінка 65
4. Match the columns.
1-d; 2-а; 3-є; 4-b; 5-f; 6-е.
1. In Poland spiders and spider webs are common Christmas decorations, (d).
2. In Bolivia people bring cocks to midnight mass. (a).
3. In England men dress up in costumes with hats and ribbons with bells around their legs to dance, (e).
4. In Australia Santa arrives by boat. (b).
5. In Wales they eat sweet buns with a cross filled with sugar icing on top. (f).
6. In Syria children receive presents from the smallest camel belonging to the Wise Men. (c).
5. Think of any Ukrainian tradition that relates to celebrating.
Ukrainians celebrate New Year on 31 December. At the midnight all family gather together and meet New Year. They present each other presents and eat tasty meal.
Сторінка 66
1. Look at the example and write the date the way it is spoken in English. Write the numbers in words.
22 Nov. 1925 - the twenty second of November, nineteen twenty-two;
1 Jan. 2013 - the first of January, two thousand and thirteen;
12 Jul. 1787 - the twelfth of July, seventeen eighty-seven;
5 Sep. 1011 - the fifth of September, one thousand and eleven;
21 Mar. 1968 - the twenty first of March, nineteen sixty-eight;
4 Oct. 2002 - the forth of October, two thousand and two;
2 Apr. 1999 - the second of April, nineteen ninety-nine;
20 Jun. 1979 - the twentieth of June, nineteen seventy-nine;
3 May 1256 - the third of May, twelve fifty-six;
9 Feb. 1567 - the ninth of February, fifteen sixty-seven.
2. Look at Betty's table of elates and say, as in the example.
St. Valentine's Day is on the fourteenth of February.
Mother's Day is on the ninth of March.
Good Friday is on the twenty eight of March.
Eater is on the thirty first of March.
May Day holiday is on the fifth of May.
Christmas Eve is on the twenty forth of December.
Christmas Day is on the twenty fifth of December.
Boxing Day is on the twenty sixth of December.
New Year's Day is on the thirty first of December.
Сторінка 67
1. Think of how much you know about New Year traditions and do the quiz.
1-а; 2-а; 3-b; 4-а.
1. New Year's Day (1 January) is the first day of the year in the Gregorian calendar, (a).
2. New Year's Eve (31 December) is a time for parties and celebrations, (a).
3. Many cities around the world have spectacular firework displays at midnight on New Year's Eve. (b).
4. A New Year's resolution is a decision one makes to change something in a new year, e.g. not eat chocolate, (a).
Сторінка 68
3. Complete the sentences with the correct countries.
1. In Scotland, you will have good luck if a tall, dark-haired man gives you a piece of coal.
2. In China, people paint their front door red as it is a lucky colour.
3. In Spain, you eat 12 grapes at midnight to have good luck for the next twelve months.
4. In Denmark, people smash plates on their neighbours' doorstep to bring them good luck.
5. In China people hide their knives so that nobody cuts themselves.
4. а) Read the texts again. Then ask and answer in pairs.
1. The hope of having better luck, more money, more love or more happiness unites all the New Year traditions.
2. Chinese celebrate New Year between 21 January and 19 February.
3. People in Columbia carry a suitcase with them in hope of travelling a lot in the coming year.
4. People should eat 12 grapes in Spain at midnight.
5. No, I will not.
5. Surf the Net for New Year traditions in some other countries. Write a short paragraph. Use the texts above as examples.
Hatsuhinode, or "the first sunrise of the new year," symbolizes renewal and aspiration. In Shinto, the traditional Japanese religion, people believe that toshigami, or New Year gods, appear at the first sunrise to bless their followers with good health, good fortune, and prosperity. Japanese traditionally pray for good health and a bountiful harvest when welcoming hatsuhinode.
Сторінка 69
1. Put the verbs into the passive form, as in the example.
1. Very strong tea with milk is called 'English tea'.
2. Yorkshire pudding is made from eggs, flour and milk.
3. Fruit pudding for dessert is usually served by them.
4. Beautiful gardens near their houses are grown by English families.
5. Written invitations to their friends or relatives are used to invite to a special party.
6. The British are great tea drinkers is said by them.
7. Cereals or muesli for breakfast is preferred by most people.
2. Make a list of tips for foreigners in Ukraine. Use the statements correctly according to the model below.
Ukrainians are expected to take off their shoes entering someone's home.
Ukrainians are supposed to make way for a girl or older people.
Ukrainians are expected to give your seat to older people or others who need it.
Ukrainians are expected to say 'Smachnoho' to people that are having a meal.
Ukrainians are supposed to greet your friends each time you meet them during the day.
Ukrainians are not expected to speak with your mouth full at the dinner table.
Сторінка 70
1. Ask and answer in pairs.
Who does Christmas celebrate? - People all over the world celebrate Christmas.
When is Christmas Eve? - Christmas Eve is on 24th December.
Where do children put their stockings? - They put their stockings around the fireplace.
What do people do on Christmas Day? - Children open their presents on Christmas day.
What is Christmas pudding? - Pudding is packed with species, nuts, dried fruit and
What is holly? - Holly is a kind of evergreen plant with red berries.
What are Christmas crackers? - Christmas crackers are big sweets in shiny paper.
What does a snowman eat for breakfast? - A snowman eats snowflakes for breakfast.
When is Boxing Day? - Boxing Day is on 26th December.
What is Hogmanay? - New Year in Scotland is called Hogmanay.
2. Listen and check your answers.
Who does Christmas celebrate? - People all over the world celebrate Christmas.
When is Christmas Eve? - Christmas Eve is on 24th December.
Where do children put their stockings? - They put their stockings around the fireplace.
What do people do on Christmas Day? - Children open their presents on Christmas day.
What is Christmas pudding? - Pudding is packed with species, nuts, dried fruit and
What is holly? - Holly is a kind of evergreen plant with red berries.
What are Christmas crackers? - Christmas crackers are big sweets in shiny paper.
What does a snowman eat for breakfast? - A snowman eats snowflakes for breakfast.
When is Boxing Day? - Boxing Day is on 26th December.
What is Hogmanay? - New Year in Scotland is called Hogmanay.
3. Listen again and complete the sentences.
The special church service that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ is called 'Christ's Mass'.
Christmas Eve is on 24th December. On that day children hang up their stockings around the fireplace.
On Christmas Day children first open their presents.
After the turkey comes the Christmas pudding.
Christmas pudding is packed with spices, nuts, dried fruit and brandy.
Some families put a coin in it for good luck and a sprig of holly on top. There are also some Christmas crackers on the table.
Christmas Day ends with everyone relaxing, eating Christmas biscuits, chatting with their family or watching television.
The next day, 26 December, is Boxing Day. It's called so because it's the time when people like the milkman, postman or dustman used to receive a Christmas box.
New Year's Eve is often celebrated with a party - at home with family and friends or in the local pubs and clubs.
In Scotland, New Year's Eve is called Hogmonoy. At the stroke of midnight, people in Edinburgh and Glasgow welcome the new year by singing Auld Lang Syne', a song about.
4. Talk about Christmas and New Year celebrations in Ukraine in groups of 3-4.
In Ukraine people celebrate New Year and Christmas at home or in a restaurant. They gather together with friends or relatives and have a party. People present each other presents for New Year. Kids open their present in the morning as father Frost brings them at night. During the night they have fireworks.