ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2024

icon23.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon164, icon0

Сторінка 111
2. Think and say what you had done by 3 pm yesterday.
I had read half of a book by 3 o'clock yesterday.
3. Match the column A with the column В to make correct sentences.
1 - c; 2 - a; 3 - e; 4 - b; 5 - d.
1. By the time the doctor came, the man in a green sweater had given poor Tom first aid. (c).
2. Mary caught a cold because she hadn't used a face mask. (a).
3. Ann had taken her medicine before she started her dinner, (e).
4. John had a bad stomachache after he had eaten in the cafe. (b).
5. The doctor prescribed her patient some medicine after she had examined him. (d).
4. Use the columns to make sentences, as in the example.
1. After she had called a doctor, she came back to the patient.
Mary had called a doctor before she came back to the patient.
2. After he had felt a pain in his heart, he took some medicine.
He had felt a pain in his heart before he took some medicine.
3. After Bob had visited a dentist, he went to the cinema.
Bob had visited a dentist before he went to the cinema.
4. After the doctor had examined his patient, he changed his opinion. The doctor had examined his patient before he changed his opinion.
5. Join the sentences using the words in brackets.
1. After Kate had had her lunch, she took some medicine.
2. When Jim had eaten some ice cream, he had a bad toothache.
3. After Sally had drunk a glass of warm milk, she felt better.
4. Mother had went to the chemist's before father arrived.
5. By the time Sam had recovered from his cold, the day of his birthday came.
Сторінка 112
6. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect.
1. It was a feeling she had never had before.
2. The man who had been on a diet for a year looked young for his age.
3. After he had cut his finger, he washed it and put on a plaster.
4. I felt better after I had taken a tablet.
5. We were pleased to see Alex again. We had not to seen him for a month.
6. Rose felt very tired after she had worked in the garden.
7. Ask and answer in pairs. Use the example and the clues below.
1. What had father done before the doctor came? - He had put on a warm blanket on Jane.
2. What had father done before the doctor came? - He had given a glass of warm milk.
3. What had father done before the doctor came? - He had checked the temperature.
4. What had father done before the doctor came? - He had cleaned the carpet.
8. Work in pairs. Look at the hospital timetable. Ask and answer, as in the example:
Had they had breakfast before doctors visit? - Yes, they had.
Had they had tea before visitors leave? - No, they hadn't.
Had they go to bed after visitors leave? - Yes, they had.
Сторінка 113
1. Work in pairs. Use the phrases from the box and complete the dialogues with one word for each gap. Then listen and check.
1. A: What's wrong?
B: My leg hurts. Perhaps it's broken.
A: I think you should go to hospital.
2. A: What's the matter?
B: I've got a temperature.
C: I think you should lie down.
3. A: How are you feeling?
B: I've got a really sore throat.
A: You should make an appointment with the doctor.
2. Suggest what the kids should do. Use the 'Keep in Mind' box to help you.
Kate's stomach hurts. - She should take some medicine.
Perhaps Ron's got a broken arm. - He should go to the hospital.
Leo's got a high temperature. - She should lie down.
Ann's tooth hurts. - She should make an appointment to the doctor.
3. Read the instructions. Use the 'Keep in Mind' box to ask and answer in pairs.
- How are you feeling?
- I feel bad. I had a terrible headache and sore throat.
- You should take some pills, go to bed and lie. And of course make an appointment to the doctor.
4. Work in pairs. Complete the dialogue, then role-play. Take turns.
Patient: Oh, Doctor. I have a terrible cough.
Doctor: I see. Take off your blouse. I would like to listen to your heart and lungs.
Patient: Yes, Doctor. And what shall I do?
Doctor: Have you taken your temperature?
Patient: Yes, it was to high yesterday.
Doctor: Don't worry. Nothing serious. It is a cold.
Patient: What shall I take for my cold?
Doctor: Take pills three times a day, drink a lot of water and have a rest.
5. Pretend you are a doctor. Ask your classmates about their health.
How are you? What's the matter? What's wrong?
Сторінка 114
1. Write a message (4-5 sentences) to your friend who invited you to the cinema for tomorrow evening. Say thank you and explain that you are ill and can't go out.
Hi Megan,
Sorry to upset you but I can't go with you to the cinema. I have a high temperature and doctor prescribed me to stay in bed for few days. SO better ask somebody to go with you. We will arrange something special next time with you.
2. а) Read the email and say what once happened to Michael.
Michael fell over the bike and broke his leg. He stayed in a hospital and missed school.
b) Answer the questions.
1. He had been off school for a month.
2. He fell of his bike and broke his leg.
3. He stayed at hospital for three days.
4. The ambulance brought him home.
5. He felt bored at home.
6. He had done 150 word puzzles.
7. Hs advice was to be careful when somebody rides a bike.
3. Write to your email pal. Tell him/her about the time when you (your friend, etc.) got some treatment after something had happened to you or him/her.
Hello Mike,
You know I still feel bad after my cold. It was a week ago when I started to feel dizzy. I had a terrible headache and a sore throat. I had an appointment with my doctor. She listened to my heart and lungs. She checked my temperature and examined my throat. Doctor prescribed me some medicine and a lot to drink. I stayed in bed for the whole week. It was rather a long week.
Сторінка 115
1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
The doctor was a nice woman. She visited John at his home. She took his pulse and listened to his breathing. Then she examined the boy's throat. It was bright red. The doctor checked Johns temperature. It was rather high. She said it wasn't flu but just a bad cold. John was sneezing and coughing all the time. But the doctor promised that he would be better in several days. She prescribed some medicine for his headache and his sore throat. She asked mother to buy the medicine and John to stay in bed for three days. She told John he had to drink warm milk with butter, honey and mineral water. Then he would recover soon. With these words the doctor left the room.
2. Work in pairs. Ask about the patients and answer, as in the example.
1. - What had happened to Tim?
- He had a headache.
- How long had he had it?
- He had had it for three days.
2. - What had happened to Jane?
- She had a cough.
- How long had she had it?
- She had had it for two weeks.
3. - What had happened to Adam?
- He had a cold.
- How long had he had it?
- He had had it for a week.
4. - What had happened to Mick?
- He had a flu.
- How long had he had it?
- He had had it for ten days.
5. - What had happened to Rosie?
- She had an earache.
- How long had she had it?
- She had had it for a weekend.
3. Disagree, as in the example.
1. I’m afraid you are not right. You don't have a pain in the stomach when you have a headache.
2. I’m afraid you are not right. You don't feel a pain in your leg, when n you suffer from an earache.
3. I’m afraid you are not right. You usually don't eat a lot of fried meat, if you are on a diet.
4. I’m afraid you are not right. Our mother doesn't let you eat spicy food when you have a sore throat.
5. I’m afraid you are not right. You have to stay in bed when you are seriously ill.
Сторінка 116
4. a) Work In pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
1. My mother calls a doctor when I am ill.
2. I need to take medicine to recover.
3. People usually catch the flu when the weather is bad.
4. My health is good.
5. I go to the dentist when I have a bad tooth.
6. I need to eat fruits and vitamins to keep fit.
b) Match the texts with the questions above. (There is one extra question.)
1. When does your mother call in a doctor? - When you feel ill, your mother calls in a doctor.
2. Why should you take medicine when you are ill? The doctor gives you some medicine. In a short time you'll get better and be in good health. You'll be able to go back to school.
3. When do people catch the flu? - In cold seasons many people catch colds. When you have a cold, you have to drink a lot of warm tea. A bad cold is called flu. When you have flu, you can give it to other people around you. So you must stay at home.
5. Where do you go when you have a bad tooth? - When you have a bad tooth, you go to the dentist's.
6. What should you do to keep fit? - Try to keep fit. Then you'll be in good health. You should do morning exercises. You should do sport and stay outdoors every day. You should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and other healthy food.
5. Work in pairs.
- Hello, how are you?
- Hi, it seems something wrong with my health.
- What had happened?
- I have a terrible headache and a sore throat.
- Pure you. You need to go home and drink warm milk with honey.
- Maybe you are right.
- Of course I am. If you don't feel better, ask your parents to call for a doctor.
- Yes, I will follow your advice. Thank you.
6. Work in pairs. Choose a partner and ask them questions about - How is your health?
- I am fine, thanks.
- What was your last illness?
- It was a month ago.
- When was your last visit to the doctor?
- My last visit to the doctor was last month.
7. Work in a group of three. Role-play the talk between the doctor, John and his mother.
C: Hello, how do you feel yourself?
A: Not very well.
B: He started to cough yesterday and had a high temperature.
C: Let me check you. Breathe... Your lungs and heart are ok. Your throat is red.
A: Yes, I have a terrible sore throat.
B: Is it something serious?
C: No, just a cold.
B: What shall we do?
C: He need to take pills for 5 days and drink a lot of warm tea or milk.
A: Can I go outside?
C: No, you should stay in bed.
B: Thank you, doctor.
Сторінка 117
8. Work in groups. Read the blog and discuss the question the author asks himself. Prove the opinion of your group in a class discussion.
I think parents should take a child to another school. He needs to be in different area to prove himself or try to be better.
9. Write a blog about the importance of good medical service. Use the questions below.
When I was younger I usually got a cold very quickly. My parents always took me to the doctor to examine me and prescribe treatment. I followed doctor's prescription and was ok in few days. Nowadays it is very easy to find medicine as we have a lot of chemists everywhere. But now I try to keep fit and eat a lot of fruits and vitamins. I eat healthy food and it helps to keep me fit. I hate a toothache so I go to dentist at once. It is better to stay healthy and enjoy life.
Сторінка 118
1. Match to name the description.
1 - lung; 2 - pain; 3 - throat; 4 - to examine; 5 - tongue; 6 - to suffer.
2. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Perfect.
1. 1 couldn't meet Tom because he had went to hospital.
2. I was late because my granny had fallen ill.
3. She looked perfect because she had lived a healthy lifestyle.
4. Sally felt better after she had taken some medicine.
5. George didn't go to the theatre because he had seen the play twice.
6. Liz had learnt 35 new words before we started this unit.
3. Put the dialogue between the doctor and his patient in the correct order.
- Good morning. What can I do for you?
- I have a sore throat.
- I see. Well, I'll just have a look at it. Yes, it's very red. How long has it been like this?
- About two days.
- Well, you've got an infection there. I'll give you a prescription for some tablets. Take one tablet four times a day.
- Thank you.
- If it isn't better in about two or three days, come back and see me.
- Thank you, Doctor. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Сторінка 120
1. Work in pairs. Interview your partner and make notes. Then tell the class about him/her. Ask:
What kind of films do you like? - I like comedies and fantasy.
What films are your favourite? - My favourite film is Fast Fusion.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова Підручник 7 клас 2024 Астон Карпюк НУШ
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