ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2024
Сторінка 81
4. Read the comments on p. 82 and complete the sentences with the names of kids who wrote them.
1. Ananda is interested in why Federico Valverde wears the same T- shirt to all his games.
2. Rick says he is Tyson Fury's biggest fan.
3. Anna is very proud of the bodybuilders of her country.
4. Anna thinks the Ukrainian team are a leader in bodybuilding.
5. Jake is surprised that the Texas Rangers have won the championship.
6. Rick hopes his favourite boxer will continue his career.
7. Ananda wonders if Valverde ever gets bored of wearing his T-shirt.
8. Jake thinks the American baseball team's win will bring changes to this sport.
Сторінка 82
5. Discuss the questions in groups of 3-4.
Are you interested in sport?
What kind of sport do you play?
Do you watch or read any news on sport?
In your opinion, is sport a challenge or fun? Why?
I am interested in sport a lot. I think it is a kind of hobby for me. I play football. I have started to play it since childhood. I always read and watch news about sport. When I have free time I go out to play it with my friends. It is a challenge and a fun. You need to be healthy to play sport. And it always brings happiness.
Сторінка 83
1. b) Sort out the sports above into 'Common' and 'Unusual'. Add any other sports.
Common: athletics, wrestling, weightlifting, windsurfing
Unusual: cycle ball, elephant polo, zorbing, underwater hockey.
2. Complete the statements with the names of sports from task 1.
1. Windsurfing is a sport in which a person rides a sailboard across water.
2. Cycle ball is a game of football played on bicycles. It is also called 'Radball'.
3. Zorbing is a sport in which a player has to roll downhill in a huge ball.
4. Weightlifting is a competitive kind of sport where the aim is to pick up and hold heavy weights.
5. Athletics is a sport that includes competitive running, throwing and jumping.
6. Elephant polo is a form of a regular polo game, except played with longer wooden sticks and on an elephant.
7. Underwater hockey is a game of hockey played by two teams underwater in a pool. Each team has six players.
8. Wrestling is a sport played between two people. The aim is to throw your opponent to the ground.
3. Work in pairs. Surf the Net for two unusual sports and make a digital presentation.
Chess boxing, or chessboxing, is a hybrid sport that combines two traditional disciplines: chess and boxing. Two combatants play alternating rounds of blitz chess and boxing until one wins by checkmate or knockout.
Toe wrestling is a sport involving two opponents who lock toes and attempt to pin each other's feet down, similar to arm wrestling.
Сторінка 84
1. Think of how much you know about the Olympic Games and answer the following questions.
How often are the Olympic Games held? - Olympic Games are held every four years.
Where do the Olympic Games come from? - They came from Ancient Greece.
What is the motto of the Olympics? - Faster, higher, stronger.
Сторінка 85
3. Read the text again and match the headings below to each paragraph.
1 - Olympic Flag; 2 - Medals; 3 - Summer Olympics; 4 - Winter Olympics; 5 - Paralympic Games.
4. Read and correct the sentences below.
1. The Olympic Games take place every four years.
2. There are five colours on the Olympic flag: blue, yellow, black, green and red.
3. The most important thing about the Olympic Games is to take part.
4. Athletes compete in more than 100 disciplines during 2-3 summer weeks.
5. The Winter Olympic Games started later than the summer ones.
6. The Paralympic Games are organised for disability athletes.
7. The Paralympic Games happen the same year as the Olympics.
8. The Olympic Games are held for athletes not only to compete and win in sports but to communicate and have fun.
5. Role-play the situation in pairs.
- Do you know something about Olympic games?
- Of course! Don't you know about it?
- Nope, I have never been interested in it before.
- Pure you.
- Is it worth to see?
- For sure.
- What is special about it?
- Do you like sport?
- Yes.
- Which one?
- I like to watch athletics, swimming, waterpolo and many others.
- Great. Olympic Games is the place for different kinds of sport.
- When do they held?
- It is held every four years.
- Is it in summer only?
- No, there are summer and winter Olympic Games.
- Interesting.
- Yes, summer Olympic Games started in 1896 and winter one is in 1924.
- Wow, you know so much about it.
- Yes, I am a fan of it.
- This time I will start follow Olympic Games.
- Great.
Сторінка 86
1. Change the sentences from the Present Passive into the Past Passive.
1. Balls were used in this sport.
2. The baseman was pushed away.
3. Their team wasn't defeated by us.
4. The championship was held in Kyiv.
5. Surfing wasn't included in summer sports here.
6. The sportsmen weren't trained by Dave Miller.
2. Change the sentences from the active into the passive, as in the example.
1. The equipment was lost.
2. The match was won by Dynamo.
3. Our team wasn't formed by Jack.
4. The Golden State Warriors was defeated by them.
5. Victory was led by our team captain Bella.
6. All those competitions weren't finished.
3. a) Make the questions to the answers.
1. Was he born in Uruguay?
2. Was the football match cancelled?
3. Were the Olympic Games held in London?
4. Were the sportswomen trained well?
5. Was Ann expected to compete?
6. Were the trainers told about this?
b) Give your own answers to the questions below.
1. Yes, they were. My sports lessons were held outside last week.
2. Yes, he was. My favourite athlete was born in Ukraine.
3. No, they were not. My last pair of sports shoes were not made by this brand.
4. No, it wasn't. The Olympic Games were not organized in Odesa last year.
5. No, he wasn't. My gym teacher wasn't hit yesterday.
6. No, I wasn't. I wasn't injured in my last gym lesson.
Сторінка 87
2. а) Before listening to the dialogue, use the Internet to find out what water polo is.
Water polo is a competitive team sport played in water between two teams of seven players each. The game consists of four quarters in which the teams attempt to score goals by throwing the ball into the opposing team's goal. The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins the match. Each team is made up of six field players and one goalkeeper. Excluding the goalkeeper, players participate in both offensive and defensive roles. It is typically played in an all-deep pool where players cannot touch the bottom.
b) Read, listen and complete the rules.
1. Number of players in each team:7.
2. The game has four parts.
3. Each part lasts for 5 minutes.
4. Size of the pool:20 metres long, 10 metres wide.
5. Colour of the ball: yellow.
6. After a foul the referee can send out the player for 20 seconds.
7. After a bad foul there can be a penalty shot from 5 metres.
3. a) Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentences.
1. Brian's team is the home one.
2. The visiting team wears white caps.
3. Brian is a good player.
4. The referee blows the whistle for the game to begin.
5. Brian shoots a penalty from five metres.
6. At the end of the match the score is 3-2.
b) Listen again and answer the questions.
1. What match are Adrian and Celia watching? - They are watching water polo.
2. Who is cheering? - Adrian and Celia are cheering.
3. How well does Brian play? - Brian plays good.
4. Why does the referee blow the whistle? - The referee always blows the whistle
at the beginning on the game.
5. Who shoots the penalty? - Brian shoots the penalty.
6. Why is Celia asking a lot of questions? - Because she is watching it for the first time.
Сторінка 88
1. Use the photos and the table to finish the sentences below.
1. Football and ice hockey gates are called 'net'
2. Tennis and basketball are played on a court.
3. In ice hockey we use stick and puck.
4. You get goals in football.
5. A pitch is a place where to play football.
6. In tennis you get a ball.
7. You get points in tennis.
8. In tennis we use racket.
9. Baskets are used in basketball.
10. A rink is where ice hockey played.
Сторінка 89
2. а) Match the words to their meanings.
1. at the top of the table/league - the best in the table/league
2. half-time - a break between the two halves of a game
3. first/second half - the first/second part of a sports game
4. final score - the number of goals/points at the end of a sports game
5. to lead - to be in first place
6. to score - to get goals/points in a sports game
b) Complete the sentences with the words from a).
1. The final score of the football match was ten goals to five.
2. Our team has more goals, so it's leading.
3. Dynamo has scored ten goals in this match.
4. The first half of the match has finished. Now it's the second one.
5. The final score is 8-11. We've won!
6. Our score is 5 and theirs is 2. We are leading by 3 points.
3. Group up the sports into 3 columns. Mind the verbs you use with each sport.
4. Work in groups. Make a Sports ABC.
A-athletics; B-basketball; C-cycling; D-dancing; E-equestrian; F- football; G-golf; H-hockey; I-ice skating; J-jogging; K-karate; L- lacrosse; M-motor racing; N-netball; O-Olympic; P-pole vault; R- rowing; S-soccer; T-tennis; U-ultimate Frisbee; V-volleyball; W- walking; Y-yachting.
Сторінка 90
1. Put the words into the correct order to make questions.
1. Why were they defeated?
2. Who was injured?
3. Which team was chosen?
4. Where were they taken?
5. What was stolen?
6. Who were they presented by?
7. When were they founded?
8. Whose hockey stick was broken?
2. Make the questions to the answers.
1. Who was asked about the team?
2. Where was the hockey game held?
3. When was the game paused?
4. What was broken during the basketball?
5. Who was stopped the match?
6. Whose athletes were chosen?
3. Make as many wh-questions to each sentence as possible.
1. Their motto was chosen by their team captain.
Who was chosen the motto?
What was chosen by their team?
2. The ball was caught on the field by the defender.
What was caught on the field by the defender?
Where was the ball caught?
3. This pitch was not prepared for the football game.
What was prepared for the football game?
Was the pitch prepared for the football game?
4. Three swimmers were injured and taken to hospital.
How many swimmers were injured and taken to hospital?
Who was taken to hospital?
5. The home team was cheered by all of their fans in the match.
Which team was cheered by all of their fans?
What were the fans doing in the match?
6. The sticks weren't used in the game because they were broken.
Why weren't the stick used in the game?
What was broken?
ГДЗ Англійська мова Підручник 7 клас 2024 Астон Карпюк НУШ
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4. Read the comments on p. 82 and complete the sentences with the names of kids who wrote them.
1. Ananda is interested in why Federico Valverde wears the same T- shirt to all his games.
2. Rick says he is Tyson Fury's biggest fan.
3. Anna is very proud of the bodybuilders of her country.
4. Anna thinks the Ukrainian team are a leader in bodybuilding.
5. Jake is surprised that the Texas Rangers have won the championship.
6. Rick hopes his favourite boxer will continue his career.
7. Ananda wonders if Valverde ever gets bored of wearing his T-shirt.
8. Jake thinks the American baseball team's win will bring changes to this sport.
Сторінка 82
5. Discuss the questions in groups of 3-4.
Are you interested in sport?
What kind of sport do you play?
Do you watch or read any news on sport?
In your opinion, is sport a challenge or fun? Why?
I am interested in sport a lot. I think it is a kind of hobby for me. I play football. I have started to play it since childhood. I always read and watch news about sport. When I have free time I go out to play it with my friends. It is a challenge and a fun. You need to be healthy to play sport. And it always brings happiness.
Сторінка 83
1. b) Sort out the sports above into 'Common' and 'Unusual'. Add any other sports.
Common: athletics, wrestling, weightlifting, windsurfing
Unusual: cycle ball, elephant polo, zorbing, underwater hockey.
2. Complete the statements with the names of sports from task 1.
1. Windsurfing is a sport in which a person rides a sailboard across water.
2. Cycle ball is a game of football played on bicycles. It is also called 'Radball'.
3. Zorbing is a sport in which a player has to roll downhill in a huge ball.
4. Weightlifting is a competitive kind of sport where the aim is to pick up and hold heavy weights.
5. Athletics is a sport that includes competitive running, throwing and jumping.
6. Elephant polo is a form of a regular polo game, except played with longer wooden sticks and on an elephant.
7. Underwater hockey is a game of hockey played by two teams underwater in a pool. Each team has six players.
8. Wrestling is a sport played between two people. The aim is to throw your opponent to the ground.
3. Work in pairs. Surf the Net for two unusual sports and make a digital presentation.
Chess boxing, or chessboxing, is a hybrid sport that combines two traditional disciplines: chess and boxing. Two combatants play alternating rounds of blitz chess and boxing until one wins by checkmate or knockout.
Toe wrestling is a sport involving two opponents who lock toes and attempt to pin each other's feet down, similar to arm wrestling.
Сторінка 84
1. Think of how much you know about the Olympic Games and answer the following questions.
How often are the Olympic Games held? - Olympic Games are held every four years.
Where do the Olympic Games come from? - They came from Ancient Greece.
What is the motto of the Olympics? - Faster, higher, stronger.
Сторінка 85
3. Read the text again and match the headings below to each paragraph.
1 - Olympic Flag; 2 - Medals; 3 - Summer Olympics; 4 - Winter Olympics; 5 - Paralympic Games.
4. Read and correct the sentences below.
1. The Olympic Games take place every four years.
2. There are five colours on the Olympic flag: blue, yellow, black, green and red.
3. The most important thing about the Olympic Games is to take part.
4. Athletes compete in more than 100 disciplines during 2-3 summer weeks.
5. The Winter Olympic Games started later than the summer ones.
6. The Paralympic Games are organised for disability athletes.
7. The Paralympic Games happen the same year as the Olympics.
8. The Olympic Games are held for athletes not only to compete and win in sports but to communicate and have fun.
5. Role-play the situation in pairs.
- Do you know something about Olympic games?
- Of course! Don't you know about it?
- Nope, I have never been interested in it before.
- Pure you.
- Is it worth to see?
- For sure.
- What is special about it?
- Do you like sport?
- Yes.
- Which one?
- I like to watch athletics, swimming, waterpolo and many others.
- Great. Olympic Games is the place for different kinds of sport.
- When do they held?
- It is held every four years.
- Is it in summer only?
- No, there are summer and winter Olympic Games.
- Interesting.
- Yes, summer Olympic Games started in 1896 and winter one is in 1924.
- Wow, you know so much about it.
- Yes, I am a fan of it.
- This time I will start follow Olympic Games.
- Great.
Сторінка 86
1. Change the sentences from the Present Passive into the Past Passive.
1. Balls were used in this sport.
2. The baseman was pushed away.
3. Their team wasn't defeated by us.
4. The championship was held in Kyiv.
5. Surfing wasn't included in summer sports here.
6. The sportsmen weren't trained by Dave Miller.
2. Change the sentences from the active into the passive, as in the example.
1. The equipment was lost.
2. The match was won by Dynamo.
3. Our team wasn't formed by Jack.
4. The Golden State Warriors was defeated by them.
5. Victory was led by our team captain Bella.
6. All those competitions weren't finished.
3. a) Make the questions to the answers.
1. Was he born in Uruguay?
2. Was the football match cancelled?
3. Were the Olympic Games held in London?
4. Were the sportswomen trained well?
5. Was Ann expected to compete?
6. Were the trainers told about this?
b) Give your own answers to the questions below.
1. Yes, they were. My sports lessons were held outside last week.
2. Yes, he was. My favourite athlete was born in Ukraine.
3. No, they were not. My last pair of sports shoes were not made by this brand.
4. No, it wasn't. The Olympic Games were not organized in Odesa last year.
5. No, he wasn't. My gym teacher wasn't hit yesterday.
6. No, I wasn't. I wasn't injured in my last gym lesson.
Сторінка 87
2. а) Before listening to the dialogue, use the Internet to find out what water polo is.
Water polo is a competitive team sport played in water between two teams of seven players each. The game consists of four quarters in which the teams attempt to score goals by throwing the ball into the opposing team's goal. The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins the match. Each team is made up of six field players and one goalkeeper. Excluding the goalkeeper, players participate in both offensive and defensive roles. It is typically played in an all-deep pool where players cannot touch the bottom.
b) Read, listen and complete the rules.
1. Number of players in each team:7.
2. The game has four parts.
3. Each part lasts for 5 minutes.
4. Size of the pool:20 metres long, 10 metres wide.
5. Colour of the ball: yellow.
6. After a foul the referee can send out the player for 20 seconds.
7. After a bad foul there can be a penalty shot from 5 metres.
3. a) Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentences.
1. Brian's team is the home one.
2. The visiting team wears white caps.
3. Brian is a good player.
4. The referee blows the whistle for the game to begin.
5. Brian shoots a penalty from five metres.
6. At the end of the match the score is 3-2.
b) Listen again and answer the questions.
1. What match are Adrian and Celia watching? - They are watching water polo.
2. Who is cheering? - Adrian and Celia are cheering.
3. How well does Brian play? - Brian plays good.
4. Why does the referee blow the whistle? - The referee always blows the whistle
at the beginning on the game.
5. Who shoots the penalty? - Brian shoots the penalty.
6. Why is Celia asking a lot of questions? - Because she is watching it for the first time.
Сторінка 88
1. Use the photos and the table to finish the sentences below.
1. Football and ice hockey gates are called 'net'
2. Tennis and basketball are played on a court.
3. In ice hockey we use stick and puck.
4. You get goals in football.
5. A pitch is a place where to play football.
6. In tennis you get a ball.
7. You get points in tennis.
8. In tennis we use racket.
9. Baskets are used in basketball.
10. A rink is where ice hockey played.
Сторінка 89
2. а) Match the words to their meanings.
1. at the top of the table/league - the best in the table/league
2. half-time - a break between the two halves of a game
3. first/second half - the first/second part of a sports game
4. final score - the number of goals/points at the end of a sports game
5. to lead - to be in first place
6. to score - to get goals/points in a sports game
b) Complete the sentences with the words from a).
1. The final score of the football match was ten goals to five.
2. Our team has more goals, so it's leading.
3. Dynamo has scored ten goals in this match.
4. The first half of the match has finished. Now it's the second one.
5. The final score is 8-11. We've won!
6. Our score is 5 and theirs is 2. We are leading by 3 points.
3. Group up the sports into 3 columns. Mind the verbs you use with each sport.
play | go | do |
rugby, cricket, soccer, tennis, volleyball, basketball | Rowing, cycling, skiing, sailing, swimming, horse riding, running | Karate, boxing, high jump, judo, gymnastics, athletics, wrestling |
A-athletics; B-basketball; C-cycling; D-dancing; E-equestrian; F- football; G-golf; H-hockey; I-ice skating; J-jogging; K-karate; L- lacrosse; M-motor racing; N-netball; O-Olympic; P-pole vault; R- rowing; S-soccer; T-tennis; U-ultimate Frisbee; V-volleyball; W- walking; Y-yachting.
Сторінка 90
1. Put the words into the correct order to make questions.
1. Why were they defeated?
2. Who was injured?
3. Which team was chosen?
4. Where were they taken?
5. What was stolen?
6. Who were they presented by?
7. When were they founded?
8. Whose hockey stick was broken?
2. Make the questions to the answers.
1. Who was asked about the team?
2. Where was the hockey game held?
3. When was the game paused?
4. What was broken during the basketball?
5. Who was stopped the match?
6. Whose athletes were chosen?
3. Make as many wh-questions to each sentence as possible.
1. Their motto was chosen by their team captain.
Who was chosen the motto?
What was chosen by their team?
2. The ball was caught on the field by the defender.
What was caught on the field by the defender?
Where was the ball caught?
3. This pitch was not prepared for the football game.
What was prepared for the football game?
Was the pitch prepared for the football game?
4. Three swimmers were injured and taken to hospital.
How many swimmers were injured and taken to hospital?
Who was taken to hospital?
5. The home team was cheered by all of their fans in the match.
Which team was cheered by all of their fans?
What were the fans doing in the match?
6. The sticks weren't used in the game because they were broken.
Why weren't the stick used in the game?
What was broken?