ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2024

icon23.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon165, icon0

Сторінка 72
1. Put the words into the correct order to make wh-questions.
1. Who is invited?
2. What are they made of?
3. Where is it celebrated?
4. Which clothes are worn?
5. By whom is this written?
6. Why are surprises made?
7. Whose pictures are shown here?
8. When is it honoured?
2. Make the questions to the answers.
1. Whose clothes are washed? - Mine are. My clothes are washed.
2. Who made these decorations? - By Tim. These decorations are made by Tim.
3. Where are these traditions followed? - In Ukraine. These traditions are followed there.
4. When is Christmas celebrated? - On 25th December. Christmas is celebrated then.
5. Who is asked to come? - Angela is. She is asked to come.
6. Which Christmas tree is chosen? - That one. That Christmas tree is chosen.
3. Put as many wh-questions to each sentence as possible.
1. This costume is worn at Halloween.
- Which costume is worn at Halloween?
- When is this costume worn?
- Where is this costume worn?
2. Easter is celebrated in May this year.
- Which holiday is celebrated in May this year?
- When is Easter celebrated this year?
- What is celebrated in May this year?
3. Presents are prepared before holidays.
- Which presents are prepared before holidays?
- When are presents prepared?
- What are prepared before holidays?
4. Surprises are arranged to make people happy.
- What is arranged to make people happy?
- Why are surprises arranged?
- Who arranges surprises to make people happy?
5. Our decorations are often chosen by Jessica.
- Which decorations are often chosen by Jessica?
- Who often chooses our decorations?
- How often are our decorations chosen by Jessica?
6. Lenny's cake is put on that table.
- Which cake is put on that table?
- Who puts Lenny's cake on that table?
- Where is Lenny's cake put?
Сторінка 73
1. a) Read the questions about Thanksgiving Day and match them to the answers below.
1. Is the holiday celebrated all over the world? -
2. Is it a family holiday? - Yes, it is. Families meet and give thanks to God for the blessings received during the year.
3. Did the first Thanksgiving festival take place in the 18th century? - No, it didn't. On December 16,1620, after a long voyage on the ship called the 'Mayflower7, a group of English settlers known as the Pilgrims landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts. They set up a colony. The first dreadful winter killed about half the members of the colony. The Indians helped the Pilgrims survive the harsh winter. They taught them how to farm, hunt and fish in the New World. So the Pilgrims had a dinner party to celebrate their first harvest. They invited the Indians to join them. The celebration lasted three days.
4. Was that the official beginning of the festival? - No, it isn't. Only in the USA and Canada.
5. Do Americans eat roast turkey with cranberry sauce and sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving? - Yes, they do. They also eat pumpkin pie, corn, peas and gravy.
6. Do they watch parades and football on this day? - Yes, they do. Parades are held all over the country. The most famous one is Macy's Parade. ('Macy's' is a famous department store in New York.)
2. Work in pairs. Think of any family holiday in Ukraine. Make up questions and answers about it like those in task 1. Present your dialogue to the class.
- Is the holiday celebrated all over Ukraine?
- No, it isn't. It is our local festival.
- Is it a family holiday?
- Yes, all members of our family gather together on this day and fry potato pancakes.
- When did the festival take place?
- It took place in 2012.
- Do they do some special things on this day?
- Yes, they do. They have a parade and the fair.
Сторінка 74
1. Read the e-mail from Marija and write your answer to her. Dear Marija,
I was very glad to hear from you. Your Easter celebration is really nice. But we celebrate Easter in another way. The day before Easter we bake Easter cakes and paint eggs. Every family does it in its own way. On Easter day we gather together and celebrate this holiday. We crash eggs to each other to find out which one is the strongest. I love Easter as it is a family holiday. I like to spend time with my family.
Yours Dan.
2. Write a paragraph about any tradition you like. Include the following: What is it called? • When does it take place? • What does it look like?
My favourite family tradition is called New Year. It takes place mostly at home. We gather together with the whole family and prepare something tasty to eat. We prepare each other presents and present them to each other at midnight. The next day we go to relatives and also present presents to each others. It is a great tradition. I love it.
Сторінка 75
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Put the verbs in the correct form.
Easter is (1) represented by many symbols like a lamb, a bunny, a painted egg. On Easter Day the Ukrainians go to church to honour Jesus Christ and get (2) blessings. They (3) filled their Easter baskets with a special cake, painted eggs, sausages and ham.
Christmas is a short form of 'Christ's (4) mass', an old name for this day. There are many traditions that (5) relate this holiday. The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree, for example, (6) belongs to Germans. A decorated (7) evergreen tree is one of the symbols of celebrating this holiday. On Boxing Day people give and (8) receive presents.
New Year's (9) Eve is called Hogmanay in Scotland. At (10) midnight they hold hands and sing the traditional song 'Auld Lang Syne'. It's a custom in Scotland to take a piece of (11) coal when you visit someone for the first time in the new year. (12) according to 'first-footing' tradition, a dark-haired man brings good luck.
2. Change the sentences to use the passive forms.
1. Presenta are brought to children in the United States and Canada by Santa Claus.
2. Gifts and goodies for kids are bought by elf in Sweden.
3. Gifts and cards for mothers on Mother's Day are made by children.
4. Saint Lucia in Sweden is represented by girl on St Lucia Day.
5. Her Day is also celebrated in Italy.
6. She is honoured with candles and parades on 13 December by people.
3. Complete the tag questions. Choose the correct answers.
1. They have made a list of presents, haven't they? - c) Yes, they have. They opened it the day before yesterday.
2. The Chinese all over the world celebrate New Year in January, don't they? - a) Well, they do. But they celebrate it of the end of January.
3. The calendar doesn't depend on the country's traditions or customs, does it? - c) Yes, it does.
Сторінка 76
4. Make a list of holidays that are celebrated in Ukraine and say when they are celebrated.
Independence Day - 24 October.
New Year - 1 January.
Christmas - 25 December.
Knowledge Day - 1 September.
Mothers Day - 2nd Sunday in May.
5. а) Read and say when Mother's and Father's Days are celebrated in English-speaking countries.
In the United States, Canada and Australia, Mother's Day is the second Sunday of May.
Father's Day is celebrated in June in the United States, Canada and England and in September in Australia.
b) Write an e-mail to your imaginary English-speaking friend about the day when you greet your mother/father and give her/him a special present. Describe the holiday and the ways you celebrate it in your family.
Dear Mike,
I would like to tell you about some holidays in Ukraine. The most important for me it is Mothers Day and Fathers Day. I always greet my parents on this Days. I like to do something with my own hands. I know that they like it most of all. We usually have special dinner or go to the cafe to eat some tasty meal. It is like a small holiday for our family. And what about you? Do you celebrate these holidays? If yes, share with me. Waiting for your letter.
Yours, David.
6. Compare the English Christmas celebrations to the ones we've got in Ukraine. Speak on the following:
It is on 25 of December.
We decorate Christmas tree and prepare presents to relatives and friends.
Yes, we do. We prepare tasty dishes.
The tradition is that it is a family holiday which gather all together.
Such things as presents, Christmas tree, Christmas carols are traditions in Ukraine.
7. Get some information about a New Year tradition. Think about your resolutions. Share your plans with a partner.
I will be better next year.
I will do everything for my dreams to come true.
9. Write a blog post about a custom in Ukraine. Describe it in detail. Talking about family traditions, the wedding is the most interesting and complicated one. It started from so-called "bride's ransom" when a groom had to buyout a bride from her parents. After the buyout, the bride and the groom were blessed by their parents and went to a church for the wedding. The important attributes of the wedding ceremony were special wedding bread and embroidered towels as the symbols of welfare and happiness.
Traditional Ukrainian wedding is bustling and cheerful, accomplished with jokes, music, dancing. In past times, a wedding could last for a week. Unfortunately, nowadays it is only one or two days long.
Сторінка 78
1. Change the sentences from the active into the passive.
1. Beautiful cards are written and sent by children.
2. Fancy costumes are putted on by people.
3. Evergreen trees with lights and Christmas decorations were decorated by them.
4. Presents to relatives and friends were given by them.
5. Children were taken to and from school by British fathers.
6. Words please', 'thank you' and excuse me' are used in Great Britain very often.
2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. The 40-day period before Easter is called Lent.
2. It was a difficult winter for the Pilgrims, but the Indians helped them to survive.
3. Hogmanay is the name of New Year's Eve in Scotland.
4. Cultures help define who we are and where we belong.
5. Each of the 12 grapes represents good luck for one month of the coming year.
6. At the stroke of midnight people welcome the new year.
3. Match the questions to their answers.
1. What do you know about the Chinese calendar? - It divides the year into groups of 12. Each year has the name of an animal.
2. Did people have a calendar long ago? - The only calendar people had was the moon, the sun, the stars and the seasons.
3. When is Jewish New Year? - It is between 5 September and 5 October.
4. When do the Chinese celebrate New Year? - It is celebrated between 21 January and 19 February.
5. Where does the famous Italian carnival take place? - In Venice. This carnival is the most famous in this part of the world.
6. How do they spend it? - People wear fancy costumes and famous Venetian masks with wigs on their heads. So it's difficult to recognise them.
Сторінка 80
1. Think and say when the last time was that you read or heard the news on sport.
It wasn't long ago. I usually watch sport but more often read news about some particular events.
2. b) Complete the sentences with the words from the Words for You box.
1. Let's keep up with the sports news.
2. She got a bronze medal in the end.
3. This football match was so long.
4. I believe we can defeat their team!
5. That tennis player is from Uruguay.
6 They have always turn out to be winners.
7 Alex will compete in the baseball championship.
8. We have a contract with this company.
9. Watch out! The shortstop is running towards you!
10. George is our basement - he protects us well.
3. Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
1. Who are Federico Valverde, Marcus Semien, Tyson and Shane Fury? - These are famous sportsman. They are known all over the world.
2. How many goals has Valverde scored? - He has scored 13 goals.
3. What is special about Valverde's T-shirt? - It costed too much.
4. What did the national bodybuilding team of Ukraine do? -The national bodybuilding team shows their muscular team.
5. How many years ago did the Texas Rangers begin play? - Almost two hundred years ago the Texas Rangers begin to play.
6. What did Marcus Semien say about his team? - He told that everything he had worked for was for that moment.
7. What is Shane Fury afraid of? - Shane Fury is afraid of his brother Tyson may give up his career.
8. Why did Tyson Fury almost lose his fight? - He lost his weight because he trained not much.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова Підручник 7 клас 2024 Астон Карпюк НУШ
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