ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2024

icon24.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon502, icon0

Сторінка 86
A. Complete each dialogue with the correct form of the words/phrases in the boxes.
A: So, do you like the new gym you joined?
B: Well. I really like it, but its only (1) disadvantage is that there is never anyone available to give you advice.
A: You should come to my gym. My instructor is great. It really helps when someone is there who can give you goals to work (2) towards.
B: Well, I do work out with a friend. We (3) encourage each other and give each other tips.
A: How do you know which exercises are (4) suitable for you though? I think you need professional trainers for that.
A: Look out, Lindsay. You almost (5) fall over the bag!
B: Oh, sorry. I didn’t see it.
A: It's OK. but you should try to be less (6) careless at the match this Tuesday. We have to win.
B: Why? I didn't know you were so (7) competitive.
A: Well, it's the team's (8) goal championship this year. We shouldn't lose this match.
B: OK, OK. I promise to be more careful.
В. Circle the correct words.
1. After the match, players received individual prizes for playing well.
2. He's hopeless at swimming, but he wants to get better.
3. We thought Fred would come, but in the end he didn't show in.
4. I have a lot of respect for people who work hard to make their dreams come true.
5. The study found that the sports drink had a harmful amount of sugar in it.
C. Complete the blanks with one word.
Individual sports are very popular. Lots of people enjoy them because they prefer to play sports alone, while others believe that individual sports have a number of disadvantages.
To (1) start with, playing an individual sport, like tennis or swimming, has many advantages. (2) First of all, you have to solve all the problems on your own. This helps you become more confident.
(3) Secondly, as you train alone, you can decide how often and how much you want to train on your own. In (4) any your performance isn't affected by other people, and it depends only on you.
On the other (5) hand, when you lose, you do not have other players to turn to. What is (6) bad, because you have nobody to help you, you may get stressed.
(7) Anyway, when you play sports alone, you miss the chance to learn how to work well in a team.
To (8) start up playing individual sports has both advantages and disadvantages. (9). Hard to believe that playing sports alone helps someone to become a stronger person.

iconГДЗ 7 клас Англійська мова Робочий зошит Зошит 2024 Лінгвіст НУШ Мітчелл Малкоґіанні
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