ГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас. Підручник [Герберт Пухта, Гюнтер Гернгрос] 2020

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Unit 3. His Hair is curly.
Сторінка 26
1. Listen and look. Then listen and say the words.
1. blonde
2. curly
3. moustache
4. teeth
5. straight
6. beard
7. fat
8. thin
2. Say and guess.
He's got a moustache. It's the old man.
He's got a straight hair. It's the young man.
He's got a curly hair. It's the old man.
He's got a blonde hair. It's the old man.
Сторінка 27
1. Look, read and say the letter.
1 - f; 2 - d; 3 - a; 4 - c; 5 - e; 6 - b.
1. Our eyes are green. - f.
3. My teeth are big and white. - a.
5. Their hair is short and straight. - e.
2. His nose is long. - d.
4. Her ears are big. - c.
6. Her hair is blonde and curly. - b.
2. Listen and say.
My eyes are big.
His moustache is long.
Our eyes are brown.
Your hair is blonde and curly.
Her hair is short and straight.
Their teeth are white.
3. Describe a classmate. Your friend guesses.
His hair is short and brown. I think, it is Mike.
Her hair is long and curly. I think it is Lucy.
Сторінка 28
1. Listen and sing.
Його волосся пряме Вуха у нього маленькі
Зуби у нього великі Але це ще не все.
Він чудовий, чудовий, чудовий, чудовий хлопчик, З ним дуже весело бути, йе.
Він чудовий, чудовий, чудовий, чудовий хлопчик, Його звати Рой!
Її волосся кучеряве Ніс у неї короткий
Вона трохи худенька Вона дуже любить спорт. Вона чудова, чудова, чудова, чудова дівчина, З нею дуже весело бути, йе.
Вона чудова, чудова, чудова, чудова дівчина, Її звуть Ізабель!
2. Choose words and read out your verse.
His hair is curly.
His eyes are brown.
He's a little thin.
He really likes sport.
Сторінка 29
1. Look, listen and say the letter for each name.
Pablo - c; David - b; Harry - a; Kim - e; Sandra - f; Emily - d;
2. Listen and say.
Tom's sweater is blue.
Olivia's hair is curly.
Daniel's trousers are big.
3. Look at Activity 1 and play the memory game. Describe the children.
Describe Pablo. Pablo's T-shirt is green and his trousers are blue. His hair
Is short, brown and curly. His eyes are brown.
Describe David. David's T-shirt is yellow and his trousers are blue. His hair is short, straight and blond. His eyes are blue.
Describe Harry. Harry's T-shirt is red and his trousers are blue. His hair is short and dark. His eyes are brown.
Describe Kim. Kim's T-shirt is white and her trousers are orange. Her hair is not long, straight and black. Her eyes are brown.
Describe Sandra. Sandra's T-shirt is white and her jeans are violet. Her hair is long, straight and brown. Her eyes are brown.
Describe Emily. Emily's T-shirt is white and her jeans are brown. Her hair is long, curly and red. Her eyes are green.
Сторінка 30
1. The knight.
1) Люсі: Тут є один лист. Бен: Ммм. Ви впевнені, що це тут?
2) Бен: Що це таке! Допоможіть! Люсі: О! Це стріла!
Бен: Хтось намагається зробити нам боляче.
3) Бен: Ходімо. Ми можемо повернутися завтра...
Люсі: Обережно! Це лицар! Він йде за нами, біжи!
4) Бен: Слухай, це гарне місце, щоб сховатися. Люсі: Так, це так. Нам пощастило! Бен: Тссс. Давайте мовчати.
5) Люсі: У мене є ідея. Тримайте лідерство Бастера. Бастер, іди сюди!
Бен: Ось і все, Бастере! Гарний пес!
6) Бен: Яка чудова ідея, Люсі.
Люсі: Дякую, Бен! Тепер... детой лист?
7) Бен: Дивіться! Лицарський щит! Подивіться на символ!
Люсі: Це я, Бене. Це наш наступний лист.
8) Зельда: Бідний Гораке. Горакс: О, я почуваюся жахливо! Ходімо і заберемо тих дітей. Зельда: І їхня карта.
Сторінка 31
2. Answer the questions.
Who ...
1. sees the knight? - Lucy
2. is coming after Ben and Lucy? - the knight
3. finds a place to hide? - Ben
4. has a great idea? - Lucy
5. sees the shield? - Ben
6. is the knight? - Ногах
3. Find the crown and arrow in the story.
crown - picture 8; arrow - picture 2 and 3.
4. Listen and say.
A crowd is watching the clown show from the window.
- Натовп дивиться з вікна на шоу клоунади.
Сторінка 32
1. Read the texts and match them to the pictures.
1 - b; 2 - a.
У Києві знаходиться Національний природознавчий музей України. Це цікаве місце. Там можна побачити різних тварин, їхні скелети, камені.
The National Museum of Natural History of Ukraine is in Kyiv. It's an interesting place. You can see different animals, their skeletons, and rocks there.
Музей історії України - відомий музей Києва. Ви можете побачити монети, картини, одяг та інші речі минулого.
The Museum of the History of Ukraine is a famous museum in Kyiv. You can see coms, paintings, clothes, and other things from the past.
2. Read about the museums again. Say what these photos show.
1 - coin; 2 - painting; 3 - rock.
Сторінка 33
3. Read and match.
1 - b; 2 - c; 3 - a.
1. I'd like to go to The Museum of History and The Science Museum. - b.
The girl likes two museums. She'd like to visit two museums.
2. I'd like to go to The Old Cars Museum or The Sports Museum. - c. The boy likes two museums. He'd like to visit one of them.
3. I'd like to go to The Museum of Toys, but I don't like The Coins
Museum. - a. The girl likes only one museum.
4. Read and fill in the gaps with and, or, but.
1-and; 2-or; 3-and; 4-but.
1. This museum is great! I like the plates and cups.
2. Would you like to visit The Museum of Art or the zoo today?
3. My father is a teacher, and he works at school.
4. I like reading about animals, but I don't like books about robots.
5. Choose one of the museums on page 32 and say. Use and, or, but.
I'd like to go to National Museum of Natural History of Ukraine. You can see different animals there, but you can't see coins there.

iconГДЗ 3 клас Англійська мова Підручник Пухта Гернгрос 2020 Лінгвіст
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