ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Голгомб Ґаран, Коста Джоанна] 2022

icon06.09.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon48 447, icon2

Unit 11. My digital life.
Сторінка 48
Vocabulary and listening.
1. Look at the pictures. Write the numbers.
1.We have got lots of fans.
2.Look. Here is our picture in the newspaper.
3.We give lots of concerts.
4.Hi. My name is Brad. I am a famous person.
5.We sometimes sing on a TV show.
6.They are making a movie about us.
7.I write the songs.
8.I am a singer in a band.
2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1 - newspapers; 2 - fans; 3 - famous; 4 - movie; 5 - band; 6 - song; 7 - concert.
1. Do your parents read newspapers or read the news online?
2. Look at all these people! This singer's got lots of fans.
3. Look. Your mum is on TV. She's a famous person!
4. Do you want to watch a movie. We can go to the new cinema!
5. Abbie sings, Erin plays the guitar and Luke plays the piano. They can start a band.
6. Do you know the? You can song listen to it on YouTube.
7. Lana's band is playing in a big concert on Saturday. Do you want to go?
3. Listen to the conversation. What do the speakers decide to do?
Start a band
4. Listen again. Which sentence is right?
1 - a. Izzy sings. 2 - a. Ania plays the violin. 3 - a. Robin plays the guitar. 4 - b. Anya w rites songs. 5 - b. Robin wants to start a band.
5. Listen again. Who says these words? Write I for Izzy, A for Ania and R for Robin.
1.Do you play an instrument, Izzy? - Robin
2.Yes. I can play the piano and the violin. - Ania
3.I play the guitar, but I can't play it very well. - Robin
4.Ania writes her own songs. - Izzy
5.I write songs all the time, Robin. - Ania
6.W hat's the name of our band? - Robin
7.My favourite colour is blue and Ania loves cats. - Izzy
Сторінка 49
1. Put the words in the right order to make sentences.
1.My friend sometimes rides horses.
2.I always do my homework.
3.My sister often goes swimming,
4.My brother always sings in the shower.
5.I sometimes play board games.
6.I always watch my favourite TV show.
7.My dad often reads a newspaper.
8.My friend never goes to concerts.
9.My mum never watches TV.
2. Rewrite the sentences with the word in brackets in the correct place.
1.I never play football.
2.Laura sometimes plays in her friends band.
3.We often work on laptops in school.
4.You sometimes do your homework,
5. I always listen to music in my room.
6.My sister sometimes goes swimming.
7.My friends never go to the cinema.
8.We often have pizza at the weekend.
3. Choose the correct adverbs.
1 - never; 2 - always; 3 - sometimes; 4 - often; 5 - always; 6 - never;
7 - often,
1. I never do my homework in the morning. I always do it after school.
2. We always go to my grandparents' house on Sundays. We go there for lunch every week.
3. I sometimes make breakfast for my little sister and sometimes my dad makes it.
4. I often go to the cinema on Saturday evenings, but sometimes I stay at home and watch films with my family.
5. I always walk to school with my friends. We never catch the bus or go by car!
6. My brother loves swimming, but I never go to the pool. I don't like swimming.
7. We often have pasta for dinner. We have it two or three times a week.
4. Complete the sentences about you with always, often, sometimes or never.
1.I never play in a band,
2.I always watch TV,
3.I sometimes read a newspaper.
4.I sometimes meet famous people.
5.I always sing songs.
6.I always watch movies.
7.I often go to concerts,
8.I often read books.
9.I never ride a horse.
10.I always do my homework.
11.I often eat chocolate.
12.I often go swimming.
Сторінка 50
Vocabulary and Reading
1. Look at the pictures. Write the words.
1 - digital camera; 2 - tablet; 3 - smartphone; 4 - laptop; 5 - fitness tracker; 6 - smart speaker.
2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1.I take photos in the park with my digital camera,
2.I've got a new smartphone. I read and send texts very day.
3.Fitness trackers are great, You walk around and they count your steps.
4. I listen to Ariana Grande and Billie Eilish. I stream music on the internet,
5.Have you got Netflix? It's a great place to watch films.
6.My dad has got a very old laptop. He uses it to read and send emails for work.
7.Do you use your smartphone to play games, I don't, but my brother does. He always asks me to play them with him.
8.I like to look at websites on my tablet. My favourite one is about cars.
3. Read the website posts. Has everyone got a smartphone?
Yang, Ines and Olha have got one, but Ryan hasn't.
Yang. Я це люблю! У мене є смартфон, планшет, ноутбук і фітнес- трекер. Щодня я переглядаю веб-сайти, надсилаю багато повідомлень і транслюю музику. Я не можу жити без техніки. Після школи я виходжу в Інтернет і всю ніч розмовляю з друзями. Кожен має власний канал на YouTube - це чудово!
Ines. Смартфон завжди з собою - вдома, в автобусі, на вулиці. Я весь час спілкуюся зі своїми друзями онлайн. Ми транслюємо музику, граємо в ігри та дивимося відео. У мого брата є цифровий фотоапарат, але я фотографую на смартфоні.
Olha. Технологія в порядку. У мене є смартфон і ноутбук. Я іноді використовую їх, щоб переглядати веб-сайти, щоб допомогти мені з домашнім завданням. У моєї сестри є фітнес-трекер, а в мене його немає. Я не хочу знати, скільки кроків я роблю під час ходьби!
Ryan. Му friends don't understand, but I don't like smartphones. Why don't people put them down and talk to each other? I've got a computer at home and I use it to look at websites, but I haven't got a smartphone. There's one thing I like - my fitness tracker. I use it when I walk and run. 4. Read the text again. Write Yes or No. Correct the wrong sentences.
1.Yang has got a laptop. - Yes;
2.Yang and his friends like YouTube. - Yes;
3.Ines never has her smartphone with her. - No. Olha’s sister has got a fitness tracker,
4.Ines takes photos with her phone. - No. She has got her smartphone with her all time.
5.Olha's brother has got a fitness tracker. - Yes;
6.Ryan loves smartphones. - No. He doesn't like smartphones.
7.Ryan has a computer at home. - Yes.
Сторінка 51
1. Complete the questions with much or many.
1. How many photos have you got in your bedroom?
2. How much homework do you do in a week?
3. How many emails do you send in a month?
4. How many text messages do you write in a day?
5. How much fruit do you eat in a week?
6. How many eggs do you eat in a week?
7. How many computer games have you got?
8. How much water do you drink in a day?
9. How much chocolate do you eat at the weekend?
2. Match the questions in Exercise 1 with the answers below.
a - 8; b - 1; c - 3; d - 2; e - 6; f - 5; g - 7; h - 4; i - 9.
1. How many photos have you got in your bedroom? - I haven't got any pictures, but my sister's got lots of her friends.
2. How much homework do you do in a week? - Not much. My teacher usually gives it to us once or twice a week.
3. How many emails do you send in a month? - I don't send any. My friends and I talk on social media.
4. How many text messages do you write in a day? - h. Oh, I don't know. Lots! I use my phone all the time.
5. How much fruit do you eat in a week? - f. A lot. I usually eat bananas and oranges.
6. How many eggs do you eat in a week? - Lots! I love them. I have them with bread.
7. How many computer games have you got? - g. My sister's got lots of games, but I haven't got any.
8. How much water do you drink in a day? - a. Not much. I prefer m ilk or juice.
9. How much chocolate do you eat at the weekend? - i. I don't eat any, but my dad loves chocolate.
3. Complete the conversations. Write any, lots, many or much.
1. How much fruit do you eat?
B: I eat lots. I like it. My friend doesn't eat any. She doesn't like it!
2. A: How many books does your mum read in a month?
B: I don't know, but she reads lots of emails!
3. A; How much homework do you do on the computer?
B: I do lots but my little brother doesn't do any.
4. A: How many TV shows do you watch in a week?
B: I never watch TV. But my brother watches lots.
5. A: How much chocolate do you eat?
B: I don't eat any chocolate. But my mum eats lots.
6. A: How many board games have you got?
B: Lots! I love playing them!
7. A: How many emails do you send every day?
B: I don't send any but my dad sends lots. I send lots of texts.
1. Read the text about Wang. What's her favourite thing to eat?
2. Read the text again. Circle and correct four grammar mistakes.
1.Wang loves music.
2.She doesn't watch any videos online.
3.She doesn't sent any text messages because she hasn't got a phone.
4.She plays football twice a week.
3. Match the questions to Wang's answers.
1 - e; 2 - d; 3 - a; 4 - c; b - b.
1.How much music do you listen to in a week? - e. Lots. I listen to it fo about two hours every night,
2.How many online videos do you watch in a week? - d. I don't watch any, but my friends watch lots.
3.How many text messages do you send in a week? - a. I don't send any. I haven't got a phone.
4.How much sport do you do in a week? - c. I play football twice a week.
5.How much chocolate do you eat in a week? - b. Oh, lots. It's my favourite thing to eat.
4. Answer the questions in Exercise 3 about your friend.
1.He listens to music every day.
2.He watches much online videos in a week.
3.He does not write text messages.
4.He does sport three times a week.
5.He does not eat chocolate.
5. Write about a friend. Use the text in Exercise 1 and your answers in Exercise 3 to help you.
Dima likes listening to music. He likes to make different videos. He also watches much videos online. Dima doesn't write text messages. He does sport three times a week. Dima doesn't eat chocolate.

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