ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Голгомб Ґаран, Коста Джоанна] 2022

icon06.09.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon48 447, icon2

Unit 12. Working life.
Сторінка 52
Vocabulary and listening.
1. Match the people with what they do.
1 - f; 2 - h; 3 - I; 4 - d; 5 - a; 6 - b; 7 - j; 8 - c; 9 - g; 10 - e.
1.journalist - f. writes news stories
2.nurse - h. helps doctors look after people
3.footballer - i. runs a lot
4.waiter - d. works in a cafe or restaurant
5. musician - a. plays music
6.farmer - b. grows food
7.photographer - j. takes pictures
8.doctor - c. helps people feel better
9.firefighter - g. wears special clothes and stops fires
10.lorry driver - e. travels a lot on the roads
2. Complete the sentences with the words from Exercise 1.
1. My brother wants to be a farmer. He wants to grow vegetables.
2.My uncle drives all over the UK. He's a lorry driver.
3.Jon's sister's a photographer. Look at this. Isn't it great? It's one of her photos!
4.My friend's a musician. She's in a band. Would you like to hear one of her songs?
5.Mum's a doctor. She works in a hospital.
6.A firefighter wears a big coat, a helm et, boots and gloves.
7.I want to be a journalist when I leave school. I want to write news reports for a website.
8.My sister's a footballer. She wants to play for Real Madrid.
9.My friend wants to work in a hospital. He doesn't want to be a doctor, he wants to be a nurse
10.Toni's a waiter. He works in his m other's restaurant.
3. Listen to the conversation. What jobs do Charlie and Amelia want to do?
Charlie wants to be a journalist. Amelia wants to be a footballer.
4. Listen again. Complete the sentences with Charlie or Amelia.
1.Charlie would like to write for a website.
2.Amelia wants to be a footballer.
3.Amelia plays for the school football team.
4.Amelia's mum is a doctor,
5.Amelia's dad is a lorry driver.
6.Charlie's dad is a photographer.
5. Listen again. Put the sentences in the order you hear them.
A - 4; B - 2; C - 7; D - 3; E - 1; F - 5; G - 8; H - 6.
Сторінка 53
1. Choose the correct words.
1 - do you walk; 2 - are you doing; 3 - play; 4 - isn't working; 5 - goes; 6 - are having; 7 - are making; 8 - do you go; 9 - is working.
1. Do you walk walking to school every day?
2.Hi, Jamie! What are you doing at the moment?
3.I play playing football every Sunday morning.
4.Murn isn't working now. She's watching TV with Dad.
5.My uncle always goes to France in the summer.
6.Are having a picnic in the garden today.
7.My brother and sister are making pizza for dinner now. I'm hungry!
8.What time do you go to school on Mondays?
9.Dad is working in London today.
2. Correct the sentences
1.I can't come to the park, Jon, I'm doing my homework.
2.Dad isn't at work now, he cleaning the kitchen.
3.Layla! What's that noise? What are you doing?
4.What time do you get up every day?
5.Every morning, I eat bread for breakfast.
6.My sister isn't playing the guitar now. She's watching TV.
7.Do you send text messages every day?
8.Every Saturday play tennis with my friends.
9.I eating a big ice cream now. It is very nice.
10.I'm use my smartphone every day.
3. Complete the sentences. Use two verbs in each box.
1.My dad never dances in the street. Julie's happy! She is dancing in the house!
2.My friends always eat lots of fruit. Today's my birthday. We are eating pizza in a restaurant.
3.Cathy's teacher isn't writing on the board now. My mum and dad don't write emails every day.
4.I am making sandwich now. My brother doesn't make his bed every morning.
5.Josh and his family do the cleaning every week. You are doing your homework now.
6.I sometimes play board games in the afternoon. My friends are playing basketball today.

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