ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Голгомб Ґаран, Коста Джоанна] 2022

icon06.09.2023, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon48 447, icon2

Unit 10. Things we do.
Сторінка 44
Vocabulary and Listening.
1. Put the letters in the right order to make school clubs.
1 - yoga; 2 - judo; 3 - drama; 4 - coding; 5 - cookery; 6 - gardening;
7 - athletics', 8 - board games; 9horse - riding.
2. Complete the sentences.
1.Hello everyone and welcome to film club. What would you like to watch this afternoon - Star Wars: The Force Awakens or The Last Jedi?
2.Can we play chess in board games club?
3.Are you ready for Italian club? Today, we are learning some Italian phrases.
4.We run in athletics club. We have races, tool
5.Do you grow vegetables in gardening club?
3. Listen to Miss Doyle talk to her class. Which club does everyone like?
Film club.
4. Listen again. Complete the timetable.
1 - yoga; 2 - athletics; 3 - gardening; 4 - cookery; 5 - coding club; 6 - horse - riding; 7.8 - board games and drama; 9 - film.
5. Listen again. Write Yes or No. Correct the wrong sentences.
0. Judo club is at four o'clock. - Yes;
1.Yoga starts before athletics club. - Yes;
2.Athletics club starts at 4.15. - No. There is a coding club.
3.The school doesn't have a coding club.
4.Horse-riding club is at half-past four. - Yes;
5.There is one club on Friday. - No. There are three clubs.
Сторінка 45
1. Look at the pictures. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1.Julia's riding a horse. 2. Her brother is kicking a ball, 3. Her sister isn't writing a letter, She’s doing her homework, 4. Her mum is making lunch and her dad is sitting on a chair.
2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use the correct form.
1.My sister's in the living room. She is writing a text message.
2.My brother's in his bedroom. He is playing a board game with his friend.
3.Dad's in the kitchen. He is talking to his friend on his phone.
4.Mum and her friend are in the living room. They are painting a picture.
5.My friends Max and Bill are at home. They are doing their homework.
6.My aunt and uncle are cooking pasta.
7.My friend Jack is watching TV.
8.My friend Julia is kicking a ball in the garden.
3. Write the negative form of the sentences from Exercise 2.
1.My sister isn't writing a text message,
2.My brother is not playing a board game with his friend.
3.Dad isn't talking to his friend on his phone.
4.Mum and her friend are not painting a picture.
5.My friends are not doing their homework,
6.My aunt and uncle are not cooking pasta.
7.My friend jack is not watching TV.
8.My friend Julia is not kicking a ball in the garden.
4. Look at the pictures. Write sentences.
1. Daryna is my sister. She likes music. She is not dancing in the street.
She is playing the guitar.
2. Maksym is my brother. He isn't playing basketball. He is running in the park.
3. Serhii and Yevhen are my friends. They aren't singing. They are swimming.
4. You're a student. You are doing your homework. You are not making your bed.
Сторінка 46
Vocabulary and reading.
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use the correct form.
1. B; One moment, Dad. I'm doing the washing up,
2.A: Where's Chloe?
B: She's in the kitchen. She's cooking the dinner.
3.B: Can you help me carry the shopping? These bags are very heavy.
4.A: Where'S Mum?
B: She's walking the dog.
5. A; Oh, look at the bath!
B: Yes, it's time to clean.
6. A: Look at these clothes on the floor! Tidy your room, please.
2. Choose the correct words.
1 - make; 2 - do; 3 - make; 4 - do; 5 - make; 6 - make.
3.Look at the pictures and write sentences with do or make.
1.They are doing their homework.
2.He is making a sandwich.
3.She is cooking lunch.
4.They are making film.
5.She is doing the cleaning.
4. Read the email. Which three people have their birthday today? Gabriela, Ingrid, David.
Привіт Чень, Як справи? Що ти зараз робиш? Сьогодні тут жарко. Я в парку з друзями. У нас велика вечірка. Мені сьогодні 13. Чень! Але це не ТІЛЬКИ мій день народження - це також день народження Інгрід і Девіда! Я пишу вам цей електронний лист на своєму новому смартфоні. Це подарунок на день народження від мо х ба ьків. Я сиджу на лавці біля великих дерев і бачу всіх своїх друзів. Алекс і Андрес танцюють під гучну музику. У них це дуже добре виходить. Карлос не танцює. Він не вміє дуже добре танцювати. Він грає у футбол з Каміло та Хуліаном. Інгрід і Дієго не люблять футбол, Вони грають у теніс. Інгрід це добре вміє, але Дієго ні! Кого ще я можу побачити? О, так Луїза! Зона сидить під деревом. Вона розмовляє з Девідом. Девід поруч з нею. Він сидить на траві. Вони хороші друзі. Напишу згодом. З любов'ю від Габрієли
5. Read the email again. Answer the questions.
1.where is Gabriela? She is in the park with her friends.
2.How old is Gabriela today? She is thirteen today.
3.What is Gabriela's birthday present? It is a smartphone.
4.Who is good at dancing? Alex and Andres are good at dancing.
5.Who can't dance well? Carlos can't dance well.
6.Is Diego good at tennis? No, he isn't.
7.Where is Luisa? She is sitting under a tree.
8.Where is David? He is sitting on the grass next to Luisa.
9.Who is David talking to? David is talking to Luisa.
Сторінка 47
1. Complete the questions.
1. A: Hello. I'm Abby. I'm in my bedroom.
B: Are you doing your homework?
2. A: My brother is in the kitchen.
B: Is he making lunch?
A: No, he isn't. He's making a cake,
3. A: My mum isn't in the house.
B: Is he washing the car?
A: Yes, she is. It's very dirty!
4. A: Meg and Poppy like music.
B: Are they singing?
A: No, they aren't. They're dancing,
5. A: William is my brother. He's in his bedroom.
B: Is he making his bed?
A: No, he isn't! He's playing a board game,
6. A: Laura and Beth are my friends. They like sport.
B: Are they running?
A: Yes they are.
7. A: I'm a student.
B: Are you doing your maths homework?
A: No, I'm not. I'm doing my English homework,
2. Put the words in the right order to make questions. Then write short answers.
1. Are you making your bed? - Yes, I am.
2. Is your brother cleaning the kitchen? - No, he isn't.
3. Are your friends making lunch? - Yes, they are,
4. Are you drawing a picture? - No, I am not.
5. Is your sister eating breakfast? - No, she isn't.
1. Read the text. Find three spelling mistakes and two grammar mistakes.
1.What are they (doin) doing at this moment?
2.Well, Dad is (cleanng) cleaning the kitchen.
3.Mum is (writting) writing an email.
4.My sister Sofia (are eating) is eating a sandwich - she is always hungry.
5.What is are you and your family doing?
2. Read the text again. Write Yes, she is or No, she isn't. Correct the wrong sentences.
1.Her dad is cleaning the kitchen. Yes, he is.
2.Her mum is writing a letter. No, she isn't. She is writing an email.
3.Sofia is eating a sandwich. Yes, she is.
4.Lorenzo is in the living room. No, he isn't. He is in his bedroom.
5.Lorenzo is doing his homework. Yes, he is,
6.Claudia is writing an email. No, she isn't. She is writing a blog post.
3. Write about what you and your family are doing. Use Claudia's blog post to help you.
Hello, My name is Max. My mother is in the kitchen. She is preparing lunch. My father is helping my mum. I am playing with our dog.

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