ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2023
6 Клас / Англійська мова,
1 954,
Unit 8. Where to go?
Сторінка 1281.Tell the class what countries you would like to visit.
I would like to visit England, Sotland, Italy and Spain.
2.Read the chat above and match.
1. as freezing - d. as in the Arctic.
2. to sound - f. interesting.
3. You can go - a. camping there.
4. It's so much - c. to see and to do.
5. as hot - b. as in tropical countries.
6. It's rich - e. in history and culture.
3. Read the chat again and answer the questions.
1.Why is Rosie worried?
- Rossie is worried because she is planning to have a holiday.
2.What country does Taras suggest?
- Taras suggests to come to Ukraine.
3. What is the climate like in the country?
- The climate is continental in Ukraine.
4. What places does Taras mention?
- Taras mentioned Black Sea and Carpathian Mountains.
5. What makes Ukraine special?
- Ukraine is special because it is rich in history and culture.
Привіт всім! Мене звати Розі. Я з Рабату, Марокко. Я скоро збираюся на літні канікули, і я хотів би відвідати нову країну. Але я не можу вирішити, куди йти. Будь-які пропозиції?
привіт! Я Тарас. А моя країна Україна? Клімат континентальний.
Отже, влітку жарко, а взимку холодно. Однак тут не так жарко, як у тропічних країнах, і не так морозно, як в арктичних.
Хм... Звучить цікаво. Є на що подивитися?
Звичайно! На півдні є Чорне море, а на заході можна відправитися в похід у Карпати. Ви також можете відвідати деякі з наших міст. Кожна з них особлива, бо Україна має багату культуру. Є стільки всього, що можна побачити та чим зайнятися!
Як мені туди потрапити?
Ну, мабуть, літаком. Територія України досить велика, тому ми зазвичай їздимо потягами, автобусами або автомобілями в різні місця.
Гаразд. Я перевірю це. Дякую.
Будь ласко.
Сторінка 129
4. a) Read the chat. Say if the statements below are true or false.
1. Rosie and her parents want to go to Ukraine. - True.
2. She writes to Taras to ask him to meet her there. - False.
3. There is no need to get a visa for Ukraine. - False.
4. Rosie would like to go on a tour of Ukraine. - True.
5. There are many programmes for tourists in Ukraine. - True.
6. Taras suggests packing winter clothes and accessories. - False. Гей, Тарасе! Я читав кілька статей про Україну, і ця країна виглядає чудово! Моїм батькам теж подобається! Однак нам потрібна порада щодо підготовки до подорожі.
звичайно. Перш за все, вам потрібно отримати візу, а потім купити квитки на літак. Наш головний аеропорт - Бориспіль. Це неподалік нашої столиці Києва. По-друге, забронюйте номер в готелі. Я можу надіслати вам кілька хороших пропозицій, якщо ви хочете.
Нарешті, ви можете перевірити деякі екскурсії на стійці реєстрації готелю.
А якщо ми хочемо вибрати туристичну програму? Чи є такі в Україні?
Звичайно. Просто введіть «тури Україною», і ви побачите багато варіантів.
Гаразд. Що нам спакувати?
Ваші документи - паспорти. Хочете побувати в Україні влітку, правда? Тоді беріть із собою футболки, шорти, капелюхи, босоніжки та інший літній одяг та аксесуари. Не забудьте також сонцезахисний крем і сонцезахисні окуляри Звучить красиво. Дякую тобі! | Без проблем.
b) Discuss the questions below in pairs.
1. What does Taras suggest doing to get ready for the trip to Ukraine?
He suggests to get a visa, book a room and check some excursions.
2. What things should Rosie and her family pack for their trip?
They should pack passport and some summer clothes.
5. Choose one country below. Find out on the Internet what the weather is like there. Write a list of things that you would pack with you. Share your list with one of your classmates.
Egypt: weather is very hot.
The list of things to take: swimsuit, sunglasses, skirt, T - shirt, shorts, suncream, camera.
Сторінка 130
1. Match the words to the pictures.
1 - bus station; 2 - train station; 3 - travel insurance; 4 - ticket;
5 - airport; 6 - luggage; 7 - timetable board;
2. Match.
1 - e; 2 - c; 3 - b; 4 - f; 5 - d; 6 - a.
1. to arrange - e. a trip.
2. to book - c. a flight.
3. to buy - b. a souvenir.
4. to get - f. a visa.
5. to hire - d. a car.
6. to pack - a. a suitcase.
3. a) Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. We are going on holiday to Italy this summer,
2. Robert has not packed his suitcases yet.
3. Our flight to Washington is at 8 am.
4. We need to hire a car to travel in France.
5. Ann went to the ticket office to buy the tickets.
6. I have some souvenirs for you from my trip to the USA. b) Make your own sentences with the words from the box. My sister is going to the airport to meet her friend.
I do not like to pack somebodies luggage.
Is it necessary to do a travel insurance for this travel?
My brother arranged a trip for me.
My mum will book a hotel for us.
You need to pack all necessary things for your trip.
Сторінка 131
2. Read the text and finish the sentences.
1. Emma is travelling to Spain.
2. Lee is travelling to Austria.
3. Tara is travelling to Cuba.
4. Eve is travelling to Ireland.
Emma. Я завжди любила подорожувати! Я вже була у багатьох країнах, але цього літа я їду до Іспанії з сім'єю! Погода там досить спекотна, тому я беру з собою сорочки, шорти та сукні. Я також пакую свій сонцезахисний крем і купальник, тому що ми збираємося йти на пляж, купатися в морі і лежати на сонечку. Крім того, ми також відвідаємо Мадрид - столицю і найбільше місто Іспанії. Там є багато речей, які можна побачити та чим зайнятися. Особисто я хочу поїхати в Буен Ретіро - це красивий величезний парк з палацом, ставком і безліччю садів. Там я можу зняти чудовий короткий фільм своєю камерою!
Lee. Мені подобається відвідувати нові країни та досліджувати нові культури. Я не була в такій кількості країн, як Емма, але я проводила більше часу в тих, що я. Наприклад, минулого літа Емма поїхала на тиждень до Ірландії, а я - до Китаю на три тижні. Цього року я відвідую Австрію з мамою, і ми їдемо до Зальцбурга - батьківщини Моцарта! Він був видатним австрійським композитором класичної музики. Ми відвідаємо його будинок, де зараз музей. Також підемо в Зальцбурзький театр на мюзикл! Я точно хочу спакувати свій найкращий костюм і взуття! Я теж хочу взяти свою скрипку, але мама каже, що це буде забагато багажу.
Tara. Подорожувати світом для мене дуже цікаво, але цього літа я не збираюся відвідувати нові країни. Замість цього я їду на Кубу, щоб відвідати своїх родичів. Це найбільший карибський острів, і природа там дуже красива! Я поїду туди літаком, тому що це далеко від Великобританії. Перше місце, яке я відвідаю, це Сантьяго де Куба - велике місто, яке славиться своїми музичними фестивалями. Там живе мій дядько Дім, і ми обов'язково сходимо на кілька концертів. Потім я поїду до столиці, Гавани, де мої двоюрідні брати Мак і Зак. Вони хочуть відвезти мене на Плаяс- дель-Есте. Вони знають, як я люблю купатися, тому поїхати на той пляж буде фантастично! На Кубі дуже сонячно, тому сонцезахисні окуляри мені точно знадобляться.
Eve. Основна причина, чому я люблю подорожувати, це музеї. Мені подобається пізнавати нове, а наукові музеї — моє улюблене місце. Тому я завжди шукаю їх у мережі, перш ніж відвідувати інші країни. Ми з батьками їдемо до Ірландії на тиждень у липні. Недалеко, тому плануємо їхати автобусом. Я мрію відвідати їхню наукову галерею в Дубліні. Це велика група різних наукових центрів. Мій тато захоплюється іСторінка ією, тому хоче відвідати Національний музей Ірландії. Моя мама любить культуру, тому хоче прогулятися на площі Мерріон. Ой, є стільки місць, які ми хочемо побачити! На щастя, у мене є GPS на смартфоні, тому ми не заблукаємо.
Сторінка 133
3. Read the texts again and choose a, b or c.
1. Emma has been to a lot of c) countries.
2. Buen Retiro is a a) park.
3. Mozart was born in c) Salzburg.
4. Lee will go to the theatre to watch a b) musical.
5. Tara is going to Cuba by b) plane.
6. In Santiago de Cuba there are many a) festivals.
7. Eve wants to visit c) the Science Gallery.
8. Eve's smartphone has b) GPS.
4. Say the names of the kids who these statements are about.
1. Eve always surfs the Net for museums before trips.
2. Lee has been on a few long trips abroad.
3. Emma is packing some shirts, shorts and dresses.
4. Tara isn't visiting any new countries this summer.
5. Tara has some relatives in the Caribbean.
6. Eve is going by bus to Ireland because it isn't far.
7. Lee wants to pack a violin for the trip.
8. Emma plans to make a short film in Buen Retiro.
5.Work in pairs. Interview your partner and then tell the class about him/her.
a) I would like to go to London this summer.
b) I want to visit London Eye, Buckingham Palace.
c) I need to pack T - shirt, shorts and sunglasses.
Сторінка 134
2. Choose the correct tense form.
1 - keeps; 2 - isn't packing; 3 - travelled; 4 - was swimming; 5 - are going; 6 - won't buy; 7 - is going to get; 8 - have booked.
1. Anna always has keeps her documents with her.
2. Tommy isn't packing his suitcase at the moment.
3. We travelled to San Diego last summer.
4.I was swimming in the sea for forty minutes.
5. We are going on holiday to Odesa next week.
6. I think Rick won't buy the tickets.
7. My dad is going to get a visa for the UK.
8. Our parents have booked the flight already.
3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. We are having an excursion this afternoon.
2. You will be never ready for your trips!
3. I arranged a trip for us two days ago.
4. Helen have not bought any souvenirs yet.
5. Tim and Sue are not surfing at the moment.
6. I promise we will visit a museum next time.
7. Look at the sky. It is not going to rain today.
8. Ed was not waiting from 3 pm to 4:30 pm.
4. Turn the sentences into questions, as in the example.
1. Does Duke travel to Israel every winter?
2. Has Roberta got the visa?
3. Did we go to the train station?
4. Are you taking the luggage?
5. Was Sam dancing for two hours?
6. Will I check the time of the flight?
7. Is John looking for the tickets now?
8. Are they going to arrange the trip?
Сторінка 135
1. Work in pairs. Ask your partner if he/she has ever been to the airport and what he/she knows about it.
I have been to the airport. I know that there are people waiting for departures.
2. Read the statements and say who says them: a check - in clerk (C) or a passenger (P).
C - How many pieces of luggage have you got?
P - These two bags.
C - Have a nice flight.
C - Here's your boarding pass.
P - Could you help me, please?
P - Can you tell me where gate 4 is, please?
C - The plane's departure is at 8 am, ma'am.
P - Oh no! The flight is delayed. We're stuck here. Wait... It is cancelled!
3. Listen to the talk and answer the questions.
1.Who are the speakers? - The speakers are the passenger and the clerk.
2.How much luggage is there? - There are two luggage.
3. What does the check-in clerk give the passenger? - Clerk gives a boarding pass.
4.Listen to the talk between Patrick and Tony. Say if the statements below are true or false.
1. Tony has got 40 kg of luggage. - True.
2. The maximum weight of luggage is 24 kg. - False.
3. The extra price for too much luggage is 100$. - False.
4. Tony hopes the check-in clerk won't notice his luggage. - True.
5.Listen to both conversations again and say what the difference between them is.
In the first dialogue the passenger has got two luggage and in the second one is only one luggage, but weights too much.
Сторінка 136
2. Read the phrases and think when to use them. Put the phrases into the correct order.
6 - get off the plane
4 - get on the plane
7 - collect your luggage from baggage reclaim
3 - go through passport control
5 - fasten your seat belt
8 - leave the airport
1 - get into the airport
2 - check in your luggage
3. Make a list of actions that you do at the train station.
1 - get into the train station;
2 - check the ticket;
3 - get on the train;
4 - get off the train;
5 - leave the train station.
Сторінка 137
4. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use the correct verb forms.
1. It's time to get off the plane. Let's go!
2. Hurry up, Robert! The bus leaves at 3 pm.
3. Our plane has already landed already. Let's go, everybody!
4. They left the train station and went to hire a taxi.
5. Wendy ordered some sandwiches a few minutes ago.
6.I have not collected my luggage from the baggage reclaim yet.
7. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts now.
8. We need to go through the passport control before we get on the plane.
Сторінка 138
1. a) Listen and read the dialogue. Name the speakers.
А: Доброго дня.
Б: Добрий день. Ось мій паспорт.
А: Добре, дякую. Скільки у вас одиниць багажу?
Б: Тільки ця сумка.
А: Тоді це один. О Боже. Це 24 кг, а максимум 23 кг.
Б: О ні. Що я повинен зробити?
А: Я боюся, що вам доведеться взяти деякі речі або заплатити додаткові 50 доларів.
Б: 50 доларів? Я забиру деякі речі. Я візьму ці бутерброди та цю пляшку води.
А: Добре, зараз 23 кг. У літаку буде снек-бар, тому вам все одно не потрібно з собою їсти чи напоїв. Ось ваш посадковий талон. Бажаю приємного польоту.
Б: Дякую. До побачення!
2.a) Complete the dialogue with your own answers.
A: Hi! Have you packed your suitcase for the trip?
B: Hello! Yes, I have.
A: Why do you need a map? I have GPS on my phone.
B: Ok, no problem, hope it works good.
A: Okay. I think you should take your goggles with you, too.
B: Why do I need them?
A: Because there will be a swimming pool next to our hotel.
B: Great. Ok.
A: What documents do you have with you?
B: Passport.
A: Good. I have the tickets. Let's go!
B: Let's go.
3, Work in pairs. Interview your partner about his/her summer holidays and make notes. Then tell the class about him/her. Ask:
- Where are you going?
- I am going to the sea this summer,
- How are you going to get there?
- I am going to get there by plane.
- What things will you need to pack?
- I need a passport and a clothes.
- What will you do there?
- I will swim and sunbathe there.
Сторінка 139
1. Read the e-mail from Jack and answer the questions below.
Привіт! Як справи?
Це літо буде таким чудовим! Я люблю подорожувати, і я збираюся в подорож до Італії з батьками в липні! Ми летимо літаком. Дуже чекаю цього свята!
Ми зупинимось у гарному готелі в Позітано. Це біля моря, тому до пляжу ми зможемо дійти пішки за 10 хвилин. Мої мама і тато люблять іСторінка ію та культуру, тому ми збираємося відвідати Рим. Це велике місто є ідеальним місцем для навчання та розваги одночасно!
Крім купального костюма, я також беру окуляри. Я дуже люблю плавати та пірнати! Моя мама сказала мені не забувати сонцезахисні окуляри та сонцезахисний крем. Клімат в Італії субтропічний, тому я вірю, що погода в липні буде чудовою. Що з вами? Чи є у вас плани на це літо? Відпишіть мені!
1. Where is Jack going in July? - Jack is going to Italy in July.
2. Who is he going with? - He is going to travel with his parents.
3. What means of transport are they going to use?
- They are going by plane.
4. Where will they stay? - They will stay in a nice hotel.
5. What do his parents like?
- His parents are fond of history and culture.
6. What are they going to do in Rome?
- They are going to have fun there.
7. Why does Jack need his swimming equipment?
- He needs swimming equipment for diving.
8. What else does Jack need to pack and why?
- Jack need to pack sunglasses and sun cream.
2. Write an e - mail back to Jack and tell him about your plans for this summer.
Hi Jack,
I am glad to receive a letter from you. Glad to hear that you are going to Italy.
As for me, I am going to Turkey this summer. I will go together with my parents. I want to swim and sunbathe a lot. Besides there are a lot of interesting places to see. I would like to visit some historical places as I know there are much to see.
I wish you a nice rest and I am waiting photos from you.
Сторінка 140
1. b) Choose a or b.
1. Emma has made a b) list.
2. Emma wants to take her b) swimming suit.
3. Emma's mum suggests taking b) wellies.
4. They need to set off at a) nine.
c) Listen again and discuss the questions in pairs.
1. Why doesn't Emma need her swimming suit?
- Because it is cold there.
2. What will they do if the weather is bad?
- They will spend time indoors.
3. How long will it take them to get to the location?
- They will need 8 hours.
2. Choose the correct word.
1 - souvenirs; 2 - flight; 3 - trip; 4 - suitcase; 5 - car; 6 - visa.
1. Sara would like to buy some souvenirs in this shop.
2. We need to book a flight to Egypt because it is far away.
3. My parents have arranged a trip to Barcelona, Spain.
4. Don't worry - Rick has already packed his suitcase.
5. John has hired a car so we can travel around the UK.
6. You have to get a visa before you go to the USA.
3. a) Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. This great musical was made by very famous composers.
2. Lisa has a map, so we won't get lost in this huge city.
3.Personally, I prefer swimming to surfing because it is safer.
4. John has to choose where to go this summer.
5. I need some advice on what I should pack for this trip.
6. Santiago de Cuba is a city of dancing, so there are many festivals there.
7. Their flight to Paris is delayed, whereas our flight is cancelled.
8. Helen has packed too much luggage - her suitcase is so heavy!
9. The check-in clerk will notice the food that you have in your bag.
10. Passengers for Kyiv should go to gate No. 22. Turn right and you'll see it.
b) Make your own sentences with the words from the list.
1. London is the birthplace of my mother.
2. You need your documents to make a visa.
3. My sister enjoys visiting different concerts.
4. It is a nice pond in our park.
5. Every hotel should have a reception desk.
6. The flight is delayed, we can stuck here.
7. Do you like the Arctic climate?
8. The journey was terrific.
Сторінка 141
4. Label the pictures, as in the example.
1 - Get on the train.
2 - The plane departures.
3 - The plane lands.
4 - Get off the plane.
5 - The train leaves.
6 - The train arrives.
7 - Fasten the seatbelt.
8 - Check - in on the passport control.
9 - Check - in the luggage.
10 - Leave the airport.
11 - Collect the luggage from baggage claim.
12 - To order snack.
Сторінка 142
5. Name the sentences where the Present Simple is used for future and where it is used for habits.
Present Simple used for future: 2, 4, 6, 8.
2. Jack’s party is on Saturday at 6 pm.
4. Our flight to Lviv is on 10th May.
6. Bus No. 12 to London arrives at 10 o'clock.
8. The plane to Krakow takes off at 3:30 today.
Present Simple used for habits: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10.
1. Hurry up! Our train leaves in ten minutes.
3. Helen visits new countries every summer.
5. Tim always books a hotel room before going on his trips.
7. Pam and Sam never arrange their trips without me.
9. Charlie buys a lot of souvenirs when he goes abroad.
10. Ed and I travel to New Zealand every winter to visit his father.
6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Explain your choices.
1. The climate in Canada is Arctic.
2. Look at the sky! It is going to rain any minute.
3. Peter got his visa for China last month.
4. We has made a list of things for the trip already.
5. I think you will get lost without a map or GPS.
6. The plane to London lands at 5 pm today.
7. George and Mia are surfing the Net for a hotel now.
8. Eddy was packing his suitcase for two hours yesterday.
9. Ann will go on an excursion to Lviv with us tomorrow.
10. You always have to check your documents before travelling.
7. Make your own 10 sentences in the:
1. She always books the hotel in advance.
2. The weather is hot in summer.
3. The train leaves in 5 minutes.
4. I am going to visit my relatives on weekends.
5. It is going to rain in a minute.
6. He has already read this book.
7. My mother will visit us in a week.
8. He is going to join the club.
9. He went for a walk yesterday.
10. I was reading a book from 5 to 6 yesterday.
8. Make the questions to the answers.
1. Does it snow in winter in Poland? - Yes, it does. It often snows in Poland in winter.
2. Do you use maps? - No, we don't. We don't use maps any more.
3. When does the train arrives? - The train arrives at 10 o'clock this morning.
4. What will Leila take with her? - Leila will take her sunglasses with her.
5. What is Ted going to do? - Ted is going to hire a car for us.
6. Where are Jane and Jim going to this month? - Jane and Jim are flying to Venice this month.
7. Where have you lost your hat? - I've lost my hat at the airport.
8. How long was the Duke waiting at the train station? - Duke was waiting at the train station for an hour.
9. Where did Ricky go last summer? - Ricky went to Japan last summer.
10. Have you fastened your seatbelts? - We have fastened our seat belts already.
Сторінка 143
9. Match.
1 - j; 2 - e; 3 - g; 4 - f; 5 - h; 6 - i; 7 - d; 8 - a; 9 - c; 10 - b.
1. Will you go on a trip with me? - j. Of course, I will.
2. When does the plane take off? - e. At 9 am this morning.
3. Have you packed your suitcase? - g. Yes, we have.
4. What did the check-in clerk ask? - f. He asked for my passport.
5. Does it often rain in Hawaii? - h. No, it doesn't.
6. What was Vic doing for 30 minutes? - i. She was lying in the sun.
7. Do you always make a list before a trip? - d. Yes, I do.
8. What is Ben doing at the moment? - a. He's swimming in the sea.
9. Are Nick and Kelly going to get a visa? - c. No, they aren't.
10. Where are you going this summer? - b. We are going to Germany.
Сторінка 144
1. Choose the correct form.
1. Sandra has been to many countries already.
2. This summer Bill is going to Italy with his family.
3. They visit a country by the Mediterranean Sea every summer.
4. We will go to Hawaii next summer.
5. My dad loves history, so he prefers to visit ancient cities.
6. Visiting that museum was fantastic!
1 - to fasten your seat belt;
2 - travel insurance;
3 - to get off the plane;
4 - to get ready for a trip;
5 - to hire a taxi;
6 - to collect your luggage.
3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. You have to take some things out or pay extra money.
2. How many pieces of advice have you got?
3. We need some luggage before travelling to a new country.
4. They need to get a visa to go to Australia.
5. The check-in clerk gave me my boarding pass back.
6. It's not her first trip by plane. She knows how to go through passport control.
4. Put the sentences into the correct order to make a dialogue.
- How much luggage have you got?
- 40 kg.
- You must be joking. You can have just 23. You'll have to pay an extra $50.
- I hope they won't notice.
- Oh yes, they will!
- Well, OK. I will pay $50 then.
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