ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2023

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Unit 5. Are you a vegetarian?
Сторінка 76
2. Read the blogs about different eating habits and guess the meaning of the words from the box. Then check yourself in the Vocabulary at the end of the book.
bowl - миска;
chopsticks - палочки;
fork - виделка;
knife - ніж;
spoon - ложка;
taste - смак;
tissue - серветка;
specialty - фірмова страва;
vegetarian - вегетаріанець;
eating habit - харчова звичка;
light food - легкі страви.
Наш світ дуже різний і не лише культурою, мовою, зовнішністю та поглядами. Також є багато різних кухонь. Перше, про що ми тут думаємо, це посуд. Однак будь-яка кухня також включає в себе різні харчові звички - способи того, як і коли люди їдять.
Gerald. Англія завжди славилася своїми хорошими манерами і не тільки на вулицях. В англійців також є певні норми і традиції прийому їжі. Перш за все, важливо сидіти за столом прямо - так ви покажете, що ви ввічливі. Далі, коли ви їсте м'ясо, рибу чи овочі, завжди користуйтеся виделкою та ножем. Нарешті, не забудьте надіти на шию серветку - вона збереже вашу чистоту.
Сторінка 77
3.Read the blogs again and answer the questions.
1. What is England famous for? - England is famous for its good manners.
2. What is so special about the eating habits in India? - People eat with hands in India.
3. What traditional meals are there in Poland? - There are three traditional meals in Poland: breakfast, dinner and supper.
4. What eating habits are there in China? - People eat with the help of chopsticks in China.
JIYA. Люди в моїй країні зазвичай їдять руками, тому ми завжди миємо їх перед їжею. Деякі індійці кажуть, що так смачніше, тому що ви можете самі змішати їжу на свій смак. Також важливо їсти тільки правою рукою. Якщо ви використовуєте ліву руку, це означає, що ви не поважаєте оточуючих. До речі, в Індії багато вегетаріанців - людей, які не їдять м'ясо, тому що це заборонено релігією.
MARIA. Три традиційні страви в Польщі - це сніданок, обід і вечеря. Перший прийом їжі включає каву або чай з бутербродами, яйця або різні молочні продукти рано вранці (близько 6-7 ранку). На вечерю, яку з'їдаємо близько 15-17 години, ми часто їмо суп і трохи м'яса з овочами. Нарешті, о 8-9 вечора, є вечеря, коли ми їмо теплу легку їжу, наприклад рибу. Обіду немає, тому що поляки часто зайняті роботою та навчанням. Тому ми зазвичай перекушуємо опівдні.
YIHAN. їжа паличками є традиційною в Китаї. Звичайно, ми користуємося ложками, коли їмо суп і рис, але не користуємося виделками і ножами, коли їмо м'ясо чи рибу. Деяким людям трохи важко їсти паличками - тому батьки привчають нас до цієї звички з дитинства. Якщо достатньо потренуватися, використовувати палички для їжі може бути не так складно, як деякі з нас думають. Ще один цікавий факт: китайці завжди їдять рис до всього, але ми зберігаємо його окремо від іншої їжі у великих мисках.
4. Choose a country from the list. Use the Internet and look for some special eating habits in there. Report what you have found out to the class.
In France their traditional meal times: breakfast at 7:00 am, lunch at noon, afternoon snack (Ie gouter) at 3:30 pm (for kids only), dinner around 8:00 pm. They like croissane for breakfast and to go out to a restaurant in the evening.
Сторінка 78
1. a) Listen and read. Then find out the meaning of the new words in the Vocabulary.
nuts - горіхи;
turkey - індичка;
bake - пекти;
yoghurt - йогурт;
pork - свинина;
boil - варити;
salmon - лосось;
prawns - креветки;
cut - різати;
fry - жарити.
b) Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. I need to cut the carrots and onions for the salad.
2. My favourite fish is salmon - it is delicious!
3.Nuts are a great healthy snack.
4. Megan s favourite dairy food is yoghurt.
5. Ben and Bill want to bake some biscuits for Ann.
6. You have to boil the water before putting the potatoes in it.
7. Kim doesn't like turkey She prefers chicken.
8. Many Arabic people don't eat pork.
9.Prawns are delicious sea creatures.
10. Let's it is delicious some eggs in the pan for breakfast.
2. Work in pairs. Tell your partner what food you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Tell him/her what snacks you have, too.
I like to have fried eggs for breakfast, a piece of chicken with potatoes for lunch and a salad with salmon for dinner. For a snack I like to have some piece of fruit.
3. a) Sort out the phrases below. Add any other good and bad manners that you know.
Good manners
Bad manners
to sit straight at the table
to chew with your mouth open
to wash your hands before a meal
to put your elbows on the table
to use a napkin
to have your smartphone on
b) Discuss in groups why good manners are important.
Good manners are important because they can tell about your character. It is very important to be always with good manners. People respect such behavior and pay attention to it.
Сторінка 79
1.Work in pairs. Tell your partner why it is important to eat healthy food.
Healthy food is important for our health. If we eat healthy food we feel better and always full of energy. Healthy food help you to keep fit.
2.Read the text below and match the headings to the paragraphs.
1 - e; 2 - d; 3 - f; 4 - b; 5 - g; 6 - a; 7 - c; 8 - h.
Сторінка 80
3.Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
1. What food groups are there? - There are four food groups.
2. Why should you eat different food? - You should eat different food because it is good for your health.
3. Why fruit and vegetables are important for your health? - Fruit and vegetables help to keep you healthy and useful for your eyes and skin.
4. How does meat help your body? - Meat helps your body to grow and be strong.
5. How do they call the food in the milk group? - Food in the milk group call dairy products.
6. What food comes from grains? - Bread and cereal comes from grains.
7.Can snacks be part of your diet? - Yes, it can.
8. Are apples and eggs in the same food group? - No, they are not.
9. Why are good manners necessary? - Good manners are necessary because your body will digest food better.
4. a) Work in groups. Find out:
b) Report on the tastes in your group to the class.
My groupmates like to have fizzy drinks most of all. As for food they prefer sandwich, burger and pizza.
Сторінка 81
1. a) Put the words below into two groups: Countables'and Uncountables'.
Countable: apples, tomatoes, biscuits, eggs.
Uncountable: milk, sugar, salt, juice.
b) Make up sentences, as in the example.
There are some apples in the bowl.
There are some tomatoes in the box.
There are some biscuits on the plate.
There are some eggs in the pan.
There is no milk in the fridge.
There is some sugar in the tea.
There is some salt on the table.
There is some juice in the glass.
2. Fill in some or any.
1. There is some water in the bottle.
2. There aren't any chips in the bag.
3. Are there any oranges in the fridge?
4. There are some bananas on the table.
5. There are some nuts in the box.
6. There isn't any butter in the fridge.
3. Fill in all, both, a few, a lot of, lots of.
1. Greg has eaten a lot of the sweets!
2. Look! There are a few cucumbers on the shelf!
3. Both jars of honey are kept on the table.
4. There are only a few biscuits left.
5. Lots of fruit is grown in Africa.
6. All the salt is gone!
4. Look at the picture and say what food and drinks there are in the fridge. Use:
There are all eggs in the fridge.
Both cartoons of milk are in the fridge.
Lots of oranges are in the fridge.
I few bottles of juice are in the fridge.
Сторінка 82
1.a) Look, listen and read the words. Guess what the dialogue is going to be about.
The dialogue is going to be about preparing some food.
b) Listen to the dialogue between Emma and Erica and guess the meaning of the words in the Words for You box. Then check the words in the Vocabulary.
lamb - баранина; to peel - чистити;
an oven - духовка; to boil - варити;
shortbread - пісочне печиво; to lay the table - накривати на стіл.
2.Listen to the dialogue again and choose a, b or c.
1. The girls are going to start with c) home-made cheese.
2. Emma will a) lay the table.
3. First, the girls are going to have some b) vegetable soup with lamb.
4. The potatoes are going to be c) boiled.
5. Emma wants to b) peel the potatoes.
6. For dessert, they are going to have a) shortbread.
3. Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
1.Who made the cheese? - Catherine did the cheese.
2. What soup are the girls going to eat? - They are going to eat vegetable soup with lamb.
3.Is Stella going to eat the soup? Why/Why not? - No, she isn't. She is a vegetarian.
4. What is Erica going to put in the oven? - Erica is going to put salmon in the oven.
5. Why does Erica need the potatoes' skins? - Erica wants to make a compost.
6. Who is going to make the dessert? - Susan is going to make the dessert.
Сторінка 83
1.b) Say when each item is used, as in the example. Forks are used when we eat meat, fish and vegetables. Knives are used when we cut fruit and vegetables. Tablespoons are used when we eat soup.
Dessertspoons are used when we eat cake.
Plates are used for the mail course.
Bowls are used for the salads.
Glasses are used for the water.
Cups are used to drink tea and coffee.
Frying pans are used to fry eggs.
Saucepans are used for boiling products.
Graters are used for making vegetables smaller.
Aprons are used to protect the body.
Oven gloves are used to protect hands.
Whisks are used to mix something.
Chopping boards are used for slicing products.
2.a) Match the pictures to the words.
1. fridge - холодильник - f.
2. cooker - плита - e.
3. oven - піч - c.
4. blender - блендер - a.
5. microwave - мікрохвильова піч - d.
6. kettle - чайник - b.
b) Say what other items of technology that are used in the kitchen you know.
I know such items as coffee machine, sandwich maker and grill.
Сторінка 84
1.a) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future forms.
1. Hey, be careful! Those eggs are going to fall down!
2. Maybe we will have some chicken and salad for lunch.
3. Kim is going to go to the park for a picnic with us at 2 pm.
4. Rick is not happy about the mess you've made here.
5. Ann and Eddy will not have any cooking lessons today at noon.
6. Stop it! I am not going to eat any of that meat!
b) Write your own two sentences in the Future Simple, two 'be going to' - sentences and two sentences in the Present Continuous for future.
1. I will fill in the missing letters.
2. You will definitely miss this train.
3. Stop! You are going to cut yourself.
4. Hurry up! They are going to run away.
5. Jack is visiting granny tonight.
6. Mike is meeting Jack in the afternoon.
2. a) Match.
1 - c; 2 - d; 3 - e; 4 - f; 5 - b; 6 - a.
1. Are you meeting Don at the cafe this evening? - c. No, I'm not. I'm meeting Pam tonight.
2. Is Helen going to make a cake? - d. No, she isn't. She's going to make a pie.
3. Will Bob and Tim learn any new recipes? - e. Yes, they will. I think they'll be interested.
4. Will Mike eat this cheesecake? - f. No, he won't. He'll probably throw it out.
5. Are we going to go to the grocery shop? - b. Yes, we are. There aren't any vegetables left.
6. Is Nick having lunch with you tomorrow? - a. Yes, he is. He's meeting me at 1 pm.
b) Work in pairs. Ask your classmate three questions about his/her on - the - spot decision, intention and arrangement for tomorrow. Write down his/her answers and report on them to the class.
1 - Is Ann going to make a pie? - Yes, she is. She likes baking.
2 - Will Max eat this cake? - Yes, he will. Ge likes sweets.
3 - Are you meeting Mark tomorrow? - No, I am meeting Ann tomorrow.
Сторінка 85
1. a) Listen and read the talk. Guess the meaning of the phrases in bold.
wheat flour - пшенична мука;
that's very handy - це дуже зручно;
mop the floor - підмітати підлогу;
the rest - відпочинок;
roll the pastry out onto the board - розкачати тісто на дошці;
pastry cutter - різак для тіста;
that's it - це все.
Сьюзан: Нам потрібно трохи пшеничного борошна.
Емма: Скільки борошна?
Сьюзан: 1 склянка борошна. Також нам знадобиться півсклянки рисового борошна.
Емма: Рисове борошно? Ніколи не чув про це. Чи потрібен нам цукор?
Сьюзан: Так, півсклянки коричневого цукру.
Емма: Яйця?
Сьюзен: Ні, нам не потрібні яйця, але нам потрібно трохи масла. Ч можете ви дати мені трохи масла, будь ласка?
Емма: Скільки масла? Ой! мені шкода Я впустив його.
Сьюзен: Не хвилюйся. Є ще трохи в холодильнику. Белла, Белла!
Ходи сюди! На підлозі є трохи масла.
Емма: Це дуже зручно! Ви не повинні мити підлогу. Вона хотіла б ще.
Сьюзен: Нам потрібна решта - нам потрібно півсклянки. Далі ми збираємося розкачати тісто на дошці. Дженні, ти збираєшся вирізати печиво за допомогою кондитерської форми. Зазвичай це завдання Мартіна.
Дженні: Гаразд!
Емма: Як довго ми їх печемо?
Сьюзен: Приблизно на 15-20 хвилин... Ось і все!
2.Work in pairs. Remember what recipes you know, for example boiled potatoes, fried eggs, baked meat, etc.
Choose one and tell your partner about it. You can also name the kitchen items that you use. We need two eggs, some milk and salt. Take also a bowl and a whisk to mix eggs. Then put the mixture into the pan and fry it for two minutes. Fried eggs are ready.
Сторінка 86
1.a) Read the kids' messages about their eating habits.
Linda. Я вегетаріанець. Я не їм ні м'яса, ні риби. Зазвичай я з'їдаю два-три яблука щодня, а також багато зелених овочів і картоплі. Я їм багато сиру, а раз на тиждень я два-три яйця.
Ted. Я граю в теніс, а для спортсменів важлива хороша їжа. Перед грою я з'їдаю два-три бутерброди та плитку шоколаду. Я їм багато макаронів, хліба та свіжих овочів. Я не їм торти.
Sandra. Я намагаюся не їсти шкідливу їжу. На сніданок я п'ю склянку молока. На обід я з'їдаю яблуко і трохи супу або бутерброда. Увечері я зазвичай їжу м'ясо або рибу з овочами. Я ніколи не їм солодощі чи тістечка, і я не їм багато хліба.
b) Write a short paragraph about what, how and when you eat and drink. Use the paragraphs above as examples.
I like to eat healthy food and try not to eat unhealthy one. I have a cereal with fruit for breakfast and juice. For lunch I usually have sandwich and for dinner I have full meal.
2.Read the blogs on Kids Online on pages 76 - 77. Write your own blog about the eating habits in Ukraine.
Ukrainians usually have three meals a day. They also have traditional dishes such as borsch, potato pancakes and dumplings with different feelings. They like to eat everything with sour cream.
Сторінка 87
1. Choose a or b.
1. There are b) some apples in the basket.
2. There is b) a lot of bread on the table.
3. We need b) a few flour to cook this.
4. b) Both of the biscuits are chocolate ones.
5. I had only a) a few nuts for a snack.
6. a) All the sugar is needed.
7. Tim has given me b) many oranges.
8. How b) much butter is there?
2. a) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future forms.
1. lam going to the supermarket at noon.
2. Ann thinks the dinner will be ready in ten minutes.
3. Watch out! The plates are falling down!
4. They're busy, so they won't have lunch.
5. We are not going to cook anything today!
6. Bill is not meeting Pam at the bar tonight at 6.
b) Make your own six sentences for future, like the ones above.
My brother is going to visit granny this evening.
I will go to Poland next month.
She is not meeting him at the café.
He will visit parents next week.
Look, the rain is falling down.
My mum is going to work this week.
3. a) Match.
1 - c; 2 - d; 3 - e; 4 - g; 5 - f; 6 - a; 7 - b.
1. We boil food in a - c. pot.
2. Food is fried in a - d. pan.
3. We cut food with a - e. knife.
4. Water is boiled in a - g. kettle.
5. Food is put on a - f. plate.
6. We cook food in a - a. cooker.
7. Drinks are kept in - b. bottles.
b) Say what we do with the kitchen items and gadgets below.
1. We heat food in the microwave.
2. We roast beef in the oven.
3. We eat fish with the help of fork.
4. Spoon is necessary for eating soup.
5. We keep jam in a jar.
6. We drink tea with a cup.
7. We keep products in the fridge.
8. We mix fruit with the blender.
4.Work in pairs. Tell your partner what food you usually have for a starter, a main dish and dessert.
I usually have some fresh salad for starter. Fish or a meat for the main course and apple pie for dessert.
Сторінка 88
5. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. Salmon is in the fish food group.
2. I much prefer home-made food to the one in the restaurant.
3. Let's bake a huge cake for Clare's birthday!
4. Our body digest food better when we eat slowly.
5. We need to peel the potatoes before we cook them.
6. Helen uses oranges' skins to make compost.
7. Tim turned on the oven, then he put the lamb inside.
8. It is so difficult to eat food with chopsticks!
6. Make your own 8 sentences with the words below.
1. My mother keep on a diet to be fit.
2. Fruit and vegetables give a lot of energy.
3. You should keep grains in a proper way.
4. Yoghurt is a very nice thing for a snack.
5. Roast pork in an oven.
6. You should peel oranges before eating them.
7. It will be very tasty if you fry salmon.
8. It is necessary to eat healthy food.
7. Match.
1 - d; 2 - f; 3 - e; 4 - b; 5 - c; 6 - a.
1. Do you have the rest of the beans? - d. No, I've used them for the salad.
2. My mum uses a whisk to mix food. - f. I think a blender is handier.
3. What should I do with this pastry? - e. Roll it out onto the board.
4. Oh no! The dog has spilled the juice! - b. Let's mop the floor.
5. Do we need a pastry cutter? - c. Certainly! We need to cut the biscuits.
6. Mike is making chicken for dinner. - a. Okay. I will lay the table then.
8.Discuss the questions in pairs.
1.Do you like cooking? Why/Why not?
Yes, I do. I like to prepare something new and tasty.
2. Which do you like more: foreign dishes or your national cuisine? Why?
I like our national cuisine because it is much more tastier.
3. Do you prefer to eat at home or out? Why?
I like to eat out. I like to visit restaurants.
4. Who cooks in your family? What do they usually make?
My mother and father usually cook in my family. They usually make potatoe and different meat.
9.Write the recipe for your favourite dish. Include:
My favourite dish is dumplings with different filings. We need flour, eggs, sugar, salt and different filings such as fruit, vegetables or meat. We also need a bowl and a mixture. So, first we need to make all the ingredients and then add filings. Boil it in the water. The dish is ready.
Сторінка 89
11. Work with a partner. Answer the questions and then check them with him/her. How well do you know your friend?
1.Does he/she eat meat? - Yes, he does.
2.Is he/she a vegan? - No, he isn't.
3. Does he/she like vegetables? - Yes, he is.
4.Does he/she drink a glass of milk before going to bed? - No, he doesn't.
5.Does he/she skip meals? - Yes, he does.
6. Does he/she eat many snacks? - Yes, he does.
7.Is he/she on a diet? - No, he isn't.
8. Does he/she know how to prepare a hamburger? - Yes, he does.
Сторінка 90
1. Fill in all, both, a few, a lot of/lots of.
1. Only a few people in my family can use chopsticks.
2. There are two cafes here, and all of them are Italian.
3. We need a lot of flour to make this huge cake for Ben.
4. My friends are vegetarian - both of them hate meat.
2. Choose the correct form of the verb.
1. Nick is meeting Tara at this cafe at 6 pm.
2. Ed believes that Mary will cook for him.
3. I think Ben won't like this vegetable soup.
4. Sam and Ed are going to cook rice for lunch.
5. Jane won't have dinner with us.
6. I am not eating this chicken because I'm a vegetarian.
3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. Boiled potatoes taste great with sour cream.
2. Helen told Adam to wash and peel the carrots for the soup.
3. You can wash the dishes, and Vicky can lay the table.
4. Mike loves home-made food, so he cooks everything himself.
5.Prawns and salmon are our favourite sea products.
6. Let's fry this pork and then add some vegetables to it.
4. Match.
1 - d; 2 - e; 3 - f; 4 - a; 5 - c; 6 - b.
1. How can I cut this meat? - d. Use a knife, of course!
2. We need to boil the water. - e. Okay, I'll turn on the kettle.
3. Has Annie used the blender? - f. Yes, but she hasn't cleaned it.
4. Oh no! Her face is all in chocolate! - a. Calm down. I'll get some tissues.
5. Do you need a frying pan? - c. No, but I need a pot.
6. Jim made some great ice cream. - b. I'll bring the dessertspoons.

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    У даному матеріалі Ви можете ознайомитись з готовим домашнім завданням до підручника для закладів загальної середньої освіти з англійської мови 5 клас. 1-ий рік навчання. Видавництво "Методика Паблішинг" Київ. Автор підручника: Пахомова Т.Г. Рік видання 2018. Нова програма 2018 року. (Відповіді /...

    ГДЗ Англійська мова 1 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д.] 2018

    У даному матеріалі Ви можете ознайомитись з готовим домашнім завданням до підручника для закладів загальної початкової освіти з предмету "Англійська мова" 1 клас. Видавництво "Ранок", Харків. Автор підручника: Карпюк О.Д. Рік видання 2018. Нова програма 2018 року. (Відповіді / ГДЗ / Ответы /...

    ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Зошита для контролю знань [Мясоєдова С.В.] 2010

    У даному матеріалі Ви можете ознайомитись з готовим домашнім завданням до робочого зошита для контролю знань (12-річна школа) з англійської мови 7 клас. Видавництво "Ранок", Харків. Автор підручника: Мясоєдова С.В. Рік видання 2010...
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