ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2023
6 Клас / Англійська мова,
1 954,
Unit 6. Bigger! Stronger! Faster!
Сторінка 922. Listen to the reporter and say what problem she talks about.
Спорт завжди відігравав важливу роль у нашому світі. Це один із способів розважитися з друзями, а також підтримувати себе у формі та здоров'ї. Існує величезна різноманітність різних видів спорту - від тенісу і футболу до плавання і піших прогулянок. У багатьох країнах спорт також є частиною культури, як-от гольф і крикет у Великій Британії або хокей і керлінг у Канаді.
Однак сьогодні все менше людей займаються спортом. Натомість вони сидять на стільцях і диванах перед екраном. Чому це відбувається? Наші журналісти знайшли деякі відповіді у підростаючого покоління.
3.Read the messages on page 93. Then say which idea belongs to Amy, Louis, Oleh or Junta.
1. Junta says that not everyone can afford sports equipment.
2. Amy says the main problem is technology.
3. Louis says that some people can't handle failure.
4. Louis says that not all people are competitive enough to play sports.
5. Oleh says that people are scared of getting hurt while doing sport.
6. Amy says that a lot of people have just become very lazy.
7. Oleh says that you have to be careful while playing sports.
8. Junta says that many people are very busy and have no time for sport.
Amy. Думаю, проблема в техніці. Люди вважають за краще дивитися спорт по телевізору або грати в «спортивні ігри» онлайн. В результаті їхні тіла залишаються пасивними, і вони стають занадто лінивими, щоб рухатися.
Louis. Багато видів спорту включають змагання, але не всі є конкурентоспроможними. Насправді багато людей бояться невдачі. Тому вони не хочуть пробувати.
Oleh. На мій погляд, багато людей не займаються спортом, бо бояться отримати травму. Це правда, що якщо ви не будете обережні, ви можете легко зламати ногу під час катання на лижах, вдаритися головою під час гри в регбі або потонути під час серфінгу.
Junta. Заняття спортом завжди були частиною активного способу життя, але не у всіх є гроші на весь необхідний інвентар. Є й ті, кому не вистачає часу на заняття спортом, оскільки доводиться багато працювати чи вчитися.
Сторінка 93
4. Make a list of other reasons why many people don't do sport. Present it to the class.
People do not do sport because they have problems with health.
They can't find appropriate kind of sport.
Сторінка 94
5.Listen, then read the solutions above and match them to the problems below.
b. Laziness; e. Compétition; c. Fear and worries; d. Not enough time; a. Not enough money.
Подумайте про своє здоров'я і майбутнє: якщо ви ведете пасивний спосіб життя, ви, ймовірно, захворієте різними хворобами або принаймні наберете вагу. Ти справді цього хочеш?
Займайтеся спортом для задоволення, а не для перемоги.
Насправді є деякі види спорту, які взагалі не змагаються - йога, аеробіка, відвідування тренажерного залу або їзда на велосипеді в парку.
Будьте сміливими та придбайте хороше спорядження, наприклад рукавички або шолом. Крім того, ви можете отримати тренера, який буде спостерігати за вами і давати вам чіткі інструкції.
Добре організуйте свій час і більше подорожуйте пішки. Крім того, завжди є вихідні - гуляйте з друзями, а не дивіться телевізор. Звичайно, тренажерні зали, басейни та спортивні клуби можуть бути трохи дорогими, але ніхто не каже, що ви повинні платити гроші за хороші вправи вдома вранці.
6.Work in pairs. Make a list of more solutions to the problems in task 5. Present it to the class.
- If you want to keep fit, you will always find time to go for a walk. Even a small walk in the park will help to keep fit.
7.Discuss in groups if you like sport and why/why not.
I like sport because it is good for our health. Sport plays an important role in my life. If you don't know what to do, just go for a walk or play football. It will bring a lot of benefit to you.
Сторінка 95
1. b) Copy the table below and sort out the kinds of sports from a). Add some other sports that you know.
Individual sports | WaterSports | Games | Field events | Track events |
skating | sailing | tennis | hockey | Horse riding |
gymnastics | swimming | fencing | football | Long jump |
aerobics | volleyball | High jump | skiing | |
skateboarding | running | |||
karate | ||||
climbing |
swim - swimmer; skate - skater; box - boxer; jump - jumper; train - trainer; win - winner; play - player.
b) Add the - mg' endings to the verbs below to make up names of sports, as in the example.
cycle - cycling; jump - jumping; ski - skiing; swim - swimming; skate - skating; dive - diving; surf - surfing.
3. Fill in go, play and do in the correct form.
1. I do gymnastics every day.
2. Jade play tennis with Tom.
3. We go hiking on Sunday.
4. Bob go cycling in the park.
5. Peter go horse riding on Friday.
6. Tim and Kim play football together.
Сторінка 96
1. Name as many ball games as you can.
football, volleyball, tennis, water polo, golf, basketball, rugby, soccer. 2. Read the text and guess the name of each sport.
basketball, volleyball, football.
У цю гру грають дві команди по п'ять гравців. Мета — закинути м'яч у кошик команди суперника. Коли одна команда намагається забити, інша намагається перешкодити їм забити. Особливість тут полягає в тому, що гравцям доводиться весь час вести м'яч. Це дія, коли людина стрибає та відбиває м'яч вгору та вниз від майданчика. Загалом гра складається з чотирьох частин. Кожна частина триває дванадцять хвилин. У підсумку перемагає команда, яка набрала найбільшу кількість балів,
Цей вид спорту — це гра всередині або на вулиці протягом шістдесяти або дев'яноста хвилин. Він розрахований на дві команди по шість гравців і складається з трьох частин із двома тайм-аутами. Вам потрібен м'яч і висока сітка. Гравці б'ють по м'ячу руками або руками через сітку, але вони не можуть його зловити або утримати. Кожна команда отримує бали, коли вдаряє м'ячем об землю суперника. Перемагає та команда, яка першою набере п'ятнадцять очок.
Цей вид спорту є грою на свіжому повітрі для двох команд по одинадцять гравців. Воротар - єдина людина, яка може торкатися м'яча руками, тримати його і кидати. їх завдання - не дати м’ячу суперника потрапити у ворота своєї команди. Інші гравці можуть лише бити ногою або котити м'яч. Команда отримує очки, коли б'є м'яч, і він потрапляє у ворота команди суперника. Гра складається з двох частин і одного тайм-ауту і триває дев'яносто хвилин. Перемагає команда, яка набере найбільшу кількість балів.
Сторінка 97
3.Read the text again and say if the statements below are true or false.
1. In basketball, the ball is shot into the basket of the opposing team. - True.
2. Basketball players have to run and kick the ball during the game. - False.
3. In volleyball, the equipment used by players is a ball and a high net. - True.
4. Volleyball players can hit, catch and hold the ball with their hands. - False.
5. In football, the ball can be touched, held and thrown by any player. - False.
6. Football teams get points when they hit the ball into the opposing goal. - True.
4. Complete the sentences.
1. In basketball, there are two teams.
2. Each part of a basketball game lasts for twelve minutes.
3. A volleyball game is played for sixty or ninety minutes.
4. There are three parts with two timeouts in a volleyball game.
5. A football game lasts for ninety minutes.
6. There are eleven players in each football team.
5.Ask and answer in pairs.
What do football players do? How can they win? - They play a football game, they need to hit the goal of the opposite team.
6.Read, choose and make as many true sentences as you can.
Якщо ви хочете займатися певним видом спорту, вам потрібні певні риси характеру та навички. Подивіться на таблицю та додайте інші до списку.
A football player needs to run fast.
A basketball player has to be strong.
A tennis player must have a lot of energy.
A rugby player has to be strong.
A volleyball player needs to be fit.
A baseball player has to have a great wish to win.
Сторінка 98
1.a) Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous.
1. You were surfing in the sea for 30 minutes.
2. Paul was not riding a horse for three hours.
3. I wasn't doing gymnastics from 5 to 6 pm.
4. Ann and Sam were skating for 30 minutes.
5. We were not playing hockey for an hour.
6. Ben was running in the park at 9 o'clock yesterday morning.
b) Make your own 3 affirmative and 3 negative sentences in the Past Continuous with the words below.
1. I was skiing for thirteen minutes yesterday.
2. My brother was jumping from 5 to 6 p.m.
3. My gather was diving for some period yesterday.
4. I was boxing from 4 to 5 yesterday.
5. We were playing volleyball from 6 to 7 yesterday.
6. My sister was doing athletics yesterday in the evening.
2. Make the questions to the answers, as in the example.
1. Were you swimming in the sea for half an hour? - Yes, I was. I was swimming in the sea for half an hour.
2. Was Rick playing hockey for 45 minutes? - No, he wasn't. Rick wasn't playing golf for 45 minutes.
3. Were Will and Wendy skiing at 3 p.m.? - Yes, they were. Will and Wendy were skiing at 3 pm.
4. Were we jogging from 9 to 10 am.? - No, we weren't. We weren't jogging from 9 to 10 am.
5. Was Annie exercising at the gym at 11 o'clock? - Yes, she was.
Annie was exercising at the gym at 11 o'clock.
6. Were you studying karate from 5 to 6.30 pm? - No, I wasn't. I wasn't studying karate from 5 to 6:30 pm.
Сторінка 99
3. Think about yesterday and give short answers to the questions below.
1.Were you swimming in the pool at 6 pm? - No, I wasn't swimming in the pool at 6 pm.
2. Was your mother running in the park for 30 minutes? - Yes, my mother was running in the park for 30 minutes.
3. Were your grandparents sailing at 8 pm? - No, my grandparents were not sailing at 8 pm.
4. Was your best friend playing tennis for one hour? - Yes, my best friend was playing tennis for one hour.
5. Were your classmates skiing for 45 minutes? - No, they were not skiing for 45 minutes.
6. Was your teacher doing aerobics from 8 to 9 am? - No, my teacher was not doing aerobics from 8 to 9 am.
4. In pairs, ask and answer questions about what everyone was doing yesterday at the times below.
1. What was Tom doing at 7.30 am yesterday? - He was jogging in the park.
2. What was Ann doing at 10.30 am yesterday? - She was jumping the rope at 10.30 am.
3. What was Fred doing at 12.45 pm yesterday? - He was playing basketball at 12.45 pm.
4. What were Kelly and Jill doing at 3.00 pm yesterday? - They were skating at 3.00 pm yesterday.
5. What were Jim and Ben doing at 5.10 pm yesterday? - They were swimming at 5.10 pm yesterday.
Сторінка 100
1. a) Before listening, speak of the following.
1.Do you know anything about the Olympic Games? - Yes, I know.
2. How often are they held? - They held every four years.
3. What sports do athletes compete in? - Athletes compete in different kinds of sport.
b) Listen and choose the correct answer.
1 - b; 2 - a; 3 - c; 4 - c; 5 - b; 6 - a; 7 - c; 8 - b.
1. Where were the first Olympics held? - b) in Greece.
2. How many events were there? - a) one.
3. What was the prize for the winner at the first games? - c) an apple.
4. How often are the Olympics held? - c) every four years.
5. How many prizes are there for each event? - b) three.
6. Are there winter sports at the Olympic Games? - a) Yes, there are.
7. How many rings does the Olympic flag have? - c) five.
8. The Olympic flag shows the colours of... - b) the flags of all countries.
2. Listen again and answer the questions.
1. When were the first Olympic Games held? - The first Olympic Games were held in Olympia in Greece in 776 BC.
2. Who didn't take part in the Olympics in the past? - Women didn't take part in the Olympics in the past.
3.What races were there at the old Olympics? - There were horse races in the past.
4. What kinds of sports are included in the Olympics today? - Such kinds as athletics, boxing, cycling, basketball, football, gymnastics, swimming and many others are included in Olympics today.
5. What does the Olympic flag mean? - The Olympic flag means the countries are friends.
Сторінка 101
1.b) Say what sports equipment we use in each sport below.
Use the words above and add any other sports items that you know.
We use rackets and a ball in tennis.
We use a ball and a net in volleyball.
We use goggles in the swimming.
We use a bat in the baseball.
We use bicycle in the cycling.
We use skis and ski goggles in the skiing.
We use a puck and a stick in the ice hockey.
2.a) Listen to the talk show where people are trying to guess the name of the sport. Choose the correct boxes.
individual sport, fast sport, outdoor sport
b) Listen again and put the questions in the order you hear them.
Does your guest play an indoor sport?
Does your guest play an individual sport?
Is it a dangerous sport?
Does he need any other equipment?
Does he need a racket?
Сторінка 102
1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.
1 - played; 2 - was skiing; 3 - were swimming; 4 - had; 5 - went; 6 - were doing.
1. Jim played football with his friends last weekend.
2. Sara was skiing in the mountains for an hour yesterday.
3. We were swimming in the sea for 30 minutes last Sunday.
4. Tina and Tom had aerobics lessons two days ago.
5. Cathy went jogging in the park with Ann last Friday.
6. Mike and Pete were doing karate at 10 o'clock yesterday.
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.
1. I was skating when you came to me.
2.Lilly was running when Bob caught her.
3. They were playing baseball when we stopped them.
4. Jack was cycling when it started to rain.
5. You were sailing when the weather got bad.
6.We were snowboarding when Tim fell down.
3. Think about your last weekend. Write your own six sentences in the Past Simple and the Past Continuous like the ones in task 2.
Last week I went to my grandparents. We spent a lot of time with granny and cousins. When we were walking in the park with my cousin, the rain started. We were having dinner, when our friends came. We were watching TV, when the dog began to bark. We were cycling, when our parents came.
Сторінка 103
1. Look at the pictures and say where each item is used, as in the example.
1. A high net is used in volleyball.
2. Goggles and swimsuit is used in swimming.
3. Skis are used in skiing.
4. A ball is used in football.
5. Rocket and a ball are used in tennis.
6. A ring is used in basketball.
7. A puck is used in ice hockey.
8. A helmet is used in cycling.
2. Work in pairs. Interview your partner about sport, make notes and then tell the class about him/her. Ask:
1. What kind of sport is his favourite? - His favourite sport is football.
2. Why he likes it? - Because it is a team game.
3. If he does it? - Yes, he does it.
4. Where he does it? - He does it on the field.
5. How often he does it? - He does it three times a week.
3. Listen and say the poem.
Я люблю кататися на велосипеді, Я люблю грати в шахи.
Мій друг добре займається дзюдо -
Як ви здогадуєтеся, ми захоплюємося спортом.
І будь-який вид спорту точно
Бо він може навіть вилікувати хвороби
І може для кожної дівчинки та хлопчика
Даруйте багато моментів радості.
Прислів'я звучить для всіх: «У здоровому тілі здоровий дух»
Сторінка 104
1. Read Emma's blog and answer the questions in pairs.
1.Why does sport play an important role in Emma's life? - Sport helps Emma to keep fit.
2. What does Emma do at the gym? - She trains in the gym.
3. What is special about Emma's volleyball coach? - He is strict and shows excellent results in competition.
4. What does Emma do in the evening? - She walks at least 30 - 40 minutes every day.
Спорт відіграє важливу роль у моєму житті, тому що він допомагає мені бути у формі та здоровим. У мене не вистачає часу на зарядку вранці, але я займаюся спортом увечері.
Перш за все, я ходжу в спортзал двічі на тиждень. Я тренуюся зі своєю подругою Тарою. Вона не тренер, але спортом займається з дитинства, тому багато знає. Тара стежить за мною і допомагає робити все правильно.
По-друге, у мене на вихідних уроки волейболу.
Наш тренер суворий, і ми показуємо відмінні результати на різних змаганнях.
Нарешті, я гуляю принаймні 30-40 хвилин щодня.
Я часто ходжу в парк з сім'єю. Таким чином ми проводимо час разом і подихаємо свіжим повітрям.
Загалом, спорт важливий не лише для мого здоров'я, а й для мого соціального життя.
2. Write a similar blog about sport in your life. Say:
Sport is important for me because I like to be healthy. I usually go to the gym and spend there some time training. I like football, so I play football almost every day. I go training every day with my friends. Ou football coach always gives us interesting trainings.
Сторінка 105
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1 - kick; 2 - gold; 3 - cricket; 4 - afford; 5 - competitive; 6 - coach.
1. You have to kick the ball in football.
2. I've got a gold medal in this competition!
3.Cricket is Lesley's favourite kind of sport.
4. We can't afford this equipment for baseball.
5. Tim is so competitive! He'll do anything to win!
6. Our coach is very well-organised and strict, too.
2. Make your own 10 sentences with the words from the list.
1. My mother likes cycling in the morning.
2. This is the list of all generation that took part in this competition.
3. The last goal was the best one.
4. We have two timeouts for 45 minutes.
5. You need to train twice a day.
6. Silver medal is not so bad.
7. Basketball is the game where you bounce the ball.
8. You can get hurt if you will play in such a way.
9. It is very useful for you to gain weight.
10. I won the bronze medal on the competition.
Сторінка 106
4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.
1. Jane was skiing for two hours last weekend.
2. I was jogging from 8 am to 10 am two days ago.
3. We played ice hockey together last Sunday.
4. Bill and Ricky was running when it started to snow yesterday.
5. Nick was skating in the park yesterday when his phone rang.
6. I got injured when I was surfing in the sea three days ago.
5. Match.
1 - b; 2 - d; 3 - f; 4 - e; 5 - a; 6 - c.
1. Was Jake playing football at 3 pm yesterday? - b. Yes, he was.
2. Was Gina playing curling for 30 minutes last Saturday? - d. No, she wasn’t.
3. Was your dog jumping with you for 15 minutes? - f. No, it wasn't.
4. Were you playing golf at 1 pm a day ago? - e. Yes, I was.
5. Were Joe and Sam boxing from 5 pm to 7 pm? - a. Yes, they were.
6. Were you and Nigel hiking for a week last summer? - c. No, we weren't.
6. Make the questions to the answers.
1. Were you playing rugby for half an hour yesterday? - Yes, I was. I was playing rugby for half an hour yesterday.
2. Was Dana swimming at 3 pm two days ago? - No, she wasn't. Dana wasn't swimming at 3 pm two days ago.
3. Were you playing volleyball from 2 pm to 5 pm last Sunday? - Yes, we were. We were playing volleyball from 2 pm to 5 pm last Sunday.
4. Was Luke surfing from 9 am to 10.30 am last Monday? - No, he wasn't. Luke wasn't surfing from 9 am to 10:30 am last Monday.
5. Was your cat running for 35 minutes yesterday? - Yes, it was. My cat was running with me for 35 minutes yesterday.
6. Were Ed and Emma doing athletics from 8 am to 2 pm a day ago? - No, they weren't. Ed and Emma weren't doing athletics from 8 am to 2 pm a day ago.
7.Make nouns from the words in the box.
play; win; lose; swimming; training; boxing; skating; diving.
8.a) Fill in play; do or go.
1. play rugby. 2. go hiking. 3. go running. 4. do aerobics. 5. play table tennis. 6. do gymnastics.
b) Make your own six sentences in the Past Continuous with the phrases above.
1. They were playing rugby from 4 to 5 yesterday.
2. She was going hiking yesterday evening.
3. They were going running from 6 to 8 last Sunday.
4. She was doing aerobics from 5 to 7 yesterday morning.
5. My sister was playing table tennis from 2 to 3 yesterday.
6. I was doing gymnastics from 1 to 2 yesterday.
9. Say what equipment is used for each kind of sport, as in the example.
A ball and a ring are used in basketball.
A rocket and a ball are used in tennis.
A puck and a stick are used in ice hockey.
Skis are used in skiing.
A boat is used in sailing.
A swimming costume and goggles are used in swimming.
Сторінка 107
10.a) Answer the questions quickly.
1. Are you a good swimmer? - Yes, I am.
2. Can you swim underwater? - Yes, I can.
3. Does walking make you tired? - No, it doesn't.
4. Are you a sports fan? - Yes, I do.
5. Who is your favourite team? - My favourite team is Shakhtar.
6. What is the task of the goalkeeper? - To catch the goal.
7. Can football players kick the ball with their heads? - Yes, they can.
8. Can football players touch the ball with their hands? - No, they can't.
9. How many football players are there in a team? - 11.
10. Do you follow any athlete online? - No, I don't.
11. What is the best football field in Ukraine? - Dynamo.
12. Do you know the names of any famous football players? - Shevchenko, Yarmolenko.
13. What sports do you do in winter? - I play indoor football.
14. How long does a football game last? - 90 minutes.
15. How often do you go to a stadium or a sports ground? - Every week.
Сторінка 108
1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.
1. Matt was doing some gymnastics yesterday morning.
2.I was playing tennis on the court yesterday at 5 o'clock.
3. George and Jane were cycling in the park from 5 pm to 7 pm.
4. Kim was dribbling quickly when Ted got the ball yesterday.
5. I was rolling the ball when David fell down at the last game.
6. Fred and Sam were hiking for an hour when it started to rain a day ago.
2. Write the questions to the answers.
1. Were you skiing for two hours last weekend? - No, I wasn't. I wasn't skiing for two hours last weekend.
2. Was Ted riding a horse at 5 pm last Sunday? - Yes, he was. Ted was riding a horse at 5 pm last Sunday.
3. Were you playing rugby for 40 minutes two days ago? - No, we weren't. We weren't playing rugby for 40 minutes two days ago.
4. Were they playing curling from 8 am to 2 pm a day ago? - Yes, they were. Tina and Leila were playing curling from 8 am to 2 pm a day ago.
5. Was Katie doing athletics for an hour last Monday? - No, she wasn’t. Katie wasn't doing athletics for an hour last Monday.
6. Were you having a timeout for 10 minutes? - Yes, we were. We were having a timeout for 10 minutes.
3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. The Olympic Games are going to be held in Austria this year.
2. The aim of every football game is to win.
3. We've got more points than the opposing team.
4. You can get hurt in skating if you're not careful.
5. I love playing tennis just as much as cricket.
6. Tim has a very active lifestyle - he jogs every day.
4. Put the sentences into the correct order to form a dialogue.
Vic: Hi, Tim! How was the game?
Tim: Hi, Vic. It was awful - we lost.
Vic: What happened?
Tim: Well, I fell down when I was rolling the ball.
Vic: Did you get injured?
Tim: No, but the player from the opposing team caught the ball and shot a goal.
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