ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2023
6 Клас / Англійська мова,
1 954,
Unit 2. My amazing family.
Сторінка 26The role of family (Роль сім'ї)
Моя мама каже, що сьогодні життя таке інше - нові технології, нові способи спілкування, нові стандарти та традиції. Однак сім'я все ще відіграє важливу роль у нашому сучасному світі. Як і раніше, сім’я означає подружню пару, з дітьми або без них. Є також родичі - люди, які пов'язані з нами, наприклад, бабусі та дідусі, дядьки та тітки, двоюрідні брати тощо. Однак сім'я - це більше, ніж просто група людей, пов'язаних корінням. Це місце, де ми отримуємо допомогу та підтримку в житті. Крім того, у різних національностей різні сімейні стандарти. Наприклад, у багатьох країнах обидва батьки працюють, а в інших чоловік - єдина особа, яка має роботу. Є сім'ї, де батьки живуть окремо від дітей, і ті, які завжди разом. Деякі діти ростуть у повній сім'ї, тоді як у інших є лише мама чи тато. Кількість дітей у сім'ї також неоднакова, і є культури, де домашня тварина може бути членом сім'ї. Завдяки сучасній глобалізації, ми всі можемо поділитися та дізнатися про різні погляди та звички в кожній країні. Проте є спільне для всіх народів - сім'я - це місце любові та підтримки.
1. Listen, then read the blog. Choose the true sentences.
1. A family is still very important in our world today. - True.
2. A family is just a group of people who live together. - False.
3. All nationalities have the same family norms and traditions. - False.
4. Not in all families both parents work. - True.
5. Families never live apart. - True.
6. Not all children have both parents. - True.
7. The number of kids in every family is different. - True.
8. A family is a place of business. - False.
2.Read the text again and tell the class what other roles a family can have.
A family is the place where everyone supports each other. These are people who never betray you.
Сторінка 27
3. Read the comments above. Then say who these sentences below are аbout: Linda, Petro or Hakim.
1. This person has a very big family. - Hakim.
2. This person has a stepdad. - Petro.
3. This person has parents that both work. - Linda.
4. This person has a family day - Saturday. - Petro.
5. This person has no brothers or sisters. - Linda.
6. This person always has family dinners. - Hakim.
Hakim. У мене дуже велика сім'я - три брати і чотири сестри. У мене також є п'ять дядьків і дві тітки. Такий розмір сім'ї є нормальним у моїй країні. У тата робота, а мама сидить вдома - вона за нами доглядає, а старша сестра їй допомагає. Ми завжди вечеряємо разом, де багато розмовляємо. На вихідних ми робимо щось разом, а щось окремо. Я маю на увазі, що має бути час, коли ви також можете повеселитися з друзями!
Linda. Я дуже люблю свою маленьку сім'ю. Обоє моїх батьків багато працюють, і я сумую за ними, але ми чудово проводимо вихідні разом — граємо в ігри або читаємо книжки. Ми також можемо відвідати деякі інші міста чи селища, і ми їдемо туди на машині. Я єдина дитина, але маю собаку Тобі, і він також є частиною нашої сім'ї. Він такий щасливий, коли я повертаюся зі школи!
Petro. Моя сім'я не дуже велика чи маленька - це моя мама, мій вітчим і моя молодша сестра Іра (вона інколи буває неприємною, але я все одно її люблю). У мене також є двоє дідусів. Ми всі досить зайняті роботою та навчанням, але ввечері ми проводимо час разом, а субота - це наш сімейний день - ми довго гуляємо в парку, займаємося спортом або дивимося фільми разом.
4.a) Work in pairs. Interview your partner. Ask him/her:
- Is your family big or small?
- My family is small.
- Who are they?
- My mother, my father and me.
- Do you have any pets?
- Yes, I have a dog. He is also a member of our family.
- What traditions do you have?
- We always have dinner together and watch films all together.
b) Make notes and then tell the class about your partner's family.
My partner has a small family. He is the only child but he has a pet. It is also the member of the family. They usually have dinner together and like to watch films together.
Сторінка 28
1. Find out the words that are not connected with family members.
friend, pilot, classmate, prince, teacher.
2. Copy and complete the table. Use the family words from task 1.
He | she |
father | mother |
grandfather | grandmother |
son | daughter |
uncle | aunt |
brother | sister |
husband | wife |
cousin | cousin |
nephew | niece |
stepfather | stepmother |
grandson | granddaughter |
1. What does she look like? She is pretty.
2. What does it look like? It is fat.
3. What does his father look like? Her father is tall.
4. What is her mother like? Her mother is very hard-working.
5. What does my uncle look like? My uncle is short.
6. What is hi cousin like? His cousin is lazy.
7. What does his dog look like? His dog is small.
8. What is your grandpa like? My grandpa is strict.
9. What is her granny like? Her granny is always helpful.
10. What is your aunt like? My aunt is very clever.
4. In pairs, ask and answer about your relatives. Use the questions in
3 (a) and the words below.
1. What is your sister look like? - She is thin.
2. What is your father like? - He is serious.
3. What is your mother look like? - She is neat and short.
4. What is your brother like? - He is polite.
Сторінка 29
1.Look at the picture below and guess what the text is going to be about.
The text is about the family who has a picnic.
2. Look at the picture again and read the text. Point to each person and say their names and who they are.
1 - Melissa; 2 - George; 3 - Ted; 4 - Sue; 5 - Edward; 6 - Harry; 7 - Linda; 8 - Amy; 9 - Jim; 10 - Liz; 11 - Robert;
У моєї мами, яка досить висока, гарні блакитні очі та коротке русяве волосся. Вона добра і корисна. Мій тато, повний, трохи лисий. Моїх батьків звуть Меліса та Джордж. Тед, мій маленький шестирічний брат, завжди бігає навколо мене з купою запитань: чому жаби зелені? Що це за велика куля в нічному небі?» Але навіть коли я не маю відповідей на всі його запитання, він такий цікавий і надокучливий! Дівчина з довгим світлим волоссям — моя старша сестра Сью. їй сімнадцять років, і вона завжди носить багато макіяжу і великі сережки. Сью інколи може бути трохи егоїстичною та владною: «Я найстарша, Майку, тож ти повинен мене слухати!» Чоловік із сивою бородою — мій дідусь. Ми називаємо його «Пірат Ед», тому що він багато подорожував світом на великому кораблі. Але це лише його прізвисько. Його справжнє ім'я Едвард, і він говорить десятьма мовами! Наш дідусь багато знає і розповідає нам багато дивовижних іСторінка ій, які роблять його дуже цікавим! Також можна побачити чоловіка з хвостиком. Це мій дядько Гаррі. Гаррі, який є братом мого батька, дуже веселий і змушує нас багато сміятися. Однак його струнка дружина Лінда завжди серйозна. Дівчина, яка носить волосся в косах, моя двоюрідна сестра Емі. їй одинадцять і вона дуже сором'язлива. Джим, який є її братом, дуже худий, тому моя бабуся Ліз часто каже: «Джиммі, ти повинен їсти більше, якщо хочеш бути великим і сильним. Хлопчик, який неохайний, — мій двоюрідний брат Роберт. Це не вся моя родина. У мене є багато інших родичів, але їх немає на цьому фото.
Сторінка 30
3. Read the text again and complete the sentences.
Melissa is Mike's mother.
Harry is Mike's uncle. George is Mike's father. Linda is Mike's aunt.
Ted is Mike's brother.
Amy is Mike's cousin.
Sue is Mike's older sister.
Liz is Mike's granny. Edward is Mike's grandpa. Robert is Mike's cousin.
4. Correct the sentences.
1. Mike's mother is very helpful but worried.
2. Mike's father is very thin. - Mike's father is fat and bald.
3. Ted is always curious and funny. - Ted is always curious and annoying.
4. Sue wears big glasses. - She wears a lot of make - up.
5. Grandpa Ed is boring. - Grandpa is interesting.
6. Mike's uncle is often serious.
7. Aunt Linda makes everyone laugh. - Aunt Linda is always serious.
8. Amy has a ponytail. - Amy has her hair in braids.
9. Jim is very fat. - Jim is very thin.
10. Robert is nice and clean. - Robert is untidy.
5. Think about your family members. Tell the class who in your family is helpful / funny / interesting / annoying / boring.
Mu mum is very beautiful and kind. She is clever and patient. My father is handsome. He is very hard - working and funny. I have a Sister who is sometimes annoying.
Сторінка 31
1. Complete the sentences, using who, which or that.
1 - who; 2 - which; 3 - that; 4 - that.
1. My uncle Harry is the man who has a ponytail.
2. The dog which is the member of our family is Tobby.
3. That's the school that cares about its every student.
4. My little sister, that is sometimes a pain in the neck, asks a lot of questions.
2. Match.
1 - c; 2 - a; 3 - d; 4 - b; 5 - f; 6 - e.
1. We met his sister - c. who had long braids.
2. My dog, - a. which I bought a year ago.
3. The man - d. who is tall is my son Terry.
4. They built a house - b. that was high and light.
5. I've got some relatives - f. who live in the USA.
6. This is the cartoon - e. which my little brother likes to watch.
3. Combine three parts to form one sentence, as in the example.
1. My cousin who lives in London is very tall.
2. The house which you see is my aunt's home.
3. The woman who has got blue eyes is my stepmother Jessica.
4. The bag which is big and red is a birthday present for my brother.
Сторінка 32
1. Choose one member of your family and tell the class about him/her:
Her name Is Maria. She is 15 years old. She is my cousin. He goes to school. She is in 9th form. She likes dancing a lot. She takes part in different dance competitions.
3. Listen again and choose a, b or c.
1 - b; 2 - c; 3 - a; 4 - a; 5 - c; 6 - b; 7 - c; 8 - a.
1. Emma is from b) Liverpool.
2. Emma's short films are about c) her family.
3. Stella is a) an au-pair.
4. Emma's mum designs a) houses.
5. Emma's dad has got a small c) van.
6. Emma's brother is b) 17 years old.
7. Patrick's girlfriend's name is c) Patty.
8. Emma's sister goes to a) kindergarten.
4. a) Ask and answer in pairs.
1. What is Emma's dream job? - Her dream job is a film director.
2. Where is Stella from? - Stella is from Italy.
3. What relatives has Stella got? - Stella has got four brothers and a sister.
4. What are Emma's parents' jobs? - Her mum is an architect and her dad is a cameramen.
5. What has Emma's dad got in his van? - He has got a lot of equipment in his van.
6. Where is Patrick? - Patrick is in the States.
Сторінка 33
1. Look at the pictures. Ask and answer the questions.
1.Who's bald? - Robert is bald.
2. Who's plump? - Sam is plump.
3. Who's got braids? - Jessica has got braids.
4. Who's got long hair? - Jessica has got long hair.
5. Who's got a ponytail? - Kyle has got a ponytail.
6. Whose hair is blonde? - Mia’s hair is blond.
7. Who's got a moustache? - Robert has got a moustache.
8. Whose nose is big? - Kyle's nose is big.
3. Copy the table and sort out the adjectives. Explain your choice.
positive | negative | Positive and negative |
kind | rude | curious |
helpful | worried | patient |
friendly | selfish | shy |
romantic | clumsy | serious |
brave | lazy | Hard - working |
polite | calm | |
clever |
Superman is helpful.
Santa Claus is hard - working.
Harry Potter is brave.
Mickey Mouse is patient.
Cinderella is kind.
Shrek is clumsy.
5. In groups, speak of the following:
What are you like? - I like Spiderman.
What are your classmates like? - My classmate likes Iron man.
Сторінка 34
1. Make adverbs from the adjectives in the box to complete the sentences.
1. I am speaking very loudly because John is standing far from me.
2. The squirrels climbed the tree so quickly.
5. There were no clouds, and the moon shone brightly.
4. The birds sang sweetly.
5. Sam and Angela danced happily round the room.
6. Some animals are very fast, but others move very slowly.
7. The children are having a wonderful time at the party, and they are laughing joyfully.
2. Use good' or well' to complete the sentences.
1. She speaks good English.
2. Ann did her work well.
3. She looks good today.
4. They speak very well.
5. Has he done good in his lessons?
6. He did not see well.
7. It is good to be with friends.
8. Tom did good work.
3.Group up the sentences into two columns: Adverbs and Adjectives.
Adverb | Adjectives |
The teacher spoke friendly. Don't speak so fast. Don't stay in too long. Jack works hard all day. He studies very little. | The teacher spoke in a friendly way. This car is too fast for me. Why have you got such long hair? John is a hard worker. You are so little. |
1. She speaks Italian well.
2. They behave politely.
3. Robert is a kind.
4. He is smiling happily.
5. My nephew is a nice.
6. The teacher spoke to me loudly.
Сторінка 35
1.a) Listen to Emma and find out about her cousins. Answer the questions.
They live on a farm in the country.
They like animals.
b) Tell your partner about your cousins (uncles, aunts or grandparents).
My cousin lives in a village. She has a lot of pets. She likes to take care about them. They have a big garden where they play all together.
2.Listen and read the dialogue. Then act it out.
Том: Привіт, Една! Дети був минулих вихідних?
Една: Привіт, Томе! Я відвідав свого дядька Джона в Йорку. У мене є картина. Подивіться! Це той чоловік, який має бороду.
Том: Він виглядає дуже високим. Хто ця жінка біля нього?
Една: Це його дружина Джейн. Вона невисока, але волосся у неї дуже довге і гарне.
Том: У мене є двоюрідна сестра Моллі. Її волосся також довге, тому вона часто збирає його у хвіст.
Една: Вона носить макіяж?
Том: Ні, їй лише п'ять років. Вона часто смішна, але іноді може бути трохи набридливою.
Една: Ой, мій старший брат Нед теж часто турбує.
Том: Нед той хлопчик із блакитними очима?
Една: Так. Він уже має машину, але їздить на ній дуже повільно.
Гей, хочеш піти зі мною в кафе?
Том: Вибач, я не можу. Субота - наш сімейний день. Ми завжди вечеряємо разом.
Една: О, я обідаю зі своєю родиною майже щовечора.
3.Work in pairs. Interview your partner about his/her family. Make some notes and then tell the class about them. Use the questions below.
- How big is your family?
- My family is not big. I have got a father, a mother and me.
- What do they look like?
- My mum is very beautiful and thin. My father is handsome and strong.
- What are they like?
- They are both clever and caring.
- What family traditions do they have?
- We always try to have dinner together and watch some films or cartoons in the evening. We also like to go for a walk with our pet dog.
Сторінка 36
1.Look at the picture and help Nell to finish her e - mail. Use the scheme to describe Nell's family members.
Hi! I'm Nell. I'm twelve and I'm in the sixth form. I live in Cambridge, a famous university city. It's in the east of England. My family is quite big. I have got a brother and a sister. Our grandma lives with us, too. We live in a house. It's a bit crowded but, believe me, never boring. Look at the picture. The woman who pours tea is my mum. She is very kind and caring. The lady who drinking tea is my granny. She is polite and caring. The young lady who is on the swing is my sister.
She always listens to music. I think she is keen on music.
As you can guess, the man who is working is my father. My father is very hard - working. The boy who plays with the sand is my brother. He is 6. I am a girl who wears braids. I think I am kind.
Tell me about your family.
Your new friend Nell
2.Write about your family.
My family is not big. There are 3 people in my family.
My mother is beautiful and kind. She has got long dark hair and brown eyes. She is 32 years old. She is very caring. She can cook very tasty dishes. Her name is Natalie. My father is handsome and strong. He has got short dark hair and brown eyes like my mum. He likes sport, he is a professional football player. He is 30. His name is Alex. My name is Max. I am 11. I think I am kind. I have brown eyes like my parents. I also like to play football. I want to become a famous football player. We also have a pet. It is our dog. His name is Nike.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Your friend.
Сторінка 37
1. Copy the table and put the words into the correct column.
Eyes | skin | hair | look |
green | black | straight | young |
brown | dark | dark | pretty |
blue | brown | wavy | slim |
long | skinny | ||
ponytail | old | ||
curly | beautiful | ||
blond | plump | ||
short | |||
tall | |||
fat |
1 - d; 2 - f; 3 - e; 4 - a; 5 - c; 6 - b.
1. good - d. bad.
2. polite - f. rude.
3. friendly - e. selfish.
4. interesting - a. boring.
5. clever - c. unclever.
6. funny - b. serious.
3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. My older brother is strong - he goes to the gym every day.
2. Jim is so rude sometimes. He needs to learn some manners.
3. Eddy celebrates Christmas with all of his family members.
4. I have a little baby sister, and I often have to look after her.
5. Victoria's mother and father live apart from each other.
6. Joseph is a bit fat, whereas his younger brother Jack is thin.
7. We get a lot of love and support from our grandparents.
8. Diana is connected to Inna by family roots - they are sisters.
4. Choose a or b.
1. His moustache, a) which is very long, makes him look a bit old.
2. Fred, a) who is my stepfather, is very friendly.
3. Tania, b) who is from Ukraine, is my cousin.
4. The parrot a) that is flying in the room is his pet.
5. Luke's dad, b) who works as a businessman, is very bossy.
6. The boy a) that is in front of you is my mum's nephew.
Сторінка 38
5. Turn these adjectives into adverbs.
1. Happy - Happily; 2. Mad - madly; 3. Slow - slowly; 4. Polite politely; 5. Easy - easily; 6. Sad - sadly.
6. Choose the correct word.
1. My sisters Pam and Sam dance very well.
2. Ivan's grandma cooks delicious food.
3. Our son Peter is a fast learner.
4. Sophie always dresses beautifully.
5. Aunt Casey is a very kind lady.
6. Ben and his cousins never talk seriously.
7.Read the e-mail and use the picture to say who is who.
a - This is my mum's brother. He is my uncle.
b - This is uncle's wife. She is my aunt.
c - This is his mum. She is my parent.
d - This is his dad. He is my parent.
e - This is me.
f - This is Bettys son. He is my cousin.
Шановний Стіве,
Ось фото моєї родини.
Чоловік зі світлим волоссям — брат моєї матері. Жінка з чорним кучерявим волоссям — його дружина. Її звати Бетті. Вгадай, де я. У мене пряме світле волосся, як у моєї матері. Інший хлопчик — син Бетті. Мій тато з нашим собакою. Моя мама біля них.
Мої бабуся і дідусь в будинку. Ми любимо збиратися разом на вихідних.
Напишіть і розкажіть про свою родину.
До побачення, Ден
Сторінка 39
8.а) Draw Robert's family tree. Use the clues below.
Імена родичів Роберта - Антоніо, Стів, Денні, Барбара, Лаура, Сільвія, Дебора і Ліза.
У Роберта немає брата. У Антоніо та Барбари четверо дітей. Батька Роберта звуть Стів. Денні — брат Стіва. Лаура і Сільвія - сестри. У Денні є дві сестри. Дітей Дебори звуть Ліза і Роберт.
Antonio - Barbara:
- Steve - Debora: Robert - Lisa
- Danny
- Laura
- Silvia
9. Do your project. Make a poster about your family.
1. Напишіть про свою родину та родичів:
- знайти кілька фотографій своєї родини чи родичів;
- напишіть інформацію про цих людей на фотографіях (їх імена, стосунок2 до вас, їх роботу).
2. Намалюйте Дерево родини та позначте людей, фотографії яких розміщені на вашому плакаті.
3. Покажіть свій плакату класі.
Сторінка 40
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. The Internet helps me to connect with my relatives that are in Greece.
2. My niece is a very beautiful girl with blonde hair and brown eyes.
3. My brother is short and plump, whereas my sister is tall and slim.
4. Mike and Cathy are a young couple, who just got married this month.
5. Her younger nephew is so clumsy - he broke two cups and a plate yesterday!
6. Rick and Roxy are twins, who have in common some interests ... They both like sport.
2. Choose the correct relative pronoun.
1 - who; 2 - that; 3 - which; 4 - who; 5 - that; 6 - which.
1. Wendy, who is my cousin, works as a supermodel.
2. The cat that is sitting on the chair is very fat
3. The house which is next to the shop is very big.
4. Robert and Paul, who are in this photo, are my uncles.
5. The man that is standing there is their father.
6. The book which is on the table is very interesting.
3. Make adverbs from the adjectives in brackets.
1. He asked me about my hobbies politely.
2. My sister speaks quietly because she is shy.
3. Our grandfather is old, so he walks slowly.
4. Mia's stepmother can run very fast.
5. John always smiles happily when he sees his wife.
6. Georgia doesn't speak Chinese very well yet.
4. Put the sentences into the correct order to make a dialogue.
- Hello, Jay! Who is that woman with you in the photo?
- Hi, Stella! That's my aunt Mary. She's from Oxford.
- What is she like?
- She's very friendly, polite and clever - she speaks six languages!
- She looks very beautiful - long black hair, brown eyes...
- Yes.
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