ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2023
6 Клас / Англійська мова,
1 954,
Unit 4. Let's go shopping.
Сторінка 601. Listen and read the article above. Then choose a, b or c.
1. Shopping is c) a necessity and a pleasure.
2. Westfield is in b) London.
3. In Westfield, there are over c) 200 shops.
4. At the VUE Cinema you can a) watch films.
5. In All Star Lanes people play c) bowling.
6. There are also almost c) 100 places to eat Match.
Сьогодні шопінг - це не тільки необхідність, але й величезне задоволення. Зазвичай дохід від одного магазину до іншого займає стільки часу. Отже, як щодо відвідування торгового центру? Торговий центр, де все в одному місці - різноманітні модні магазини, продуктові магазини, магазини іграшок, сувенірні магазини, зоомагазини, книжкові магазини тощо.
Відвідайте Westfield - величезний торговий центр у західному Лондоні. Це також найбільший торговий центр у Європі з понад 200 магазинами! Замість того, щоб купувати їжу в бакалійному магазині, м'ясниці, пекарні чи солодощі, ви можете придбати всі ці продукти в супермаркеті Ichibo. Тут є багато фірмових магазинів, де можна придбати одяг та аксесуари за останньою модою, наприклад Gucci, Adidas, Boss, Н&М, Guess та багато інших. Отримайте свої книги та гаджети у Waterstones та Covered shops! Купуйте чудові товари для своїх дітей у Kids Around і Smiggel Крім шопінгу, Westfield пропонує вам розваги - кінотеатр VUE СіпеВта, All Star Lanes з боулінгом і City Bouldering з тренуваннями зі скелелазіння! У Вестфілді також є близько 100 закладів харчування - від закусочних, як-от Burger King чи Costa Coffee, до європейських та азійських кафе, як-от Вагіпо чи You Me Sushi! Щоб дізнатися більше про цей чудовий торговий центр, відвідайте головний веб-сайт Westfield - Westfield.com.
1 - c; 2 - a; 3 - d; 4 - b.
1. shops - c. Covered, Kids Around, Waterstones.
2. brands - a. Adidas, Boss, Gucci.
3. entertainment - d. All Star Lanes, City Boutdering, VUE Cinema.
4. cafes - c. Covered, Kids Around, Waterstones.
Сторінка 61
3. Read the article again and answer the questions.
1. What is a mall? - A mall is a big shop.
2. What is Westfield? - Westfield is a huge shopping centre in West London.
3. What shops are there in Westfield? - There are lots of brand shops in Westfield.
4. What other things can you do in Westfield? - You can go to different entertainments in Westfield.
4.a) Read the comments on the article and say who:
1. Asahi is happy to know there is a sushi restaurant in Westfield.
2. Annette has a passion for shopping.
3. Greg likes having fun more than buying things.
4. Alina has a smaller mall in their town.
b) Work in pairs. Tell your partner if you want to go to Westfield and explain why/why not.
I would like to go to Westfield because I like it when different shops are in one place. Besides it is very nice to have some snack between doing shopping.
Сторінка 62
2. Look at the pictures and guess the meaning of the words.
cashier - касир;
customer - покупець;
cheap - дешевий;
expensive - дорогий;
to pay - платити;
price - ціна;
trolley - візок;
dairy - молочний відділ;
fishmonger's - рибний відділ.
3. Complete the sentences with the words from task 1.
1. I can't buy this laptop - it is very expensive.
2. Greg went to the dairy to get some cream.
3. We always use a trolley at the supermarket.
4. Ann paid twenty pounds for that dress yesterday!
5.Cashier have to be polite to the people in the shop.
6. Look at the price of those boots - they're only 14 pounds!
7. Customers are people who buy different products in a shop or online.
8. That hat is only 5 pounds - it is very cheap.
9. Mum asked me to go to the fishmonger's to buy some fish.
4. Choose any 6 words from task 1 and make your own 6 sentences with them.
1. The price for this coat is good for me.
2. I think dishwasher is a very expensive thing to buy.
3. I know the rule that customer is always right.
4. How would you like to pay?
5. My brother bought a cheap car.
6. You can buy prawns at the fishmonger's.
Сторінка 63
1. Tell the class if you like going shopping and why.
I like going shopping because I like to look for some new things.
Besides it is a great fun.
2.Listen and read the text. Then guess the meaning of the words in the Words For You box.
chain - мережа;
fitting room - примірочна;
goods - товар;
item - деталь;
• to be full of smth - повний чогось;
variety - вибір;
separate - окремий;
to prefer - надавати перевагу;
to sell - продавати;
• to make sure - переконатись;
• to try on smth - приміряти.
Раніше люди ходили на ринок, щоб купити їжу, одяг та інші речі. Сьогодні існує величезна кількість магазинів, де все це робиться. Якщо вам потрібно трохи м'яса, йдіть до м'ясника. Якщо ви хочете трохи риби, тоді вам підійде рибний магазин. Хлібобулочні вироби та солодощі пропонують пекарні та кондитерські. У овочевому магазині можна придбати свіжі фрукти та овочі, а молоко та вершки продають у молокозаводі. Однак багато людей віддають перевагу супермаркетам, тому що там є всі перераховані вище продукти. Іншими словами, замість того, щоб відвідувати різні магазини, ви можете придбати все необхідне в супермаркеті. Щоб клієнтам було зручніше, є візки, куди можна складати всі товари, які збираєтеся купити. На виході все оплачується в касу. Одним з найвідоміших супермаркетів Великобританії є Sainsbury’s. Ціни там трохи високі, тому сюди зазвичай ходять багаті люди, які ходять по магазинах раз на тиждень або навіть раз на місяць. Є також Tesco - мережа більш дешевих супермаркетів по всьому світу, де можна купити все, що завгодно, і заплатити менше. Окрім їжі, нам потрібен одяг, аксесуари, технічні предмети, книги, іграшки, миючі засоби тощо. Не все це представлено в супермаркеті. Тому на вулицях повно магазинів одягу, техніки, книжкових магазинів тощо. Комусь подобається гуляти і відвідувати всі окремо, а комусь подобається, коли все в одному місці. Отже, вони йдуть у величезні торгові центри - торгові центри. Нарешті, завдяки сучасному прогресу технологій ми можемо замовляти багато речей онлайн, використовуючи різні веб-сайти для покупок. З одного боку, деяким людям це подобається, тому що вони не хочуть витрачати свій час нікуди, особливо якщо вони дуже зайняті або просто ліниві. З іншого боку, є ті, хто любить спілкуватися з реальними людьми і перевіряти, чи в порядку те, що вони купують. Крім того, якщо нам потрібно купити одяг чи взуття для себе чи для когось іншого, нам потрібно переконатися, що розмір підходить. У реальному магазині є кілька примірочних, де можна все приміряти, а в інтернеті такого місця немає. Загалом, вибір за вами - сучасний шопінг чи традиційний шопінг.
Сторінка 64
3. Read the text again and answer the yes/no - questions.
1. Is a market the only place to go shopping these days? - No.
2. Is Tesco only a British chain of supermarkets? - No.
3. Can people buy all food products at a supermarket? - Yes.
4. Do people shop online only because they are lazy? - No.
5. Do people use websites to shop online? - Yes.
6. Is it sometimes bad to buy everything online? - Yes.
4. Answer the questions.
1. What kinds of food shops are there? - There are butcher's, fishmonger's, bakeries, greengrocer’s and dairy.
2. Why do people need trolleys? - People need trolleys to put all the goods which they buy.
3. What is special about Sainsbury's and Tesco? - Sainsbury's and Tesco are big supermarkets where you can buy food and clothes.
4. What other shops are there in the streets? - There are shops full of technology, bookshops and clothes in the street.
5. What are the good sides of shopping online? - The good side of shopping online is that you don't need to go anywhere.
6. What are the bad sides of shopping online? - The bad side of shopping online is that you can't try on clothes or shoes you buy.
5. Work in pairs. Interview your partner, make notes and tell the class about him/her.
- What way of shopping do you prefer?
- I prefer online shopping.
- How often do you buy new things?
- I try to buy something new every month.
Сторінка 65
1. Put the verbs in brackets into the passive, as in the example.
1. Malls are visited by many people.
2. Books are sold at Waterstones.
3. Big sizes are offered in this boutique.
4. These suits are used by rich men.
5. Great music is played in this cafe.
2. Change these sentences from the active into the passive.
1. Trolleys are used in supermarkets by people.
2. High - heeled shoes are worn by many girls.
3. High prices are paid in this shop by people.
4. Different products are bought in malls by customers.
5. Clothes are tried in fitting rooms by people.
3. Correct the mistakes.
1. Fish is sold at a fishmonger's.
2. This cake js made of chocolate.
3. Great films are shown at the cinema in our mall.
4. New Chanel perfumes are presented in this video.
5. Bags are used by customers to carry products.
6. No entertainment js offered in this shopping centre.
4. Write your own six sentences in the passive.
1. The book is read by me.
2. The newspaper is written by schoolchildren.
3. The meal is prepared by my mother.
4. Cartoons are watched by children.
5. Books are sold at the supermarket.
6. Online shops are used mostly by young people.
Сторінка 66
1. Look at the picture. Guess what the dialogue is going to be about.
The dialogue is about shopping in the supermarket.
2. Listen to the dialogue and say if the statements below are true or false.
1. The girl is looking for a pair of shoes. - False.
2. There is a jeans section in the shop. - True.
3. The cashier has found a pair of jeans. - True.
4. The girl has a large size. - False.
5. There are no fitting rooms in the shop. - False.
6. The first pair of jeans is too big for the girl. - True.
7. There isn't a smaller size of the jeans. - False.
8. The jeans cost 20 pounds without a discount. - False.
9. The girl wants to pay for the jeans in cash. - True.
10. The cashier gives the girl a receipt and some change. - True.
3. Listen again and say if the phrases below belong to the cashier or the customer.
1. How can I help you? - cashier.
2. Here is our jeans section. - cashier.
3. I'm looking for a pair of jeans. - customer.
4. Can I try them on? - customer.
5. What size are you? - cashier.
6. They fit perfectly. - customer.
7. They cost 20 pounds with a 10% discount. - cashier.
8. Good. I'll take them. - customer.
4. Make a similar dialogue in pairs. Use the scheme below.
A: Good afternoon. Can I help you?
B: Yes. I'm looking for a skirt.
A: Certainly. Here is our skirt section.
B: Can I try this skirt on?
A: Of course. What size are you?
B: I'm a small one.
A: Here you go. The fitting rooms are over there.
B: It fits perfectly! How much is it?
A: It is 25 pounds.
B: Good. I'll take it.
A: It cost 22 pounds with discount. Would you like to pay in cash o by credit card?
B: By credit card.
Сторінка 67
3.Look at the clothes and say what size and how much they are, as in the example.
This is a small - size dress. It costs 56 dollars.
This is a medium - size T - shirt. It costs 6.56 pounds.
This are extra large - size jeans. They cost 25.80 Euro.
This is an extra - small - size skirt. It costs 299.99 Euro.
1. A boutique is a shop where you buy clothes.
2. A receipt is the money you have to pay for goods.
3. A dairy is a place where they sell milk products.
4. A pleasure is something you enjoy.
5. A price is a list of things that you have bought with prices.
5. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. This jumper doesn't fit me well.
2. There are many customers in this bakery.
3. Jane got a 50% discount on that dress!
4. That TV set is great, but it is too expensive.
5. Brushing up my wardrobe is a necessity for me.
6. This mall is full of shops and cafes!
7. Silpo is a huge chain of supermarkets in Ukraine.
8. Sarah prefers shopping centres to separate shops.
Сторінка 68
1. Complete the sentences, as in the example.
1. My size is smaller than Andy's.
2. Ann looks better than Nina in that dress.
3. This is the most pretty dress in this boutique!
4. That smartphone is more expensive than mine.
5. This is the most beautiful costume I've ever seen
2. Match.
1 - b; 2 - d; 3 - a; 4 - c.
1. This jacket is too expensive. I - b. need a cheaper one.
2. That hat is not big enough. I - d. need a bigger one.
3. That computer is newer than - a. the one I have.
4. These books are more interesting than - c. the ones my dad's bought.
3. Look at the pictures and say, as in the example.
a - That bog is too old. He needs a newer one.
b - That coat is too big. She needs a smaller one.
c - Those glasses are too large. She needs smaller ones.
d - Those trousers are too tight. He needs bigger ones.
1. а) Listen and read the dialogue.
Ешлі: Привіт, тату! Подивіться на цю блузку!
Містер Холланд: Боже! Це так коротко!
Ешлі: О, давай! Це за останньою модою!
Містер Холланд: Як щодо цього?
Ешлі: Ну добре. Вибачте?
Продавець: Так?
Ешлі: Будь ласка, де примірочна?
Продавець: Там.
Ешлі: Дякую. О ні. Тато! Це занадто довго!
Містер Холланд: Сер, чи можемо ми отримати цю блузку меншого розміру?
Продавець: Звичайно. Ось вам
Ешлі: Дякую. Цей підходить мені ідеально!
Містер Холланд: І ти в ньому чудово виглядаєш! Скільки це коштує, сер?
Продавець: 12 фунтів, сер.
Містер Холланд: Ми приймемо це.
Продавець: Як би ви хотіли заплатити?
Містер Холланд: Кредитною карткою, будь ласка.
Продавець: Добре. Ось ваша квитанція. Гарного дня!
Містер Холланд: Дякую. До побачення!
Ешлі: До побачення!
2. Role - play the situation in pairs. One of you is a shop assistant. Another one is a customer. Choose one item from the list below to make a dialogue.
- Hello, can I help you?
- Yes, I would like to buy high - heeled shoes.
- The shoe department is over there.
- Thanks. Will you help me?
- Yes, of course. What size are you in?
- I need size 6.
- We have some. Here you are. Try them on.
- Look nice. How much do they cost?
- 40 pounds.
- Do you have any discount?
- Yes, it may be 38 pounds.
- Ok, great.
- How would you like to pay? Cash or by card?
- By card, please. Thanks.
- Here is your receipt.
- Thanks.
3. Work in pairs. Interview your partner and make notes. Then tell the class about him/her. Ask:
- How often do you shop?
- Every day.
- What shop is your favourite?
- Supermarket Silpo.
- Why do you like it so much?
- Because there I can buy everything.
Сторінка 70
1.Read the blog written by Sue. Then answer the questions.
1. Do you prefer malls or separate shops? Why?
I prefer malls because you can buy everything in one place.
2. What is Westquay and where is it?
Westquay is a great mall in the city centre.
3. What shops are there?
Westquay is full of various shops such as shoes, accessories, jewelery and brand shops.
4. What entertainment is there?
There is bowling, ice skating and cinema in Westquay.
Саутгемптон - красиве місто на півдні Англії. У центрі міста є великий парк і багато магазинів, а також чудовий торговий центр West-quay. Я вважаю торгові центри дуже зручними, тому що все необхідне € в одному місці. Наш торговий центр не такий великий, як у Лондоні, але він достатньо великий для людей, які живуть у Саутгемптоні. Westquoy повний різноманітних магазинів. Ви можете купити одяг, взуття, аксесуари та ювелірні вироби кращих брендів. Наприклад, Н&М, Desigual, Lego, Chonel, Loncome та багато інших. Різні товари за останньою модою привозять кожні 3-4 тижні. Також є місця, де можна повеселитися з рідними та друзями - пограти в боулінг у Hollywood Bowl, покататися на ковзанах Westquay On Ice або подивитися нові приголомшливі фільми в кінотеатрі Showcase. Крім розваг, цей торговий центр пропонує кілька чудових кафе, де можна перекусити або поїсти - Carluccio's, Yof Sushi, Nando's, Pizza Hut і багато інших. Якщо ви коли-небудь відвідаєте Саутгемптон, обов'язково відвідайте Вестквей - чудове місце для шопінгу та розваг!
2. Write a similar blog about one of the malls in Ukraine. Add some photos of it.
Ocean Plaza is a popular mall located in the heart of Kyiv, Ukraine. It boasts a wide variety of shops offering clothing, accessories, and cosmetics. For example, Zara, H&M, Mango, Levi's, Gucci, Prada, and Louis Vuitton offering the latest fashion trends. In addition to shopping, visitors can enjoy the latest movies, engage in arcade games, and indulge in delicious food options.
This mall offers some great cafes where you can have a meal or a snack. At Ocean Plaza you can eat sushi, Italian pasta or traditional Ukrainian dishes.
Whether you're a local or a tourist, a trip to Ocean Plaza is a must when in Kyiv.
Сторінка 71
1. Match.
1 - c; 2 - d; 3 - e; 4 - b; 5 - a.
1. I need to buy some vegetables. - c. Go to the greengrocer's in Carnaby Street.
2. We have to get some fresh meat. - d. Let's go to the butcher's then.
3. There is no fish left in the fridge. - e. There is a fishmonger's across the street.
4. I'd like to get some new books. - b. I saw a big bookshop in Oxford Street.
5. Bob wants to buy some biscuits. - a. There’s a bakery not far from here.
2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. I enjoy shopping in separate shops more than in malls.
2. Those trousers don't fit Jay well. He needs a bigger size.
3. There is a 10% discount on all gadgets at this shop today!
4. I am not sure how much these earrings cost.
5. Clare's forgotten to take the receipt after buying that dress.
6. Peter is a medium size, so that shirt is perfect for him.
3.Complete the dialogue with the words from the list. Then act it out in pairs.
A: Hey! Look at this boutique1
B: Wow! It is so big! Let's check it out!
A: Oh, there are so many various clothes here!
B: Something tells me they are expensive.
A: Well, these brands are very famous, so it's no surprise
B: Yeah, and these clothes are of the latest fashion.
A: I'd like to try on this red jumper.
B: Look! The fitting rooms are on the left.
A: Great. Oh, it's too small.
I need a bigger size.
B: Let me see. Here you go.
A: Thanks! Wow! It fits me, and I look awesome!
B: Yes, you do. Oh dear. Look at the price!
A: 250 pounds!?
B: You have to be the king's child to buy this!
A: Look! The assistant is getting angry. Let's get out of here!
B: Certainly.
Сторінка 72
4. a) Change these sentences from the active into the passive.
1. Beautiful dresses are worn by many women.
2. Fresh water is kept in bottles by them.
3. Technoitems are bought in computer shops by people.
4. Milk and cream are sold at a diary.
5. Receipts are given to customers by cashiers.
6. These products can be paid in cash by you.
b) Make your own 6 sentences in the passive.
1. The book is read by me.
2. The newspaper is written by schoolchildren.
3. The meal is prepared by my mother.
4. Cartoons are watched by children.
5. Books are sold at the supermarket.
6. Online shops are used mostly by young people.
5.a) Fill in too/enough and one/ones.
1 - enough; 2 - ones; 3 - one; 4 - too; 5 - too, one; 6 - enough, ones.
1. This shirt isn’t big enough for me. I need a larger size.
2. These jeans look cooler than those ones.
3. This hat is smaller than that one.
4. That cap is too small. I need a bigger size.
5. This scarf is too long. You need a shorter one.
6. Those trainers aren't good enough for him. He needs better ones, b) Make your own 4 sentences with too/enough and another 4 with one/ones.
1. This skirt is too small for you. You need bigger one.
2. These jeans are too big for you. You need smaller ones.
3. This hat is not big enough for me. I need bigger one.
4. These shoes are too small for me. I need bigger ones.
6.Look at the pictures and say, as in the example.
a - That suit is too small for that man. It's an L, and he needs an XL. b - That T - shirt is too big for that boy. It is an S, and he needs an XS.
c - That coat enough for that woman. It is an S, and she need an S. d - That dress in enough for that girl. It is an M, and she need an M. e - Those trousers are too big for that man. It is an L, and he needs an M.
f - That blouse is too big for that girl. It is an M, and she needs an S.
Сторінка 73
7. Look at the goods and say how much they cost.
a - Coca cola costs 4.50 euro.
b - Sunglasses costs 5 pounds.
c - Ring costs 368.84 pounds.
d - Book costs 75 hryvnias.
e - Laptop costs 550.80 dollars.
f - Jeans cost 1000.98 hryvnias.
Сторінка 74
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. I always go to the mall to shop for new clothes.
2. This isn't Ed’s size. He needs a medium.
3. Here is your change and receipt, sir.
4. I prefer to pay by card, not in cash.
5.Cashiers should be polite to customers.
6. My mum uses trolleys in supermarkets.
2. Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
1. Bags are used to carry different things by people.
2. Milk and cream are sold at a diary by them.
3. Books are bought at Waterstones by people.
4. Discounts are given to customers by cashiers.
5. Bowling is played in All Star Lanes by them.
6. Different accessories are worn by different people.
3. Fill in too/enough and one/ones.
1. These trousers are longer than those ones.
2. This cap isn't big enough for me.
3. That dress is cheaper than this one.
4. Those shoes are too small for Tim.
5. This laptop is the best one here!
6. That ring is too expensive for Sue.
4. Put these sentences into the correct order to make a dialogue.
5 - A: Well, how about those? They are smaller and cheaper.
7 - A: How would you like to pay?
2 - B: Hi! I'm looking for a pair of golden earrings.
3 - A: How about these?
6 - B: They look great! Til take them.
8 - B: By card, please.
9 - A: Good. Here is your receipt. Have a nice day!
4 - B: They are wonderful but a bit expensive.
1 - A: Hello! How can I help you?
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