ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2023
6 Клас / Англійська мова,
1 954,
Unit 3. What about your free time?
Сторінка 421. Listen to the talk show on 'Kids Online'. Then read the text above on pages 42 - 43 and say what the people are talking about.
They are talking about influence of Internet to children.
Mrs Goldring, the psychologist. Багато батьків звертаються до мене з цією проблемою. Бути онлайн може бути небезпечно. Я вважаю, що найголовніше про це говорити.
The Host. Що ти думаєш, Еммо? Ви щодня проводите за комп'ютером не менше 2 годин.
Emma. Так, це дуже весело. Інтернет допомагає мені вчитися та виконувати домашнє завдання. Я також використовую його для завантаження музики та перегляду відеокліпів. Але я знаю, що не повинен надавати жодної особистої інформації чи публікувати фото. Я також знаю, що не повинен зустрічатися ні з ким, кого я зустрічаю онлайн.
2.Listen and repeat the words from the box on page 43. Guess their meaning" from the text or look them up in your Vocabulary at the end of the book.
hour - година;
social network - соціальні мережі;
viewer - глядач;
dangerous - небезпечно;
to download - завантажити;
to hang out - збиратися на відпочинок з друзями;
to isolate - ізолювати;
to spend - проводити.
3.Read the sentences below. Listen to the talk show again and say what they didn't mention.
Using social networks helps you contact people from other countries. Some games can make you very aggressive.
• Витрачати багато часу в Інтернеті не корисно для тіла та очей.
• Робота в Інтернеті іноді може бути небезпечною.
• Використання соціальних мереж допомагає вам спілкуватися з людьми з інших країн.
• Деякі ігри можуть зробити вас дуже агресивними.
• Самотнє сидіння перед комп'ютером ізолює вас від друзів і родини.
The Host. Звідки ти знаєш ці речі? Ви граєте в ігри?
Emma. Ми говоримо про це з нашими вчителями в школі. Мої батьки теж це повторюють. У школі ми все одно не повинні приєднуватися до жодної з чатів. Так, але не в Інтернеті.
The Host. Що ви скажете, містере Бойд?
Mr Boyd, the video games seller. Однак є кілька дуже хороших ігор, які змушують думати швидше або навчають нових навичок. Деякі вчителі використовують їх на уроках іСторінка ії, природознавства чи математики.
Mrs Goldring, the psychologist. Я вважаю, що проблема в тому, що діти надто багато часу проводять за іграми, і вони не спілкуються з іншими дітьми. Таким чином вони не знають, як говорити про свої почуття, або вони не знають, як вирішити проблеми, які мають з іншими дітьми. Сидячи наодинці в кімнаті, ви ізолюєтеся від реального світу, від друзів і родини. Це трохи тривожно.
The Host. Велике спасибі. А тепер давайте подивимося на коментарі, які надсилають глядачі.
Сторінка 43
4. Ask and answer the questions below.
1. What does Emma use a computer for? - Emma uses Internet for learning.
2. What does Mr Boyd say? - Mr. Boyd says that some games make you think faster or teach new skills.
3. Does Mrs Goldring agree with him? - No, she doesn't. She thinks children spend too much time gaming.
5. Write a comment about your attitude to the problem.
As for me Internet is a good thing for studying. But it is necessary to make a limit for some period. Some games are really interesting and help children to develop different skills.
Сторінка 44
1. a) Find the right ending.
1. helpful - is ready to help.
2. trustworthy - doesn't tell other people your secrets.
3. shy - doesn't like meeting new people.
4. outgoing - is friendly and likes parties.
5. chatty - likes talking to people.
6. honest - always gives his I her opinion.
7. responsible - doesn't forget to do things.
8. caring - thinks about what others need.
9. calm - doesn't show any worry or anger.
10. energetic - is very active and does not feel tired at all.
11. careless - does not think about what he I she is doing, so he I she makes mistakes, hurts people or breaks things.
12. well-organised - is naturally tidy and punctual.
b) Make up 6 sentences with the adjectives above.
1. He is very shy to come to the party.
2. Jack will come in time as he is very responsible.
3. He is very energetic, he runs all the time.
4. It is very difficult to find a honest person nowadays.
5. My friend is very chatty, so I never bored.
6. My mum is always very caring.
2.b) Say who in your classroom has freckles / long curly hair/ short straight hair / shoulder - length hair.
Mary has got freckles.
Julie has got long curly hair.
Max has got short straight hair.
Ann has got shoulder - length hair.
3. Tell your classmates about one of your friends. Use the scheme below.
His name is Mark.
He is 12 years old. He is slim and tall.
He has got blond hair.
His eyes are brown.
He is responsible because he does everything in time.
He likes reading and sport.
We usually go walking together. We play football in one team.
Сторінка 45
1. Listen and read. Find out how different people can be.
Всі люди різні - хтось високий, хтось низький. Деякі з нас мають світле пряме волосся та блакитні очі, а інші мають руде кучеряве волосся та зелені очі. Є ті, хто носить окуляри, і ті, хто має веснянки. Ми всі також різні за характером. Є люди веселі та з чудовим почуттям гумору, але вони можуть бути трохи необережними. З іншого боку, є люди серйозні та добре організовані, але іноді вони можуть бути трохи владними або навіть егоїстичними.
Однак чи це так? Чи тільки зовнішність і поведінка роблять нас різними? Точно ні.
У кожного є різні хобі - те, чим він любить займатися у вільний час. Багато людей є енергійними, тому їм подобається займатися спортом, грати в ігри або подорожувати по світу. Є й ті, хто більш спокійний, і їм не терпіти постійного руху. Натомість вони божевільні від читання, колекціонування речей чи малювання. Деякі люди цікаві, і вони більше люблять відвідувати музеї, художні галереї та театри, ніж відвідувати кінотеатр чи каток.
Хоча між нами так багато відмінностей, завжди є люди, які поділяють наші інтереси та захоплення. Ці люди наші друзі. Роль дружби дуже важлива, тому що ми часто комунікабельні. Гуляти в парку, їздити на велосипеді, грати в настільні або комп'ютерні ігри, танцювати, дивитися фільми та займатися іншими видами вільного часу з кимось часто веселіше, ніж бути на самоті.
Сторінка 46
2. Read the text again and say if the sentences below are true or false.
1. People usually differ only in appearance and character. - False.
2. Everyone is selfish and bossy. - False.
3. All of us have different hobbies and interests. - True.
4. Nobody is full of energy and likes sport. - False.
5. There are some things we have in common with others. - True.
6. It is more interesting to spend time with someone than being alone. - True.
3. Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
1. What appearances can people have?
- People can be tall or short, blond or dark hair, blue or brown eyes.
2. What people can be like in character?
- People can be funny, serious, well - organised, bossy and selfish.
3.What hobbies can we have? - People can have such hobbies like sport, playing games, reading and collecting things.
4. Who are friends?
- Friends are people who share the same interests with you.
4. Work in pairs. Ask your partner about his/her hobbies. Make notes and then tell the class about him/her.
- Hello. How are you?
- Hi, I am good, thanks.
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- I like sport. I play football when I have free time.
- Oh, great, thanks.
- You are welcome. Bye.
5. а) Read and say what the song is about.
The song is about friends who are chatting online and wants to see each other in real life.
Я збираюся надіслати електронний лист, Хоча я не бачу твого обличчя.
Я збираюся зустрітися з тобою колись у часі та проСторінка і.
Приспів: Покажи мені своє обличчя.
Я багато прошу?
У часі та проСторінка і Все, що мені потрібно, це людський дотик.
Я буду шукати ніч і день,
Я збираюся зв'язатися з вами.
Чи можете ви допомогти мені знайти шлях,
Щоб здійснити всі мої мрії?
Сторінка 47
2. a) Match and read the pairs aloud.
1. went - go;
2. saw - see;
3. could - can;
4. said - say;
5. got - get;
6. had - have;
7. read - read;
8. came - come;
9. became - become.
3.Listen to the rap and sing along.
Анна читала легенди,
Анна читала казки,
Коли вона прочитала свої і Сторінка її, діти сказали: «Чудово!» Чарлі приїхав з Англії, Чарлі поїхав до США, Його фільми отримали Оскар,
І люди сказали: «Чудово!»
Коли люди побачили картини Лео, вони сказали: «Чудово!
Коли Лео побачив Лізу,
Він сказав: "Чудово!"
Моцарт міг писати музику,
Він умів і співати, і грати.
Коли він став відомим, люди сказали: «Чудово!»
Вони всі добре провели час,
У всіх були погані часи,
Всі вони прославилися,
І люди сказали: «Чудово!»
Сторінка 48
4. Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple form, as in the example.
1. Willy didn't write stories last Friday. Willy wrote stories last Tuesday.
2. Helen didn't take photos last weekend. She took photos last month.
3. Bob didn't sing in the school choir last Wednesday. He sang in a school choir last Monday.
4. Jack didn't do sport last Tuesday. Jack did sport last Monday.
5. Mary didn't watch TV in the evening. She watched TV yesterday morning.
6. They didn't travel last summer. They travelled last spring.
5.Ask and answer in pairs.
- Where were you 5 minutes ago? - I was in a hall five minutes ago.
- Where were you yesterday at 3 p.m.? - I was on the sport ground yesterday at 3 p.m.
- Where were you yesterday at 9 p.m.? - I was in the park with my friends.
- Where were you last weekend? - I visited my grandparents last weekend.
- Where were you last July? - I was in Carpathian mountains last July. Who were you with? - I was with my parents.
6.Speak about the daily programme you had last summer holidays. Use the words below.
I got up at 8 o'clock in the morning. At 8.15 I had breakfast and went to swimming pool. I swam three times a day. In the afternoon I went to a café for lunch. After lunch I rode a bike with my friends. All the evenings I spent outdoors so I made a lot of new friends. We played games together and went to bed at 10 o'clock.
7. In pairs, ask and answer about yesterday.
- What did you do yesterday?
- I was at school, then went for lunch with my parents, did my lessons and went for a walk with my friends. And you?
- After school I had football competition and then went to café with all my football team to celebrate victory.
8.Interview your partner about their Last birthday. Ask if they had a birthday party/birthday cake, what they did, where they went, what games they played, what presents their family members gave them, if they liked their birthday and why.
- How did you spend your last birthday?
- Oh, it was great.
- Did you have a birthday party?
- Yes, it was in one of our kids café.
- Did you have a birthday cake?
- Sure, it was big and very tasty.
- What did you do at your party?
- We played different interesting games.
- Did you have a lot of presents?
- Oh yes. I received a lot of different presents from my relatives and friends.
- Did you enjoy it?
- It was the best birthday ever.
Сторінка 49
1. Read the sentences below. Then listen to Emma and choose the correct answer.
1. Lee is twelve.
2. He was born in Liverpool.
3. His hobby is music.
4. He plays the violin.
5. His mum is a music teacher.
6. They have got hundreds of CDs.
2. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. /Listen and check.
1. Her name is Tara.
2. She is in the same class as Lee.
3. She likes music and swimming.
4. She was born in London, but her parents are from the Caribbean.
5. She has got a budgie called Marley.
Сторінка 50
4. a) Listen to Emma's interview and say what Mike would like to be.
Mike would like to be a dentist.
b) Read the questions and put them in order.
3 - What do you do in the evenings?
8 - What films do you like?
4 - Do you do any sport?
2 - What do you do on weekdays?
6 - Where do you usually go?
7 - Do you often go to the cinema?
1 - What school do you go to?
9 - Do you want to be a film star when you grow up?
5 - What do you do in your free time?
d) Answer the questions.
1.What school do you go to? - I go to school 12.
2. What do you do on weekdays? - I visit my grandparents and spend time with friends.
3. What do you do in the evenings? - I watch TV and play games with my family.
4. Do you do any sport? - Yes, I do.
5. What do you do in your free time? - I play football.
6. Where do you usually go? - I usually go to park with my friends.
7. Do you often go to the cinema? - Yes, I do.
8. What films do you like? - I like fantasy.
9. Do you want to be a film star when you grow up? - No, I don't. I want to be a footballer.
5. Do the same interview with your partner.
1. What school do you go to? - I go to school 12.
2. What do you do on weekdays? - I ride a bike and play with friends.
3. What do you do in the evenings? - I play computer games.
4. Do you do any sport? - Yes, I do.
5. What do you do in your free time? - I play volleyball.
6. Where do you usually go? - I usually for a walk.
7. Do you often go to the cinema? - Yes, I do.
8. What films do you like? - I like cpmedy.
9. Do you want to be a film star when you grow up? - No, I don't. I want to be a doctor.
Сторінка 51
1.Make true sentences about yourself.
I can swim.
I can't rollerblade.
I would like to learn how to ice - skate.
I can ride a horse.
I can play computer games.
I can speak English.
I can't climb mountains.
I would like to learn how to go bungee jumping.
I can ski.
I can cook.
I can dance well.
I can't play a musical instrument.
2. Match the pictures to the activities.
a. playing computer games; b. mountain climbing; c. horse riding;
d. cooking; e. skiing; f. playing the guitar; g. rollerblading; h. dancing.
3. Use the phrases to talk about different activities.
I like playing the guitar.
I am interested in dancing.
I am not crazy about mountain climbing.
I can't stand horse riding.
Сторінка 52
1. Read about hobbies and write about your / your mum's / friend's/ cousin's hobbies, as in the example.
My hobby is playing football. My mother's hobby is painting and my father's hobby is fishing.
Майже у кожного є якесь хобі: ведення блогу, колекціонування смішних мемів, іграшкових машинок або наклейок, читання, малювання, розгадування головоломок, слухання музики, гра в шахи чи більярд, катання на конях чи вирощування троянд, гра на гітарі чи садівництво.
2.Read and write a few true sentences about what you like and don't like doing.
My favourite leisure activity is watching TV.
I don't enjoy riding a bike.
I love playing football.
I don't like horse riding.
Мій улюблений вид спорту - катання на ковзанах. Мені подобається танцювати під поп-музику. Катання на ковзанах також є дуже хорошим способом підтримувати форму. Що з вами? Який твій улюблений вид спорту? Скажіть, що ви думаєте про такі види дозвілля: перегляд фільмів по телевізору, танці, купання в річці, прогулянки з друзями, риболовля, їзда на велосипеді, скелелазіння, збирання грибів, біг підтюпцем, катання на човні, лижах, кемпінг тощо. Я часто купаюся , риболовля, вітрильний спорт і верхова їзда. Як часто ти ходиш на ковзани?
3.Ask and answer in pairs.
1.Do you have a passion for dancing? - Yes, I do.
2.What don't you like doing? - I don't like cooking.
3. Are you crazy about reading? - No, I don't.
4. What do you enjoy doing? - I enjoy playing football.
5.Does your mother like taking photos? - Yes, she does.
6.Who enjoys going to the theatre in your family? - My parents enjoy going to the theatre.
7.Is your friend interested in studying English? - Yes, he is.
8. Can you stand climbing mountains? - Yes, I can.
Сторінка 53
1. a) Read and Listen to the phone talk.
Єва: Привіт, тут Єва! У вас є плани на вихідні?
Люк: Ні, чому?
Єва: Ми йдемо до центру активності. Ви б хотіли піти з нами?
Люк: Ми?
Єва: Так, мої друзі Тара та Лі.
Люк: Я не знаю. Ти знаєш, я не люблю знайомитися з новими людьми.
Єва: Але ти їх знаєш, я впевнена. Вони в моєму класі. Тара висока й худа, з довгим кучерявим волоссям, часто зібраним у хвіст.
Люк: О, Тара з акторської групи. Я знаю її. Вона здається дуже гарною.
Єва: Так, вона. А Лі низенький і худий, з ним легко спілкуватися, він грає на скрипці. Йому подобається музика.
Люк: Тоді гаразд.
Єва: Давайте зустрінемося перед Центром активності о 10.
b) Unscramble the questions and answer them.
1. Why doesn't Luke want to go to the Activity Centre at first? - Because he doesn't like to meet new people.
2. What does Tara look like? - Tara is tall and thin with long curly hai
3. What is she like? - She is nice.
4. What does Lee like? - Lee is easy to talk.
2. Work in pairs. Use the sentences from the box. Call your friend and invite him /her to a birthday party / your place / an acting class / the cinema /a bowling club / the swimming pool.
- Hi, it is Max here.
- Hi Max. It is Dan.
- I would like to invite you to my birthday party. It will be in our local café this Friday.
- Ok, thanks. When does it start?
- At 4p.m.
- Any special theme?
- No, just a good mood.
- Ok thanks. See you on Friday.
Сторінка 54
1. b) Copy the invitations. Listen to the dialogues again and complete the party invitations.
To Denis
Please come to my birthday party!
Date November, 11
Time at 5 o'clock
Place my house
Don't forget to bring Monopoly.
2. Dear Anna
You are invited to a sleepover party at my house.
Please bring sleeping bag
Let me know if you can come.
Please call me on 6733468.
Сторінка 55
1.a) Read about George and say that he did the same last weekend.
Last weekend George went out with his friends. They went to the cinema or for a pizza. They met with other kids and talked about sport, girls or music. He had to be back home before ten. His dad said he was too young to stay out late.
У вихідні Джордж зазвичай гуляє з друзями. Вони іноді ходять в кіно або на піцу. Вони зустрічаються з іншими дітьми та розмовляють про спорт, дівчат чи музику. Він має повернутися додому до десятої. Його тато каже, що він занадто малий, щоб залишатися пізно.
b) Ask and answer in pairs.
1.What do you do at the weekend? - I visit my grandparents and play with my friends at the weekend.
2. Do your parents let you stay out late? - No, they don't.
3. What did you do last weekend? - I went for a walk with my friends last weekend.
2.a) Listen and repeat. Say what all the irregular verbs below have in common.
These are irregular verbs which are all in Past Simple.
b)Name the infinitives of the verbs above. Then write down the verbs in both forms into your notebooks.
buy, think, catch, bring, fight.
c)Use the verbs below to make true sentences about what you did yesterday.
I met my friend yesterday.
I spent the whole hour waiting for you.
We went to the theatre yesterday with my parents.
They bought a nice car.
My sister told me a funny story.
I sang a song about Victory yesterday.
My father asked me some questions about my friends.
I got a new job in our camp.
My friend wrote me a letter in English.
We had a nice time together yesterday.
She talked to me yesterday morning.
3.Talk to your partner. After you find out your partner's favourite activities, ask them one or two of the groups of questions below. Note down their answers and report back to the class on them.
1. Do you take part in any after-school activities?
Yes I do. I play football. I do it three times a week. I want to be a famous footballer.
2. Do you do any sport?
Yes, I do. I play football. I train three times a week. Training session lasts one hour.
3. Do you like going to the cinema?
Yes, I do. I go there with my friends or relatives. I buy tickets online. I like watching fantasy.
4. Do you play any instrument?
Yes, I do. I play the guitar. I practice once a week. No, I don't.
5. Do you play computer games?
Yes, I do. I play sport games. I don't buy them, I play online. I like to play with my brother. I use computer for studying.
6. Do you watch TV?
Yes, I do. I watch film channels. I can spend three or four hours watching it. I like entertaining programmes.
7.Do you hang out with your friends?
Yes, I do. We go to our local park. We chat and play with friends.
Yes, we can ride a bike and skate. No, I don't wear helmet.
Сторінка 56
4. Do the quiz from a teen magazine. Think of your best friend.
1 - a; 2 - b; 3 - b; 4 - b; 5 - b; 6 - b; 7 - c; 8 - a.
1.Does your friend tell you his/her secrets?
a) always;
2 Why does your friend Like spending time with you? Because...
b) you have a lot in common.
3. You have to pick up your friend to go out together, but you are Late. What does your friend think?
b) I hope everything is OK.
4. Your friend is jealous of one of your new friends. What does he/she do?
b) gets to know your new friend better
5. You've got a new hairstyle/haircut. Your friend doesn't like it. What does he/she say?
b) It's OK, but I prefer your old hairstyle.
6.You are cheating in a test. Does your friend...
b) ask you for your cheat sheet to copy it?
7. Does your friend know about...
c) your happy and sad moments?
8. You have a difficult test in Maths and you have to work hard.
Your friend, who is good at Maths, phones you to go out. Does he/she...
a) come over to your place and help you with studying?
Сторінка 57
6. Listen to Emma's answers to the quiz in task 4. Do the circling for her. There are two questions she didn't answer. Which ones?
1 - a; 2 - b; 3 - a; 5 - b; 6 - a; 7 - c;
She didn't answer for questions 4 and 8.
7. Listen to Emma and Tara's talk. Then match the questions to the answers.
1.What does Emma suggest? - Coming over to her place to play The Sims.
2. Why does Tara get angry? - Because Emma is teasing her.
3. What does Luke look like? - Tall and plump, with long straight hair.
4. What does he like? - Caring and understanding.
5. What is he like? - Music and acting.
Сторінка 58
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. Sam is definitely an outgoing person - he hates spending time at home.
2. Wendy is crazy about rollerblading in summer and skating in winter.
3. Spending too much time with gadgets can isolate people from the real world.
4. I really enjoy hanging out with my friends in the park - it's so fun and cool!
5. Dave can't stand dancing. Instead, he likes going bungee jumping.
6. Billy's friends are so caring! They always help him when he is in trouble.
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. Ed and Fred are very interested in reading books.
2. I would like to go to the skating rink today.
3. Daniel spent all his free time with Mia yesterday.
4. Ricky can't play any instruments, but she sings well.
5. I swam in the pool with my friends last weekend.
6. We are very energetic, so we enjoy doing sport.
7. Helen loves horse riding and mountain climbing.
8. Mike enjoys skiing, and he went to the mountains two days ago.
3. Match.
1 - c; 2 - d; 3 - f; 4 - b; 5 - e; 6 - a.
1. Hello. Can I speak to Jane, please? - c. Yes, this is Jane. Hi, Nick!
2. Hi, Jane! How are you? - d. I'm well, thank you. How are you?
3. Fine, thanks. Are you busy on Sunday? - f. No, why?
4. Well, I'd like to invite you to my Halloween party. - b. Definitely! When and where?
5. It will be at 6 pm at my place. - e. Sounds awesome!
6. I'm happy that you can come! - a. Sure!
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