ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2024

icon23.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon164, icon0

Сторінка 41
1. Look and match the phrases to the pictures.
1 - c; 2 - b; 3 - g; 4 - f; 5 - d; 6 - a; 7 - e; 8 - h; 9 - i.
2. Odd one out.
1-а book; 2-а daughter; 3 - sky; 4 - the homework; 5 - an eye.
Сторінка 42
3. a) Think about the last time you were doing the washing-up and answer the questions.
1. It took me an hour to wash up.
2. Yes, I did.
3. I felt myself tired.
4. I decided that we need to buy washing machine.
4. Correct the verb tense of the verb in bold if needed.
1. I watched that film with Jenny last week.
2. I was watching a film when my phone rang.
3. At 9 am Emma was washing the dishes while John was taking out the garbage.
4. She walked towards me with a smile on her face when I saw that she was holding a puppy.
5. We were having a dinner when we heard a knock on the door.
6. I bought was buying the groceries at the supermarket when I noticed that my keys were lost.
7. They were tidying their room when their mother came home.
8. Last night around 11 pm Barbara was reading a book and Nancy was watching her favourite TV series.
5. Read the poem on page 34, then answer the questions.
1. Yes, I did.
2. I usually played with father and bathed.
3. No, I didn't.
4. I cleaned the rom and made my bed.
5. Yes, my parents taught me how to cook.
6. No, never.
Сторінка 43
6. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
1. No, they don't.
2. No, I don't. I usually tidy up my room.
3. Yes, I have. I have done washing.
4. Yes, I can fix toys.
5. My mother and father usually do cooking. I can prepare some sandwiches.
7. Work in groups. Share your information with others. Speak of the following.
1. Does your family work around the house at weekends? Yes, it does.
2. What is your family's attitude to the home? My family love my home.
3. How often does your family do repairs and improvements to the house or flat? My family does repairs when it is necessary.
4. Do these days have special names? No.
5. What is your usual part of work then? My usual part is tidying up.
Сторінка 44
1. Match the words to make phrases.
1 - to pour water;
2 - to split duties;
3 - to earn money;
4 - to serve the dishes;
5 - to turn off the microwave oven;
6 - to make the vacuum cleaner;
7 - to get upset;
8 - to take out the garbage;
9 - to switch on
10 - to mop the floor;
11 - to do the hoovering;
12 - to feed a dog.
2. Fill in the gaps with the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
Emily was walking her dog Stella when her mother called her on her phone. Emily was talking to her mother while Stella was sitting beside her. Emily suddenly saw a dangerous snake that was lying and hissing on the ground, right in front of her feet. Mum asked, 'Emily, Emily, is everything all right? Emily dropped her phone. Luckily, her dog Stella saved her. She was running and barking at the snake until Emily managed to run away.
3. Put the sentences into the correct order to make a dialogue.
Mum: The guests are coming at 7 pm. Could you help me, please? Brad: Sure. What can I do?
Mum: Well, I've done the washing-up. So, dry the dishes, please. Then do the hoovering in the living room, and I'll make a pie.
Brad: Shall I mop the floor in the kitchen?
Mum: It would be nice of you, dear. Thank you.
Brad: Don't mention it. I hope we'll be on time.
Сторінка 46
2. a) Read the article again and answer the questions below.
1. Politeness is the key to getting respect from others, improving your communication skills and becoming more sure of yourself.
2. In old times, people usually used their hands to eat.
3. There are many items of technology that help us with it - a cooker, a fridge, a blender, a toaster, etc.
4. In Europe people use forks and knives, while in Asia chopsticks are the main device.
b) Say if the statements below are true or false.
1-True; 2-False; З-False; 4-True; 5-False; 6-False; 7-False; 8-True.
Сторінка 47
3. a) Read the comments to the article (p. 48) and say who:
• thinks that forks and knives are not always needed-William;
• gets upset when people watch him/her eating on the floor-Tei;
• is sometimes annoyed with his/her mother about the table manners- Vanessa;
• is surprised to know that manners can show others what you are like— Carlos;
Сторінка 48
b) Have a discussion in groups of 3-4. Tell others what you think about good table manners and different ways of eating and serving food. Also say what norms and traditions at the table you have in your own family.
I think good table manners are very important nowadays. The way you behave, shows your attitude and behavior. People should have good manners. Nobody wants to sit with the person who is noisy or can't behave yourself in a proper way. We also have some traditions. We gather together and eat with fork and knife if necessary. Table manners are very important nowadays.
4. Work in pairs. Choose a country and make a presentation about the table manners there. Say: Table manners in Great Britain
Social manners are expected and appreciated when it's time to sit, men should seat the ladies first and rise when they leave and return to the table.
Do make sure that you wait for your host to start eating first or to give the signal.
You may eat Chicken and Pizza with your hands only at a barbecue...otherwise you use a knife and fork!
If bread rolls are served, break them with your fingers not with your knife. Only a small piece of roll at a time (never the whole thing) should be buttered, with a butter knife.
Soup should be spooned away from you with the bowl tilted away and even if it's steaming hot, never embarrass yourself by blowing on it! Never mix, mash, scrape, or move food with your fingers - goodness grief!
Please don't chew or talk with an open mouth or lick your knife, it's just tacky.
Tricky peas can be slightly crushed or use mashed potato to stick them to your fork but never use your fork like a shovel to scoop them up! Using any form of gadget at the table is an absolute no-no and contrary to popular trends, at a formal dinner party, food should never be shared with the entire social-media world.
Food stuck between teeth is tricky...do not use toothpicks, fingernails, knives or napkins to dislodge the food at the table. Excuse yourself and take care of it discreetly.
Сторінка 49
1. b) Complete the sentences with the words from a).
1. Whisk is used to mix eggs, cream, etc.
2. Grater is used to grate food.;
3. Oven gloves are used to hold something hot.
4. Frying pan is used to fry food in it.
5. Kettle is used to boil water in it.
6. Teapot isused to keep tea in it.
7. Apron is used to keep yourself clean when cooking.
8. Chopping board is used to cut food on it.
9. Saucepan is used to boil food in it.
10. Ladle is used to serve soup.
2. a) Listen and repeat. Then sort out the words from the box. Add any others you know.
Non-Electrical Appliances
Electrical Appliances
Bowl, spoon, teaspoon, cup, fork, plate, glass, knife.
Cooker, blender, microwave oven, fridge, toaster, mixer, coffee maker.
3. a) Complete the dialogue with the words from task 2. Then listen and check your answers.
A: Hi! What are you doing?
B: I'm making dinner. Can you pass me the mixer, please?
A: Sure. Personally, I think the whisk is better. Do you need a plate?
B: Of course not. I need a bowl. Oh, and some eggs.
A: They're in the fridge, aren't they?
B: Yes.
A: Are you going to use the frying pan for the meat?
B: No. I want to bake it, so I'm going to put it in the oven.
A: Okay. Do you need anything else?
B: No, thank you.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова Підручник 7 клас 2024 Астон Карпюк НУШ
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