ГДЗ Англійська мова 9 клас. Підручник [Несвіт А.] 2017

icon15.12.2018, icon9 Клас / Англійська мова, icon47 013, icon0

Lessons 3–4. Keep In Touch!
3. You are going to read an article about mobile phones. Choose the most suitable heading from the list (A–F) for each part of the article (1–4). There is one extra heading which you don’t need to use. There is the example (0) at the beginning.
5. Find a word or phrase in the article that has a similar meaning to each of these words and phrases. Read the sentences with them.
1) cell phone;
2) configuration;
3) display;
4) to communicate;
5) to invent;
6) to own;
7) to show;
8) Device.
6. Read the text of Ex. 3 and choose the correct item to complete the sentences.
1. The invention of a mobile phone is credited to Dr Martin Cooper at b) Motorola.
2. A mobile phone allows you more range and allows you to communicate much further from virtually anywhere c) in the city, country, or world.
3. New fashions, new technology, more features, cheaper cost, better performance keep the market place filled with a) plenty of choices.
4. The mobile phone b) has radically changed the world since its introduction in 1973.
5. The mobile phone is just c) the next extension of the previously developed technology.
6. The mobile phone was developed from b) a telephone and a radio.
a) Work in pairs. Read and complete the telephone conversations. Use the necessary words and phrases from the box on p. 100. Then listen and check your answers.
1. Hello;
2. in;
3. name;
4. same summer school;
5. told;
6. say;
7. if you could help me?
8. speaking;
9. in;
10. to leave a message;
11. I called;
12. Good talking to you.
13. Hello;
14. talk to Steve, please;
15. the wrong number.
9. Many people think that mobile phones aren’t really important tools for teenagers; they are just expensive “toys” that teenagers use for fun and nothing more. What do you think?
Write an article to a school newspaper in which you express your point of view on the subject. Use the following questions as a plan:
• Do you have a mobile phone or would you like to have one?
• When and why do you use (are going to use) your mobile phone?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a mobile phone?

Mobile Phones: Are They Expensive Toys?
Mobile phone is an important and significant invention of the modern world. It is a good technology which is not lacking from our lives. I think that mobile phone is really important thing for a teenager because it is very convenient. As for me, I have a mobile phone and I use it a lot. It is very necessary and useful thing for me. I don’t agree that mobile phones are just expensive ‘toys’ that teenagers use for fun and nothing more. By means of a mobile phone I can communicate to my family and my friends no matter what or where I am. For instance, I can contact easily to my friends by calling or sending messages everywhere without electricity. In general, I would like to say that these days mobile phone has become the most essential instrument for communication and it is maybe the main reason why almost all people today choose to own a mobile phone. It is obvious that mobile phones assist you in business a lot, such as, make schedule of working, surf the Internet, and keep in touch with their companies. Moreover, you can relax with mobile phone’s applications, for example, play games, listen to music, or chat with your friends.
On the other hand, there are also disadvantages. Using a lot mobile phone can harm your brain, particularly teenager and children who are under 16 years old. If you use mobile phones too much, you will get bad effects like dizzy, blood-brain barrier, or ears problems. In addition, when you use mobile phones while you are driving, you will get an accident. It is essential not good for you and others.
In conclusion, I would like to say that mobile phone is a very useful and important device. It helps us in various ways. All we need to do is to use this device smartly and wisely. We should remember that it is mainly a device with purpose of communication, but that does not mean that we keep on wasting hours on chatting or through messaging.

iconГДЗ Підручник Англійська мова 9 клас Несвіт Генеза 2017
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