ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник Prepare 6 [Джоанна Коста, Мелані Вільямс] 2023

icon25.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon4 929, icon0

Review 1. Unit 1-4.
1. Match the sports equipment words to the photos.
A - bat; B - stick; C - ball; D - racket;
Now match the equipment to these sports.
ba : baseball, basketball, hockey, rugby, table tennis, tennis, volleyball;
bat: baseball, table tennis;
racket: tennis;
stick: hockey.
2. Put the words into the correct column.
Food: cereal, cheese, cold meat, dessert, dinner, fish, fruit, juice, rice, tomatoes, vegetables.
Music: classical music, drums, keyboard, hip - hop, jazz, opera, piano pop, rap, rock, saxophone, soul, violin, sopilka.
Sport: athletics, cycling, gymnastics, sailing, snowboarding.
3. Complete the missing word in each sentence.
1. I want to make a music video with my dad.
2. He likes cooking alone. He doesn't like cooking with other people.
3. That's a fantastic idea. I think it's really good.
4. My sister is upset because she is sick.
5. Bands go on tour when they make a new album.
6. That's brilliant news about the tennis match. Great!
7. I always get dressed before breakfast.
8. My brother doesn't like exams. He gets very nervous.
1. Put the words in order to make questions.
1. What's your name?
2. Where do you live?
3. How old are you?
4. What's your favourite sport?
2. In pairs, talk about music. Take turns to speak.
- Let's talk about music. What kind of music do you listen to?
- I am listening to different kind of music.
- When do you listen to music?
- I listen music almost all the time.
- Do you listen to music on your phone?
- Yes, of course.
- Who is your favourite singer I favourite band?
- My favourite singer is Rihanna.
- Tell me something about your singer / band.
- She is very beautiful and sings very good.
1. Listen to five short conversations. Choose the correct picture.
1. What time do they agree to meet? - A;
2. Which instrument does Mona need to practise tonight? - A;
3. What is Finley's brother doing? - C;
4. Where were they in the morning? - B;
5. What does the girl want to have for dinner? - C.
1. Read the text and answer the questions.
1. Which country does the game come from? - Italy.
2. How old is the game? - 500 years old.
3. How many players are there in the game? - six.
4. What do the players hit the ball with? - a tambourine.
5. What two things in tamburello are like the game of tennis? - the ball and the points.

iconГДЗ 6 клас 2023 Англійська мова Підручник Коста Вільямс Prepare Лінгвіст
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