ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник Prepare 6 [Джоанна Коста, Мелані Вільямс] 2023

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Unit 2. This is my day.
Сторінка 14
Vocabulary and Listening
1. Match the photos to the phrases in the box. Listen and check.
A - check your messages; B - tidy your room; C - get dressed; D - have breakfast; E - prepare your school bag; F - leave home; G - wake up; H - brush your hair; I - put on your shoes; J - clean your teeth.
2. Listen to Maddie talking about her morning routine. Number the photos in the order that you hear them.
1 - G; 2 - A; 3 - D; 4 - J; 5 - C; 6 - H; 7 - B; 8 - E; 9 - I; 10 - F.
3. Can you remember Maddie's routine? Complete the sentences with the times in the box. You don't need to use all the times.
1. My alarm goes off at 6.30.
2. I get up at 6.45.
3. I clean my teeth at 7.00.
4. I get dressed at 7.15.
5. I prepare my school bag at 7.30.
6. I put my shoes on and leave home at 7.40.
4. In pairs or small groups, talk about your morning routine.
I wake up at 7 o'clock. I wash my face and brush my teeth at 7.15. I have breakfast at 7.30. I go to school at 7.40.
1. Look at the examples from the listening. Write simple or continuous.
Continuous, Simple.
2. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. My mum always cooks nice food.
2. I am staying at home today. I am not going to school.
3. It's five o'clock now and I am watching TV with my sister.
4. What time your dad usually gets up on Sundays?
5. It's OK, Jack not sleeping at the moment. You can go and talk to him.
3. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
1. How are you? I am writing to you to give you some news.
2. What (do) are you doing at the moment?
3. My brother and I do not go swimming every day.
4. My mum (is) only works in the mornings.
5. We usually eat a big breakfast on Sunday.
4. Make sentences with the present simple and present continuous. Use usually and today or at the moment.
1. I usually have a sandwich for lunch, but today I am having spaghetti.
2. I usually play football on Saturday, but today I am playing tennis.
3. I usually get up at seven o'clock, but today I am getting up at eight o'clock.
4. I usually have a shower, but today I am having a bath.
5. Put the words in order to make questions. Now match the questions to the correct answer.
1. What is your friend doing at the moment? - c. She's sleeping.
2. What time do you usually go to bed? - a. 10 p.m.
3. How do you get home from school? - b. I walk.
4. Do you get up at the same time every day? - d. Yes, I do.
1. Look at the texts and find these words.
1. This is sweet food after the main meal. - dessert.
2. You have this when you don't need a big meal. - snack.
3. You have this meal in the middle of the day. - lunch.
4. This is a drink made from fruit. - juice.
5. This is the last meal of the day. - dinner.
6. This is the largest or most important part of the meal. - main course.
2. Match the photos to the words in the box.
A - mango; B - jam; C - fish; D - fruit; E - vegetables; F - bread; G - honey; H - tomatoes; I - cabbage; J - cheese; K - cereal; L - cucumber; M - rice; N - hot chocolate; 0 - pasta; P - avocado; Q - toast; R - yoghurt.
1. Read the texts once. Who starts school the earliest? Aban - Ghana.
Onni. Я встаю о 8.00 ранку. На сніданок я їм каші з молоком і апельсиновим соком. Після сніданку я зустрічаю свого друга, і ми разом їдемо до школи на метро. У деякі дні школа починається о 9.00, а в інші дні о 10.00. Ми не носимо уніформу, а вчителів називаємо на ім'я. Ми всі отримуємо безкоштовний обід у школі - м'ясо або риба з овочами на основну страву і фрукти на десерт. Зазвичай школа закінчується о 2.45, а після цього я йду на уроки музики або драматичний гурток. Я перекушую ввечері перед сном.
Дієго - Мекс. Я прокидаюся о 6 ранку, приймаю душ і одягаю форму. Мій сніданок — кава з хлібом і сиром або авокадо. О 7.00 ранку пора до школи. Іноді я гуляю, але часто мене возить мама. Початок занять о 8.00, закінчення о 14.30. Після цього у мене є урок мистецтва. Я обідаю близько 3.00, а потім роблю домашнє завдання. Роблю це до 6.00 чи 7.00. Після цього я виходжу в Інтернет або дивлюся телевізор з родиною. Вечеряю близько 8.00.
Aban. Мама будить мене і сестру о 5 ранку. Я поливаю рослини в саду, а моя сестра готує їжу на вечерю. Потім ми одягаємо шкільну форму і чистимо зуби. Ми виходимо з дому о 6.30 і купуємо сніданок дорогою до школи. Заняття з 7.30 до 14.30. Обід у школі - сьогодні рис і помідори. Мені подобається, а сестрі ні! Після школи у мене урок футболу, а ввечері перед сном я дивлюся телевізор.
2. Read the texts again. For each question, say Onni, Diego or Aban.
1. Who says he uses the computer in the evening? - Diego.
2. Who can choose what he wears to school? - Onni.
3. Who doesn't have breakfast at home? - Aban.
4. Who goes to school by car? - Diego.
5. Who does sport after school? - Onni.
6. Who has a hot drink in the morning? - Aban.
1. Read the poster. What do you think of these tips?
These tips are about healthy way of life.
2. Listen to the radio show. You will hear a woman asking six students about getting up in the morning. Match each student to the correct tip. There is one tip you do not need.
Student 1 - Tip C; Student 2 - Tip E; Student 3 - Tip G; Student 4. - Tip D; Student 5 - Tip A; Student 6 - Tip F.
3.Listen again and check. Then in small groups, discuss the questions.
1. Which of the tips do you think are /aren't useful?
Useful tips are: drink fruit juice, move, don't keep your alarm by your bred, use your brain. Not useful: have a cold shower.
2. Can you think of other tips for getting up in the morning?
Do a morning exercise can help for getting up in the morning.
3. Is getting up in the morning easy or difficult for you?
Getting up in the morning is easy.
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
2 - but; 3 - and; 4 - but; 5 - or.
1. We don't get chocolate or crisps at school.
2. I walk to school but brother gets the bus.
3. I eat lots of fruit and drink lots of water.
4. I like staying up late but I can't do that during the week.
5. I don't like carrots or tomatoes.
Сторінка 17
3. Think often more food words. In pairs, compare your words. Then ask and answer these questions.
1.What's your favourite food? What don't you like? My favourite food is pizza. I don't like buckwheat.
2. What do you have for breakfast? I have sandwich for breakfast.
3. What time do you have dinner? What do you eat? I have dinner at 2 o'clock. I have soup, potatoes and fish for dinner.
4. What snacks do you have every day? I have fruit for snack every day.
1. In pairs, discuss the questions with your partner.
1. What's the difference between Olympic and Paralympic Games? In Olympic games sportsman take part in them and in Paralympic Games disabled sportsman take part.
2. Did you watch the Winter Paralympic Games 2022? Where was it held?
Yes, I did. Paralympic Winter games were held in Beijing, China.
2. Read the text in boxes 1-6 and match them to the sports in the photos. Write SV (sitting volleyball) or WR (wheelchair rugby).
1 - WR; 2 - SV; 3 - SV; 4 - WR; 5 - SV; 6 - WR.
3. Read the texts again and complete the table.
1 - indoor court; 2 - indoor court; 3 - net; 4 - ball; 5 - six; 6 - twelve; 7 - six; 8 - four.
4. Find the words highlighted in the text and choose the correct meanings, a or b.
1. medal - b. a prize in a sports competition; 2. wheelchair - a. something people use when they can't walk; 3. court - b. an area for games; 4. player - b. a person playing a game; 5. goal line - a. a line you pass to get points.
5. Listen to an interview with Martha Dirksen about a Paralympic sport. What sport does she do?
wheelchair tennis;
6. Listen again and answer the questions.
1. How old is Martha? - Martha is 11 years old.
2. Where is the court? - The court is near the school.
3. What does she want to be in one day? - She wants to be on the Paralympic Games.
4. What has her sports hero got? - He has a lot of medals.
5. Where is David Wagner from? - He is from the United States.
6. Does Martha play tennis on Tuesdays? - No, she doesn't.
7. Does Martha rest at weekends? - No, she has competitions.
PROJECT. Imagine you work for a radio station. In pairs, write interview questions to ask a Ukrainian Paralympic athlete.
Hello. What is your name?
- Maxim Kripak.
What sport do you do?
- I'm a swimmer.
How many medals do you have?
- 15 medals.
How to succeed in this sport?
- Do you need to train a lot?

iconГДЗ 6 клас 2023 Англійська мова Підручник Коста Вільямс Prepare Лінгвіст
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