ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник Prepare 6 [Джоанна Коста, Мелані Вільямс] 2023

icon25.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon4 929, icon0

Unit 1. Sports and Games.
Сторінка 10
Vocabulary and Reading
1. Match the pictures A-M to the words in the box. Listen, check and repeat.
A - go sailing; B - play volleyball; C - play table tennis; D - go cycling; E - go snowboarding; F - play baseball; G - do athletics; H - play rugby; I - play hockey; J - do gymnastics; K - play badminton; L - go surfing; M - go skating.
2. In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
1. Which of the sports do you do in teams? Which do you do alone?
We play volleyball, baseball, rugby and hockey in teams. You go surfing, sailing and snowboarding alone.
2. Which of the sports can you do both in teams and alone?
We can do athletics and gymnastics in teams and alone. We can go cycling and skating in teams and alone. We can play badminton and table tennis in teams and alone.
3. Which of these sports do you do? Which of them do you prefer?
I prefer team sports as it is fun and a good possibility to get acquainted with other people and find friends.
3. Put the words into the correct column.
/еi/ - sailing, baseball, play, skating; /аі/ - cycling, bike, fly, riding.
4. Read the blogs on pages 10-11. Who does their sport every week?
1. What does Sophie do at the weekend?
She plays a rugby match.
2. What does Sophie want to do at the university?
She wants to go to a rugby summer camp.
3. Where does Ben prefer to be?
He prefers to be in the mountains. (He feels at home there.)
4. Why does Ben go snowboarding every day?
He is good at snowboarding and wants to become a famous snowboarder.
5. What does 'goofy-foot' mean?
Goofy - foot means Dmytro's right foot is in front on the board.
Це весело! Мій вид спорту - це ... регбі! Це я на фото. Люди думають, що регбі для хлопчиків, але це не так. Понад 18 000 жінок і дівчат грають в регбі в Англії. Моя команда завжди грає матч у суботу чи неділю, і зазвичай я ходжу на тренування тричі на тиждень. Це важка робота, але вона ніколи не буває нудною! Мені 14 і я граю за U15s. Це команда для гравців віком до 15 років. Коли я стану старшим, я хочу піти в літній табір з регбі в університеті Лафборо. Мій улюблений гравець, Френ Метьюз, поїхав туди, і зараз вона грає за збірну Англії з регбі, опубліковано Софі Байт.
Сторінка 11
1. Look at these examples from the blogs. The adverbs of frequency are in red.
a - never; b - sometimes; c - often; d - usually; e - always.
2. Answer the questions.
1. Present Simple: My team always plays a match on Saturday or Sunday. I often go with my little sister and other young people. I sometimes go snowboarding with Mum.
2. to be: It's never boring. It's usually quiet.
3. Read the examples and choose the correct words to complete the rules.
In negatives and questions with the present simple, we put the adverb of frequency before the main verb. In negatives and questions with the verb be, we put the adverb of frequency after the verb be.
4. Put the adverbs in the right place to complete the sentences and questions.
1. I usually play hockey at school on Fridays.
2. Sophie is often tired after rugby matches.
3. People don't always go sailing in teams.
4. Do you often go cycling?
5. Put the words in order to make sentences and questions.
1. You are always welcome in our sports club.
2. We never do athletics on Mondays.
3. Does she usually go skating with her brother?
4. Students do not often play table tennis at school.
5. Tom sometimes goes cycling on Fridays.
6. How often do you do the sports in Exercise 1 on page 10
I often play basketball but never play rugby.
7. In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
1. What sports do you do? How often? I play basketball. I do it three times a week.
2.How often do you watch sports on TV? I always watch sports on TV.
3.How often do you go to watch sports? I go to watch sports once a week.
4. Who are your favourite sports stars? My favourite sports star is Ronaldo.
Сторінка 12
1. Look at the photos of the sports and games. What can you see?
There are some people on bikes. There are swimmers underwater. There is a boy with a stick.
2. Read the three texts and match them to the photos.
1 - A; 2 - C; 3 - B.
1. Цей вид спорту схожий на футбол на велосипедах. Є дві команди. У кожній команді зазвичай два гравці. Велосипеди не мають гальм, щоб їх зупинити. Гравці кожної команди намагаються влучити м'ячем у ворота. Для цього вони можуть використовувати свій велосипед або голову. М'яч досить важкий - важить півкілограма. Команда- переможець - команда, яка набрала більше голів наприкінці гри.
2. Це стародавній вид спорту з Індії. Гравці використовують дві речі: одну довгу палицю, яка називається данда, і коротку яйцеподібну биту, яка називається гіллі. Є дві команди, один гравець кладе джиллі на землю всередині маленького кола і б'є ним у повітря данда. Потім гравець знову вдаряє по гілі і біжить, щоб торкнутися точки за межами кола, щоб отримати очко.
3. Цей вид спорту також називають підводним хокеєм. Є дві команди. У кожній команді по шість гравців. Щоб грати в цю гру, гравці плавають під водою. Використовують маленькі ключки та шайбу. Шайба трохи схожа на плоский м'яч. Він важкий і важить близько кілограма. Гравці намагаються штовхнути шайбу по дну басейну у ворота іншої команди. Команда-переможець - команда, яка набрала більше голів наприкінці матчу.
3. Read the three texts again. Are the sentences right or wrong?
1. There are always two players in a cycle-ball team, - False.
2. Cycle-ball players can't hit the ball with their hands. - False.
3. The ball in cycle-ball is small and light. - False.
4. Gilli-danda comes from India. - True.
5. Players use a small ball in gilli-danda. - False.
6. Sticks and bats in gilli-danda are the same size. - False.
7. People play octopush in teams. - True.
8. Players in octopush hit the ball, or puck, with their hands. - False.
9. Players in octopush swim underwater to play their game. - True.
1.Think of a sport. Choose one from this unit or another sport that you know. In pairs, take turns to ask and answer the questions.
1. Do people do this sport inside or outside? - People do this sport outside.
2. Is the sport on or under water? - No.
3. Is this sport on snow? - No.
4. What things do people need to do this sport? - They need a ball.
5. Do people play this sport in your country? - Yes, they do.
6. What do you like about this sport? - It is a team game.
7. Who are some of the famous players of this sport? - Ronaldo, Shevchenko. It is a football.
1. Look at the photo of the sport. Match the words 1 - 2 to A and B in the photo.
1 - B; 2 - A.
2. Listen to an interview with a boy about his unusual sport. What's the name of the sport?
3. Listen again, and choose the correct words.
1. There are four players in each team.
2. There are six handles on the ball.
3. Players give the ball to each other.
4. Players throw the ball in the net to score.
Сторінка 13
1. Match the photos A - E tot the words in the box.
A - racket; B - stick; C - bat; D - ball; E - board.
2. Complete the table with the sports in the box. Some sports can go in more than one column.
Use a stick, a racket or a bat
Use a bait
Use a board
Badminton, baseball, hockey, octopush, table tennis, tennis.
Baseball, basketball, cycle­ball, football, hockey, rugby, table tennis, tennis, volleyball
Surfing, snowboarding
3. Complete the information with the sports words in Exercise 1.
1. One bat for each player.
2. One small, light balls for the game.
3. One bat for each team.
4. One small, hard ball for the game.
5. One racket for each player.
6. One small stick for each player.
7. One heavy puck, like a flat ball for the game.

iconГДЗ 6 клас 2023 Англійська мова Підручник Коста Вільямс Prepare Лінгвіст
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