ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д., Карпюк К.Т.] 2024

icon23.02.2025, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon165, icon0

Сторінка 31
1. a) Answer the questions.
1. No, they don't work on weekends.
2. They love their homes and make it very comfortable.
3. DIY means do it yourself.
2. a) Read and finish the sentences below.
1. Doing the chores means to work around the house.
2. A household duty is a part of the chores to do.
b) Read Jane's blog and explain why she thinks that doing the chores is never done.
If you live in your own house there is always much work to do. If you want to keep your home and garden clean, you will always find something for yourself.
Сторінка 33
3. Say if the statement is true or false based on Jane's blog.
1 - True; 2 - False; 3 - True; 4 - False; 5 - False; 6 - True; 7 - True;
8 - False; 9 - False; 10 - True; 11 - False.
1. Everyone must know that he/she has to do his or her part of chores. - True.
2. Doing the shopping is not a household duty. - False.
3. The elder sister is usually the greatest helping hand for Jane's mother. - True.
4. They usually boil sausages in a frying pan. - False.
5. They usually fry in kettles. - False.
6. They need a kettle and a teapot to make tea. - True.
7. Her father is good at making coffee. - True.
8. Her elder sister never drinks coffee. - False.
9. After breakfast Jane's father washes up with a dishwasher. - False.
10 Jane's mother cleans the table after breakfast. - True.
11. The elder sister stays at home and does Lots of things around the house. - False.
4. Complete the sentences according to Jane's blog.
1. Doing work around the house is called doing the chores.
2. Usually each member of a family has got a household duty.
3. Writing notes to each other helps family members to remember things to do.
4. Usually parents are the busiest in doing the household chores.
5. We can fry or boil eggs for breakfast.
6. When the dish is ready, we can serve it with decorated salad.
7. To make tea we should boil water in the kettle.
8. We can wash up and dry the dishes with dishwasher.
9. We should put clean dishes onto the cupbpard.
10. Work around the house is never done.
5. Work in groups. Speak of the following.
1. Yes, I have. I clean the house, wash the diches and sweep the floor.
2. My mother cooks and father does shopping.
3. No, we live in the flat and do everything togather.
4. I am the greatest helping hand for them.
5. Yes, I have vacuum cleaner.
6. No, we do not do it.
Сторінка 34
1. Listen and read the kid's poem, then write out all the verbs in the Past Simple.
stayed, went, made, swept, did, broke, bathed, taught, came, said.
2. a) Put the words into the correct order to make questions.
1. What did he make?
2. What else did he do?
3. What did Daddy break?
4. When did he bath the kid?
5. What did he teach?
6. What was there on the floor?
7. When did Mummy come?
b) Ask and answer the questions in pairs. Take turns.
1. He made a lot of work about the house.
2. He did his household chores.
3. Daddy broke his favourite cup.
4. He bathed his kid in the evening.
5. He taught how to prepare tasty pizza.
6. There was a kitten on the floor.
7. Mummy came late in the evening.
Сторінка 35
3. Find and correct eight mistakes. Two of the sentences are correct.
1. Did you cook breakfast yesterday?
2. Where did you go an hour ago?
3. Did you sweep the floor when you were at your grandma's?
4. How many minutes ago did you boil your eggs?
5. Where did you go shopping last weekend?
6. Did you wash up yesterday?
7. What household duties did you have last Saturday?
8. Were you interested in cooking when you were younger?
9. Did you feed your pet this morning?
10. When did you do the gardening last time?
4. Put the words in order to make subject questions. Then answer them. Work in pairs.
1. Who did the chores last Saturday? - My sister did the chores last Saturday.
2. What happened last weekend? - My brother broke the vase last weekend.
3. Who is making a good coffee? - My father is making a good coffee.
4. What helped you to save money? - My piggy bank helped to save money.
5. Who cooked the dinner? - My mother cooked the dinner.
6. Who is the busiest person in your family? - My mother is the busiest person in my family.
7. Who cleaned the table after breakfast? - I cleaned the table after breakfast.
8. What situation you taught to be more attentive? - I taught to be attentive after making stupid mistake in my paper work.
5. Find and correct six mistakes. Two of the sentences are correct.
1. Who fed the cat?
2. Who dried the dishes?
3. Who did the gardening last autumn?
4. Who did the shopping yesterday?
5. What happened with the washing machine?
6. What made her so upset?
7. Who switched the dishwasher?
8. Who washed the dirty clothes two days ago?
Сторінка 36
1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
Do you share your room with your brother/sister or are you alone in your room? - I am alone in my room because I am the only child in the family.
What do you usually do to keep your room tidy? - I clean every time to keep my room tidy.
2. Listen to Alan who is talking about his family and the household chores. Find out if the following statements are true or false.
1 - False; 2 - True; 3 - False; 4 - False.
1. They always fight over the household chores. - False.
2. They share the chores. - True.
3. Mum and Dad don't like animals. - False.
4. They have a dishwasher. - False.
3. Copy the grid. Listen again and tick the right box.

Do the hoovering
Make the bed
Walk the dog
Clear the table
Tidy up the room
Do the ironing
Wash up
Do the cooking
Lay the table
Take out the garbage
Feed the dog
4. Give a two-minute talk about yourself. Use the questions below.
1. Yes, I do.
2. Yes, we do.
3. My mother and father do the cooking, I make my bed and tidy the room, my mother lay the table and do the ironing. My father take out the garbage and feed the dog. We all walk the dog in turn.
4. I get on well with my parents.
Сторінка 37
1. Listen and read the names of the electrical appliances. Then say what we use them for.
We use microwave oven for fast cooking or warming up food.
We use hairdryer for drying our hair.
We use toaster for making toast.
We use electric saw for cutting wood.
We use vacuum cleaner for cleaning the floor and carpets.
We use washing machine for washing clothes.
2. Match to make sentences.
1 - b; 2 - d; 3 - c; 4 - e; 5 - a; 6 - f.
1. When I want to wash up the dishes, I switch on the dishwasher, (b).
2. When my mum wants to cook dinner, she turns on the gas cooker, (d).
3. When the carpet is clean, my brother switches off the vacuum cleaner, (c).
4. When I want to sleep, I turn off the radio, (e).
5. When my sister wants to wash her clothes, she switches on the washing machine, (a).
6. When we need some wood for our fireplace, my father switches on his electric saw to cut wood. (f).
Сторінка 38
1. Rewrite the sentences, as in the example.
1. Tom wasn't making his bed. He was feeding his pet.
2. Father and Son were not washing their car. They were doing the washing-up.
3. This time yesterday I was not tiding my room. I was drying the dishes.
4. When Jane's mum came, she was not hoovering the carpet. She was walking the dog.
5. Sandy was not cleaning the windows while his mum was mopping the floor. She was watering the plants.
2. Use the phrases from the box in the Past Continuous to complete the sentences.
1. Father was taking out the garbage, so I couldn't see him when I came home.
2. We were washing the car for two hours. It was clean as new.
3. My mum was loading the washing machine when the lights went off. So, we couldn't do the washing.
4. My sister was doing the dishes while I was drying them.
3. Put the words into the correct order to make questions.
1. Were the children playing football when their mother came?
2. What was Peter doing at 3 pm yesterday?
3. Where were you travelling this time last year?
4. What was your mum doing when you woke up in the morning?
5. What were you wearing for the party?
4. Choose a time, ask your classmate what he/she, his/her family members and friends were doing yesterday at that time.
What were you doing at 5 pm yesterday? - I was reading a book. My sister was walking a dog. My mother was cooking and my father was vacuuming.
Сторінка 39
1. Look and say how the Robinsons feel about their duties.
Tim Robinson is not very happy about his duties.
Mr Robinson is happy with his duties.
Liz Robinson feels happy with her duties.
2. a) Read and think what Jane may say.
Take the video game back to the shop. - Great. I need to take something new.
Make your bed and tidy your room. - Oh no! I need much time for it. Phone for a pizza. There is some money on the kitchen table. - Mmm... Something tasty.
Cook some spaghetti. The sauce is in the fridge. - It is boring. I don't like cooking.
Do your homework now. - Now? Why?
Wash the dirty clothes. - I hate it.
3. Role-play the situation in pairs. You are sisters/brothers and you'd like to please your mother on her birthday. Have a talk about sharing the household chores before Mum comes home from work.
- Let's make a present for our mum.
- Which one? Do you have any idea?
- We can prepare some tasty meal.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, we can try.
- Ok, I can tidy up the flat.
- I will prepare meal.
- And father will go shopping, won't he?
- Of course. It will be a great fun.
Сторінка 40
1. It was Saturday yesterday, but Mrs Smith had to go to work in the hospital. Read the notes Mrs Smith wrote to the members of her family for yesterday. Write a short story about what they were doing from 3 pm till 4 pm yesterday before their mother came.
Jane was helping his dad to do the shopping while mum was at work. Tommy was making his bed and was feeding the parrot while mum was at work.
Sam was doing the shopping while Mrs Smith was at work.
2. Read the girls' messages and join their chat with your opinion.
I think we should help our parents about the house. Not everything at all, but to tidy up and clean the table is the easiest what we can do.
3. Think about your usual work on weekdays and at weekends. Write a short blog post about your part in the household chores.
Describe your attitude to different kinds of duties and the ways you carry them out. As for me I help a lot about the house. On weekdays I only make my bed and tidy up the room. Of course I also do my homework. At weekends I can make more. I vacuum the carper, take the rubbish out and wash the dishes. I always help my parents to cook something tasty. I like to help my parents, it brings me fun. I try to do everything quickly to have more time for rest.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова Підручник 7 клас 2024 Астон Карпюк НУШ
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