ГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас. Підручник [Герберт Пухта, Гюнтер Гернгрос] 2020
3 Клас / Англійська мова,
1 960,
Unit 9. Our daily tasks.
Сторінка 781. Listen and look. Then listen and say the words.
1. sweep
3. tidy up
2. do the shopping
4. cook
5. take the dog for a walk
6. feed the dog
7. wash up
8. dry the dishes
2. Who does the daily tasks in your family? Ask and answer.
Does your dad do the sweeping? - Yes, he does.
Does your mum do the shopping? - Yes, she does.
Does your sister tidy up? - Yes, she does.
Does your father cook? - Yes, he does.
Do you take the dog for a walk? - Yes, I do.
Does your mother feed the dog? - Yes, she does.
Do you wash up? - No, I don't.
Does your father dry the dishes? - No, he doesn't.
Сторінка 79
1. Look, read and say the letter.
1 - c; 2 - f; 3 - e; 4 - d; 5 - a; 6 - b.
1. I start doing my homework at quarter past five. (c)
2. I have dinner at six o'clock. (f)
3. I finish washing up at half past six. (e)
4. I take the dog for a walk at quarter to seven. (d)
5. I brush my teeth at quarter past eight. (a)
6. I go to bed at half past eight. (b)
2. Listen and say.
It's eight o'clock.
It's half past eight.
It's quarter past eight.
It's quarter to nine.
I start doing my homework at quarter past four.
Molly finishes having dinner at half past eight.
3. Play the time game.
It is half past seven. I am having breakfast at half past seven.
It is two o'clock. I am doing my lessons at two o'clock.
It is quarter to six. I am playing football with my friends at quarter to six.
Сторінка 80
1. Listen and sing.
Роблю покупки о пів на четверту.
Потім я гуляю з собакою і роблю чай.
Я мию посуд о чверть на четверту.
Потім прибираю і підмітаю підлогу. Ой, який напружений день, так багато роботи.
Немає часу грати. Так багато роботи!
Я роблю домашнє завдання о чверть на восьму.
Потім годую собаку. Я не можу спізнюватися.
Я лізу в ліжко о пів на одинадцяту.
Сплю до ранку, потім знову починаю.
Ой, який насичений день,...
2. Read the song. Then look at the clocks and say what the girl does.
1. She does her homework at quarter to eight.
2. She climbs into bed at half past ten.
3. She does the shopping at half past three.
4. She does the washing up at quarter past four.
Сторінка 81
1. Listen. Then say the days for each job.
Monday - 1, 2, 5; Tuesday - 1, 2, 4, 5; Wednesday - 3, 5; Thursday -
2, 4, 5; Friday - 1, 2, 5.
2. Listen and say.
John always goes swimming at quarter to six.
Mary sometimes washes up after dinner at quarter to eight.
Laura never goes to bed before half past eight.
3. Look at Matt's jobs at home. Play the true or false game.
He never sweeps the floor after school. False! He sometimes sweeps the floor.
He never dries the dishes. False! He always washes dishes.
He never feeds the dog. False! He sometimes feeds the dog.
He never cooks breakfast! Right! He never cooks breakfast.
He never washes dishes. False! He sometimes washes the dishes.
Сторінка 82
1. The treasure
1) Люсі: Дивіться. Це Гораке і Зельда. Бен: У них наша книга! Що вони роблять? Люсі: Давайте дізнаємось...
2) Горакс: Дивіться! Повідомлення з пропущеним словом. Нам потрібні листи! Бен: Ачу! Зельда: Гей, хто там?
3) Горакс: Привіт. Ви знову! Зельда: Тепер ми хочемо листи! Бен: Добре. Вони F-I-R-S-E-N-D. Горакс: Хм. Це головоломка.
4) Зельда: Геть, дурний пес! Люсі: О! Ви містер Вільямс! Горакс: Так, тепер ти знаєш!
5) Горакс: ці букви - головоломка. Зельда: Так. Вони складають слово. Горакс: Так! Це шукачі слів. Ми шукачі. Давайте напишемо це!
6) Ногах: Що відбувається? Зельда: Слово неправильне. Це ти винен, Горакс!
7) Люсі: Слово F-R-I-E-N-D-S: друзі, а не шукачі. Сюди можуть заходити тільки справжні друзі. Давай, Бен!
8) Бен: Bay! Це гарна статуя! Люсі: Так, це так! Віднесемо в музей. Бен: Так. Ось і закінчилася наша пригода! Це прекрасно!
Сторінка 83
2. What does the statue say? Use the code to find out.
A statue for true friends. Explore and discover. A new adventure is next.
3. Find who says
It's perfect! - Ben.
4. Listen and say.
Fern whirls and twirls in circles in her purple skirt.
- Фен кружляє і кружляє в своїй фіолетовій спідниці.
Сторінка 84
1. Listen and read. Ask and answer.
1. How do you have fun? - I play outside with my friends.
2. What games do you play? - I play football, basketball and tennis.
3. How do you keep fit? - I go in for sport twice a week.
4. What healthy food do you eat? - I eat a lot of fruits.
5. How do you learn new things? - I learn new things at school and in the internet.
6. What time do you go to bed? - I go to bed at ten o'clock.
2. Look at the pictures. Are the activities healthy or unhealthy?
1. Eating fruit is healthy.
2. Going to bed late is unhealthy.
3. Eating sweets is unhealthy.
4. Doing sport is healthy.
5. Going to bed early is healthy.
6. Watching a lot of TV is unhealthy.
Сторінка 85
3. Do a class survey.
1. How many hours a week do you do sport? - I do sport for seven hours a week.
2. How many hours a week do you watch TV? - I watch TV 6 hours a week.
3. How many hours a week do you play in the park? - I play in the park 10 hours a week.
4. How many hours a week do you listen to music? - I listen to music more than 7 hours a week.
5. How many hours a week do you play computer games? - I play computer games 6 hours a week.
Сторінка 86
1. Ask and answer.
1 - b; 2 - a; 3 - b; 4 - c; 5 - c; 6 - c; 7 - a; 8 - a.
1. He's got toothache, (b)
2. We played in the playground yesterday at half past six. (a)
3. Are there any bananas in the fridge? (b)
4. I went swimming yesterday, (c)
5. Sandra finishes having breakfast before half past eight, (c)
6. Would you like an ice cream? (c)
7. Maria always feeds the dog after seven o'clock, (a)
8. Would you like an egg and some bread for breakfast? Yes, please, (a)
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