ГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас. Підручник [Герберт Пухта, Гюнтер Гернгрос] 2020

icon20.11.2023, icon3 Клас / Англійська мова, icon2 227, icon0

Unit 1
Сторінка 97
1. Look at the timetable and say.
I play music on Mondays.
I play tennis on Tuesdays.
I go swimming on Wednesdays.
I do origami and make paper toys on Thursdays.
I visit grandma on Saturdays.
I play in the park on Sundays.
2. Read and answer the questions.
1. Do you play computer games at the weekend? - Yes, I do.
2. Do you go swimming on Fridays? - No, I don't.
3. Do you play music on Mondays? - Yes, I do.
3. Agree or disagree with your friend.
I play football on Saturday. - So do I.
I listen to music at the weekend. - So do I.
I go swimming on Wednesday. - I don't.
Сторінка 98
Unit 2.
1. Look, read and say.
Their birthdays are in May.
His birthday is in August.
Her birthday is in November.
Their birthdays are in January.
2. Talk to your friends. Ask and answer.
When's your birthday? - My birthday is in March.
Коли твій день народження? - Мій день народження в березні.
Сторінка 99
Unit 3
1. Look and describe the people. Use the words his, her, their.
Look at Ron and Jim. Their hair is short.
Look at Kate and Linda. Their hair is long.
Look at David and Jim. Their hair is dark.
Look at Jane. Her hair is dark.
Look at Kate. Her hair is blond.
2. Look at the pictures again and say.
Ron's shirt is blue. Kate's jacket is pink. David's shirt is green. Linda's jacket is purple. Jane's jacket is blue. Jim's jacket is brown.
Сторінка 100
Unit 4
1. Look and say.
1. They're in the kitchen.
2. She's in the bedroom.
3. He is in the bathroom.
4. They are in the living room.
2. Look at picture 4. Answer the questions.
1. Is there a clock in the room? - Yes, there is.
2. Is there a ball in the room? - No, there aren't.
3. Are there any pictures in the room? - Yes, there are.
4. How many books are there in the room?
- There are three books in the room.
Сторінка 101
Unit 5
1. Look and say.
She isn't listening to the radio. She's dancing,
He isn't swimming. He is fishing.
He is not drawing. He is reading a book.
He is not jumping. He is running.
He is not playing the piano. He is playing the guitar.
She is not dancing. She is talking on a phone.
2. Point to the picture. Ask and answer.
Is she dancing? - Yes, she is.
Is he fishing? - Yes, he is.
Is he reading a book? - Yes, he is.
Is she speaking on a phone? - Yes, she is.
Is he running? - Yes, he is.
Is he playing a guitar? - Yes, he is.
Сторінка 102
Unit 6
1. Look and say.
1. I was in the music room at 2 o'clock. I wasn't in the classroom.
2. I was in the library at half past two. I wasn't in the canteen.
3. I was in computer class at 11 o'clock. I wasn't in the library.
4. I was in the gym at 4 o'clock. I wasn't in the playground.
2. Answer the questions.
1. Were you in the classroom yesterday at 9 o'clock? - Yes, I was.
2. Were you in the park yesterday? - No, I wasn't.
3. Were you in the dining hall yesterday at 11 o'clock? - Yes, I was.
Сторінка 103
Unit 7
1. Look and say the words.
1. She's got a cold.
2. He's got a toothache.
3. He's got a cough.
4. He's got an earache.
5. He's got a headache.
6. He's got a stomachache.
2. Change the words to talk about yesterday.
watch - watched
phone - phoned
listen - listened
play - played
visit - visited
walk - walked
wake up - woke up
go - went
feel - felt
give - gave
have - had
say - said.
Сторінка 104
Unit 8
1. Look and say the words.
1 - fish; 2 - bread; 3 - eggs; 4 - grapes; 5 - lemons; 6 - watermelons;
7 - mangos; 8 - beans; 9 - tomatoes; 10 - potatoes.
2. Look at the picture again and answer the questions.
1. Are there any mangos in the picture? - Yes, there are.
2. Are there any bananas in the picture? - No, there aren't.
3. Is there any bread in the picture? - Yes, there is.
4. What fruit in the picture would you like? - I would like watermelon.
Сторінка 105
Unit 9
1. Look and say.
I sweep the floor at quarter to seven.
I wash the dishes at half past two.
I walk the dog at quarter to four.
I feed the dog at half past three.
I dry the dishes at seven o'clock.
I have lunch at quarter pat twelve.
2. Look again and say about yourself. Use the words always, sometimes, never.
I always sweep the floor at quarter to seven.
I sometimes wash the dishes at half past two.
I always walk the dog at quarter to four.
I always feed the dog at half past three.
I never dry the dishes at seven o'clock.
I always have lunch at quarter pat twelve.

iconГДЗ 3 клас Англійська мова Підручник Пухта Гернгрос 2020 Лінгвіст
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